To test my puppet modules I usually just use puppet apply on a virtual machine. In that testing scenario there is no puppet master or ENC available.
Lot's of my modules use parameters. So how do I test the module with different parameters without the need to hardcode them?
You need to include the class with parameters as you would in a manifest, e.g.
class { 'foo':
param1 => 'value',
puppet apply can take a manifest either as an argument to -e, in a file or on stdin, so you could run:
puppet apply -e "class { 'foo': param1 => 'value', param2 => 'value2' }"
or put the class { 'foo': ... } into test.pp and run puppet apply test.pp.
Or lastly, run puppet apply, type/paste the class { 'foo': ... } content into stdin and press Ctrl+D to end input and run it.
Supposing that you are using at least Puppet 3, your easiest course of action would probably be to set up Hiera in the test environment and rely on automated data binding to assign values to class parameters. Indeed, this is also the best idea for binding data to class parameters on the master, and using the same approach in your test environment would give you the opportunity to test data and manifests together.
I am having some trouble using module hiera data.
module: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/usehiera
tree structure:
version: 5
datadir: data
data_hash: yaml_data
- name: 'common'
- path: 'common.yaml'
usehiera::apples: 'this is some data'
class usehiera{
ensure => present,
#content => hiera('oranges') #this works with global hiera
content => $apples
As you can see I seem to have the global hiera working with "hiera('oranges')" when I run this module on my node. When I try to use the module hiera data the puppet run finishes successfully but hiera_lookup.txt is just empty.
Steps I have taken to troubleshoot:
restart puppetserver after hiera changes
try using $usehira::apples
try using hiera('apples')
moving my hiera.yaml inside data/
using lookup with --explain doesnt really give me anything useful, just says lookup() not found
Can anyone help me out? I have been stuck with this for a decent amount of time and not sure what the issue could be.
As #MattSchuchard pointed out in comments, your hiera.yaml is inappropriately formed. The documentation contains examples.
But a bigger issue seems to be incorrect expectations. Evidently, you assume that ordinary class variable $usehiera::apples will automatically take the value associated with the corresponding key in the module-level hiera data, but that simply is not the case. Hiera data -- whether global, environment-level, or module-level -- is automatically bound to class parameters, but not to other class variables.
You can set ordinary class variables from hiera data via explicit lookup:
# the hiera() function is deprecated; use lookup():
$apples = lookup('usehiera::apples')
Alternatively, you can make $apples a class parameter:
class usehiera(String $apples) {
ensure => 'present',
content => $apples,
Note well that if you make it a parameter then its value can also be customized via a resource-like class declaration, which takes precedence over your Hiera data.
Note also that the difference between global, per-environment, and module-specific Hiera data is just scope and precedence, not functionality.
I was wondering how one would do try/catch/throw type exception handling in a puppet manifest. Here's how I wish puppet would work ...
class simple {
unless ( package { 'simple': ensure => present } ) {
file { '/tmp/simple.txt':
content => template( 'simple/simple.erb' ),
I don't think there is an exception handling in a programmatic way you would like in Puppet. If you declare a resource, it is expected that puppet brings your machine to that state (installed package) and if not, it will fail automatically.
One thing that you can do (and I don't recommend) and that is not "puppet way" is following:
Create custom facter (not custom function since it is executed on puppet master and you want this ruby code to be executed on puppet agent)
Since it is plain ruby code in facter, you can have exception handling and all programmatic things. You can install package as unix command from puppet code and have some logic which will, if not installed retrieve some value as fact
You would use this fact value and based on it you would determine if you want to create file or not
Also, if easier, you can write bash script which will do this logic and execute it from puppet using exec resource
Hope it helps.
Let us say that I have a case in which I need to apply only two files from a Puppet configuration on some production servers, without touching the rest of the configuration.
Let's also say that these are controlled by the following Puppet manifest:
# author: Nathan Basanese (
# date: 04/17/2048
class keyconfig ( $cluster ){
notify {"Deploying key config. files to $fqdn":}
file {'/opt/aservice/key/config/thekey.conf':
ensure => present,
mode => '0644',
owner => 'aservice-serv',
group => 'aservice-serv',
source => "puppet:///modules/keyconfig/$cluster/thekey.conf",
file {'/opt/aservice/key/config/thekey.salt':
ensure => present,
mode => '0644',
owner => 'aservice-serv',
group => 'aservice-serv',
source => "puppet:///modules/keyconfig/$cluster/thekey.salt",
How would I apply ONLY these two files to a given server from a Puppet Master?
Perhaps, in the puppet agent command that is run on the target server, could I specify a specific Puppet class to use?
I have used the puppet resource command before, but I'm not sure that would work, here.
Every resource is automatically tagged with the fully qualified name of the class or defined type in which it is declared, and with every namespace segment of the class or type name, among other tags. You can use those tags to filter the resources that will be applied during a given catalog run. In the particular example you describe, you could use
puppet agent --no-daemonize --onetime --tags keyconfig
to apply only the resources declared in class keyconfig (and in any other class declared by keyconfig, recursively, but in this case there are no such other classes).
You can also declare tags manually by using the tag metaparameter in your resource declarations. That can allow you to provide for identifying custom collections of resources. And speaking of collections, you can use tags in the selection predicates of resource collectors, too.
The only way to do that is to have that node contain only the class you are wanting to have applied. In your site.pp you would have the following where the 'myhost.dns' is your fqdn. and $mycluster would be replaced by your cluster string.
node 'myhost.dns' {
class { 'keyconfig':
cluster => $mycluster,
Is it possible to add a global resource?
I have about 1000 nodes with different configurations and now I want to install a package on every single node. Can it be done in site.pp?
I have a default node, but from what I can tell it is only for unrecognised nodes so I don't think this is the way to change it.
This will depend on the way you have written your puppet manifests. If you have a class included on every node, then you could add the definition to that.
You could user hiera to allow you to customise the default packages on a per machine basis. If you had a module called siteconfig, then you could could create a class something like;
class siteconfig {
include siteconfig::defaults
ensure => 'present',
class siteconfig::params(
$packages = []
) {
and then define siteconfig::params::packages in hiera as an array of packages to be installed by default. This means that you could easily add more default packages by editing the array in hiera, and you could customise it on a per-host basis.
Bonus points if you work out how to use create_resources instead!
I want to pass node specific information to a class, which then could evaluate it for specific purposes. Actually this question consists of three parts.
Say, I have the following node:
node 'devbox' {
$serverType = 'something'
include someClass
someOtherClass { 'someOtherClass':
par1 => 'value',
targetClass { 'nodeInformationShouldGoHere': }
Inside targetClass, I want to evaluate if serverType, someClass or someOtherClass is set (e.g. with if-else). My questions now are:
Is setting and passing the variable suitable in puppet for this?
or should I use tags (as the classes are automatically tagged for this node)?
Are their further approaches and what are limitations to above ones (e.g. do they work for resource types?)?
You can absolutely use puppet this way. Read over the documentation for Parameterized Classes and see if that meets your needs.