Calculating Awk Output divide by mega=1048576 - linux

Hi Can someone please let me know how I can calculate the output field from this command to MB ?
The command below shows the 20 largest file in directory and sub directories
but I need to convert the output to MB. In my script I use an array.. But If you guys show me how to use awk to divide the output for this by mega=1048576
I would really appreciate it .. Please explain the options !!!
ls -1Rs | sed -e "s/^ *//" | grep "^[0-9]" | sort -nr | head -n20 | awk {'print $1'}

You don't show any sample input or expected output so this is a guess but this MAY be what you want (assuming you cant follow all the other good advice about not parsing ls output and you don't have GNU awk for internal sorting):
ls -1Rs | awk '/^ *[0-9]/' | sort -nr | awk 'NR<21{print $1/1024}'
Note that you don't need all those other commands and pipes when you're already using awk.

ls -1Rs | sed -e "s/^ *//" | grep "^[0-9]" | sort -nr | head -n20 | awk {'print $1 / 1024'} To turn it into MB - You have to divide it by 1024


Find duplicate entries in a text file using shell

I am trying to find duplicate *.sh entry mention in a text file(test.log) and delete it, using shell program. Since the path is different so uniq -u always print duplicate entry even though there are two entry in a text file
cat test.log
I tried couple of way using few command but dont have idea on how to get above output.
rev test.log | cut -f1 -d/ | rev | sort | uniq -d
Any clue on this?
You can use awk for this by splitting fields on / and using $NF (last field) in an associative array:
awk -F/ '!seen[$NF]++' test.log
awk shines for these kind of tasks but here in a non awk solution,
$ sed 's|.*/|& |' file | sort -k2 -u | sed 's|/ |/|'
or, if your path is balanced (the same number of parents for all files)
$ sort -t/ -k5 -u file
awk '!/my_shellprog\/test\/first/' file

Validating file records shell script

I have a file with content as follows and want to validate the content as
1.I have entries of rec$NUM and this field should be repeated 7 times only.
for example I have rec1.any_attribute this rec1 should come only 7 times in whole file.
2.I need validating script for this.
If records for rec$NUM are less than 7 or Greater than 7 script should report that record.
Please Help
Thanks in Advance... :)
Simple awk:
awk -F: '/^rec/{a[$1]++}END{for(t in a){if(a[t]!=7){print "Some error for record: " t}}}' test.rc
grep '^rec1' file.txt | wc -l
grep '^rec2' file.txt | wc -l
grep '^rec3' file.txt | wc -l
All above should return 7.
The commands:
grep rec file2.txt | cut -d':' -f1 | uniq -c | egrep -v '^ *7'
will success if file follows your rules, fails (and returns the failing record) if it doesn't.
(replace "uniq -c" by "sort -u" if record numbers can be mixed).

AWK - Remove last item out of list

I'm trying to get the PID's of a certain service. I'm trying to do that with the following command:
ps aux | grep 'DynamoDBLocal' | awk '{print $2}'
Gives output:
This returns me 3 PID's, 2 of the service that I want, and 1 for the grep it just did. I would like to remove the last PID (the one from the grep) out of the list.
How can I achieve this?
Just use pgrep, it is the correct tool in this case:
pgrep 'DynamoDBLocal'
Using grep -v:
ps aux | grep 'DynamoDBLocal' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'
If you have pgrep in your system
pgrep DynamoDBLocal
You can say:
ps aux | grep '[D]ynamoDBLocal' | awk '{print $2}'
With a single call to awk
ps aux | awk '!/awk/ && /DynamoDBLocal/{print $2}'
Try pidof, it should give you the pid directly.
pidof DynamoDBLocal
Answering the original question: How to remove lines from output:
ps aux | grep 'DynamoDBLocal' | awk '{print $2}' | head --lines=-1
head allows you to view the X (default 10) first lines of whatever comes in. Given a value X with minus prepended it shows all but the last X lines. The 'inverse' is tail, btw (when you are interested in the last X lines).
However, given your specific problem of looking for PIDs, I recommend pgrep (perreals answer).
I'm not sure that ps aux | grep '...' is the right way.
But assuming that it is right way, you could do
ps aux | grep '...' | awk '{ if (prev) print prev; prev=$2 }'

How to extract version from a single command line in linux?

I have a product which has a command called db2level whose output is given below
I need to extract out of it, so far i came up with,
db2level | grep "DB2 v" | awk '{print$5}'
which gave me an output v8.1.1.64",
Please help me to fetch Thanks
grep is enough to do that:
db2level| grep -oP '(?<="DB2 v)[\d.]+(?=", )'
Just with awk:
db2level | awk -F '"' '$2 ~ /^DB2 v/ {print substr($2,6)}'
db2level | grep "DB2 v" | awk '{print$5}' | sed 's/[^0-9\.]//g'
remove all but numbers and dot
sed is your friend for general extraction tasks:
db2level | sed -n -e 's/.*tokens are "DB2 v\([0-9.]*\)".*/\1/p'
The sed line does print no lines (the -n) but those where a replacement with the given regexp can happen. The .* at the beginning and the end of the line ensure that the whole line is matched.
Try grep with -o option:
db2level | grep -E -o "[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]\+[0-9]+"
Another sed solution
db2level | sed -n -e '/v[0-9]/{s/.*DB2 v//;s/".*//;p}'
This one desn't rely on the number being in a particular format, just in a particular place in the output.
db2level | grep -o "v[0-9.]*" | tr -d v
Try like db2level | grep "DB2 v" | cut -d'"' -f2 | cut -d'v' -f2
cut splits the input in parts, seperated by delimiter -d and outputs field number -f

Sorting in bash

I have been trying to get the unique values in each column of a tab delimited file in bash. So, I used the following command.
cut -f <column_number> <filename> | sort | uniq -c
It works fine and I can get the unique values in a column and its count like
105 Linux
55 MacOS
500 Windows
What I want to do is instead of sorting by the column value names (which in this example are OS names) I want to sort them by count and possibly have the count in the second column in this output format. So It will have to look like:
Windows 500
MacOS 105
Linux 55
How do I do this?
cut -f <col_num> <filename>
| sort
| uniq -c
| sort -r -k1 -n
| awk '{print $2" "$1}'
The sort -r -k1 -n sorts in reverse order, using the first field as a numeric value. The awk simply reverses the order of the columns. You can test the added pipeline commands thus (with nicer formatting):
pax> echo '105 Linux
55 MacOS
500 Windows' | sort -r -k1 -n | awk '{printf "%-10s %5d\n",$2,$1}'
Windows 500
Linux 105
MacOS 55
cut -f <column_number> <filename> | sort | uniq -c | awk '{ print $2" "$1}' | sort
This will alter the column order (awk) and then just sort the output.
Hope this will help you
Using sed based on Tagged RE:
cut -f <column_number> <filename> | sort | uniq -c | sort -r -k1 -n | sed 's/\([0-9]*\)[ ]*\(.*\)/\2 \1/'
Doesn't produce output in a neat format though.
