facing connection error when trying to open cqlsh prompt - cassandra

Can some help me why i'm facing the below issue and how to fix when I'm trying to start my cqlsh (cassandra).
Connection error: ('Unable to connect to any servers',
{'': error(111, "Tried connecting to [('', 9042)].
Last error: Connection refused")})
When I type below command:
sudo service cassandra status
cassandra (pid 1xxxx) is running...
Which indicates my cassandra is running properly.
But unable to run cqlsh. But was able to run yesterday without any issues.
Coming to my cassandra.yaml file
my seed, listen_address, and rpc_address all are set to my public ip address 10.x.xx.xxx.
native_transport_port: 9042
I'm using single node cluster.

How are you starting cqlsh? If you want it to connect to an address other than, you need to specify it. Specifically, you should try the 10.x.xx.xxx address that you set in your yaml.
$ cqlsh 10.x.xx.xxx
Are you specifying anything for listen_interface or rpc_interface? Remember that you can set either the address or the interface, but not both.
To figure for sure out which address Cassandra is listening on, check your system.log file:
$ grep listening /var/log/cassandra/system.log
INFO [main] 2015-12-03 21:06:27,581 Server.java:182 - Starting listening for CQL clients on /
Assuming that everything is configured properly, and you do not have any errors during startup, the address returned is the one you should be providing when you start cqlsh.
Also, are you trying to connect from the same machine? Or are you trying to remotely connect to your single node? Or is your Cassandra node running on a VM on your machine? Double-check your firewall rules, and ensure that traffic on 9042 can get from your client to your node.

I got below output when i ran $ grep listening /var/log/cassandra/system.log
INFO [main] 2015-12-02 12:49:20,334 Server.java:182 - Starting listening for CQL clients on localhost/
INFO [StorageServiceShutdownHook] 2015-12-02 15:59:11,730 ThriftServer.java:142 - Stop listening to thrift clients
INFO [StorageServiceShutdownHook] 2015-12-02 15:59:11,771 Server.java:213 - Stop listening for CQL clients
INFO [main] 2015-12-02 17:21:28,775 Server.java:182 - Starting listening for CQL clients on /10.x.x.xxx:9042...
INFO [StorageServiceShutdownHook] 2015-12-03 17:12:12,840 ThriftServer.java:142 - Stop listening to thrift clients
INFO [StorageServiceShutdownHook] 2015-12-03 17:12:12,882 Server.java:213 - Stop listening for CQL clients
INFO [main] 2015-12-03 17:12:41,337 Server.java:182 - Starting listening for CQL clients on /10.x.x.xxx:9042...
INFO [StorageServiceShutdownHook] 2015-12-03 17:33:35,996 ThriftServer.java:142 - Stop listening to thrift clients
INFO [StorageServiceShutdownHook] 2015-12-03 17:33:36,100 Server.java:213 - Stop listening for CQL clients
INFO [main] 2015-12-03 17:34:00,741 Server.java:182 - Starting listening for CQL clients on /10.x.x.xxx:9042...
Also i'm trying to connect remotely through VPN. I'm using openstack.How to check for firewall issues?
Finally I'm able to fix this issue. Ran netstat -tuplen command and found the address to be ::ffff:10.x.x.xxx:9042.
So ran cqlsh ::ffff:10.x.x.xxx:9042 and it started working.


Not able to run Cassandra locally using brew

I am trying to run Cassandra on my machine. Tying cqlsh gives me this error,
Connection error: ('Unable to connect to any servers', {'': error(61, "Tried connecting to [('', 9042)]. Last error: Connection refused")})
Running cassandra -f hangs.
I installed cassandra using brew install cassandra.
Also I have done all of the followings:
Killed docker instance
Uninstall and reinstall Cassandra (deleted all the Cassandra data and filles from my machine)
Restarted my machine
Purged docker data
I don't know why still I am running into this. Running brew services list shows:
Name Status User Plist
cassandra started aanish /Users/aanish/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.cassandra.plist
mysql stopped
mysql#5.7 started aanish /Users/aanish/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mysql#5.7.plist
postgresql stopped
The cqlsh connection error indicates that localhost is not listening on port 9042 (Cassandra's CQL client port). The most likely reason is that the Cassandra process is not running.
You can confirm whether the Java process is listening on port 9042 if you run the following command in a terminal:
$ sudo lsof -nPi -sTCP:LISTEN
You will need to review the system.log (typically in /var/log/cassandra) to figure out what is going on with Cassandra.
Note that if you set rpc_address in cassandra.yaml to the IP of your mac, you need to specify that address when you connect with cqlsh. For example:
$ cqlsh

Cassandra Says Listening on Port 9042 But Couldn't Connect It

I've running cassandra on my local machine.
I've starting it sudo service cassandra start. And then check logs under var/log/cassandra/system-log and it says:
INFO [main] 2019-07-28 13:13:17,226 Server.java:162 - Starting listening for CQL clients on localhost/ (unencrypted)...
INFO [main] 2019-07-28 13:13:17,270 CassandraDaemon.java:501 - Not starting RPC server as requested. Use JMX (StorageService->startRPCServer()) or nodetool (enablethrift) to start it
INFO [SharedPool-Worker-1] 2019-07-28 13:13:27,133 ApproximateTime.java:44 - Scheduling approximate time-check task with a precision of 10 milliseconds
INFO [OptionalTasks:1] 2019-07-28 13:13:27,298 CassandraRoleManager.java:339 - Created default superuser role 'cassandra'
Then I try to connect with cqlsh in terminal and it says:
Connection error: ('Unable to connect to any servers', {'': error(111, "Tried connecting to [('', 9042)]. Last error: Connection refused")})
What is wrong? Also I couldn't see 9042 port with netstat -tulpn command.
Go to /etc/cassandra/cassandra-env.sh
# JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=<public name>"
and change it to
JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -Djava.rmi.server.hostname==localhost"
Set listen_address and broadcast_rpc_address to local ip (get ip address from ifconfig).
Restart Cassandra.
cqlsh localhost 9042
This would work if you didn't change the cassandra.yml file.

why is cassandra not getting connected to server?

I have installed cassandra and worked on it. It worked properly. Now, it is showing as-
localhost/<> is in use by another process. Change listen_address:storage_port in cassandra.yaml to values that do not conflict with other services
Fatal configuration error; unable to start server. See log for stacktrace.
INFO 09:17:02 Announcing shutdown
INFO 09:17:02 Compacted 4 sstables to [./../data/data/system/local-7ad54392bcdd35a684174e047860b377/system-local-ka-33,]. 6,485 bytes to 5,751 (~88% of original) in 223ms = 0.024595MB/s. 4 total partitions merged to 1. Partition merge counts were {4:1, }
INFO 09:17:04 Waiting for messaging service to quiesce
user#inblrlt-user:~/dev/Cassandra/apache-cassandra-2.1.7/bin$ ./cqlsh
Connection error: ('Unable to connect to any servers', {'': OperationTimedOut('errors=None, last_host=None',)})
How to change my server address so that the issue is cleared?
Your localhost is already in use. Follow the following steps-
$ jps
You see some processes running. For example:
9107 Jps
1112 CassandraDaemon
Then kill the CassandraDaemon process by the process id you see after executing jps. In my example, here process id 1112 for CassandraDaemon.
$ kill -9 1112
Then check processes again after a while-
$ jps
You will see CassandraDaemon will no longer be available.
9170 Jps
Then remove your saved_caches and commilog and start cassandra again.
If you want to change the listen_address from localhost to any private ip or public ip, you need to make the following changes:
change seeds: at cassandra.yaml
change listen_address: at cassandra.yaml
change rpc_address: at cassandra.yaml
set JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=<place_your_ip_here>" at cassandra-env.sh

cqlsh Connection refused

When ever you get a Cassandra cqlsh Connection error as follows:
Connection error: ('Unable to connect to any servers', {'': error(111, "Tried connecting to [('', 9042)]. Last error: Connection refused")})
You can also connect without using the IP address - just use the hostname:
cqlsh ‘hostname -I’
Another solution, type cqlsh <listen_address> [<port>] if it is not set to or localhost
I was having the same issue with Cassandra 3.11.0, anytime I changed the address of rpc or listen address cqlsh wouldn't work. I had to add the same local ip to seeds
So after trial and error my cassandra.yml looked like:
class-name: org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleSeedProvider
-seeds: ""
then running
cqlsh 9042
When I installed Cassandra 3.11.1, I came across this problem.
I also found if I ran
service cassandra status
, there is a
cassandra dead but pid file exists
problem. It indicates that the Cassandra service does not start
I checked the
and found this error:
Exception encountered during startup...
.It is a bug and already reported. The original post link https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-14173.
The solution is to downgrade Cassandra to 3.0
download Cassandra rpm
curl -O
rpm -ivh cassandra-3.0.15-1.noarch.rpm
service cassandra start
service cassandra status # check cassandra status, it should say
cassandra (pid 1234) is running...
cqlsh #start cassandra
Hope this helps you

How to configure cassandra for remote connection

I am trying to configure Cassandra Datastax Community Edition for remote connection on windows,
Cassandra Server is installed on a Windows 7 PC, With the local CQLSH it connects perfectly to the local server.
But when i try to connect with CQLSH from another PC in the same Network, i get this error message:
Connection error: ('Unable to connect to any servers', {'MYHOST':
error(10061, "Tried connecting to [('HOST_IP', 9042)]. Last error: No
connection could be made because the target machine actively refused
So i am wondering how to configure correctly (what changes should i make on cassandra.yaml config file) the Cassandra server to allow remote connections.
Thank you in advance!
How about this:
Make these changes in the cassandra.yaml config file:
start_rpc: true
broadcast_rpc_address: [node-ip]
listen_address: [node-ip]
- class_name: ...
- seeds: "[node-ip]"
reference: https://gist.github.com/andykuszyk/7644f334586e8ce29eaf8b93ec6418c4
Remote access to Cassandra is via its thrift port for Cassandra 2.0. In Cassandra 2.0.x, the default cqlsh listen port is 9160 which is defined in cassandra.yaml by the rpc_port parameter. By default, Cassandra 2.0.x and earlier enables Thrift by configuring start_rpc to true in the cassandra.yaml file.
In Cassandra 2.1, the cqlsh utility uses the native protocol. In Cassandra 2.1, which uses the Datastax python driver, the default cqlsh listen port is 9042.
The cassandra node should be bound to the IP address of your server's network card - it shouldn't be or localhost which is the loopback interface's IP, binding to this will prevent direct remote access. To configure the bound address, use the rpc_address parameter in cassandra.yaml. Setting this to will listen on all network interfaces.
Have you checked that the remote machine can connect to the Cassandra node? Is there a firewall between the machines? You can try these steps to test this out:
1) Ensure you can connect to that IP from the server you are on:
$ ssh user#xxx.xxx.xx.xx
2) Check the node's status and also confirm it shows the same IP:
$nodetool status
3) Run the command to connect with the IP (only specify the port if you are not using the default):
$ cqlsh xxx.xxx.xx.xx
Alternate solution to Kat. Worked with Ubuntu 16.04
ssh into server server_user#**.**.**.**
Stop cassandra if running:
Check if running with ps aux | grep cassandra
If running, will output a large block of commands / flags, e.g.
ubuntu 14018 4.6 70.1 2335692 712080 pts/2 Sl+ 04:15 0:11 java -Xloggc:./../logs/gc.log ........
Note 14018 in the example is the process id
Stop with kill <process_id> (in this case 14018)
edit cassandra.yaml file to be the following
broadcast_rpc_address: **.**.**.** <- your server's IP (cannot be set to
Restart cassandra ./bin/cassandra -f (from within cassandra root)
Open another terminal on local machine & connect via cqlsh **.**.**.** (your server's IP) to test.
The ./bin/nodetool status address reported my localhost IP (, but cqlsh remotely still worked despite that.
