Triangle cropping between a 2D triangle and square - geometry

I am trying to implement a decal mesh generator as described here: The blog suggests an algorithm for triangulation of the intersection polygon between a triangle and square:
First, we can start with one border at a time. Let's pick the left
border. To crop the triangle, we start by marking every vertex in
violation of the rule -- in this case, the leftmost one. Then we look
at every line between a marked vertex and an unmarked vertex, and add
a vertex at the point at which it crosses the border.
We can then simply remove the marked vertex (or vertices), and move
onto the next border.
Once we've checked all the borders, we have a cropped triangle!
I attempted this algorithm on paper and it doesn't seem like its covering all cases. It seems that its description is missing some critical detail that I have missed. Could someone post a pseudo code implementation?
EDIT: To be more specific, the part that I am unclear on is how the algorithm is able to determine the right "cut" between (black line)
When there are multiple choices.
Secondly why does the algorithm not make a cut between the top point of polygon and the bottom left point in picture 2? The algorithm states that "we look
at every line between a marked vertex and an unmarked vertex, and add
a vertex at the point at which it crosses the border", isnt the bottom left point an unmarked vertex?

A reliable way to derive the algorithm is to consider the problem of intersecting a triangle and a half-plane.
First determine if the vertices are in or out of the half plane. This leads to 8 configurations: one such that the whole triangle is discarded, one such that it is left unchanged, three such that it is cropped to a quadrilateral and three such that it is cropped to another triangle.
In the case of a quadrilateral, you split it in two via a diagonal.
After this step, you have 0, 1 or 2 triangles remaining, and you just repeat the operation with the next clipping half-plane on each of them. Bulletproof.
If the triangles are large and are often clipped on several sides (which I doubt), you can consider intersecting with two half-planes forming a stripe at a time. There are 27 cases and the output is made of from 0 to 3 sub-triangles. This can save a few comparisons and intersection computations.
Direct clipping by a rectangle seems complicated.


Algorithm for regularizing or normalizing a polygon which is supposed to be rectangular

My app captures the shape of a room by having the user point a camera at floor corners, and then doing a bunch of math, eventually ending up with a polygon.
The assumption is that the walls are straight (not curved). The majority of the corners are formed by walls at right angles to each other, but in some cases might not be.
Depending on how accurately the user points the camera, the (x,y) coordinates I derive for the corner might be beyond the actual corner, or in front of the actual camera, or, less likely, to the left or right. Obviously, in this case, when I connect the dots, I get weird parallelogram or rhomboid shapes. See example.
I am looking for a program or algorithm to normalize or regularize these shapes, provided we know which corners are supposed to be right angles.
My initial attempt involved finding segments which had angles which were "close" to each other, adjust them all to the same angle, and then recalculate the vertices. However, this algorithm proved to be unstable.
My current thinking is to find angles which are most obtuse (as would be caused by a point mistakenly placed beyond the actual corner), or most acute (as would be caused by a point mistakenly placed in front of the actual corner), and find the corner point which would make it a right angle. The problem, however, is that such as adjustment could have side-effects on other corners, such as making them even further away from right angles. I sense I need some kind of algorithm which takes all the information and optimizes/solves it at once--is this a kind of linear programming problem?--but I am stuck.
There is not a unique solution.
For example, take the perpendicular from the middle point of an edge to the two neighboring edges. This will give you two new corners.
Or take the perpendicular from the end point of an edge to other edges.
Or compute the average of angles in the end points of an edge. Use this average and the middle point of the edge to compute new corners.
To get the most faithful compliance, capture (or calculate) distances from each corner to the other three. Build triangles with those distances. Then use the average of the coordinates you compute for a corner from 2 or 3 triangles.
Resulting angles will not be exactly 90 degrees, but the polygon will represent the room fairly.

What's the translation that brings one 2D polygon completely inside another?

Given two 2D polygons, how do I calculate the shortest translation that brings the first inside the second?
Assume there is a solution (i.e. the first does in fact fit inside the second)
Prefer a simple algorithm over completeness of solution. For example if the algorithm is simplified by making assumptions about the shapes having a certain number of sides, being concave, etc. then make those assumptions.
I can imagine a brute force solution, where I first calculate which are the offending vertices that lie outside the initial polygon. I'd then iterate through these external vertices and find the closest edge to each. Then I'm stuck. Each distance from an external vertex to an edge creates a constraint (a "need to move"). I then need to solve this system of constraints to find the movement that fulfills them all without creating any new violations.
I'm not sure if this can be a general solution, but here is at least a point to start with:
We want to move the green polygon into the red polygon. We use several translations. Each translation is defined by a start point and an end point.
Step 1: Start point is the mid-point between the left-most vertex and the right-most vertex in green polygon. End point, same criterion with the red polygon:
Step 2: Start point is the mid-point between the top-most vertex and the low-most vertex. End point, same criterion with the red polygon:
Notice that setps 1 & 2 are kind of centering. This method with mid points is similar to use the bounding boxes. Other way would be using circumcircles, but they are hard to get.
Step 3: Find the vertex in red polygon closest to an edge in the green polygon. You will need to iterate over all of them. Find the line perpendicular to that edge:
Well, this is not perfect. Depending on the given polygons it's better to proceed the other way: closest vertex in green to edges in red. Choose the smallest distance.
Finally, move the green polygon along that line:
If this method doesn't work (I'm sure there are cases where it fails), then you can also move the inner polygon along a line (a red edge or a perpendicular) that solves the issue. And continue moving until no issues are found.

How to determine whether an edge of a nonzero-fill polygon is an outside edge?

Let's assume I have a polygon and I have computed all of its self-intersections. How do I determine whether a specific edge is inside or outside according to the nonzero fill rule? By "outside edge" I mean an edge which lies between a filled region and a non-filled region.
On the left is an example polygon, filled according to the nonzero fill rule. On the right is the same polygon with its outside edges highlighted in red. I'm looking for an algorithm that, given the edges of the polygon and their intersections with each other, can mark each of the edges as either outside or inside.
Preferably, the solution should generalize to paths that are composed of e.g. Bezier curves.
[EDIT] two more examples to consider:
I've noticed that the "outside edge" that is enclosed within the shape must cross an even number of intersections before they get to the outside. The "non-outside edges" that are enclosed must cross an odd number of intersections.
You might try an algorithm like this
isOutside = true
edge = find first outside edge*
edge.IsOutside = isOutside
while (not got back to start) {
edge = next
if (gone over intersection)
isOutside = !isOutside
edge.IsOutside = isOutside
For example:
*I think that you can always find an outside edge by trying each line in turn: try extending it infinitely - if it does not cross another line then it should be on the outside. This seems intuitively true but I wonder if there are some pathological cases where you cannot find a start line using this rule. Using this method of finding the first line will not work with curves.
I think, you problem can be solved in two steps.
A triangulation of a source polygon with algorithm that supports self-intersecting polygons. Good start is Seidel algorithm. The section 5.2 of the linked PDF document describes self-intersecting polygons.
A merge triangles into the single polygon with algorithm that supports holes, i.e. Weiler-Atherton algorithm. This algorithm can be used for both the clipping and the merging, so you need it's "merging" case. Maybe you can simplify the algorithm, cause triangles form first step are not intersecting.
I realized this can be determined in a fairly simple way, using a slight modification of the standard routine that computes the winding number. It is conceptually similar to evaluating the winding both immediately to the left and immediately to the right of the target edge. Here is the algorithm for arbitrary curves, not just line segments:
Pick a point on the target segment. Ensure the Y derivative at that point is nonzero.
Subdivide the target segment at the Y roots of its derivative. In the next point, ignore the portion of the segment that contains the point you picked in step 1.
Determine the winding number at the point picked in 1. This can be done by casting a ray in the +X direction and seeing what intersects it, and in what direction. Intersections at points where Y component of derivative is positive are counted as +1. While doing this, ignore the Y-monotonic portion that contains the point you picked in step 1.
If the winding number is 0, we are done - this is definitely an outside edge. If it is nonzero and different than -1, 0 or 1, we are done - this is definitely an inside edge.
Inspect the derivative at the point picked in step 1. If intersection of the ray with that point would be counted as -1 and the winding number obtained in step 3 is +1, this is an outside edge; similarly for +1/-1 case. Otherwise this is an inside edge.
In essence, we are checking whether intersection of the ray with the target segment changes the winding number between zero and non-zero.
I'd suggest what I feel is a simpler implementation of your solution that has worked for me:
1. Pick ANY point on the target segment. (I arbitrarily pick the midpoint.)
2. Construct a ray from that point normal to the segment. (I use a left normal ray for a CW polygon and a right normal ray for a CCW polygon.)
3. Count the intersections of the ray with the polygon, ignoring the target segment itself. Here you can chose a NonZero winding rule [decrement for polygon segments crossing to the left (CCW) and increment for a crossing to the right (CW); where an inside edge yields a zero count] or an EvenOdd rule [count all crossings where an inside edge yields an odd count]. For line segments, crossing direction is determined with a simple left-or-right test for its start and end points. For arcs and curves it can be done with tangents at the intersection, an exercise for the reader.
My purpose for this analysis is to divide a self-intersecting polygon into an equivalent set of not self-intersecting polygons. To that end, it's useful to likewise analyze the ray in the opposite direction and sense if the original polygon would be filled there or not. This results in an inside/outside determination for BOTH sides of the segment, yielding four possible states. I suspect an OUTSIDE-OUTSIDE state might be valid only for a non-closed polygon, but for this analysis it might be desirable to temporarily close it. Segments with the same state can be collected into non-intersecting polygons by tracing their shared intersections. In some cases, such as with a pure fill, you might even decide to eliminate INSIDE-INSIDE polygons as redundant since they fill an already-filled space.
And thanks for your original solution!!

Pixel overlap with polygon: efficient (scanline-type) algorithm

Problem specification:
I have a rectangular and uniformly spaced image of pixels with vertex coordinates (i,j), (i+1,j), (i, j+1), (i+1, j+1) [i=0,...,m-1; j=0,...,n-1] and a polygon P with vertex coordinates (x_1,y_1), ..., (x_n, y_n). Now I want to efficiently compute the percentage of every pixel overlapping with P. P can be non-convex, or even self-intersection.
Essentially, this is a "soft" generalization of the scan-line rasterization algorithms which check efficiently if the pixel centers lie inside / outside the polygon.
I can think of the following approaches:
(1) Upsample the image (e.g. by a factor 10*10), count how many subpixel centers lie inside the polygon, and divide by 100. Problems: time efficiency, memory efficiency, accuracy.
(2) Use the scan-line algorithm on a slightly bigger and by (0.5,0.5) translated grid to compute the pixels that lie fully inside / outside, create a list of "borderline" pixels, walk counter-clockwise along the edges and compute the intersection areas with all pixels along the way. Problems: requires subtle coding, easy to introduce bugs.
My question: Has anybody already encountered this problem, and do you know a third, superior approach? And if not, have you made better experiences with (1) or with (2)? I assume that this problem may arise in the context of antialiasing?
Doing the exact geometric analysis might not be too difficult.
Deal with those pixels that are partially covered by the polygon first: you can use a technique from ray-tracing to quickly find all pixels that intersect with the polygon edges. You can then use the Cohen-Sutherland algorithm to efficiently find the points of intersection between the edge and the pixel, and hence you can compute the area of coverage for that pixel.
Note that you can avoid one of the two clipping operations involved in Cohen-Sutherland as adjacent pixels will share a segment intersection point. For instance - if you have two adjacent pixels, A and B that intersect with a segment p->q at points a1, a2, b1 and b2, then a2 and b1 will be the same. Passing the segment a2->q into the routine when clipping against B should avoid repeating work.
You'll have to treat the pixels that contain the polygon vertices specially, but again it shouldn't be too tricky: Cohen-Sutherland will help here as well.
Self-intersecting polygons will also throw up some special cases to handle - pixels that intersect with two or more edges. I can easily imagine that handling these exactly in all cases might get tricky, so I'd be tempted to just do the upsampling approach here.
Once these edge pixels have been identified, you can do the standard scan-line thing to fill in the polygon's interior pixels.
edit: Actually, now that I think more about it, you can totally skip the Cohen-Sutherland step. The algorithm in the linked paper can be easily extended to return the intersection points between the segment and the pixel grid. The segment will leave a given pixel at min( tMaxX, tMaxY ). Keep track of the last exit point to re-use as the entry point for the next pixel.
I would do
1a) Upsample when the pixel is partly overlapping:
but not the whole image, only the current pixel to be checked, or all pixels in the current scan line if that helps.
Than there is no memory argument.
speed? up to 16x16 i dont think that speed is an issue.

Smooth transitions between two intersecting polygons (interesting problem)

I have an interesting problem that I've been trying to solve for a while. There is no "right" solution to this, as there is no strict criteria for success. What I want to accomplish is a smooth transition between two simple polygons, from polygon A to polygon B. Polygon A is completely contained within polygon B.
My criteria for this transition are:
The transition is continuous in time and space
The area that is being "filled" from polygon A into polygon B should be filled in as if there was a liquid in A that was pouring out into the shape of B
It is important that this animation can be calculated either on the fly, or be defined by a set of parameters that require little space, say less than a few Kb.
Cheating is perfectly fine, any way to solve this so that it looks good is a possible solution.
Solutions I've considered, and mostly ruled out:
Pairing up vertices in A and B and simply interpolate. Will not look good and does not work in the case of concave polygons.
Dividing the area B-A into convex polygons, perhaps a Voronoi diagram, and calculate the discrete states of the polygon by doing a BFS on the smaller convex polygons. Then I interpolate between the discrete states. Note: If polygon B-A is convex, the transition is fairly trivial. I didn't go with this solution because dividing B-A into equally sized small convex polygons was surprisingly difficult
Simulation: Subdivide polygon A. Move each vertex along the polygon line normal (outwards) in discrete but small steps. For each step, check if vertex is still inside B. If not, then move back to previous position. Repeat until A equals B. I don't like this solution because the check to see whether a vertex is inside a polygon is slow.
Does anybody have any different ideas?
If you want to keep this simple and somewhat fast, you could go ahead with your last idea where you consider scaling polygon A so that it gradually fills polygon B. You don't necessarily have to check if the scaled-outward vertices are still inside polygon B. Depending on what your code environment and API is like, you could mask the pixels of the expanding polygon A with the outline of polygon B.
In modern OpenGL, you could do this inside a fragment shader. You would have to render polygon B to a texture, send that texture to the shader, and then use that texture to look up if the current fragment being rendered maps to a texture value that has been set by polygon B. If it is not, the fragment gets discarded. You would need to have the texture be as large as the screen. If not, you would need to include some camera calculations in your shaders so you can "render" the fragment-to-test into the texture in the same way you rendered polygon B into that texture.
