How to make web page only allowed accessed by iframe - .htaccess

I have an application that embedding the content from another server via iframe. how to prevent the iframe content accessed directly over browser?
this is my page that embedding with iframe :
and this is my iframe content server :

How to use .htaccess to allow page access in my iframe but not directly?
Try searching around for answers =] I believe this one will help you out, though.


How would I force my page to be loaded *only* in an iframe

I want to host a webpage that can only be served via iframes within my own domain.
An example of this in the wild would be Codepen. They sandbox the content of a "pen" in an iframe, but if you try to load the url from a browser it responds with an empty page.
I understand there might be multiple answers to this question but I'm hoping someone could point me in the right direction.
Would I be checking the referrer server side? Are there any other options?
Referer is a good start for the server side.
Also you can try using CORS headers:
Only allow iframe to load content
Or validating using client side javascript code:
How to identify if a webpage is being loaded inside an iframe or directly into the browser window?
Also check info about referrerpolicy

using iframes within secure pages

Since iframes no longer work on my site since I secured it. What would be the best way to display external content on an https page. Is there an alternative or is there simply no way around the mixed content rule?
It is possible to display content in iframe, you just need to use https protocol when you embed your iframe.
This means of course that the source site you are embedding must support https.
Forgot to add as well, that the site you are embedding, could have some iframe/embed restrictions, like for example Facebook:
Refused to display '' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'DENY'.

How can I check the iframe on my website is secure or not?

My website has an iframe used for loading my client's websites (only 5).How can I make sure the iframe is secure? Also by editing iframe src It allows to load any other websites.How can I prevent it?
I mean editing the iframe src from web browser (Like Chrome->Inspect element)
You cannot possibly prevent the user from changing anything and everything in the page they are viewing in their browser.
To inject a malicious website, a user would have to deliberately attack themselves. This does not constitute a threat.

Displaying external web pages that do not allow iframe embedding in WinJS

My current understanding is that the only way to display external web pages in the WinJS app is to use iframes. This seems to be a limitation, since I am not able to embed youtube links or twitter search links.
How do I go about displaying these webpages? Are there any workarounds for this limitation other than the run your own proxy solutions.
You cannot without running your own proxy and modifying the headers, or modifying the headers directly on the host server.
Note that for other types of resources, like login pages that don't like to be iframed (e.g., you can use the WebAuthenticationBroker.

What ways can you secure a web page so that it can ONLY be viewed from within an iFrame?

This thread was created back in 2008 Restricting IFRAME access in PHP
I am looking to do almost the exact same thing. i.e. I want to have sites which are publicly accessible as long as they are being viewed from a specific iFrame, from a specific app. The IFrame app will have user authentication giving them access to urls outside the core application. The urls are all likely to be built using Open Source PHP tools e.g. Wordpress.
Both the viewing iFrame and the viewed sites/pages will be owned by us.
Have there been any developments in last few years on ways to do this?
For various reasons not related to this particular issue, I am considering using the serverside RIA framework Vaadin (JAVA) for building the app that will contain the iFrame viewer.
The demo of the embed widget is here Looking at the page source I don't see anywhere that the address of the embedded webpage is displayed. So to some extent I wonder if I can hide my urls from search engines, give them very long, randomly generated URI's and maybe they will be impossible to find anyway?
You should be able to modify a framekiller to do the opposite. A framekiller is a piece of javascript to prevent clickjacking by detecting if the page has been loaded within an iframe.
Limiting the iframe to load within a specific page is more difficult. Looking at the referer is easy, but also easy to bypass. If you load the iframe from an https page the referer will be blank. A better way would be to require the server to obtain a Nonce and include this in the iframe url. Such as http://iframe_url?key=difhj8j84528423j423894hfdj897 or whatever. Having the server make a request to your server would be ideal. Doing it with client side code and jsonp to fetch the nonce is problematic because an attacker could deliver modified javascript to fetch the nonce.
