Remote control audio player (e.g. Groove-Music) - audio

I'd like to write an app for My Band2 that should be able to simply change the audio track when I hit a button on my Band2. I'll use this because my car can't Play Audio via Bluetooth. So I bought a Bluetooth dongle but I'm unable to change tracks or simply to pause it. So a 3 button app on my Band2 should do a good job.
I've found a lot of examples to do so with Background Audio Players in a self written app.
But I'd like to remote Control the standard player, which is Groove-Music for me.
Any suggestions to do so? Can you please give me a start on that?


Stream music from streaming platform (Deezer, Spotify, Soundcloud) to Web Audio API

Do any of you, know a way to get the audio stream of a music platform and plug it to the Web Audio API ?
I am doing a music visualizer based on the Web Audio API. It currently reads sounds from the mic of my computer and process a real-time visualization. If I play music loud enough, my viz works !
But now I'd like to move on and only read the sound coming from my computer, so that the visualization render only to the music and no other sound such as people chatting.
I know I can buffer MP3 file in that API and it would work perfectly. But in 2020, streaming music is very common, via Deezer, Spotify, Souncloud etc.
I know they all have an API but they often offer an SDK where you cannot really do more than "play" music. There is no easy access to the stream of audio data. Maybe I am wrong and that is why I ask your help.
The way to stream music to WebAudio is to use a MediaElementAudioSourceNode or MediaStreamAudioSourceNode. However, these nodes will output zero unless you're allowed to access the data. This means you have to set the CORS property correctly on your end and also requires the server to allow the access through CORS.
A google search will help with setting up CORS. But many sites won't allow access unless you have the right permissions. Then you are out of luck.
I find a "no-code" work around. At least on Ubuntu 18.04, I am able to tell Firefox to take my speakers as the "microphone input".
You just have to select the good "mic" in the list when your browser asks for mic permission.
That solution is very convenient since I do not need to write platform-specific binding-code to access to the audio stream

Why don't hear music after recording (Swift 2.3)

I make a karaoke application. If headphone doesn't plugin app works fine.(my voice and background music record together). it is successful. but I'm the same way with headphone Then I listen to the recording. I can not hear the background music.But I hear the voice clearly.I attached the code below I used:
Just a shot in the dark, but it might be the same issue here: How can I record the audio output of the iPhone? (like sounds of my app)
It seems like you can't record the audio your own app plays using AVFoundation, but have to use CoreAudio to get the low level audio signal. Maybe that helps? :-)

ChromeCast Smooth Streaming

I would like to create an application which streams an ism file.
I followed theese instructions and make the app works:
But the video is still appear in my screen too, I want to stream the video only at the TV with full screen mode.
Is there any way to modify this sample how I want?
Thank you very much!
If you are saying that the video plays both on your mobile device and on your TV and you only want it to be on your TV, then modify your mobile application to not play the movie on your phone. If You mean something else, please clarify.

Live stream video and capture input from the user and send it to Raspberry Pi Robot

Need Help!
Let's assume I have a robot in a room with a camera on it. I need the video source to be available live on a website. I don't want any latency at all (assuming that I have a good internet connection). Also if a user presses any keys while on the website, the robot needs to detect it and do actions accordingly. Now, I can handle all the actions the robot needs to do once I get the keys. There's a raspberry pi on the robot.
What would be the easiest way where we could achieve a bi-directional communication (one direction being video and another being plain text) between a browser and my robot, keeping the communication as fast as possible.
PS: I tried initiating a Google hangout and embedding the video, but there's a latency of atleast 1 minute.
Simple to do. get the camera for Raspberry Pi from here.
You could use Motion JPEG for transmitting the video. Follow the instructions below.
Once you the the IP of your video stream, you could display it in a website.
To send commands to rap pi, whats the complication ? If your Rasp. pi have an internet (it should be for the video stream), you could write a program to read commands from your browser.

Flash Image Stream webcam fault/bug

Can you tell me a simple way or link to software that I can use to block flash from uploading images from my computer in chat sites to other users???
I have disconnected and removed my built in webcam but it still streams images, possible
because I have the HP Pavillion connected to a PLASMA Monitor which confuses me because it does not have a camera on it!!!
I have research possibility's of stopping this but found no answer, I will really appreciate it if you would be so kind to explain a way to stop or block this from occurring?
Flash will usually throw a 'allow/deny' box up at you if it wants to to access any other hardware like your webcam.
So just don't 'allow' it.
You can check if you have a webcam via your device manager.
Assuming you're using Windows 7:
Press start,
Type "device manager"
Press enter and search through seeing if you can find your webcam. If there is one it should be under 'sound video and game controllers'
If you do find it. Right click on it and 'disable' it.
Good Luck.
