Bluebird warning "A promise was created in a handler but was not returned from it" - node.js

I get the warning about not returning a created promise from Bluebird and I do not understand why and how I should rewrite my code.
(I have tried reading about the warning at Bluebird API page and the anti-pattern page as I suspect this is what I'm doing)
In my view.js file:
var express = require('express'),
router = express.Router(),
settings = myReq('config/settings'),
Sets = myReq('lib/Sets'),
log = myReq('lib/utils').getLogger('View');
router.get('/:setId/', function(req, res, next) {
setId = req.params.setId,
user = req.user,
set = new Sets(setId, user);'Got a request for set: ' + setId);
// The below line gives the warning mentioned
set.getSet().then(function(output) {
res.send('An error occurred while handling set:' + e.message);
module.exports = router;
In my Sets.js file I have:
Promise = require('bluebird'),
OE = Promise.OperationalError,
settings = myReq('config/settings'),
UserData = myReq('lib/userData'),
log = myReq('lib/utils').getLogger('sets'),
errorToSend = false;
module.exports = function(setId, user) {
sets = myReq('lib/utils').getDb('sets');
return {
getSet : function() {
log.debug('Getting set')
return sets.findOneAsync({
if ( set ) {
log.debug('got set from DB');
} else {
set = getStaticSet(setId);
if ( ! set ) {
throw new OE('Failed getting db records or static template for set: ' + setId );
log.debug('got static set');
log.debug('I am handling set')
if ( ! checkSet(set) ) {
var e = new OE('Failed checking set'); = set;
throw e;
return {
view : getView(set),
logic : set.logic,
canEdit : true,
error : errorToSend
So the line in my view.js file with "set.getSet()" gives the warning about not returning the created promise. It seems like this script still does what I expect it to do, but I do not understand why I get the warning.
Warning: a promise was created in a handler but was not returned from it
at Object.getSet (C:\dev\infoscrn\lib\Sets.js:36:25)
at C:\dev\infoscrn\routes\view.js:39:20
at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (C:\dev\infoscrn\node_modules\express\lib\router\layer.js:82:5)
at next (C:\dev\infoscrn\node_modules\express\lib\router\route.js:110:13)
at Route.dispatch (C:\dev\infoscrn\node_modules\express\lib\router\route.js:91:3)
at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (C:\dev\infoscrn\node_modules\express\lib\router\layer.js:82:5)
at C:\dev\infoscrn\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:267:22
at param (C:\dev\infoscrn\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:340:14)
at param (C:\dev\infoscrn\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:356:14)
at Function.proto.process_params (C:\dev\infoscrn\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:400:3)
at next (C:\dev\infoscrn\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:261:10)
at Function.proto.handle (C:\dev\infoscrn\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:166:3)
at router (C:\dev\infoscrn\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:35:12)
at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (C:\dev\infoscrn\node_modules\express\lib\router\layer.js:82:5)
at trim_prefix (C:\dev\infoscrn\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:302:13)
at C:\dev\infoscrn\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:270:7
at Function.proto.process_params (C:\dev\infoscrn\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:321:12)
at next (C:\dev\infoscrn\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:261:10)
at C:\dev\infoscrn\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:603:15
at next (C:\dev\infoscrn\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:246:14)

First, try and update all your dependencies. There's been a recent version of Bluebird, which fixed an issue involving this warning.
Next, make sure you return from all your handlers.
Then, if you still get the warning (like I do) you can disable this specific warning. I chose to do so by setting BLUEBIRD_W_FORGOTTEN_RETURN=0 in my environment.

Don't disable warnings. They're there for a reason.
The typical pattern is that if your onfulfill or onreject handler causes a Promise to be constructed, it will return that Promise (or some chain derived from it) from the handler, so that the chain adopts the state of that Promise.
So Bluebird is keeping track of when it is running one of your handler functions, and also keeping track of when it's Promise constructor is called. If it determines that a Promise was created at any point while your handler is running (that includes anywhere down in the callstack), but that Promise was not returned from your handler, it issues this warning because it thinks you probably forgot to write the return statement.
So if you legitimately don't care about the Promise that was created inside the handler, all you have to do is explicitly return something from your handler. If you don't care about what is returned from your handler (i.e., if you don't care what value the Promise fulfills with), then simply return null. Whatever you return, the explicit return (specifically, a return value other than undefined) tells Bluebird that you think you know what you're doing, and it won't issue this warning.

Make sure that every place you have return statement which is the solution works for me.


ReferenceError: Cannot access 'fs' before initialization

I try to use fs on a discordjs bot (v13) but I have a strange error.
I have literally 3 lines between the moment when I can console.log my fs object and the error :
// Get FS
const fs = require('fs');
// Recieves commands
client.on('interactionCreate', async interaction => {
console.log(fs); // OK
switch(interaction.commandName) {
// Get list of all maps for this server
case 'maps':
const pngfiles = fs.readdirSync('./maps/').filter(f => f.endsWith(".png")); // NOT OK !!!!!!!
response = "**List all maps available in this server:**\n\n\n"+pngfiles.join("\n")+"\n";
And the error :
const pngfiles = fs.readdirSync('./maps/').filter(f => f.endsWith(".png"));
ReferenceError: Cannot access 'fs' before initialization
at Client.<anonymous> (/home/chenille33/DPW/app.js:156:34)
at Client.emit (node:events:527:28)
at InteractionCreateAction.handle (/home/chenille33/DPW/node_modules/discord.js/src/client/actions/InteractionCreate.js:74:12)
at module.exports [as INTERACTION_CREATE] (/home/chenille33/DPW/node_modules/discord.js/src/client/websocket/handlers/INTERACTION_CREATE.js:4:36)
at WebSocketManager.handlePacket (/home/chenille33/DPW/node_modules/discord.js/src/client/websocket/WebSocketManager.js:351:31)
at WebSocketShard.onPacket (/home/chenille33/DPW/node_modules/discord.js/src/client/websocket/WebSocketShard.js:444:22)
at WebSocketShard.onMessage (/home/chenille33/DPW/node_modules/discord.js/src/client/websocket/WebSocketShard.js:301:10)
at WebSocket.onMessage (/home/chenille33/DPW/node_modules/ws/lib/event-target.js:199:18)
at WebSocket.emit (node:events:527:28)
at Receiver.receiverOnMessage (/home/chenille33/DPW/node_modules/ws/lib/websocket.js:1137:20)
Node.js v18.0.0
What I've missed ? Thanks in advance.
That specific error implies that somewhere else in your function scope (not shown in the code in your question), you likely have const fs = ... or let fs = ... and are thus attempting to redefine fs in this function scope which is hiding the higher scoped fs.
The error means that you're trying to use the variable fs BEFORE its const fs = ... or let fs = ... definition in this scope have been executed. Unlike with var (where definitions are internally hoisted), you can't use a variable before its declaration with let or const.
Based on the bit of code we can see, I would guess you're doing this in one of the other case handlers in your switch statement or somewhere else in the function containing this switch statement. When you don't use braces to define a new scope for each case handler, then those are ALL within the same scope and all const or let definitions there can interfere with each other.
So, look for a redefinition of fs somewhere else in this function. And, if that isn't obvious to you, then post all the code for this function where the error occurs.
Here's a stand-alone example that reproduces that exact same error. This is the kind of thing you should be looking for:
let greeting = "hi";
const fs = require('fs');
switch (greeting) {
case "hi":
console.log("got hi");
case "goodbye":
const fs = require('fs'); // this redefinition causes the error
// when the "hi" case executes
console.log("got goodbye");
console.log("didn't match");
// or a redefinition of fs here (in the same function) would also cause the error
When you run this, it gives this error:
ReferenceError: Cannot access 'fs' before initialization
Or, similarly, if you were defining fs somewhere else in the same function containing the switch statement, but after the switch statement. That would also cause the same problem.

TypeError: is not a function

I have tried this code :
const invNum = require('invoice-number');'/checkout', async (req, res, next) => {
if (!req.session.cart) {
return res.redirect('/pos/');
var saleList = Sale.find().sort({ _id: -1 }).limit(1); // removed (err, data)=>{} to simply view it is working tested already
var settings = await Setting.find({}); // removed try and catch to simply view it is working tested already
var ticketNumber;
ticketNumber = !saleList ?'0000000') :;
var sale = new Sale({
cart: req.session.cart,
created_at: new Date()
});, product) => {
createReceipt(settings, req.session.cart, "receipts/"+ticketNumber+".pdf");
req.session.cart = null;
I got this error:
TypeError: is not a function
The problem is with is a Node.js module to generate invoice number sequentially installed from npm.
// => 2017/08/ABC002
I have tried already suggestions from previous stackoverflow posts by trying Promises or await async function in order to get this code to work. Hopefully, you can help or suggest something. Thank you.
There is a problem in version of invoice-number module. In the npm it is showing as 1.0.6 but in the GitHub repository it has 1.0.5 in the package.json file.
I have tested this module by taking from Github repository and it's working fine.
Please take the source of this module from the given link it will works fine.
Seems to be some error in the module. I tried the below code snippet on RunKit
var invNum = require('invoice-number')
} catch(e){
Getting the same error
I got this error:
TypeError: is not a function UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch()
What is the output when you use the console.log on invNum?
Also use try catch and inside call with await. Maybe something inside this function is throwing an error.
Edit: as jfriend00 says, if an plain text (like your "0000...") is working, probably the saleList is returning some error and you are not catching or treating the error.
Edit2: The last update on this NPM code is from 1 year ago and fewer people used this lib, probably is broken.
There is some part of the code from the index.js of the lib:
function _next (invoiceNumber) {
if (!invoiceNumber)
throw new Error('invoiceNumber cannot be empty')
var array = invoiceNumber.split(/[_/:\-;\\]+/)
var lastSegment = array.pop()
var priorSegment = invoiceNumber.substr(0, invoiceNumber.indexOf(lastSegment))
var nextNumber = alphaNumericIncrementer(lastSegment)
return priorSegment + nextNumber}
var api = { next: _next}
module.exports = api

NodeJs Require module returns an empty object

I'm using NodeJS 8 LTS.
I have 3 js scripts where:
// main.js
const dom = require ('./Domains/Domains');
const factory = require ('./Domains/Factory');
(async () => {
const Domain = await; // <=== Error
// Domains.js
class Domains {
constructor (options = {}) {
module.exports = Domains;
// Factory.js
const Domains = require('./Domains');
module.exports = {
foo: async () =>{
.... async stuff ...
return new Domains();
when I run main.js I get
(node:1816) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): TypeError: Domains is not a constructor
(node:1816) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
Debugging, I found that in Factory.js when it requires Domanis.js const Domains = require('./Domains'); it returns an empty object.
Looking around on internet I found that it happens when there are a circular dependencies between modules (Require returns an empty object) but It doesn't seem the case here.
Any idea?
Finally, I got the the issue's origin. The empty object was due to a circular dependency derived by another require that was inside Domains.js
// Domains.js
const another_module= require("circular_dep_creator");
class Domains {
constructor (options = {}) {
module.exports = Domains;
// circular_dep_creator.js
const factory = require ('./Domains/Factory');
another stuff
So, this causes a circular dependency that creates an empty object
The setImmediate call will delay the loading of the required module until the browser has finished doing what it needs to do. This may cause some issues where you try to use this module before it is loaded, but you could add checks for that.
// produces an empty object
const module = require('./someModule');
// produces the required object
let module;
setImmediate(() => {
module = required('./someModule');

Replacing bluebird with node.js native promises breaks Promise.reject

The following code works perfectly fine when I use bluebird promises:
import * as Promise from 'bluebird';
getAccount(id) {
var account = find(accounts, ['id', id]);
return account ?
Promise.resolve(account) :
Promise.reject(new NotFoundError());
NotFoundError is defined as follows:
export function NotFoundError(message = 'Not Found') { = 'NotFoundError';
this.message = message;
this.stack = (new Error()).stack;
NotFoundError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
NotFoundError.prototype.constructor = NotFoundError;
However, if I remove the import of bluebird in getAccount() and let node.js take over promises, the code fails inside the NotFoundError() constructor because this is not defined. Specifically, the constructor is called twice, once correctly from the getAccount() code shown above and a second time by node.js's _tickCallback() function with this as undefined:
NotFoundError (errors.js:13)
runMicrotasksCallback (internal/proces…ext_tick.js:58)
_combinedTickCallback (internal/proces…ext_tick.js:67)
_tickCallback (internal/proces…ext_tick.js:98)
Why is node.js calling the NotFoundError() constructor a second time and that too incorrectly!!!
Please help.
The issue is caused by this line:
.catch(NotFoundError, function() { ... })
Native promises don't have an option to pass a specific error class to a catch method, so what happens is that when an error occurs, NotFoundError is called (without a new in front of it) because it's presumed to be the catch handler.

Prevent Mongoose stack trace for errors

Mongoose emits a stack trace for a cast error. I know how to prevent the Mongoose error - please do not answer how to prevent the error.
How can I stop Mongoose emitting stack trace errors in production?
Error: Argument passed in must be a single String of 12 bytes or a
string of 24 hex characters at new ObjectID
at c:\proj\fboapp\routes\user\no_auth_user_api_routes.js:135:27 at
Layer.handle [as handle_request]
(c:\proj\fboapp\node_modules\express\lib\router\layer.js:95:5) at
next (c:\proj\fboapp\node_modules\express\lib\router\route.js:131:13)
at Route.dispatch
(c:\proj\fboapp\node_modules\express\lib\router\route.js:112:3) at
Layer.handle [as handle_request]
(c:\proj\fboapp\node_modules\express\lib\router\layer.js:95:5) at
c:\proj\fboapp\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:277:22 at
(c:\proj\fboapp\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:330:12) at
next (c:\proj\fboapp\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:271:10)
at Function.handle
(c:\proj\fboapp\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:176:3) at
router (c:\proj\fboapp\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:46:12)
at Layer.handle [as handle_request]
(c:\proj\fboapp\node_modules\express\lib\router\layer.js:95:5) at
(c:\proj\fboapp\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:312:13) at
c:\proj\fboapp\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:280:7 at
(c:\proj\fboapp\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:330:12) at
next (c:\proj\fboapp\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:271:10)
Nodejs v0.12.3
Mongoose v4.4.3
Generally speaking, add try-catch block in the codes could be correct way to do it.
Here are my test codes without try-catch block in codes, then prevent stack trace. Refer to this module mongoose disable stack trace, also add some new errors are added into mongoose, and set Error.stackTraceLimit to 0 will disable stack trace collection.
const captureStackTrace = Error.captureStackTrace;
const CastError = module.parent.require('mongoose/lib/error/cast');
const VersionError = module.parent.require('mongoose/lib/error/version');
const ValidatorError = module.parent.require('mongoose/lib/error/validator');
const ValidationError = module.parent.require('mongoose/lib/error/validation');
const OverwriteModelError = module.parent.require('mongoose/lib/error/overwriteModel');
const MissingSchemaError = module.parent.require('mongoose/lib/error/missingSchema');
const DivergentArrayError = module.parent.require('mongoose/lib/error/divergentArray');
Error.captureStackTrace = function( that, params) {
if(that instanceof CastError ||
that instanceof VersionError ||
that instanceof ValidatorError ||
that instanceof ValidationError ||
that instanceof OverwriteModelError ||
that instanceof MissingSchemaError ||
that instanceof DivergentArrayError) {
Error.stackTraceLimit = 0;
} else if (typeof that !== 'undefined'){
captureStackTrace.apply(Error, arguments);
Error.captureStackTrace(new VersionError);
var f = Foo({_id: new ObjectId('adss112'), key: '123'}); // invalid ObjectId
Error: Argument passed in must be a single String of 12 bytes or a string of 24
hex characters
process.nextTick(function() { throw err; }) ^
Error: Argument passed in must be a single String of 12 bytes or a string of 24
hex characters
I was confused about why errors were being rendered to the browser without an error handler, until I read the ExpressJS error handling documentation page.
Apparently there is a default error handler which is triggered when no error handler is specified.
Express comes with an in-built error handler, which takes care of any
errors that might be encountered in the app. This default
error-handling middleware function is added at the end of the
middleware function stack.
The best practice is to specify a custom error handler for production which does not output the stack trace to the browser. The default error handler always outputs the stack trace to the browser.
There is no need for try-catch blocks to route uncaught errors to the custom error handler, because Express will automatically route uncaught errors to the error handler. Also note: error handler middleware MUST specify all 4 arguments: err, req, res and next
An example of a custom error handler:
app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
res.send('uncaught error in production');
