I realise this is perhaps trivial and if I had more time I'd probably easily deal with it myself, but I'm running out of time and I desperately need to get this animation working as soon as possible.
I have data file of the type
0 28.3976 25.1876 12.7771
0.03125 34.1689 21.457 9.70863
0.0625 35.7084 17.6016 5.03987
0.09375 34.3048 13.6718 1.45238
where the first column is meant to be treated as time (it is in fact a numerical solution to a certain ODE system). Now. what I need is an animation of a 3d plot of the last three columns tracing a curve as it moves around with time. Is that doable? If so, how? I'm a complete gnuplot beginner and googling around did not help much. I would hugely appreciate any help. Cheers!
The following should show you an animated plot:
# define fixed axis-ranges
set xrange [-1:1]
set yrange [0:20]
set zrange [-1:1]
# filename and n=number of lines of your data
filedata = 'data.dat'
n = system(sprintf('cat %s | wc -l', filedata))
do for [j=1:n] {
set title 'time '.j
splot filedata u 2:3:4 every ::1::j w l lw 2, \
filedata u 2:3:4 every ::j::j w p pt 7 ps 2
The first line of the splot command plots the trayectory, and the second line plots the point at the current time.
If you want a gif of this output, simply add the following before the for-loop:
set term gif animate
set output 'output.gif'
This is an example output:
StackOverflow: Gif Animation in Gnuplot
gnuplot-surprising: creating gif animation
gnuplotting: Animation IV – trajectory
I have more than 1000 files named as "snap%d_beta800.dat" where %d is a number between 1 and 1000.
I want to plot every one of these files in a separate surface plot (splot function) (using three columns) , save the result in png format with the same name as the original file: e.g snap1.png
I want to write a script that can do this for all the 1000 files in just once by loading a gpl file
In addition to that i want to create an animation for the 1000 files.
I am appreciating if you can help with that and please have a look of what I tried
what I tried does not give me a separate plot for every file, it just accumulates the plots of all the files in only one plot
set term png
splot [][][-3:3] for [i=1:1000] 'snap'.i.'_beta800.dat' us\
($4)*1:($5)*1:($6):($6) w vec head filled size screen 0.015,10,30 lw 2 lc pal z
set output "snap".i.".png"
set term x11
As #GRSousaJr wrote, put it into a do for loop.
I'm wondering why you are writing your plot command like this:
... using ($1)-($4)/2:($2)-($5)/2:($3*0)-($6)/2:($4)*1:($5)*1:($6):($6) ...
I would simply write:
... using ($1-$4/2):($2-$5/2):(-$6/2):4:5:6:6 ...
### Batch create PNG files
set term pngcairo size 600,600
do for [i=1:1000] {
fname_in = sprintf("snap%d_beta800.dat",i)
fname_out = sprintf("snap%d_beta800.png",i)
set output fname_out
splot fname_in u ($1-$4/2):($2-$5/2):(-$6/2):4:5:6:6 \
w vec head filled size screen 0.015,10,30 lw 2 lc pal z
set output
### end of code
I assume you want create your animation from these 1000 PNG files with some other software. Maybe you are aware that you can also create an animated GIF with gnuplot:
### Create animated file
set term gif size 600,600 animate delay 12 loop 0 optimize
set output "Animation.gif"
do for [i=1:1000] {
fname = sprintf("snap%d_beta800.dat",i)
splot fname u ($1-$4/2):($2-$5/2):(-$6/2):4:5:6:6 \
w vec head filled size screen 0.015,10,30 lw 2 lc pal z
set output
### end of code
How may I change the plot titles and subtitles when using plot command on linnet object. For example
first = runiflpp(10, as.linnet(chicago), nsim = 2)
This code above gives two realisations of a a point process and a plot with the plot command because we requested for nsim=2. But it plots the two realisations with plot title 'simulation 1' and 'simulation 2'.
How can I change the subplot titles for example from simulation 1 to experiment 1?
thank you
The simplest way would be to change the names of the items in the list:
names(first) <- paste("experiment", 1:2)
Alternatively you can change the argument main.panel in plot.solist (see ?plot.solist for all the options):
plot(first, main.panel = paste("experiment", 1:2))
I have a data file containing a gaussian function, and an other date file that contains one column with 3 rows. Those three row are all constant which are
1: mean+variance
2: mean
3: mean-variance
from the gaussian in the first file.
I would like to plot all these as constant lines on the gaussian function. I've tried the "every" command, (plot "stat.dat" every ::0::0 w lines) which didn't work.
Thank you, any help is appreciated.
Do you mean something like this?
set terminal pngcairo
set output "gauss.png"
set samples 1000
x0 = -5
s2 = 1
set xrange [-10:10]
set yrange [0:0.5]
plot (1/sqrt(2*pi*s2))*exp(-(x-x0)**2/(2*s2)) title "Gaussian", \
"stat.dat" u 1:(5) every ::0::0 w impulse title "mean + variance", \
"stat.dat" u 1:(5) every ::1::1 w impulse title "mean", \
"stat.dat" u 1:(5) every ::2::2 w impulse title "mean - variance"
I have replaced your data file which contains the gaussian function by an analytical expression. The result looks as follows:
I have N input files and I want to plot the data of these files together with their fit function into one single plot (i.e. one plot for all files, data and fit-function).
After a long time of fiddling I found a solution (see below), but I find it "cumbersome and ugly" and I'm wondering if there is a better, more elegant way of achieving the same thing.
I should say that I'm on gnuplot 5.0 under Windows. The test script below doesn't specify a terminal (I'm testing with windows and wxt), but the final script will use pngcairo terminal.
Things that I find sub-optimal about my solution:
I need two intermediary tables $data and $fit. My original attempt was to use a do for{} loop to read each file in turn perform the fit and generate the plot, but that didn't work out.
Rather than using a fit function, I plot the fit curve (in this simple case a straight line) as data into a table. I experimented with creating on-the-fly user functions using eval but just couldn't quite figure it out (especially how to keep them in sync with the data).
I want the fit-equation to be displayed in the chart. I do this by setting labels, but it would be nicer if it would just be part of the key.
My test data:
100 0.15
200 0.29
300 0.46
400 0.58
100 0.12
200 0.22
300 0.35
400 0.48
100 0.1
200 0.22
300 0.29
400 0.40
My gnuplot script:
set key left
set xrange [0:*]
set yrange [0:0.5]
# user function for linear fit
lin(x) = slope * x + offset
max(a,b) = ((a>=b)? a : b)
file_list = "data1 data2 data3"
x_max = 0
# first write all data of interest into a (memory) table
set table $data
do for [name in file_list] {
filename = name . ".dat"
plot filename u 1:2
print ""
print ""
x_max = max(GPVAL_DATA_X_MAX, x_max)
unset table
x_max = max(GPVAL_DATA_X_MAX, x_max)
num_indices = words(file_list)
# now calculate a linear fit for each dataset
set sample 2
set table $fit
do for [i = 0:(num_indices-1)]{
fit lin(x) $data index i using 1:2 via slope, offset
plot [0:x_max][0:0.5] lin(x)
set label (i+1) sprintf("%s = %.3g*x + %.3g", word(file_list, i+1)."(x) ", slope, offset) at 200,(0.20 - 0.05*i)
unset table
set title "Data and Linear Fit"
set xlabel "x"
set ylabel "y"
#now we got both data and fit for all files, plot everything at once
plot for [i = 0:(num_indices-1)] $data index i title word(file_list,i+1) with points lc i+1, for [i = 0:(num_indices-1)] $fit index i with lines lc i+1 noti
There is always the stupid, brute force way. You can create a new datafile containing all points you want to fit (e.g. using "cat data1.dat data2.dat data3.dat > newdata.dat" in a linux system and then fit newdata).
I am new to gnuplot, I need to plot my data and display a small circle or an arrow at each end of the line chart. how can I do that?
I use this command to display the line chart:
plot 'data.txt' with lines
I don't know if there is a way to make lines have something at the end automatically, but I found a workaround. With this data file:
1 1
2 3
3 2
and the following script:
set term png
set out 'plot.png'
stats 'data.dat' name 'a'
# plot line, then circle only if it is the last data point
plot 'data.dat' t 'data', \
'' u ($0==(a_records-1)?$1:1/0):2 with points pt 7 ps 2 t 'end'
I can make a plot like this:
The stats command is to find the number of data points, then the dual plot command draws the line connecting the data points, then a circle only on the last data point (determined with the a_records variable. An arrow would be trickier to draw...
To find more info about different point/line style options, the test command at the gnuplot command line is your friend.