puppet defined types and variables - puppet

I am new to puppet and I am trying to write a module to manage .bashrc file of 10 users. The following code is ok to manage the file of 1 user. However, I am unable to change the code to manage files for 10 users. I tried using defined types and variable with no luck. Can sombody please suggest me the right way to do this.
class profile (
$bashrc = $profile::params::bashrc,
$bashrc_host = $profile::params::bashrc_host,
) inherits profile::params {
anchor { 'profile::begin': } ->
class { '::profile::config': } ->
anchor { 'profile::end': }
class profile::config inherits profile {
file { $bashrc:
ensure => file,
source => "puppet:///$bashrc_host",
class profile::params {
$bashrc_host = "modules/profile/$fqdn_user1_bashrc"
case $::osfamily {
'RedHat': {
$bashrc = '/home/user1/.bashrc'

This is not at all a job for a class. As you noted yourself in your most recent comment, this calls for a define actually.
Please don't use verbs in the names of your defines. Instead of defineuser, just do
define profile::user($host_name) {
Off the top of my hat, I'm not aware of a good pattern to use module parameters in your defines. You can however use the following pattern:
class profile(
$default_shell = $profile::params::default_shell,
$default_prompt = $profile::params::default_prompt,
$users = {}
) inherits profile::params {
$defaults = { shell => $default_shell, prompt => $default_prompt }
create_resources('profile::user', $users, $defaults)
What happens is
values are taken from params, or hiera, or the invoking manifest
these values are gathered in the $defaults array
for any resource in the $users hash that has no shell or prompt, this default is used

If your aim of this module is to learn puppet then:
Add a param user to your class profile::params
class profile::params {
$bashrc_host = "modules/profile/$fqdn_user1_bashrc"
$user = 'user1',
case $::osfamily {
'RedHat': {
$bashrc = "/home/$user/.bashrc"
After this, you can use a combination of array or hiera and ensure_resource This still is not the most elegant solution, but baby steps.
If your intend is to actually manage the bashrc for various users, I would recommend using a pre existing module such as account


Configure remote rulesets with Puppet

I'm trying to automate the Prometheus node_exporter and my Prometheus Server.
For the node_exporter I've written a module to install all the needed packages, set the $::ipaddress based on facter and some more..
Now I'd like to make sure that the collected informations ($hostname, $job_name, [...]) from the applying node are exported into the respective remote Prometheus configfile, but I want to have this step done asynchronously, so for example with a puppet agent run afterwards on the Prometheus Server.
I've tried to orientate the classes towards the puppetlabs/logrotate module, which is basically doing the following:
class logrotate (
String $ensure = present,
Boolean $hieramerge = false,
Boolean $manage_cron_daily = true,
Boolean $create_base_rules = true,
Boolean $purge_configdir = false,
String $package = 'logrotate',
Hash $rules = {},
) {
do some stuff
class logrotate::rules ($rules = $::logrotate::rules){
create_resources('logrotate::rule', $rules)
define logrotate::rule(
Pattern[/^[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+$/] $rulename = $title,
Enum['present','absent'] $ensure = 'present',
Optional[Logrotate::Path] $path = undef,
) {
do some stuff
Shortened my ni_trending (node_exporter) & ni_prometheus modules currently look very similar to logrotate:
class ni_trending (
$hostname = $::fqdn,
$listen_address = $::ipaddress,
$listen_port = 51118,
) {
) inherits ni_trending::params {
anchor { 'ni_trending::start': }
->class { 'ni_trending::package': }
->class { 'ni_trending::config':
listen_address => $listen_address,
listen_port => $listen_port,
->class { 'ni_trending::service': }
->class { ' ni_trending::prometheus':
hostname => $hostname,
listen_port => $listen_port,
->anchor { 'ni_trending::end': }
class ni_trending::prometheus (
Hash $options = {},
) {
ni_prometheus::nodeexporterrule { 'node_exporter' :
ensure => pick_default($options['ensure'], 'present'),
hostname => pick_default($options['hostname'], $ni_trending::hostname),
listen_port => pick_default($options['hostname'], $ni_trending::listen_port),
class ni_prometheus::nodeexporterrules ($rules = $::ni_prometheus::nodeexporterrules) {
create_resources('ni_prometheus::nodeexporterrule', $nodeexporterrules)
define ni_prometheus::nodeexporterrule (
$job_name = $title,
Enum['present','absent'] $ensure = 'present',
$hostname = $hostname,
$listen_port = $listen_port,
) {
file_line { "prometheus-${job_name}" :
path => "/etc/prometheus/${job_name}.list",
after => 'hosts:',
line => "${hostname}:${listen_port}",
But this will just work when I apply the node_exporter locally on the Prometheus Master - not in the case that an external machine has the ni_trending::prometheus class included, which makes sense to me - because it clearly feels that something is missing. :-) How can I get this working?
This sounds like a job for exported resources (that makes two in one day!). This is a facility for one node's catalog building to generate resources that can be applied to other nodes (and also, optionally, to the exporting node itself). I'm still not tracking the details of what you want to manage where, so here's a more generic example: maintaining a local hosts file.
Generic example
Suppose we want to automatically manage a hosts file listing all our nodes under management. Puppet has a built-in resource, Host, representing one entry in a hosts file. We make use of that by having every node under management export an appropriate host resource. Something like this would go inside a class included on every node:
##host { "$hostname": ip => $ipaddress; }
The ## prefix marks the resource as exported. It is not applied to the current target node, unless by the mechanism I will describe in a moment. the $hostname and $ipaddress are just facts presented by the target node, and they are resolved in that context. Note, too, that the resource title is globally unique: each target node has a different hostname, therefore all the exported Host resources that apply to different target nodes will have distinct titles.
Then, separately, every node that wants all those Host entries applied to it will import them in its own catalog by using an exported resource collector:
The nodes that export those resources can also collect some or all of them. Additionally, there are ways to be more selective about which resources are collected; see the link above.

How to handle linux and windows in puppet modules?

I have a large Module written for linux systems. But I need it to work for windows so I want to rewrite it to handle both.
There are a lot of manifests and from what I can see so far, most of it should be ok with Windows as puppet would see it's running on windows and select the best provider.
However there are some parts that won't work. As an example this exec will not work on windows
exec { 'touch_file' :
command => 'touch /etc/test.txt',
path => ['/bin', '/usr/bin'],
cwd => '/tmp',
creates => '/etc/test.txt',
This would work in linux but in Windows I would change this to a powershell command and also change creates, cwd and path. I could change each part to a ${variable} and have a case statement above the Exec statement that picks the right variables based on ::osgroup but I'm not sure if this is the best way to handle this. Is there a better way of handling multi OS modules?
Sometimes it's better to have different execs based on the OS you are targeting. See https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-puppet_agent as a good example of this:
if $::osfamily == 'windows' {
class { '::puppet_agent::prepare': } ->
class { '::puppet_agent::windows::install': }
else {
if $::operatingsystem == 'SLES' and $::operatingsystemmajrelease == '10' {
$_package_file_name = "${puppet_agent::package_name}-${puppet_agent::params::master_agent_version}-1.sles10.${::architecture}.rpm"
} elsif $::operatingsystem == 'Solaris' and $::operatingsystemmajrelease == '10' {
$_package_file_name = "${puppet_agent::package_name}-${puppet_agent::params::master_agent_version}-1.i386.pkg.gz"
class { '::puppet_agent::prepare':
package_file_name => $_package_file_name,
} ->
class { '::puppet_agent::install':
package_file_name => $_package_file_name,
} ->
class { '::puppet_agent::service': }
contain '::puppet_agent::prepare'
contain '::puppet_agent::install'
contain '::puppet_agent::service'

Passing variables between classes in puppet

I am trying to use the exec resource type to execute a batch file. But I want to pass the value of variable $dsn_64bit from init.pp to install.pp. Please let me know how to achieve that:
Here is my init.pp
class exec_batchfile ($dsn_64bit = "false")
if $::osfamily == 'windows' {
include exec_batchfile::install
Here is my install.pp
class exec_batchfile::install
if $dsn_64bit == true
$hklm_path = 'HKLM\Software\Oracle'
$Script_name = 'E:\\Path\\pupp_test64.bat'
$hklm_path = 'HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Oracle'
$Script_name = 'E:\\Path\\pupp_test.bat'
exec { 'exec_batchfile':
command => "${Script_name}",
path => $::path,
logoutput => true,
unless => "cmd.exe /c reg query ${hklm_path} /v inst_loc",
Since puppet 2.7 dynamic lookup is deprecated, so your code will not work properly. Right now the recommended solution is to use fully qualified names. Please follow the link to find a comprehensive explanation.
Whenever you need to refer to a variable in another class, give the variable an explicit namespace: instead of simply referring to $packagelist, use $git::core::packagelist.

Function contain() vs. Anchor Pattern in Puppet

This post refers to Puppet "require" not working as expected.
Is it possible to replace the Anchor Pattern with the function contain maintaining execution order and hinder declared classes of floating out. The two manifests look as follows:
class profile::maven inherits profile::base {
# Hiera
$version = hiera('profile::maven::version', '3.2.1')
$settings = hiera_hash('profile::maven::settings', undef)
$environments = hiera_hash('profile::maven::environments', undef)
include 'profile::java'
anchor { 'profile::maven::begin': }
class { '::maven::maven': version => $version, }
anchor { 'profile::maven::end': }
if ($settings) {
create_resources('::maven::settings', $settings)
if ($environments) {
create_resources('::maven::environment', $environments)
Anchor['profile::maven::begin'] -> Class['profile::java'] -> Class['::maven::maven'] -> Anchor['profile::maven::end']
class profile::java inherits profile::base {
# Hiera
$distribution = hiera('profile::java::distribution', 'jdk')
$version = hiera('profile::java::version', 'present')
anchor { 'profile::java::begin': }
class { '::java':
distribution => $distribution,
version => $version,
anchor { 'profile::java::end': }
# Parameters
$java_home = $::java::java_home
file { 'profile-script:java.sh':
ensure => present,
path => '/etc/profile.d/java.sh',
content => template('profile/java.sh.erb'),
Anchor['profile::java::begin'] -> Class['::java'] -> File['profile-script:java.sh'] -> Anchor['profile::java::end']
Because of the current issue PUP-1597 in Puppet 3.6.x, the profile classes have to be renamed, otherwise we get Error: undefined method 'ref' for nil:NilClass. Applying the changes result in:
class profile::mavenp inherits profile::base {
# Hiera
$version = hiera('profile::maven::version', '3.2.1')
$settings = hiera_hash('profile::maven::settings', undef)
$environments = hiera_hash('profile::maven::environments', undef)
include 'profile::javap'
class { '::maven::maven': version => $version, }
contain 'maven::maven'
if ($settings) {
create_resources('::maven::settings', $settings)
if ($environments) {
create_resources('::maven::environment', $environments)
Class['profile::javap'] -> Class['::maven::maven']
class profile::javap inherits profile::base {
# Hiera
$distribution = hiera('profile::java::distribution', 'jdk')
$version = hiera('profile::java::version', 'present')
class { '::java':
distribution => $distribution,
version => $version,
contain 'java'
# Parameters
$java_home = $::java::java_home
file { 'profile-script:java.sh':
ensure => present,
path => '/etc/profile.d/java.sh',
content => template('profile/java.sh.erb'),
Are these changes equivalent?
If someone has a better idea of how to the deal with technologcial dependencies in Puppet using the profile/role approach, do not hesitate to share your thoughts.
The latter pair of classes are not completely equivalent equivalent to the former. The biggest issue is in profile::javap. Note that its analog profile::java has this as part of its dependency chain:
Class['::java'] -> File['profile-script:java.sh']
Class profile::javap has no analog of that.
I'm not 100% certain whether class profile::mavenp is equivalent to class profile::maven, though I think it is. Your intent would be clearer and my uncertainty would be resolved if the former included
contain 'profile::javap'
instead of (or in addition to)
include 'profile::javap'

Defining and calling function in puppet 2.6 and 2.7

I have a module core and a class core::logrotate defined in core/manifests/logrotate.pp.
class core::logrotate {
#...some stuff here
define confd ($ensure = "present" , $log_name = "dummy" ) {
if ( $ensure == present )
file {
ensure => present,
source => filelookup("core/${log_name}.logrotate"),
} else {
file {
ensure => absent,
calling this function inside of templates.pp as
core::logrotate::confd { "mkill": log_name => mkill }
This fails with the error
Error 400 on SERVER: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError: Invalid resource type core::logrotate::confd
If the puppet master version is 2.6.x then this fails, to make it work there used to be a import "*" in the init.pp of the module. Now removed this as moving to puppet 2.7.20.
The code pasted here works in 2.7 but fails in 2.6. Any idea why? how can I make it work for both 2.6 and 2.7?
You should take the define outside of the class, see the style guide: http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/style_guide.html#classes
Also, I think that you might be using modules wrong, it would be much more logical to have a 'logrotate' module on its own.
So; in modulepath/logrotate/manifests/confd.pp you'd put this:
define logrotate::confd ($ensure = "present" , $log_name = "dummy" ) {
if ( $ensure == present )
file {
ensure => present,
source => filelookup("core/${log_name}.logrotate"),
} else {
file {
ensure => absent,
That should make it work properly.
