Is there a way to prevent ReSharper from formatting a specific code block in a file? Something like:
void MyMethod ()
// ReSharper disable formatting
PRE = { my top format } /* no rules */ ;
// ReSharper enable formatting
Now it is possible in version 2017.3 like this:
// #formatter:off — disable formatter after this line
// #formatter:on — enable formatter after this line
At the moment this is not possible. See feature request RSRP-187963.
As a workaround, if you have a big chunk of "pre-formatted" code, you could move it to an own (partial class) file and add it to the "Generated Code" configuration list. This disables R#'s "Code Cleanup" for this file. Note that it also disables the inspections! (Unfortunately the "Generated Code Region" feature only disables the inspections, not the "Code Cleanup" for a region, as of R# version 9.2.)
I am trying to set up a MFC C++ App in Visual Studio 2019 such that modifies the user's text as they are typing.
Current layout is 2 radio buttons,
ID= rdbOn (set to Group = True, with Value int variable m_isOn = 1)
ID= rdbOff, m_isOn value would be = 0
and 1 Edit Control,
ID= txtInputBox, with Value CString variable m_inputString
Currently, for testing I can see how it would work for a button on click, it would take something like the following and just SetDlgItemText of the result. But that would be after they have typed, not WHILE they are typing.
void Onsomebtnclick()
//convert CString to String of m_inputString
//do some string manipulation
//convert back to CString
//SetDlgItemText(txtInputBox, result)
got EN_CHANGE to work
I was able to get EN_CHANGE working with the flag suggestion from user #GoGoWorx. However, now I just have a slight problem that the cursor is back to the beginning of the edit control txtInput.
I'm reading about using a CEdit::SetSel but don't know how to use that directly in my code. I tried
CEdit control MFC, placing cursor to end of string after SetWindowText
//some logic stuff to get a result string
SetDlgItemText(txtInputBox, result);
//need it to set the cursor to the end
//I tried these, but it didn't recognize (expression must have class type?)
//txtInputBox.SetSel(0, -1);
It sounds like you need to use the ON_EN_CHANGE message-map notification (called after the control has been updated due to typing or pasting for example)
ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT_CONTROL, &CMyDialog::OnEnChangeEditControl)
void CMyDialog::OnEnChangeEditControl()
// Copy or call your Onsomebtnclick() here
I'm not sure what you're using for the numeric identifier for the edit control, since these are typically upper case defines - replace IDC_EDIT_CONTROL above with your define (possibly txtInputBox, but again, these are normally upper case, so I'm not sure).
Also change CMyDialog for the name of your dialog class too.
Note that we're using the ON_EN_CHANGE message-map handler here instead of the ON_EN_UPDATE, since the ON_EN_CHANGE message is sent after the control has been updated, whereas ON_EN_UPDATE is called just before it's updated.
The message-map handlers are described in the Remarks section of the CEdit control documentation:
Regarding your concern about modifying things as the user types - this should be fine, since every change (keystroke or paste from clipboard, etc.) should trigger this handler to be called, where you can change whatever you need. Just be sure that when you're updating the control, you don't trigger the ON_EN_CHANGE again and end up in a recursive 'change' loop.
You might be able to do this with some sort of flag to indicate you're the one updating the control, as opposed to the user, however it's probably better to subclass the CEdit control to do what you're wanting. There are a few examples out there of how to do this (it's not as difficult as it might sound), for example:
This question relates to ReSharper. If I have an interface that looks like this:
public interface IOrder {
Task SetDeleted(Guid id);
and my class inherits from that interface, I would expect ReSharper to generate the following code, when selecting the "Implement missing members":
public class OrderService {
public async Task SetDeleted(Guid id) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
However, it completely ignores the async part of the method, so I have to type that manually every single time. This was fixed in 2016.3 of ReSharper, as described here (at the bottom).
However, it does not work for the CTRL + . keybinding (or whatever it is), that looks like this:
Is it possible to somehow change, how this behavior works within ReSharper? I want all generated Task methods to be async automatically. There is no option within ReSharper's "Members Generation" that enables me to do this.
In case class has only one missing member ReSharper doesn't show dialog therefore you can't tweak generation options. But you can add one more member to your interface and invoke generation action, this time ReSharper would show the dialog where you can set option "Make task-returning methods 'async'". This generation option is persistent i.e. it's last value will be stored in ReSharper settings and used by default.
I select the following code:
//This is for debugging Live Template
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
then click Tools > Save as Live Template...
Nothing happens. Could anyone offer a tip on how to select a snippet and save as a live template? -- this looks like your case.
It's fixed for 172/ branches -- no idea what Android Studio version it would be.
Workaround for now -- make selection with no leading whitespace .. and edit created Live Template after if required.
I already suspect it is not possible and likely to be hardcoded, requiring modification of the Inno Setup source code, however Inno Setup is extremely flexible, so maybe there is a way?
Is it possible to change what is displayed in the Windows Task Manager Description field for Setup.tmp that runs with Setup.exe, from 'Setup\Uninstall' to something else?
I have already checked if this is one of the default messages that can be modified.
If not possible directly in Inno Setup, as I suspect, would modifying the resources with something like Resource Hacker or Resource Tuner make this possible? Alternatively, is there another esoteric way of doing this without modifying the Inno Setup source code?
You have to edit the "Version Info" of the Setup.e32 using a tool like Resource Hacker.
FILEVERSION 51,1052,0,0
BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
BLOCK "000004B0"
VALUE "FileDescription", "Setup/Uninstall of My Program"
VALUE "FileVersion", "51.1052.0.0"
BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
VALUE "Translation", 0x0000 0x04B0
For example, setting MYCONST = true would lead to the transformation of
if (MYCONST) {
console.log('MYCONST IS TRUE!'); // print important message
if (true) {
console.log('MYCONST IS TRUE!'); // print important message
This tool ideally has a fast node.js accessible API.
A better way to achieve what you want -
settings = {
MYCONST = true
if (settings.MYCONST) {
console.log('MYCONST IS TRUE!'); // print important message
This way, you make a change to one single file.
google's closure compiler does, among other things, inlining of constants when annotated as such, leaving string content untouched but I am not sure if it's a viable option for you.
Patch a beautifier, for example
Get the JS Beautifier written in JS.
Replace the last line of function print_token() by something like
Call js_beautify(your_code) from within nodejs.
The Apache Ant build system supports a replace task that could be used to achieve this.
Edit: Whoops. Gotta read title first. Ignore me.
Google Closure Compiler has such a feature:
You can combine the #define tag in your code with the --define parameter to change variables at "compile" time.
The closure compiler will also remove your if-statement, which is probably what you want.
Simply write your code like this:
/** #define {boolean} */
var MYCONST = false; // default value is necessary here
if (MYCONST) {
console.log('MYCONST IS TRUE!'); // print important message
And call the compiler with the parameter:
java -jar closure-compiler.jar --define=MYCONST=true --js pathto/file.js
Regarding you API request: Closure Compiler has a JSON API.