Why! 100% Cyan in CMYK is NOT rgb(0,255,255)? in Photoshop - colors

I try to convert a solid cyan to RGB in photoshop. But I get confuse about the RGB values "rgb(0, 160, 233)".
Where can i find the formula or icc profile to calculate RGB values that like Photoshop.

There is not one conversion which is "right" - it depends on the colour profiles you are using.
For instance, it could be the case that your CMYK Cyan is outside of the sRGB colour space - in that case Photoshop tries to get as close as possible to the right colour, but it stays within the RGB-values that are possible for this profile. Don't wonder if other programs calculate other RGB-values.
But if you change to ProPhoto RGB colour space, it may be possible to match your Cyan much better, as this colour space is much larger. So, of course, the RGB values are different again.
For more information, see here: https://graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/5138/why-are-colors-shifting-when-converting-from-cmyk-to-rgb-in-photoshop


How do I make a simple linear color picker?

I need to make a simple color picker. I have a slider that returns a floating point number between 0 and 1, which I'd like to convert into a color in the manner that you typically see in a color line or color spectrum (red on the left, violet on the right, green and yellow somewhere in the middle).
It seems like there must be some algorithm for converting the liner value into RGB values, but I can't find one. I've tried a few things on my own that did not really work.
I don't need anything super accurate or comprehensive, just something where the user can dial in an approximate color by sliding the slider left and right.

How to implement a color contrast enriching algorithm? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Determine font color based on background color
(22 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I am currently developing an App. In this App I get some RGB color code from the server, that I want to display.
As the color I get should be the background color of a Label, there is some text, that should be displayed above it. The user defining the color is completely free in choosing a color, so I am in need of finding an algorithm, where the text color of the label is somehow contrasted to the color I get from the webservice.
Problem explained in an example:
I choose black 0x000000 to be the textcolor. If the user defines a color like dark gray 0x111111, the text's visibility would be very bad.
In addition, I want the text color to be black or white in order to not over-color the app.
So how can I determine, if white or black is the better color for the textcolor, based on a RGB code I get from the server?
You just should calculate contrast ratio for user color with black and white, then choose the color with higher ratio.
Here is description for calculating relative color contrast from RGB.
Note that relative luminance of white is 1.0 and for black is 0.0, so (if you are considering only black and white) you can just check if relative luminance of user color is <0.5 then use white, and use black otherwise.

Hold and modify

I have a graphics format where for each pixel the previous pixel's RGB value is used (for the first pixel on a line black is used), and then red, green or blue can be modified, or, a pixel can be set to any gray value (previous pixel's value isn't used). All this has been implemented (the easy part).
What would be the best way to convert 24 bit images to this format in the highest possible quality?
Any thoughts are appreciated.

How to convert a hex value into a color name

Is there an algorithm (I've searched and haven't come up with much) that, given a hex value, is capable of returning the color name? It doesn't have to be anything too specific, any shade of blue coming back as just 'blue' is fine.
Or short of that, is there a large list somewhere that consists of hex values and their corresponding color family. I've found lists, but they only seem to be a couple hundred colors long.
I saw this post, but the solution there seems to only break the color down into three regions.
I altered the RGB text file so that each color would only fall into the following color ranges:
As you said you had already found lists, then it is simple.
Calculate Euclidean Distance of the color for RGB (for instance), and call that color the nearest name.
By the way, over a hundred colors is actually a big number for human languages, and even for just a hundred colors, ordinary people may not able to tell the differences between quite a few colors.
rgb.txt is the usual list used for color names. Just find the closest triplet and call it that.

how to get rgb values in percentage in photoshop

how to get RGB values in percentage in photoshop.
and is cmyk percentage values are similar to RGB?
RGB and CMYK are different color modes.
RGB colors are screen colors. It is expressed in absolute values, usually in integer values from 0 to 255, representing the brightness on the screen. The exact range of values depends on the color depth of the image. The higher the value, the more light of that color is added, so the highest color is white.
CMYK colors are printing colors. They are used to represent the amount of ink used for a pixel. This is no absolute value, because it is merely a ratio between the color components. The higher the value, the darker it gets. 100% of each is (near) black, although real black is usually constructed by using 100% of K (key) and about 30% of each of the other components.
integer values from 0 to 255 are for 8 bit color, in the day of 16 or 32 bit color it would make sense to be able to view rgb as percentage values.
this is being added to Adobe lightroom currently does percentaes unless you're in the develop module, in soft proof mode
