What does the /= operator in Haskell mean? - haskell

I am reading Learn You a Haskell, which contains 5 /= 5. I am not so sure what this means. Does the first expression mean 5 / 5 = 5? But, then, it shouldn't be True.

It means not equal. So 5 /= 5 is false as 5 == 5 is true.
x /= y = not (x == y)
As suggested, it recalls the mathematical symbol "≠" (/=) opposite to "=" (==).

The == operator means "is equal".
The /= operator means "is not equal".
It's supposed to be reminiscent of the mathematical "≠" symbol (i.e., an equals sign with a diagonal line through it).

It's the "not equal to" operator.
Various languages use for example !=,<>, etc... and Haskell uses /= ;)
Using :t can tell you the type:
> :t (/=)
(/=) :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool


Changing the return type of a function in Haskell?

Is there is a succinct way to change the return type of a function?
Consider for example comparing in Data.Ord. It returns an Ordering. Yet I am only interested in whether the two items are equal or not. So I need to convert the resulting Ordering to a Bool.
A straight forward way I can think of is:
isEqualOn f x y = if comparing f x y==EQ then True else False
(or isEqualOn f x y = comparing f x y==EQ as here as pointed out in the comments).
Is there a more compositional way to do this (sort of adapting comparing or writing it in a pointless manner) without having to write out everything? Ideally, I am looking for something that works on n-ary functions as well.
-- Update --
As suggested by the answers/comments, the specific example above (isEqualOn) can be implemented using the standard on function as on (==). However, my question is about the general technique to change function return types in a compositional/pointless manner as exemplified by the SEC approach in the comments.
Your definition of isEqualOn would be the same as on (==):
\> import Data.Function (on)
\> :t (on (==))
(on (==)) :: Eq a1 => (a -> a1) -> a -> a -> Bool
for example to compare on absolute value:
\> let isEqualOn = on (==)
\> isEqualOn abs 2 (-2)
As mentioned you can use the function on from Data.Function, but
perhaps you are looking for the operator == which returns a Bool.
In which case your function can be written as:
isEqualOn f x y = fx == fy
and personally I would never write this particular function but
"inline" it where it is used.
On the more general matter of "changing the return type". What you are looking for is composition:
isEq Eq = True
isEq _ = False
equal x y = isEq (comparing x y)
or more haskell flavored:
equal x = isEq . comparing x

Confusion on partially applied infix operators

So I was reading through a Haskell guide online, and was just curious about the combination of infix operators and filter.
Say you have a function like
filter (>5) [6, 10, 5]
That will return [6,10], which seems like the intuitive way filter should work.
However, doing
filter ((>) 5) [6, 10, 5]
returns an empty list (this still makes sense, (>) checks if its first argument is larger than the second argument).
However, filter is typically defined something like
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter _ [] = []
filter p (x:xs)
| p x = x : filter p xs
| otherwise = filter p xs
When the type system knows it has an infix operator, are most of those infix operators written so that a partially applied function needs a leading argument to the original prefix function? i.e. is infix > defined as something like (butchered syntax)
infix> :: Int -> Int-> Bool
infix> x y = (>) y x
x infix> y = (>) x y
Sorry if this question doesn't make sense, I feel like I'm missing something basic in how p x is evaluated when p is a partially applied infix operator.
(>5) and ((>) 5) are two different types of expression.
The first is what is known as a section. Sections are of the form (op exp) or (exp op) where op is an infix operator and exp is another expression. A section takes an argument and applies it on the missing side, so (>5) 4 = (4 > 5) and (5>) 4 = (5 > 4). In other words, (>5) is equivalent to \x -> x > 5.
In ((>) 5), (>) is the infix operator > converted to an expression. ((>) 5) then is the application of 5 to the function (>), which gives a new function that takes the next argument. If we apply that argument, e.g., (>) 5 4, we get the prefix equivalent of (5 > 4).
This conversion of an infix operator to an expression that can be used prefix works for all infix operators. You can also go the other way and covert an identifier into an infix operator, i.e.:
You can even say:
to turn it back into an expression.

Programming style in OCaml

I have a question about the correct way to write efficient functional programs. Suppose I'm given a list s of positive ints, and I want to find the minimum element (or just 0 if empty). Then a generic functional program for doing this would look like
minList s =
| [] -> undefined
| [x] -> x
| x :: t -> min x (minList t)
In a lazy language one can make this more efficient by adding an extra clause which terminates the recursion if a zero is found - this way s is only computed up to the first zero
minList s =
| [] -> undefined
| [x] -> x
| x :: t -> if x==0 then 0 else min x (minList t)
However, am I correct in believing that this sort of trick would not work in a strict evaluation language like OCaml, which would evaluate the whole of s before running minList? If so, what would be the correct way to optimize this in OCaml?
ADDITIONAL QUESTION: Ok, so if I understand that if statements are always lazy. But what about the following, for example: I have a function on int lists again which first checks whether or not the ith element is zero i.e.
f s = if s(i)==0 then 0 else g s
Here the input sequence s is present in both clauses of the if statement, but clearly for an efficient computation you would only want to evaluate s(i) in the first case. Here, would OCaml always evaluate all of s, even if the first case succeeds?
if expressions in ocaml don't follow the strict evaluation rule.
Like || and &&, it's lazily evaluated.
See this link: if expressions
In a strictly evaluated language, the whole list s would be evaluated. Still,
minList s =
| [] -> 0
| x :: t -> if x==0 then 0 else min x (minList t)
would not scan the whole list if a 0 is found.
The if construct has a "non-strict" semantics, in that it will evaluate only one branch, and not both. This holds in both strict and non strict languages.
An actual difference would be when calling a "user defined if" such as (using Haskell syntax):
myIf :: Bool -> a -> a
myIf b x y = if b then x else y
In a non strict language, calling myIf True 3 (nonTerminatingFunction ()) would yield 3, while in a strict language the same expression would loop forever.
First of all the minimum of an empty list is undefined, not 0. This makes sense, otherwise minList [1,2,3] would be 0 which is clearly not true. This is what ghci has to say:
Prelude> minimum []
*** Exception: Prelude.minimum: empty list
Hence your function should be written as:
let minList (x::t) = min x (minList t)
There are some problems with this definition though:
It will still give an error because there's no pattern match for the empty list.
It is not tail recursive.
It doesn't stop if the head is 0.
So here's a better solution:
let minimum x xs = match x,xs
| 0,xs -> 0
| x,[] -> x
| x,(y :: ys) -> minimum (min x y) ys
let minList = function
| [] -> raise Failure "No minimum of empty list"
| x::t -> minimum x t
The advantage of writing it like this is that minimum is tail recursive. Hence it will not increase the stack size. In addition if the head is 0 it will immediately return 0.
Lazy evaluation has no play here.
In almost every modern programming language:
for expr1 && expr2, if expr1 is already false, then expr2 won't be evaluated.
for expr1 || expr2, if expr1 is already true, then expr2 won't be evaluated.
OCaml does this too.

Prime number program in haskell

I was looking up a program in Haskell that tests if a given number is prime or not.
prime :: (Integral a) => a -> Bool
prime 1 = True
prime x = and [ x `mod` y /= 0 | y <- [2..(x-1)] ]
I don't understand what is the purpose of this and in: prime x = and [.
Although this question has been answered, please allow me to add a few things:
When examining the source of and, you get:
and :: [Bool] -> Bool
and = foldr (&&) True
First thing to notice is that and takes a list of Boolean variables, and returns a single Boolean variable, and that the expression x mod y /= 0 evaluates to True or False (Hence fitting the [Bool] requirement) .
More important to notice is that foldr is a lazy-fold. So a lazy fold here is optimal because && is a semi-strict operator. Hence a lazy fold in combination with a semi-strict operator will yield a short-circuit evaluation upon encountering the first occurence of a False. Hence in the cases of actual non-prime numbers, and will avoid evaluating the entire list, consequently saving you time as a result. Don't take my word for it, define your own strict version of and if you want (using the stricter foldl):
andStrict :: [Bool] -> Bool
andStrict x = foldl (&&) True
primeStrict :: (Integral a) => a -> Bool
primeStrict x = andStrict [x `mod` y /= 0 | y <- [2..(x-1)]]
Now run:
prime 2000000000
Notice how that was fast? Now do this, but interrupt it before it crashes your memory-stack:
primeStrict 2000000000
That was obviously slower, you were able to interrupt it. This is the role of and, and that is why and was written with foldr, and hence why it was chosen for the example code you posted. Hope that helps as a supportive answer.
The expression
[x `mod` y /= 0 | y <- [2..(x - 1)]
is a list of Bools because mod x y /= 0 (prefix notation because of backtick formatting) returns a Bool. The and function just does a logical AND of every element in a list, so
and [True, False] == False
and [True, True] == True
and performs a logical and operation on all elements of a list.
Primes are only divisible by one and themselves; this means that as soon as a divisor (without a remainder) exists between 2 inclusive and your x exclusive, the number is not a prime.
The list comprehension generates a list of Boolean values that correspond to whether your x is or is not divisible by numbers from within the said range.
As soon as any of them is false (a division occurred with a zero remainder), the number is not a prime.
x = 7
[7 % 2 /= 0 -> True, 7 % 3 /= -> True, ...]
-- now applying and
True && True && ... && True evaluates to True
and can be represented as a more general operation that can be performed on lists - a fold using logical and. Such as: and' = foldr (&&) True.

Partial Application with Infix Functions

While I understand a little about currying in the mathematical sense, partially
applying an infix function was a new concept which I discovered after diving
into the book Learn You a Haskell for Great Good.
Given this function:
applyTwice :: (a -> a) -> a -> a
applyTwice f x = f (f x)
The author uses it in a interesting way:
ghci> applyTwice (++ [0]) [1]
ghci> applyTwice ([0] ++) [1]
Here I can see clearly that the resulting function had different parameters
passed, which would not happen by normal means considering it is a curried
function (would it?). So, is there any special treatment on infix sectioning by
Haskell? Is it generic to all infix functions?
As a side note, this is my first week with Haskell and functional programming,
and I'm still reading the book.
Yes, you can partially apply an infix operator by specifying either its left or right operand, just leaving the other one blank (exactly in the two examples you wrote).
So, ([0] ++) is the same as (++) [0] or \x -> [0] ++ x (remember you can turn an infix operator into a standard function by means of parenthesis), while (++ [0]) equals to \x -> x ++ [0].
It is useful to know also the usage of backticks, ( `` ), that enable you to turn any standard function with two arguments in an infix operator:
Prelude> elem 2 [1,2,3]
Prelude> 2 `elem` [1,2,3] -- this is the same as before
Prelude> let f = (`elem` [1,2,3]) -- partial application, second operand
Prelude> f 1
Prelude> f 4
Prelude> let g = (1 `elem`) -- partial application, first operand
Prelude> g [1,2]
Prelude> g [2,3]
Yes, this is the section syntax at work.
Sections are written as ( op e ) or ( e op ), where op is a binary operator and e is an expression. Sections are a convenient syntax for partial application of binary operators.
The following identities hold:
(op e) = \ x -> x op e
(e op) = \ x -> e op x
All infix operators can be used in sections in Haskell - except for - due to strangeness with unary negation. This even includes non-infix functions converted to infix by use of backticks. You can even think of the formulation for making operators into normal functions as a double-sided section:
(x + y) -> (+ y) -> (+)
Sections are (mostly, with some rare corner cases) treated as simple lambdas. (/ 2) is the same as:
\x -> (x / 2)
and (2 /) is the same as \x -> (2 / x), for an example with a non-commutative operator.
There's nothing deeply interesting theoretically going on here. It's just syntactic sugar for partial application of infix operators. It makes code a little bit prettier, often. (There are counterexamples, of course.)
