NodeJS - Reliability - node.js

One thing I know for a fact is that Node.js shouldn't be used to intensive CPU tasks. Now, imagine that I have a node.js server receiving audio stream from several clients (from MIC). This audio is buffered in a c/c++ addon by doing memcpy (which is very fast). But when the endevent is triggered, this addon will convert "audio-to-command" and send it, to client. This conversion consumes 75ms (max). Can Node.js be considered an reliable solution for this problem? 75ms can be considered an intensive task in node.js? What is the maximum time recommended to blocking operations?

Blocking is not a Node.js way.
You can make this operation asynchronously (in a separate thread), without any blocking, and invoke a callback from your addon when the operation will be finished, so the main node.js thread will not be blocked and will be able to handle other requests.
There are good helpers like AsyncWorker and AsyncQueueWorker in NAN.
Also there are C++ libraries to work with WebSockets, so I would think about a direct connection between clients and the addon.


Does node.js is creating an instance of a server for each client?

Does node.js is create an instance of a node.js for each client, or there is only one instance of node.js server for a whole variety of clients and unique instances created only for paths for each client ?
Nodejs doesn't create a new server instance for each client, neither do other options out there.
You're probably thinking of multithreading as traditionally multithreaded web servers create a new thread for each client request, however since node.js runs JavaScript which is single threaded the answer is no - every client request is handled by the same single thread.
That is why Node.js and JavaScript are often associated with the word blocking referring to the fact that if you write code that takes a long time to complete, it will block all the other users from getting served. You don't however have to worry about blocking when performing I/O since Node.js (JavaScript) is asynchronous - meaning that client requests won't block each other when performing I/O operations such as network requests or disk reads.
To read more on Node.js being single threaded, see this S/O answer: Why is Node.js single threaded?

Writting to a Node WebSocket is blocking or non-blocking?

When I send msg to a WebSocket client is it blocking or non blocking code ?
In other words, is it a good practice to wrap a send within a setTimeout ?
I am using the Node Einaros WS library but I think this question applies to many other libraries such as Socket.Io or Engine.Io too.
Firstly, to wrap a blocking function within a setTimeout is only going to delay the blocking call, right? So it wouldn't matter if you did that or not. The non-blocking nature of node comes from the fact that the underlying engine runs an event system to let you know when traditional blocking calls (such as file system retrieval) are complete.
Websockets are a "fire and forget" protocol, which I think is what you're trying to ask. The server and client do not wait for a response and instead use the same system as I mentioned above. They will 'listen' to events when they are emitted from the other side and then deal with a process. It is worth noting that websocket communication in the browser do so only under the TCP protocol, meaning if a packet is lost then it will request it again from the server. This is not usually a problem, but in a realtime game sense where milliseconds are important, this is not usually ideal.

How does Node.js behave against a low latency mobile network?

I want to develop a mobile app that reads and occasionally writes tiny chunks of text and images of no more than 1KB. I was thinking to use node.js for this (I think fits perfectly), but I heard that node.js uses one single thread for all request in an async model. It's ok, but what if a mobile through a very low latency network is reading byte by byte (I mean very slowly) one of that chunks of text? Does this mean that if the mobile needs 10 seconds after completing the read, the rest of the connections has to wait 10 seconds before node.js replies them? I really hope that no.
No — incoming streams are evented. The events will be handled by the main thread as they come in. Your JavaScript code is executed only in this main thread, but I/O is handled outside that thread and raises events that trigger your callbacks in the main thread.

Being both event-driven servers, why node.js needs async code where Nginx doesn't?

The question is in the title. In another words, if Nginx works as the same event-driven async IO model of node.js, why doesn't it requires writing async style code? I know, Nginx is NOT actually executing any code, rather proxying them to who can. Then why doesn't node do so? Are we missing anything in the current Ngninx way? Or, gaining anything more from node (apart from the pain of writing async codes)?
To be more specific, how different is Nginx+php-fpm or Nginx+wsgi+python/ruby from node alone regarding performance or utilizing computing resource that node claims? Couldn't node just use existing FastCGI models, be a sync style JavaScript interpreter and let webserver do its async job?
Cross-posted from NodeJS google groups:
Okay i'll try my best to answer your question:
Nginx is a web server that only proxies requests. Now if you take the example of Nginx+php+fpm or Nginx+wsgi+ruby you are having an asynchronous, evented web server sitting in front of webserver that is executing synchronously. So Nginx will accept() as many connections as possible and all of them would be queued. The requests from Nginx to your backend synchronous server would be asynchronous. But your backend synchronous server which also does accept() is not queuing any connections. It can serve only one request at a time (considering you are single threaded) and multiple requests at a time (prefork/fork(slow)/multithreaded -> has its own drawbacks like thread creation time(can be avoided with thread-pools but PITA to implement), context switches, thread deadlocks, number of connections accept()ed can never be greater than number of threads etc)
Imagine you have 2 routes to your backend server that Nginx is hitting:
/404, /login.
If the /login route is doing a lot of I/O and if another request is made to /404, the rendering of the /404 page will depend on the completion of /login's request (because the process is blocked). So basically the response to any request will depend on the request that takes the longest time to do I/O. So even though Nginx is async and evented its response time for any request will depend entirely on that one request that takes the longest time to finish (culprit: the synchronous backend server).
Now if you take the example of NodeJS, everything is asynchronous and evented. Be it File/Network I/O etc. So nothing blocks the process. So taking the previous example, even if /login route is doing a lot of I/O its all asynchronous and /404 page is rendered immediately.
My explanation is quite rudimentary. But I think it should give you more clarity.
nginx is a simple static HTTP and proxy server. Node.js is a full-featured application platform.
Why would you not expect the more specialised application to have abstracted away all the internal workings that you don't need to control directly?
Your PS is pretty similar to this question, and is concerned specifically with using Node.JS as an HTTP server. Bear in mind that v0.4.12 had just been released when that question was closed - v0.8.5 is the latest stable release at the moment. The key point anyway is it depends what you're trying to achieve.
This blog post describes a Node.JS-based set-up achieving 250k concurrent connections on a single server. A quick google search shows people attempting similar with nginx+php struggling to reach 100k with far more hardware resources available.

How can a connection be represented only by a small space in a HTTP server running on node.js?

I have read that a HTTP server created in node.js does not create new threads for each incoming connection(request). Instead it executes a function that has been registered as a callback corresponding to the event of receiving a request.
It is said that each connection is represented by some small space in the heap. I cannot figure this out. Are connections not represented by sockets ? Should sockets not be opened for every connection made to the node.js server and this would mean each connection cannot be represented by just a space allocation in the javascript heap ?
It is described on the website that instead of spawning threads (2mb overhead per thread!) per connection, the server uses select(), epoll, kqueue or /dev/poll to wait until a socket is ready to read / write. It is this method that allows node to avoid thread spawning per connection, and the overhead is that associated with the heap allocation of the socket descriptor for the connection. This implementation detail is largely hidden from developers, and the net.socket API exposed by the runtime provides everything you need to take advantage of that feature without even thinking about it.
Node also exposes its own event API through events.EventEmitter. Many node objects implement events to provide asynchronous (non-blocking) event notification, which is perfect for I/O operations, which in other languages - such as PHP - are synchronous (blocking) by default. In the case of the node net.socket API, events are triggered for several API methods dealing with socket I/O, and the callbacks that are passed by parameter to these methods are triggered when an event occurs. Events can have callback functions bound to them in a variety of different ways, accepting a callback function as a parameter is only a convenience for the developer.
Finally, do not confuse OS events with nodejs events. In the case of the net API, OS events are passed to the nodejs runtime, but nodejs events are javascript.
I hope this helps.
