Proper way of killing forked child process(es) - node.js

I'm working on an Express app where I need to fork an expensive process, and kill the process when it's complete.
I've seen varying ways to do this on Stack Overflow and searches, but I would like to know if this is the proper way to do it when using the child_process.fork(...) methodology.
// route handler - /routes/api.js
exports.redirect = function(req, res) {
var campaignId = req.query.campaignId,
destination = req.query.destination,
worker = child_process.fork(__dirname + '/../workers/redirect');
campaignId: campaignId,
destination: destination
worker.on('message', function(msg) {
return res.redirect(destination);
// forked process file referenced as "worker" - /workers/redirect.js
var db = require('../db'),
RedirectedUrlService = require('../services/redirect'),
logger = require('../logger');
process.on('message', function(data) {
RedirectedUrlService.create(data, function(error, redirectedUrl) {
if (error) {
logger.log('error', error);
I'm not seeing any additional worker references if I: ps ax | grep node, so it seems to be doing what I expect.
Is this correct, and my code is still non-blocking? or by messaging the parent to issue the kill(), have I completely defeated the purpose of creating the fork in the first place?

In your child process, use process.exit(0);


Node.js child process isn't receiving stdin unless I close the stdin stream

I'm building a discord bot that wraps a terraria server in node.js so server users can restart the server and similar actions. I've managed to finish half the job, but I can't seem to create a command to execute commands on the terraria server. I've set it to write the command to the stdin of the child process and some basic debugging verifies that it does, but nothing apparently happens.
In the Node.js docs for child process stdin, it says "Note that if a child process waits to read all of its input, the child will not continue until this stream has been closed via end()." This seems likely to be the problem, as calling the end() function on it does actually send the command as expected. That said, it seems hard to believe that I'm unable to continuously send commands to stdin without having to close it.
Is this actually the problem, and if so what are my options for solving it? My code may be found below.
const discordjs = require("discord.js");
const child_process = require("child_process");
const tokens = require("./tokens");
const client = new discordjs.Client();
const terrariaServerPath = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Terraria\\TerrariaServer.exe"
const terrariaArgs = ['-port', '7777', "-maxplayers", "8", "-world", "test.wld"]
var child = child_process.spawn(terrariaServerPath, terrariaArgs);
client.on('ready', () => {
console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag}!`);
client.on('disconnect', () => {
client.on('message', msg => {
if ( === 'terraria') {
var msgSplit = msg.content.split(" ");
if (msgSplit[0] === "!restart") {
child = child_process.spawn(terrariaServerPath, terrariaArgs);
msg.reply("restarting server")
if (msgSplit[0] === "!exec") {
child.stdin.write(msgSplit[1] + "\n");
var registerStdio = function () {
child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
child.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
I was able to solve the problem by using the library node-pty. As near as I can tell, the problem was that the child process was not reading the stdin itself and I was unable to flush it. Node-pty creates a virtual terminal object which can be written to instead of stdin. This object does not buffer writes and so any input is immediately sent to the program.

child_process.fork() in Electron

Is it possible to fork a child_process from an electron render process? I found some posts across the net, but there were no hint how helps me to get my code working.
I created a module, that fork child processes. This code works, when I run this with cmd and under node. But when I try to integrate it in my electron app, I can not communicate with the child.send() method.
// create fork
const fork = require('child_process').fork;
const fs = require('fs');
const img_path = [
const cp = [];
const temp_path = => item);
function createAndResize(num) {
return childResize(createChildProcess(num));
function createChildProcess(num) {
if(num <= 0) {
return cp;
} else {
let cf = fork('./child.js');
num -= 1;
return createChildProcess(num);
function childResize(list) {
if(list.length <=0) {
return true;
} else {
// child_process is created
let child = list.shift();
child.on('message', function (data) {
if (!temp_path.length) {
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
process.on('message', function(msg) {
console.log(msg); //this is never reached
EDIT: based on the comment below, I fork child processes on the main process. The comunication seems to work with few exceptions. But first my new code:
// myView.js
const { remote } = require('electron');
const mainProcess = remote.require('./main.js');
const { forkChildfromMain } = mainProcess;
// main.js
const fork = require('child_process').fork;
let cp = [];
function forkChildfromMain() {
function createAndResize(num) {
return childResize(createChildProcess(num));
function createChildProcess(num) {
if(num <= 0) {
return cp;
} else {
let cf = fork('./resize.js');
num -= 1;
return createChildProcess(num);
function childResize(list) {
if(list.length <=0) {
return true;
} else {
let child = list.shift();
child.on('message', function (msg) {
// logs 'Hello World' to the cmd console
child.send('Hello World');
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
exports.forkChildfromMain = forkChildfromMain;
// child.js
process.on('message', function(msg) {
// this console statement get never loged
// I think, I must integrate an icpModule
//process send msg back to main.js
OUTDATED: The main problem now is, that I think electron 'spawn' new child processes and do not fork.
Because, when I look at my task manager I see only one instance from electron. When I run the code in a node env, I see there were fork multiple node instances.
The reason why I prefer to fork my child processes in multiple node instances is, that I want to make many image manipulation. So when I fork childs, then every child has it own node instance with memory and so on. I think that would be more performant then when I only have one instance who shared the memory and resources to all of the childs.
The second unexpected behavior is, that the console.log statement in the child is not printed to my cmd console. But this is the smaller ones :)
EDIT: After I analyse my task manager a little more in depth, I saw, that electron spawn multiple child processes like it should.
Electron's renderer process is not the right place for forking child processes, you should think about moving this to the main process.
Nonetheless, it should work the way you describe. If you'd make a minimal example available somewhere I could take a closer look.

nodeJS too many child processes?

I am using node to recursively traverse a file system and make a system call for each file, by using child.exec. It works well when tested on a small structure, with a couple of folders and files, but when run on the whole home directory, it crashes after a while
throw errnoException(process._errno, 'spawn');
Error: spawn Unknown system errno 23
at errnoException (child_process.js:998:11)
at ChildProcess.spawn (child_process.js:945:11)
at exports.spawn (child_process.js:733:9)
at Object.exports.execFile (child_process.js:617:15)
at exports.exec (child_process.js:588:18)
Does this happen because it uses up all resources? How can I avoid this?
EDIT: Code
improvement and best practices suggestions always welcome :)
function processDir(dir, callback) {
fs.readdir(dir, function (err, files) {
if (err) {...}
if (files) {
async.each(files, function (file, cb) {
var filePath = dir + "/" + file;
var stats = fs.statSync(filePath);
if (stats) {
if (stats.isFile()) {
processFile(dir, file, function (err) {
if (err) {...}
} else if (stats.isDirectory()) {
processDir(filePath, function (err) {
if (err) {...}
}, function (err) {
if (err) {...}
the issue can be because of having many open files simultaneously
consider using async module to solve the issue
function(file, callback){
//process file here and call callback
in current example you will process 20 files at a time
Well, I don't know the reason for the failure, but if this is what you expect (using up all of the resources) or as others say (too many files open), you could try to use multitasking for it. JXcore (fork of Node.JS) offers such thing - it allows to run a task in a separate instance, but this is done still inside one single process.
While Node.JS app as a process has its limitations - JXcore with its sub-instances multiplies those limits: single process even with one extra instance (or task, or well: we can call it sub-thread) doubles the limits!
So, let's say, that you will run each of your spawn() in a separate task. Or, since tasks are not running in a main thread any more - you can even use sync method that jxcore offers : cmdSync().
Probably the the best illustration would be given by this few lines of the code:
var task = function(file) {
var your_cmd = "do something with " + file;
return jxcore.utils.cmdSync(your_cmd);
jxcore.tasks.addTask(task, "file1.txt", function(ret) {
console.log("the exit code:", ret.exitCode);
console.log("output:", ret.out);
Let me repeat: the task will not block the main thread, since it is running in a separate instance!
Multitasking API is documented here: Multitasking.
As has been established in comments, you are likely running out of file handles because you are running too many concurrent operations on your files. So, a solution is to limit the number of concurrent operations that run at once so too many files aren't in use at the same time.
Here's a somewhat different implementation that uses Bluebird promises to control both the async aspects of the operation and the concurrency aspects of the operation.
To make the management of the concurrency aspect easier, this collects the entire list of files into an array first and then processes the array of filenames rather than processing as you go. This makes it easier to use a built-in concurrency capability in Bluebird's .map() (which works on a single array) so we don't have to write that code ourselves:
var Promise = require("bluebird");
var fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require("fs"));
var path = require("path");
// recurse a directory, call a callback on each file (that returns a promise)
// run a max of numConcurrent callbacks at once
// returns a promise for when all work is done
function processDir(dir, numConcurrent, fileCallback) {
var allFiles = [];
function listDir(dir, list) {
var dirs = [];
return fs.readdirAsync(dir).map(function(file) {
var filePath = path.join(dir , file);
return fs.statAsync(filePath).then(function(stats) {
if (stats.isFile()) {
} else if (stats.isDirectory()) {
return listDir(filePath);
}).catch(function() {
// ignore errors on .stat - file could just be gone now
return listDir(dir, allFiles).then(function() {
return, function(filename) {
return fileCallback(filename);
}, {concurrency: numConcurrent});
// example usage:
// pass the initial directory,
// the number of concurrent operations allowed at once
// and a callback function (that returns a promise) to process each file
processDir(process.cwd(), 5, function(file) {
// put your own code here to process each file
// this is code to cause each callback to take a random amount of time
// for testing purposes
var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 500) + 500;
return Promise.delay(rand).then(function() {
}).catch(function(e) {
// error here
}).finally(function() {
FYI, I think you'll find that proper error propagation and proper error handling from many async operations is much, much easier with promises than the plain callback method.

Throttle CPU NODE.JS action to allow new calls to be processed

I have an expressJS application that accepts a request that results in 1K to 50K actions being executed. (it might even hit 500K).
The request (a POST) is not being held up while this occurs. I immediately fire of a res.send() which makes the client happy.
But the server then "forks" the job below, which needs to go and do all the fs.links() which do happen async, but the amount of work (CPU, DISK etc.) means that the ExpressJS service is not very responsive to new requests during this time.
Is there some easy way (other than childProcess) to simulate the forking of a low priority thread that would be doing these file linking?
Job.prototype.runJob = function (next) {
var self = this;
var max = this.files.length;
var count = 0;
function (file, step) {
var src = path.join(self.sourcePath, file.path);
var base = path.basename(src);
var dest = path.join(self.root, base);, dest, function (err) {
if (err) {
// logger.addLog('warn', " failed for file: %s", err.message, { file: src });
self.errors = true;
} else {
self.batch.update({ tilesCount: ++count, tilesMax: max, done: false });
function (err) {
self.batch.update({ tilesCount: count, tilesMax: max, done: true });
next(null, "FalconView Linking of: " + self.type + " run completed");
You could use the webworker-threads module, which is good for spinning CPU-intensive tasks onto other threads. Alternatively, you could abuse cluster, but it's really the wrong tool for the job. (The cluster module is really better for scaling up web services, not for doing intensive tasks.)
You can try to Use async.eachLimit instead of async.each. This way you can control how many iterations you process before an expressJS process.

Node.js. What should I use? Next()?

app.get("/server", function (req, res){
connection.query("SELECT * from serverdb", function(err, rows)
var data = rows;
var reachabilityResultString="";
var serverCount = rows.length;
var arrayWithReachabilityResultStrings = new Array();
var insertReachabilityResultStringIntoArray;
for (var counterForServername = 0 ; counterForServername < serverCount; counterForServername++)
ls = childProcess.exec('ping ' + rows[counterForServername].ipadresse,function (error, stdout, stderr)
if (error)
console.log('Error code: '+error.code);
console.log('Signal received: '+error.signal);
var errorSignal = ("Signal received: " + error.signal);
var errorReachability = "Error";
console.log('Child Process STDOUT: '+stdout);
console.log('Child Process STDERR: '+stderr);
pingOutput = String(stdout);
insertReachabilityResultStringIntoArray = arrayWithReachabilityResultStrings.push(reachabilityResult(pingOutput));
ls.on('exit', function (code) {
console.log('Child process exited with exit code '+code);
res.render("all.jade,{servers: data, status: arrayWithReachabilityResultStrings});
..well..this is my code. My problem is that the program first invoke the website with the jadecode; I hope you know what I mean. I want to deliver the arrayWithReachabilityResultStrings to all.jade, so the program must wait until the for loop is finished. But I don't know how to make it wait. I know the "problem" is the asynchronous behavior of node.js but I don't know how I can solve this..
just fix your missing " and move your
res.render("all.jade,{servers: data, status: arrayWithReachabilityResultStrings});
one line up. It needs to be invoked by a callback in connection.query, as it is now it is invoked much sooner.
It would also be nice, if you read a bit about javascript variable scoping. This SO question does good job in that.
P.S.: Glad to see new people learning node.
If you need to run an arbitrary number of subcommands and wait until they are all done, you should consider a helper library such as async.js and use the async.queue flow control function. This kind of coordination is actually somewhat tricky in node to code by hand without any flow control facilities. However, it is certainly possible. In this case you would need a separate done counter that you increment on each 'exit' event and when all of your child processes have been started and all have finished, you're done.
