I tried char(10) and char(13) but they don`t work by me. I use Excel 2007 and my task is to replace new lines with intervals
Use CHAR(10) and Turn on Wrap Text option. It should work.
Try using the [Alt] + [Enter] key. This will create a new line feed in the cell.
I have several comments that need to go into one EXCEL cell and I want them broken out as each comment. If I'm using EXCEL and I want to perform this, I would use ALT and ENTER. What HEX characters do I use to make this happen?
So if you are using Apache POI to create your spreadsheet, you insert an x'25' which is a newline character. I believe that you also have to set the cell to word wrap to make this work. This code is an EBCDIC new line code, Java converts that to an ASCII new line for you.
I'm trying to use CHAR(10) to create some nice formatting for some scripting I am generating, but copying and pasting is not working for me. I am running Windows 8.1 atm. Here's a clarifying example. Using the formula:
I get hello[newline]world in Excel. Copying/pasting into Notepad, I would expect
But when I actually perform that copy/paste, I instead get:
Now, I know that the newline is in there, because if I copy that output from notepad into this very window, I get the newline reinserted. I ultimately need to c/p out from Excel into plaintext with (visible) line breaks. Any ideas how I can accomplish this?
A "newline", in Windows, is typically a carriage return followed by a line feed. Those are two separate character codes: 13 & 10, respectively.
So your formula in Excel would need to be:
When I copy a text in PDF file and paste it into Notepad or MS Word, then it looks like this:
This is an
of the
Original text looks as follows:
This is an example of the issue.
Is there any automated way to copy this text as a single line, without new lines?
In Word do cmd+f. then : put ^11in "find what" and (space) in "replace".
hit enter.
I solved this issue in MS Word: replace ^p with (space).
Is there an elegant / correct way to deal with CRLF line endings when copying from Excel to Word?
We have some text stored in a database that uses \r\n (i.e. CRLF) for new lines. We use a tool[1] to query the database and pull the values into Excel. It looks fine in Excel but if we then copy a cell into Word there are two line breaks where there should only be one.
For example the string This is line #1\r\nThis is line #2. looks fine in excel but if we copy from Excel and paste into Word it's 3 lines long.
I've got a macro that removes the CR but it's a bit of a nasty hack and I'd rather not push it out to all users if there is a better solution.
Sub UpdateLineEndings()
' UpdateLineEndings Macro
ActiveCell.Value = Replace(Selection.Text, vbCr, "")
End Sub
[1] We're useing Sharperlight but I'm sure there are lot's of similar tools out there.
Thanks for that #tim-williams I had been hoping there was a way to do it when copy / pasting (a bit like the "keep text only" option).
As you said, I have to do a replace somewhere, I ended up doing it in the SQL of the Sharperlight data model. The column was text, so I cast it as varchar and then did the replace.
REPLACE(CAST({_Table.Alias}.COMMENTS as varchar(MAX)), CHAR(13)+CHAR(10), CHAR(10))
If you want to make your comment as an answer I'm happy to mark it as correct.
I am trying to import a text file into excel (2007). The file was exported from a C# text box and it contains linebreaks. Although when I import it (with the text import wizard that comes with excel), the linebreaks disappears completely. I would prefer not to have to write a VBA file and place in an excel file to run but instead change this with a neat method in C#, before it turns the text box data into a txt file. Is this possible in any way?
I figured this out. If you put quotes around text any embedded line feeds (ASCII 010) will be imported into Excel as embedded line feeds. In other words, these line feeds will not cause the text to split across Excel rows.
Try it. Create two files in Notepad.exe. In the first terminate the first line by pressing Alt-0010:
Test line 1 terminated with alt-0010
Test line 2
In the second, begin lines with " and terminate with ". For the first line insert an Alt-0010 just before the ":
"Test line 1 terminated with alt-0010 prior to the quote"
"Test line 2"
Now import both into Excel and see the difference.
See IETF RFC 4180 for more information
In excel a line break within a cell is encoded as ascii code 10 (i.e. \n) (determined through the handy use of the macro recorder and inspection of the generated VBA). I think the 'disappearance' of new lines probably is a result of you're C# emitting \n\r, so you might try doing a global replacement of "\r" with "" in your C# code before outputting it.
Thanks for the help! I tried starting the text with \" and finish with \" but when I go to excel, I get each line in a separate cell and my hopeful plan was to get all the text in one single excel cell.