I am processing logs which using Spark Streaming. I parse the log and convert the logs into Java Map. Following is the code.
Now I want to convert this Map into DataFrames
Any suggestion how achieve this?
val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("StreamingApp").setMaster("local[2]")
sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(2))
sqlContext= new SQLContext(sc)
val lines = ssc.textFileStream("hdfs://localhost:9000/test")
def process(lines: DStream[String]) {
val maptorow = lines.foreachRDD(rdd=>{
rdd.map(line => getMap(line))
.map(p =>
}) // how to get dataframe after this?
def getMap(logs: String): java.util.Map[String, Object] = {
val k : java.util.Map[String, String] = parseLog(logs)
foreachRDD has no return type, hence, you shouldn't be saving maptorow and in order for you to convert it, you need to do the conversion inside the foreachRDD and then deal with each RDD by itself as a separate set of data
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sparkContext)
import sqlContext.implicits._
val maptorow = lines.foreachRDD(rdd=>{
val newRDD = rdd.map(line => getMap(line))
.map(p =>
val myDataFrame = newRDD.toDF()
//process myDataFrame as a DF
I am trying to stream twitter data using Apache Spark in Intellij however when i use the function coalesce , it says that it cannot resolve symbol coalesce. Here is my main code:
val spark = SparkSession.builder().appName("twitterStream").master("local[*]").getOrCreate()
import spark.implicits._
val sc: SparkContext = spark.sparkContext
val streamContext = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(5))
val filters = Array("Singapore")
val filtered = TwitterUtils.createStream(streamContext, None, filters)
val englishTweets = filtered.filter(_.getLang() == "en")
englishTweets.foreachRDD{rdd =>
val spark = SparkSession.builder.config(rdd.sparkContext.getConf).getOrCreate()
import spark.implicits._
val tweets = rdd.map( field =>
field.getText.toLowerCase.split(" ").filter(_.matches("^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$")).fold("")((a, b) => a + " " + b).trim,
val tweetsdf = tweets.toDF("userID", "user", "createdAt", "text", "sentimentType")
I have tried with my own dataset, and I have read a dataset and while writing I have applied coalesce function and it is giving results, please refer to this it may help you.
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import com.spark.Rdd.DriverProgram
import org.apache.log4j.{ Logger, Level }
import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode
import java.sql.Date
object JsonDataDF {
System.setProperty("hadoop.home.dir", "C:\\hadoop");
System.setProperty("hadoop.home.dir", "C:\\hadoop"); // This is the system property which is useful to find the winutils.exe
Logger.getLogger("org").setLevel(Level.WARN) // This will remove Logs
case class AOK(appDate:Date, arr:String, base:String, Comments:String)
val dp = new DriverProgram
val spark = dp.getSparkSession()
def main(args : Array[String]): Unit = {
import spark.implicits._
val jsonDf = spark.read.option("multiline", "true").json("C:\\Users\\34979\\Desktop\\Work\\Datasets\\JSONdata.txt").as[AOK]
jsonDf.coalesce(1) // Refer Here
.option("header", "true")
val sparkConf = new SparkConf()
val streamingContext = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Minutes(1))
var historyRdd: RDD[(String, ArrayList[String])] = streamingContext.sparkContext.emptyRDD
var historyRdd_2: RDD[(String, ArrayList[String])] = streamingContext.sparkContext.emptyRDD
val stream_1 = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, GenericData.Record, StringDecoder, GenericDataRecordDecoder](streamingContext, kafkaParams , Set(inputTopic_1))
val dstream_2 = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, GenericData.Record, StringDecoder, GenericDataRecordDecoder](streamingContext, kafkaParams , Set(inputTopic_2))
val dstream_2 = stream_2.map((r: Tuple2[String, GenericData.Record]) =>
//some mapping
val historyDStream = dstream_1.transform(rdd => rdd.union(historyRdd))
val historyDStream_2 = dstream_2.transform(rdd => rdd.union(historyRdd_2))
val fullJoinResult = historyDStream.fullOuterJoin(historyDStream_2)
val filtered = fullJoinResult.filter(r => r._2._1.isEmpty)
filtered.foreachRDD{rdd =>
val formatted = rdd.map(r => (r._1 , r._2._2.get))
historyRdd_2.unpersist(false) // unpersist the 'old' history RDD
historyRdd_2 = formatted // assign the new history
historyRdd_2.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK) // cache the computation
val filteredStream = fullJoinResult.filter(r => r._2._2.isEmpty)
filteredStream.foreachRDD{rdd =>
val formatted = rdd.map(r => (r._1 , r._2._1.get))
historyRdd.unpersist(false) // unpersist the 'old' history RDD
historyRdd = formatted // assign the new history
historyRdd.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK) // cache the computation
DStream_1 and DStream_2 has 128 partitions each but after performing the join the resultant DStream has 3 partitions , I haven't done any repartition. I had this thought that if no. of partitions of DStream are same then the join resultant DStream has same number of partitions as join happens partition to partition.Please correct me if I am wrong in that case.
Hi am having a spark streaming program which is reading the events from eventhub and pushing it topics. for processing each batch it is taking almost 10 times the batch time.
when am trying to implement multithreading am not able to see much difference in the processing time.
Is there any way by which I can increase the performance either by doing parallel processing. or start some 1000 threads at a time and just keep pushing the messages.
class ThreadExample(msg:String) extends Thread{
override def run {
var test = new PushToTopicDriver(msg)
// println(msg)
object HiveEventsDirectStream {
def b2s(a: Array[Byte]): String = new String(a)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val eventhubnamespace = "namespace"
val progressdir = "/Event/DirectStream/"
val eventhubname_d = "namespacestream"
val ehParams = Map[String, String](
"eventhubs.policyname" -> "PolicyKeyName",
"eventhubs.policykey" -> "key",
"eventhubs.namespace" -> "namespace",
"eventhubs.name" -> "namespacestream",
"eventhubs.partition.count" -> "30",
"eventhubs.consumergroup" -> "$default",
"eventhubs.checkpoint.dir" -> "/EventCheckpoint_0.1",
"eventhubs.checkpoint.interval" -> "2"
println("testing spark")
val conf = new SparkConf().set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer").setMaster("local[4]").setAppName("Eventhubs_Test")
conf.set("spark.streaming.stopGracefullyOnShutdown", "true")
val sc= new SparkContext(conf)
val hiveContext = new HiveContext(sc)
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
val pool:ExecutorService=Executors.newFixedThreadPool(30)
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(2))
var dataString :RDD[String] =sc.emptyRDD
val stream=EventHubsUtils.createDirectStreams(ssc,eventhubnamespace,progressdir,Map(eventhubname_d -> ehParams))
val kv1 = stream.map(receivedRecord => (new String(receivedRecord.getBody))).persist()
kv1.foreachRDD(rdd_1 => rdd_1.foreachPartition(line => line.foreach(msg => {var t1 = new ThreadExample(msg) t1.start()})))
Ankush Reddy.
I have encountered with error : rdd action will be suspended in DStream foreachRDD function.
Please refer to the following code.
import _root_.kafka.common.TopicAndPartition
import _root_.kafka.message.MessageAndMetadata
import _root_.kafka.serializer.StringDecoder
import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.streaming._
import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka._
object StreamingTest {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local[4]").setAppName("NetworkWordCount")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(5))
val kafkaParams = Map("metadata.broker.list" -> "localhost:9092")
val topicOffset = Map(TopicAndPartition("test_log",0)->200000L)
val messageHandler = (mmd: MessageAndMetadata[String, String]) => mmd.message
val kafkaStream = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String,String,StringDecoder,StringDecoder,String](ssc,kafkaParams,topicOffset,messageHandler)
val collected = rdd.collect()
The function rdd.count() or rdd.collect() will be suspended.
I am using spark version is 1.4.1.
Am I using it in a wrong way?
Thanks in advance.
if we didn't set the maxRatePerPartition from kafka, it will try to read all data, so it will be look like suspended. But it actually busy at reading data.
After I set the following configuration
It will print log.
I am new to Spark SQL. Concat function not available in Spark Sql Query for this we have registered one sql function, with in this function i need access another table. for that we have written spark sql query on SQLContext object.
when i invoke this query i am getting NullpointerException.please can you help on this.
Thanks in advance
//This I My code
class SalesHistory_2(sqlContext:SQLContext,sparkContext:SparkContext) extends Serializable {
import sqlContext._
import sqlContext.createSchemaRDD
sqlContext.registerFunction("MaterialTransformation", Material_Transformation _)
def Material_Transformation(Material_ID: String): String =
var material:String =null;
var dd = sqlContext.sql("select * from product_master")
/* Product master*/
val productRDD = this.sparkContext.textFile("D:\\Realease 8.0\\files\\BHI\\BHI_SOP_PRODUCT_MASTER.txt")
val product_schemaString = productRDD.first
val product_withoutHeaders = dropHeader(productRDD)
val product_schema = StructType(product_schemaString.split("\\|").map(fieldName => StructField(fieldName, StringType, true)))
val productdata = product_withoutHeaders.map{_.replace("|", "| ")}.map(x=> x.split("\\|"))
var product_rowRDD = productdata.map(line=>{
Row.fromSeq(line.map {_.trim() })
val product_srctableRDD = sqlContext.applySchema(product_rowRDD, product_schema)
/* Customer master*/
/* Sales History*/
val srcRDD = this.sparkContext.textFile("D:\\Realease 8.0\\files\\BHI\\BHI_SOP_TRADE_SALES_HISTORY_DS_4_20150119.txt")
val schemaString= srcRDD.first
val withoutHeaders = dropHeader(srcRDD)
val schema = StructType(schemaString.split("\\|").map(fieldName => StructField(fieldName, StringType, true)))
val lines = withoutHeaders.map {_.replace("|", "| ")}.map(x=> x.split("\\|"))
var rowRDD = lines.map(line=>{
Row.fromSeq(line.map {_.trim() })
val srctableRDD = sqlContext.applySchema(rowRDD, schema)
val srcResults = sqlContext.sql("SELECT Delivery_Number,Delivery_Line_Item,MaterialTransformation(Material_ID),Customer_Group_Node,Ops_ID,DC_ID,Mfg_ID,PGI_Date,Delivery_Qty,Customer_Group_Node,Line_Total_COGS,Line_Net_Rev,Material_Description,Sold_To_Partner_Name,Plant_Description,Originating_Doc,Orig_Doc_Line_item,Revenue_Type,Material_Doc_Ref,Mater_Doc_Ref_Item,Req_Delivery_Date FROM SALES_HISTORY")
val path: Path = Path ("D:/Realease 8.0/files/output/")
try {
path.deleteRecursively(continueOnFailure = false)
} catch {
case e: IOException => // some file could not be deleted
val successRDDToFile = srcResults.map { x => x.mkString("|")}
successRDDToFile.coalesce(1).saveAsTextFile("D:/Realease 8.0/files/output/")
catch {
case ex: Exception => println(ex) // TODO: handle error
def dropHeader(data: RDD[String]): RDD[String] = {
data.mapPartitionsWithIndex((idx, lines) => {
if (idx == 0) {
The answer here is rather short and probably disappointing - you simply cannot do something like this.
General rule in Spark is you cannot trigger action or transformation from another action and transformation or, to be a little bit more precise, outside the driver Spark Context is no longer accessible / defined.
Calling Spark SQL for each row in the Sales History RDD looks like a very bad idea:
val srcResults = sqlContext.sql("SELECT Delivery_Number,Delivery_Line_Item,MaterialTransformation(Material_ID),Customer_Group_Node,Ops_ID,DC_ID,Mfg_ID,PGI_Date,Delivery_Qty,Customer_Group_Node,Line_Total_COGS,Line_Net_Rev,Material_Description,Sold_To_Partner_Name,Plant_Description,Originating_Doc,Orig_Doc_Line_item,Revenue_Type,Material_Doc_Ref,Mater_Doc_Ref_Item,Req_Delivery_Date FROM SALES_HISTORY")
You'd better user a join between your RDDs and forget you custom function:
val srcResults = sqlContext.sql("SELECT s.*, p.* FROM SALES_HISTORY s join product_master p on s.Material_ID=p.ID")