How to properly use Application Insights in UWP, offline scenario - azure

In my UWP app I want to use Application Insights, but after many hours search for the best implementation, I don't know how to do it.
I use MVVM Light, and in App.xaml.cs added below code:
In the every ViewModel I have new instance of TelemetryClient. Everything looks great, but I have a problem with synchronization in offline scenario.
I assume that in this situation data should be stored in AppData\Local\Microsoft\ApplicationInsights{appGuid} or AppData\Local\Packages{appGuid}\LocalState\ApplicationInsights and then sync with Azure, but both localization are still empty. The same problem exist when I'm offline in release and debug mode.
What is your suggestion for me ?

In you ViewModels, do you use the instance of TelemetryClient to send some data to the server (or to the cache, in offline mode) ?
Also, have you properly configured AppInsights ? Does it works when you are online ?
Edit: Does is happened in Release Mode or Debug Mode ? According to the doc:
If you build in debug mode, events are sent as soon as they are
generated. If you lose internet connectivity and then exit the app
before regaining connectivity, offline telemetry is discarded.


How to speedup debugging on Azure Service Fabric?

Debugging an ASP.NET MVC application on the Azure Service Fabric platform takes a long time. How do I speed it up?
If you are talking about cloud cluster debugging then that is going to be a bit slow process if you are attaching debugger to that cluster, in which case you should be relying more on your application logs to find a problem because you should try to replicate the problem in your local cluster first and debugging that locally will be much easier.
Now if you are trying to debug on local cluster then couple of things are important to speed up things.
Set your cluster to run in 1 node configuration rather than 5 node
Set your "Application Debug Mode" to "Refresh Application". To do
this, right click on the fabric project in your solution and click
on properties. you will see a window where you can set project
properties, here you will see this option of setting "Application
Debug Mode".
once you have done this then you can hit F5 and the debugging will be a lot faster. Also remember that you don't need to publish your application every time you make code changes, all you need is build and cluster will pick up changes and you can debug any time. one last thing to remember is that if you make any changes to your settings.xml or manifest.xml files you will need to publish in order for these settings to be picked up by the application.
Hope that helps.

Why do I see azure function host for .NET startup with Debug=True when I published as release mode?

When I look at the startup logs for my azure .NET function, I see the following line:
Starting Host (HostId=my-function-app, Version=1.0.11015.0, ProcessId=8308, Debug=True, Attempt=0)
I have published the project in release mode and I cannot find out anywhere why this is being set. I am assuming this is not an issue with my function but for some reason the host is in debug mode. Is this expected behavior?
That Debug log doesn't mean your code or the Functions runtime host are running Debug builds. The "Debug" here refers to our own internal mode we use to determine whether the Azure Functions Portal has been connected recently. We track that so we can optimize things for connected debug/develop sessions, and when those sessions are disconnected, optimize for steady state.
So you don't have anything to worry about :)
Check your web.config file and make sure
<compilation debug="false" />
Even though your assemblies are in Release mode, the runtime uses this setting to change its behavior. I can't find a current list of changes, but I know it includes serving .debug.js files and enabling additional validation and logging.

Application Insight - Unable to get teletry from different environments

We are experimenting Azure Application Insight within a SharePoint 2013 solution. We managed to configure it manually, and we are collecting data from the development farm.
However, the same configuration looks like not to be working in the test farm, as only a few requests are tracked.
We tried two ways of diagnosing the issue:
With a custom command-line tool that traces an exception, on the test front-end. No errors are shown, and enabling diagnostic tracing on System.Net shows no problem actually occurs in transmission. Eventually, the exception is logged on AppInsight, but not every time.
Implementing a custom WebApi controller that performs the same action, but within of our solution code. This never gets collected.
In the end, what looks very weird is only certain URL are tracked server-side (no problems with client JS), which interestingly are the slowest requests.
I've decompiled all Application Insight assemblies, and of course telemetry transmission in done asynchronusly, but within w3wp.exe there's no chance that the process is aborted and the transmission never occurs...
What else can I try?
You can install Fiddler or Other HTTP Debugging tool on the box to see the data that AI sends.
To View internal Application Insights traces you can Install PerfView and collect traces:
PerfView.exe /onlyProviders=*Microsoft-ApplicationInsights- collect

Remote Debugging Azure Mobile Service

Trying to debug azure mobile service running in the cloud. I have published debug configuration, in the options indicated to allow debugging non JustMyCode and use source server.
Attach to running process works and I could put break points and step through the code, though I could not get the values of any variables. Even 'this' would not show the values in the watch window.
Prior to that I was trying to debug a release published configuration and the watch used to display values of some of the variables. Others were indicated that due to optimizations values are not available.
Thanks for help,
I think you did something wrong, because if you did the remote debug the break point should be hit and you can see all data.
Please see this article
Cconnecting a menu app to azure mobile service > How to do the remote debugging
If it not help, provide a movie with that you are doing :)
I recommend to have Azure SDK 2.5 and Visual Studio 2013 update 4

How do I debug a Worker Role using Remote Desktop with Windows Azure?

I now have my Windows Azure environment set up so that I can access my Worker Role with Remote Desktop. However, I'm not sure how to proceed at the moment. After much digging I found a web site that was offline but in Google's cache there was mention of attaching to the Worker Role running in the Azure Cloud from the Visual Studio debugger. But I only have Visual Developer (not studio) 2010 and I have searched all over and as far as I can see there is no such option to attach to a remote server. I am able to publish my project to the Azure Cloud without error and I have a "healthy" instance of my Worker Role showing as active and running.
I did connect with RDP through the Azure Management portal. The login worked fine and up came the remote desktop window. I searched through much of what I could find and was unable to find my Worker Role. I must have the wrong impression of RDP, because I had hoped to see the Worker Role's main display form when I logged in, just like I do when I debug it locally in the Cloud Emulator. But instead all I saw was a blank desktop with some base level server inspection and management routines. I even checked the Event Viewer for Application related messages and saw none.
So now I'm stuck wondering if my Worker Role is actually running or not, despite the seemingly positive status messages from the Management Portal, and I still want to attach to my Worker Role for debugging through Visual Developer, if it's possible, but I am unable to figure out how.
Anyone with experience in this area that can give me some solid tips on what to do next, please respond.
UPDATE: I believe my worker role may be running because I opened a command window and did a Netstat and saw it listening on the correct port. However, that may just be my Worker Role shell class that starts the custom EXE I have it launch as a spawned proces. I still haven't confirmed if my custom EXE is running yet.
UPDATE-2: Just ran TaskList from a command window and the custom EXE is listed.
UPDATE-3: Everything is working as I just ran a remote test of the service so that's not a problem. Still want to know how to attach to the Worker Role from Visual Developer 2010 for remote debugging, and if it's possible to see the custom EXE's display form like I do when doing local debugging in the Cloud Emulator.
-- roschler
There is a set of articles here which goes in length on how to set up for remote debugging in Azure:
The key takeaway is that you don't need to actually install Visual Studio on Azure, you only need to copy the Remote Debugger bits and then use Azure Connect to add your developer machine to the Virtual Network.
You can setup Remote Debugging with Visual Studio 2012
When you say:
But instead all I saw was a blank desktop with some base level server inspection and management routines.
this is exactly what you get with an Azure VM. It's a basic OS install, plus the bare minimum of Azure stuff it needs to run and the code you've uploaded. There's no fancy monitoring or health checks available on the machine by default, you're expected to have provided those yourself to have them available without having to RDP into the machine to check on it.
RDP is very good for tracking down certain problems, like checking that a startup task will run, checking which directories items are installed in and just generally being nosey. If you need extra tools to track down a problem, you can just install them while you're connected to the server. For example I have RDPed into a server and installed the Microsoft Debugging Tools, to track down a memory issue.
I suppose you could remote into your VM, install Visual Studio there, and debug the process...
I also suppose it might be possible to enable remote debugging (not sure what's involved there, but such a thing exists, and it works over TCP) and debug from a local instance of Visual Studio.
To my knowledge, neither is commonly done.
Based on other answers, you would be better off writing a log file to a local storage. You can read the file from RDP if you reallyhace to. Keep in mind, debugging on Azure isn't really simple, and rightly so.
What I was thinking though was, maybe you could run the process using the user's credentials. I can't verify at the moment, but you have a better shot of seeing the ui when you rdp.
