Uploading a file and sending it to the backend with React and Node - node.js

I need to upload a file in react and send it to the Node backend.
Since I never worked with uploading and sending files before, this is a little troubling for me.
So far I found this:
// this creates a React component that can be used in other components or
// used directly on the page with React.renderComponent
var FileForm = React.createClass({
// since we are starting off without any data, there is no initial value
getInitialState: function() {
return {
data_uri: null,
// prevent form from submitting; we are going to capture the file contents
handleSubmit: function(e) {
// when a file is passed to the input field, retrieve the contents as a
// base64-encoded data URI and save it to the component's state
handleFile: function(e) {
var self = this;
var reader = new FileReader();
var file = e.target.files[0];
reader.onload = function(upload) {
data_uri: upload.target.result,
// return the structure to display and bind the onChange, onSubmit handlers
render: function() {
// since JSX is case sensitive, be sure to use 'encType'
return (
<form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit} encType="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" onChange={this.handleFile} />
Source: https://fitacular.com/blog/react/2014/06/23/react-file-upload-base64/
But now I basically just end up with some sort of string. But I need to send that file via REST to my Express backend, which needs to save that file in CouchDB.
What is the best/easiest way to accomplish that?

If you are using body-parser, know that it handles json and url encoded forms, not multipart data !
You should use an other module.
For more infos, give a look at : File uploading with Express 4.0: req.files undefined


How to convert buffer to file to download on react side

I am using https://www.npmjs.com/package/convert-html-to-pdf to convert html to pdf in nodejs. I have a react frontend and nodejs backend. I want to convert the buffer to a file that people can download on the react side. How can I do this? I don't want to save the file on my servers.
We can set header Content-disposition attachment to indicate that the response is a downloadable file.
Backend: example in Express
const htmlToPDF = new HTMLToPDF(`
<div>Hello world</div>
const buffer = await htmlToPDF.convert();
res.set("Content-Disposition", `attachment; filename="test.pdf"`);
res.set("Content-Type", "application/pdf");
Frontend: example in React
const submit = () => {
window.open("http://localhost:8000"); // Your endpoint here
return (
<button onClick={submit}>Download</button>
If the endpoint is POST method then window.open won't work. We have to use a form:
<form action="http://localhost:8000" method="POST">
<button type="submit">Download</button>

Why React doesn't upload image to server?

I have an app using react and express on the backend and multer to manage the upload. The server side is running properly when I make tests using postman, but if trait to send an image from react the result is unexpected. In that case the file doesn't appear in the uploads folder, however with postman is immediatly.
const { register, handleSubmit } = useForm();
const onSubmit = async (data) => {
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('petimage', data.petimage);
try {
const res = await axios.post('/api/petregister', formData);
} catch (error) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);
return (
<Container className="mt-5">
<Form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>
<Form.Group controlId="formFile" className="mb-3">
<Form.Label>Imagen de tu Mascota</Form.Label>
<Form.Control type="file"
label="Select image"
<Button variant="primary" type="submit">
Google Response
The fields with name petimage are the same that I expecified in the backend and used these in the postman tests.
const store = require('../middlewares/multer');
route.post('/petregister', store.array('petimage', 12), petregister);
The last section of code is the route that is linked with the multer midleware asigned to ssave the images.
When you are making a API call to the backend, it will upload the image to the specific folder that you are defining in the backend like :
const multer = require('multer');
const upload = multer({ dest: 'folder path' });
I think you are getting results unexpected because the name for the image you are giving in formData formData.append('petimage', data.petimage); i.e petimage, it should be the same in the multer fileupload method. You haven't shared the backend code. So, I'm hoping that it may be like this:
var fileUpload = upload.single('petimage'); when the name is the same it will work fine.
If the image is of big size, you can compress it. Please visit this link, it will help you for sure.
You can try:
formData.append('petimage', data.petimage);
and use instead
data.petimage.forEach(pet => formData.append("petimage", pet))
The solution was trait the image as an object. The code is the next:
Object.values(data.petimage).forEach(pet => formData.append('petimage', pet))
Then it worked as expected.

Server Side rendering in mongo with dust

Is it possible to fetch data from MongoDB and render a html template on the server side itself for a node-js project?
As of now in my serverside js file I've done the following.
//Failing array will be populated by a db.find later on.
var failing = [
{ name: "Pop" },
{ name: "BOB" }
/*Now i have to send a mail from the server for which I'm using nodemailer.
Where do i store the template ? This is what I've done in the same file */
var template = "<body>{#failing} <p>{.name}</p> {/failing}</body>"
// Add this as the body of the mail and send it.
I'm not sure how to render the data and how to get it displayed. I'm aware storing the template in the variable isn't right but I'm not sure what else to do.
If your template is that short, you can store it in a variable without problem. Obviously, you can store it in a file also.
Let's say you decide to store it in a file index.dust:
<body>{#failing} <p>{.name}</p> {/failing}</body>
Now, in your node controller you need to load the file and generate the html content from it:
const fs = require('fs');
const dust = require('dustjs-linkedin');
// Read the template
var src = fs.readFileSync('<rest_of_path>/index.dust', 'utf8');
// Compile and load it. Note that we give it the index name.
var compiled = dust.compile(src, 'index');
// Render the template with the context. Take into account that this is
// an async function
dust.render('index', { failing: failing }, function(err, html) {
// In html you have the generated html.
Check the documentation in order not to have to compile the template every time you have to use it.

Nodejs append backend data to html

I am using the html as content and sending the mail, but one more requirement is need to get the data from backend and need to append to the html.I am getting error of syntax at the path can anyone help me
client.query(query, function(err, result1) {
var renderTemplate = function('/index2.html', result1.rows) {
fs.readFile('/index2.html', 'utf8', function(err, file){
return ejs.render('/index2.html', result1.rows); }} });
UPDATE: I realize that ejs v1 may not be as popular, so this was edited to work with v2.
This example uses ejs, be sure to install ejs for this example to work.
I didn't write any error handling, be sure to write the error handling if this is for production.
Rendering a template with inserted data:
var fs = require('fs');
var ejs = require('ejs');
var renderTemplate = function(pathToHtmlTemplate, dataToBeInserted) {
// reads your template file to be used in the callback
fs.readFile(pathToHtmlTemplate, 'utf8', function(err, file) {
// returns a rendered html with data to driver code
return ejs.render(pathToHtmlTemplate, dataToBeInserted);
Your html template should use something like <%= data.name %> :
Further information about the library: https://github.com/mde/ejs
If your HTML file is prepared to have data appended to it then you can use fs.append like this:
fs.appendFile(pathToFile, dataToAppend, function(err) {
if (err) // Handle error
from : xxxx#gmail.com,
to : xxxx#gmail.com,
subject : 'Invitation',
html : pathToFile
But if you have closing tags that may cause issues...
You can use some library like nunjucks(https://mozilla.github.io/nunjucks/api.html#renderstring)
var res = nunjucks.render('foo.html', { username: 'James' });
Should give you the html you want.
I didn't try but it should work.

how to retrieve data from mongodb to javascript

I am currently new to nodejs and mongodb, so please forgive me for this newbie type of question.
What I want is to pass data from my mongodb file to my js file which is running my mini-game.
What I am doing right now is using jsp tags to retrieve data from my mongodb (I am following this practice from a project that I have seen, but he is doing this on his html file which is working out well for him. for my case I was just trying my luck)
var win = <%= user.win %>;
var lose = <%= user.lose %>;
var draw = <%= user.draw %>;
How do I retrieve the data I had from my mongodb to javascript?
If you have an Node.JS with Express application, there are many ways to do it. If you're using a template engine, you could render the data as part of the HTML page in a script block (or render it directly as HTML, avoiding script). Or, you might want to use an Ajax style request and send back the data to the client.
app.get('/api/users/:id', function(req, res) {
Users.findOne({ _id : req.params.id }, function(error, user) {
if (error || !user) {
res.send({ error: error });
} else {
Once you've got that ready, you could use jQuery's ajax function for example to call the web service.
url: "api/users/" + userId,
}).done(function(user) {
// here you have a complete user object that you can use
The code you posted makes me think that you're using a template engine though. I would expect that there is a render method with your template HTML file:
res.render('homepage', user);
Then, in the HTML:
var win = <%= win %>;
var lose = <%= lose %>;
var draw = <%= draw %>;
As the user object is the object with current context (as it was passed as the parameter in my example above), you can just directly refer to the properties of the user object directly (just win rather than user.win).
