How to change the Excel Online data programming - excel

I want to be able to edit Excel file on Mobile device currently, we upload the excel file and display the file on Excel Online in WebView, but it seems that only iPad can edit it online, but not iPhone or Android phone.
I have tried to use SharePoint online, but I found that it only can edit data but cannot save data on server. Meanwhile it looks not pretty as Excel Online.
We just want to use Excel online and find a way to modify data programmatically from the application code like via rest or javascript injection.


SharePoint and Excel Online Data Connections

I'm experimenting here so please bear with me or offer some direction/starter for ten.
We have SharePoint, Excel Online. I had an XLS on my desktop with a data connection out to CSV file to load a table, nothing to special but works a dream when the CSV was updated and the refresh done.
If I want to do something like this on SharePoint, so if I use XLS online a can not see anywhere under Data to create the Data Connection, what's missing?
Ideally I want the XLS online to be able to connect to a CSV elsewhere (on SharePoint or our Network) - what do I need to look into to make this work?

Visual Studio Interface with MS Excel backend for Multiple Users to Run simultaneously

Until last month, I was creating Google WebApps with HTML interface, Java and Google Apps Script to let the users save data to Google Sheets.
That was working beautifully as all the users were able to save data to a single spreadsheet simultaneously without any data misses/issues.
This month onwards, I don't have the option to use Google Web Apps.
Therefore, I bought Visual Studio. Basically, I am trying to create an Interface using Visual Studio as I have some experience on Visual Basic codes, and then looking forward to save the data to MS Excel.
I have setup an FTP drive where I have saved a test .EXE file which saves their clipboard text to a single Rich Text File(I used the timer to save/read/refresh the file every few seconds). Since all the users have read/write/execute rights to that FTP folder, they are able to launch the .exe file simultaneouly from their systems and it's working perfectly. We are looking at a team of 100+ people.
Now the next step for me is to let them open the .EXE file where the data can be saved to a single Excel file. With Google Spreadsheets it was way too easy. But I need some guidance on how to do that with Microsoft. I studied through articles and articles to track the last updated row and push the data below that. I need tips from someone who has done something like this and if there's a better/efficient way of doing that.
Any help/article would be appreciated.

Launch an add-in systematically when opening a file

I want to make an Excel Online file, then post its link or embed it in my website. Clicking on that will open the file in Excel Online. Moreover, I want certain Excel add-ins to be installed and even launched automatically.
Does anyone know if it is possible?
If it's impossible with Excel Online, is it possible for a normal .xlsx file (I will make it, and opening it in Windows systematically leads to install an add-in and even launch it)?
If you're looking to automatically open a task pane add-in when the Excel file is opened, check out this article in the documentation: The Office OOXML EmbedAddin sample provides an example of implementing the autoopen functionality that's described in the article.
Along with Kim's answer to automatic opening of a task pane add-in, you can using OneDrive to handle opening a file in Excel Online using Microsoft Graph.
You're start by uploading you're .xlsx file to OneDrive using an Upload Session. Once you're file is on OneDrive, you can retrieve it's meta-data for the DriveItem. Included in this meta-data will be a webUrl property. This is a URL that, when navigated too, will open your file using Excel Online.

Embed Excel in a website to edit a locally stored document

Is it possible to embed google excel in my website to edit document stored locally?
My manager asked me if it is possible to integrate the Microsoft office webapp in my own website.
Clients have excel files stored on our website, we want to know if it is possible for them to open the file with a web excel page, edit the file and save the modifications. For now, they use SharePoint so it is easy for them but we intend to use an other platform.
Our client can have all the license we need.
I searched but I didn't find any solution.
I know you should be able to do this with ASP and the .Net Framework. SharePoint uses ASP pages, so you may try to do something simpler.
If you go over the Internet you'll see several solutions because people do this too.
e.g. a thing you can do is to use Open XML API to do this, and it is like reading / modifying a flat file on the server. A restriction is it has to be .xlsx / 2007 format onward.

Is there a library that takes Microsoft Office files (Word/Excel/ppt) and renders images of them?

I'm building a webapp, and I need the ability for users to view Word/Excel/PPT files in the browser (these files are stored server-side). This is to offer them a quick way to preview the document without needing to download it and launch Microsoft Office.
Pretty much looking for the "View" feature for email attachments in Gmail. I'm assuming that Google is somehow rendering the doc formats into images and displaying them in the browser.
Is there a way to do this in OpenOffice?
I do not know whether you can do this with OpenOffice, but SpreadsheetGear for .NET will let you open an Excel workbook and get an image from ranges of cells or charts.
You can see some examples of this here.
Disclaimer: I own SpreadsheetGear LLC
Here is a way to do generate images of office files, doing all of the processing on your server:
On server-side, run OpenOffice in server mode (no UI, just the API is callable).
Call the OpenOffice API to translate any office file to PDF (See how the open source software Alfresco does this).
Then convert PDF to PNG using ImageMagick.
