Wordpress Hosting in Azure with integrated Media Services and Uploader Security - azure

I'm using a wordpress template and have multiple media uploaders. When they embedd/insert their content from the media library, they should only be able to see and embedd their uploaded content. My goal is to host the website in Azure and also use its media services for video content. Is there an elegant frontend way with wich users can upload their content an reembedd it after transcoding?

I think that there is no plugin that supports directly Azure Media Services encoding workflows in WordPress.
Maybe you can do it in a few steps :
Use the WordPress Azure Storage plugins to upload your files : https://wordpress.org/plugins/windows-azure-storage/
Use an Azure WebJob to trigger encoding as soon as a file is uploaded in the storage : https://github.com/Azure/azure-content/blob/master/articles/app-service-web/websites-dotnet-webjobs-sdk-storage-blobs-how-to.md and https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/media-services-dotnet-encode-asset/
Display the video on your site, using Azure Media Player : http://amsplayer.azurewebsites.net/
Hope this helps,


How to integrate Google Docs editor in Vue web App

My Vue web app has the feature of uploading, editing, and downloading the files, We are using Azure Blob storage to store the files.
Now I want to load the Azure Blob file in Google Docs Editor, so that user can view/edit/save the content of the files, like how it is done in Box. But i didn't find any useful documentation or sites which describes the flow to implement it.
Can anyone please suggest me the way to proceed?

Using Xamarin.Android and Media Service in Azure for live broadcasting

I am looking for integrating Media Service from azure to Xamarin Android for live broadcasting and viewing the live with on demand videos. For example I need to implement the live video broadcasting like a Facebook app using Azure Media Services and also view the live and archived videos from blob storage. I am unable to get the resource to implement that from official documents of Azure and Xamarin and through the Xamarin University.
So I am here to learn this which will be useful to almost every one willing to implement this kind of features in feature.
There is a official video showing the upload of a video recorded using xamarin application to Azure Media Service and viewing back on the Xamarin app the link is as follows, but there is no approach for making a live broadcasting possible through the same.
Xamarin.Android is not compulsory like it may be from Xamarin Forms also the thing is like we just need the android part, I will be happily looking forward to take any kind of help you can offer to get this working.
Scope of App Requirement/Workflow::
1) App should be able to broad cast live (like going live on Facebook application)
2) That should be capable to view the live broadcasts (like we can stream the live content in Facebook application)
3) That should be able to view the archived videos in blob storage (I know how to access the blob storage and download the video to view it on mobile but I don’t know the process to stream the video while it is being downloaded in the background like it does in Youtube or Facebook application).
Using Xamarin.Android and Media Service in Azure for live broadcasting
You could refer to the xamarin-azure-businessreview sample.
Demo app showing how to use several Azure services with Xamarin including Azure AD B2C, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Functions, Azure App Services, and Azure Media Services

Azure video streaming to Xamarin

We're planning to build a Xamarin app, where you can watch some videos that are hosted on microsoft Azure. Does the azure blob storage support streaming to my mobile app or can i only download the files?
The video urls shouldn't be exposed to public, as mentioned here.
Has anybody experience in this? I didn't find any reliable infos on the web.
Very important thing here - streaming and live-streaming. If you would like to just upload video files to Azur Blob and access them in the mobile app this is possible. I did tests with .mp4 (I did not test other formats) files and once they were uploaded I could play them in the mobile app without any problems.
You do not have to worry about the access too - you can secure URLs with Shared Access Signature or Storage Account Key.
You can read more about it below (Data Plane Security):

HTML 5 video url not found on server, but working on local

I have deployed my first site on azure, it is a website with static content only.I have the video and html file in the same dir, which is wwwroot I have provided a video path in the index.html like this
<video loop muted width="1024" height="768" autoplay style="width: 101% !important;height: 100% !important;margin-top: -2%;margin-left: -1%;">
<source src="intro.mp4" type="video/mp4">
And its playing properly on local as i checked, but once i deployed the content to azure, the other content load but the video does not loads, and it gives 404 as i checked in the network tab.
Also the request url in network console is www.mywebsite.com/intro.mp4 and it is 404 not found
I could not understand why is this happening , please help
Azure Web App does not support some of the media files for direct deployment. Currently, I know SVG images and videos will not work in Azure Web App if you have them deployed directly along with the web app. And, I can't find any documents talking about this kind of things.
Hence, my suggestion is using Azure Media Service. If you don't think Azure Media Service is necessary, you can just upload the video to Azure Storage as a blob and set the access policy of the container to be public. And then, you can refer the video with the corresponding URL.
For more information about Azure Storage and Blob, see Get started with Azure Blob storage using .NET
After some digging, I found out that if you are using asp.net, it's possible to config the web app so that it support video. Here is a similar question as yours. For web app other than asp.net, I have no idea how to config something like this.

upload file to the Windows azure media services without using the local file path

I'm trying to make an app wich will upload videofiles to the cloud. I found some examples that explain how to upload file to cloud from the local computer with using the file path.
But i can't find how can i make an interactive app in which user can download video from web page.
Have anyone seeing something similar?
take a look into http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/solutions/media/ . It describe main scenarios and capabilities of Microsoft Azure Media Services.
Developer portal for Azure Media Services located at
http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/develop/media-services/. It has getting starting articles covering following scenarios:
