Open and save file using devexpress htmlEditor - devexpress-mvc

I begin using the DevExpress HtmlEditor for MVC Extensions, but there is absolutely nothing on how to open and save a file. I searched about and found that it is necessary to first add a custom button to the toolbar then write the respective code. Since I couldn't find any good example for MVC I would like to know if anyone has an example on how to do these tasks, starting with adding the custom button. Trust me I searched....
Here is the code for the partial view
#Html.DevExpress().HtmlEditor(settings =>
settings.Name = "HtmlEditor1";
settings.CallbackRouteValues = new { Controller = "HtmlEditor", Action = "HtmlEditorPartial" };
settings.Width = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Percentage(100);
settings.ToolbarMode = HtmlEditorToolbarMode.Menu;
settings.SettingsDialogs.InsertImageDialog.SettingsImageUpload.UploadCallbackRouteValues = new { Controller = "HtmlEditor", Action = "HtmlEditorPartialImageUpload" };
settings.SettingsDialogs.InsertImageDialog.SettingsImageUpload.UploadFolder = HtmlEditorControllerHtmlEditor1Settings.ImageUploadDirectory;


Embedding Excel Add-Ins with OpenXml

My team is working on an Office 365 add-in for Excel, and as part of the project, we’re creating Excel documents through the GraphAPI with the end goal of having the add-in already setup for the document. We’re using the .NET OpenXml library to create the document before copying it through the GraphAPI.
We haven’t been able to find many resources for how to setup an add-in through OpenXml and have not been able to get anything working. The last thing we tried was copying the example we found here, but we couldn’t get it working. Does anyone know how to setup add-ins using the OpenXml library?
Note: the add-in is already in the Office Add-Ins store, and we have information like the AppSource ID.
Thank you!
We're actually about to publish a new sample around this scenario. The sample shows how to create an Excel document using OOXML, embed your add-in, and then upload the file to OneDrive. It also creates a Team chat that links to the file.
You can try out the sample here: Open data from your web site in a spreadsheet in Microsoft Teams
Or give us feedback on the PR:
To answer your question about how to embed the add-in, you need to create a web extension section. I've copied the relevant code here. Note this is the same code from the Office-OOXML-EmbedAddin sample you already looked at. We reused it for the new sample. You can change the CUSTOM MODIFICATION section to provide any custom properties you want to your add-in when it opens.
// Embeds the add-in into a file of the specified type.
private void EmbedAddin(SpreadsheetDocument spreadsheet)
var webExTaskpanesPart = spreadsheet.AddWebExTaskpanesPart();
// Adds child parts and generates content of the specified part.
private void CreateWebExTaskpanesPart(WebExTaskpanesPart part)
WebExtensionPart webExtensionPart1 = part.AddNewPart<WebExtensionPart>("rId1");
// Generates content of webExtensionPart1.
private void GenerateWebExtensionPart1Content(WebExtensionPart webExtensionPart1)
// Add web extension containg Id for Script Lab add-in
We.WebExtension webExtension1 = new We.WebExtension() { Id = "{635BF0CD-42CC-4174-B8D2-6D375C9A759E}" };
webExtension1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("we", "");
// Add store information for Script Lab add-in
We.WebExtensionStoreReference webExtensionStoreReference1 = new We.WebExtensionStoreReference() { Id = "wa104380862", Version = "", Store = "en-US", StoreType = "OMEX" };
We.WebExtensionReferenceList webExtensionReferenceList1 = new We.WebExtensionReferenceList();
We.WebExtensionPropertyBag webExtensionPropertyBag1 = new We.WebExtensionPropertyBag();
// Add the property that makes the taskpane visible.
We.WebExtensionProperty webExtensionProperty1 = new We.WebExtensionProperty() { Name = "Office.AutoShowTaskpaneWithDocument", Value = "true" };
// Add the property that specifies the snippet to import.
string snippetToImportValue = string.Format("{{\"type\":\"gist\",\"id\":\"{0}\"}}", "{72189570-AE11-4207-9DEE-C8BDE4B83188}");
We.WebExtensionProperty webExtensionProperty2 = new We.WebExtensionProperty() { Name = "SnippetToImport", Value = snippetToImportValue };
We.WebExtensionBindingList webExtensionBindingList1 = new We.WebExtensionBindingList();
We.Snapshot snapshot1 = new We.Snapshot();
snapshot1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", "");
webExtensionPart1.WebExtension = webExtension1;
// Generates content of part.
private void GeneratePartContent(WebExTaskpanesPart part)
Wetp.Taskpanes taskpanes1 = new Wetp.Taskpanes();
taskpanes1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wetp", "");
Wetp.WebExtensionTaskpane webExtensionTaskpane1 = new Wetp.WebExtensionTaskpane() { DockState = "right", Visibility = true, Width = 350D, Row = (UInt32Value)4U };
Wetp.WebExtensionPartReference webExtensionPartReference1 = new Wetp.WebExtensionPartReference() { Id = "rId1" };
webExtensionPartReference1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", "");
part.Taskpanes = taskpanes1;

Change culture for an ASP.NET Core 2 Razor page

I created an ASP.NET Core 2 projects with razor pages and I would like to give the opportunity to the visitor to select a language. The first problem that I had was to change the web application url so that ti will include the current language code. I solved this problem by adding the following code in ConfigureServices.
public class Startup
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
.AddRazorPagesOptions(options =>
options.Conventions.AddFolderRouteModelConvention("/", model =>
foreach (var selector in model.Selectors)
var attributeRouteModel = selector.AttributeRouteModel;
attributeRouteModel.Template = AttributeRouteModel.CombineTemplates("{language=el-GR}", attributeRouteModel.Template);
Now I could visit a page using the following URL:
The last thing that I would like to do is to change the culture of each request. The best solution that I fount which I do not like is to put the following code in my page:
System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo((string)RouteData.Values["language"]);
System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo((string)RouteData.Values["language"]);
This is not nice because I will have to add these lies in every razor page that I will create in my project.
Is there another way to set the culture for all the requests of my web application?
Refer to this article:
There are a few methods, I use the RequestCultureProviders.
NuGet: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Localization
in my Startup.Configure method.
IList<CultureInfo> sc = new List<CultureInfo>();
sc.Add(new CultureInfo("en-US"));
sc.Add(new CultureInfo("zh-TW"));
var lo = new RequestLocalizationOptions
DefaultRequestCulture = new RequestCulture("en-US"),
SupportedCultures = sc,
SupportedUICultures = sc
var cp = lo.RequestCultureProviders.OfType<CookieRequestCultureProvider>().First();
cp.CookieName = "UserCulture"; // Or whatever name that you like
Set your cookie "UserCulture" to "c=zh-TW|uic=zh-TW" once.
And it works magically.

Customizing the sharepoint document set

I have to customize sharepoint 2013 document set welcome page(document set properties web part) and
I am not able to find the document set home aspx page
Can I use any client context model to fetch the data and display doc set properties.
Just create a new content type inheriting from Document Set, add the extra columns and set which ones need to be shown on the welcome page via the Document Set settings link when editing the Content Type. Also under the Document Set settings page you can click on 'Customize the Welcome Page' which allows you to edit the page just like any other web part page.
On the second point the client context will need to be connected to the web that contains the list and specific document set you're after, the identity used to connect will need permissions to the document set.
To customize the look and feel by injecting JavaScript/CSS you'll need to make use of the ScriptLink custom action.
This lets you inject a custom piece of JavaScript into all pages. In the script you'll need logic to determine if the custom CSS should be applied, and if so Inject it.
The C# for injecting a script block via ScriptLink Custom Action:
public void AddJsLink(ClientContext ctx, Web web)
string scenarioUrl = String.Format("{0}://{1}:{2}/Scripts", this.Request.Url.Scheme,
this.Request.Url.DnsSafeHost, this.Request.Url.Port);
string revision = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");
string jsLink = string.Format("{0}/{1}?rev={2}", scenarioUrl, "injectStyles.js", revision);
StringBuilder scripts = new StringBuilder(#"
var headID = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
newScript = document.createElement('script');
newScript.type = 'text/javascript';
newScript.src = '{0}';
headID.appendChild(newScript);", jsLink);
string scriptBlock = scripts.ToString();
var existingActions = web.UserCustomActions;
var actions = existingActions.ToArray();
foreach (var action in actions)
if (action.Description == "injectnavigation" &&
action.Location == "ScriptLink")
var newAction = existingActions.Add();
newAction.Description = "injectnavigation";
newAction.Location = "ScriptLink";
newAction.ScriptBlock = scriptBlock;
ctx.Load(web, s => s.UserCustomActions);
Then your JavaScript would have something like:
if(window.location.href.indexOf(patternToMatchToDocSetpage)>-1) {
var link = document.createElement("link");
link.href = "";
link.type = "text/css";
link.rel = "stylesheet";
I'd advise you to take a look at the relevant PnP sample on script link injection

CommandBarButton on Context Menu doesn't work after ElementHost becomes visible

I have a CommandBarPopup on a the context menu in excel that contains three CommandBarButtons, one of those buttons opens a web page, the other two open a custom task pane.
If I make the custom task pane containing an element host which hosts a WPF user control visible then the any of the CommandBarButtons I have added will stop working.
Even if I close the custom task pane it will still not work.
If I do the same with a custom task pane container a web browser it seems to work fine.
Here is the code we are using
private void InitializeComponent()
this.elementHost1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Integration.ElementHost();
this.myView = new MyView();
// elementHost1
this.elementHost1.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
this.elementHost1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
this.elementHost1.Name = "elementHost1";
this.elementHost1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(780, 560);
this.elementHost1.TabIndex = 0;
this.elementHost1.Text = "elementHost1";
this.elementHost1.Child = this.myView;
// MyTaskPane
this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 13F);
this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
this.Name = "MyTaskPane";
this.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(780, 560);
So the answer was that the CommandBarButtons were being disposed once the variable scope ended which was surprising as I would have assumed they would be attached to the excel application object. Also looking at the excel commandbar, I could see the buttons there but clicking on them resulted in the click event not triggering.
Anyway I stored them in a class variable and it worked again.

Trying to Use LoadMoreElement in Monotouch.Dialog

I am using Monotouch to write an Ipad app. The app uses tables to browse down through a directory tree and then select a file. I have used Monotouch.Dialog to browse the directories and I set up the directory tables as the app starts.However there are too many files to set up in a table as the app starts and so I want to set up the 'file table' as the file is selected from the lowest level directory table. I am trying to use LoadMoreElement to do this but I cannot make it work or find any examples online. I have coded the 'Elements API Walkthrough' in the Xamarin tutorial at:-
I then add a new section to the code:-
_addButton.Clicked += (sender, e) => {
var task = new Task{Name = "task " + n, DueDate = DateTime.Now};
var taskElement = new RootElement (task.Name){
new Section () {
new EntryElement (task.Name,
"Enter task description", task.Description)
new Section () {
new DateElement ("Due Date", task.DueDate)
new Section()
new LoadMoreElement("Passive","Active",
delegate {MyAction();})
_rootElement [0].Add (taskElement);
Where MyAction is:-
public void MyAction()
Console.WriteLine ("we have been actioned");
The problem is that MyAction is triggered and Console.Writeline writes the message but the table stays in the active state and never returns to passive. the documentation says:-
Once your code in the NSAction is finished, the UIActivity indicator stops animating and the normal caption is displayed again.
What am I missing?
You need to set the "Animating" property in the element to false.
Like this:
LoadMoreElement loadMore = null;
loadMore = new LoadMoreElement (
"Passive", "Active",
delegate {loadMore.Animating = false;});
Where did you see any documentation that says that the animation stops when the delegate stops running? If that is documented anywhere, that is wrong.
