How much DocumentDB is suitable for saving application logs? - azure

I want to save logs and traces if my bulky , big enterprise app in DocumentDB.
so that those logs not only help developer to troubleshoot issues in production but also helps Business takes critical data driven decisions.
For such scenario does Mongo DB or Azure Doc DB suits ?

There is no right answer to this question - only opinions.
Here are some tradeoffs you may want to consider:
Document-oriented databases, like DocumentDB, are schema-agnostic. This means the logging data's schema is dictated solely by the application. In other words, you can store log output without having to manage schema updates between both the application and database and keeping those models in sync (low friction).
DocumentDB automatically indexes every property in every document (record). This can speed up your ability to query off arbitrary attributes when debugging... which in turn, can reduce your time-to-mitigate when troubleshooting high-severity incidents.
When compared to storing logs as blobs in a blob store... DocumentDB can look fairly expensive as a log store. You are paying a premium to able to easily index and quickly query off of the data you are storing. You will want to make sure you are getting value out of what you are paying for.
As the comments above suggested, NoSQL is an umbrella term that which encapsulates key-value store, column-oriented databases, document-oriented databases, graph databases, etc. I'd recommend taking a quick look at the differences between various database categories and understand the differences.
As with any project (logging or otherwise)... You should evaluate the tradeoffs you are making when picking between technologies. An important aspect to software engineering is making the right tradeoffs, and not checking feature tickboxes for the sake of checkboxes.


Data access layer patterns using azure function

We are currently working on a design using Azure functions with Azure storage queue binding.
Each message in the queue represents a complete transaction. An Azure function will be bound to that queue so that the function will be triggered as soon as there is a new message in the queue.
The function will then commit the transaction in a SQL DB.
The first-cut implementation is also complete; and it's working fine. However, on retrospective, we are considering the following:
In a typical DAL, there are well-established design patterns using entity framework, repository patterns, etc. However, we didn't find a similar guidance/best practices when implementing DAL within a server-less code.
Therefore, my question is: should such patterns be implemented with Azure functions (this would be challenging :) ), or should the server-less code be kept as light as possible or this is not a use-case for azure functions, at all?
It doesn't take anything too special. We're using a routine set of library DLLs for all kinds of things -- database, interacting with other parts of Azure (like retrieving Key Vault secrets for connection strings), parsing file uploads, business rules, and so on. The libraries are targeting netstandard20 so we can more easily migrate to Functions v2 when the right triggers become available.
Mainly just design your libraries so they're highly modularized, so you can minimize how much you load to get the job done (assuming reuse in other areas of the system is important, which it usually is).
It would be easier if dependency injection was available today. See this for a few ways some of us have hacked it together until we get official DI support. (DI is on the roadmap for Functions, I believe the 3.0 release.)
At first I was a little worried about startup time with the library approach, but the underlying WebJobs stack itself is already pretty heavy, and Functions startup performance seems to vary wildly anyway (on the cheaper tiers, at least). During testing, one of our infrequently-executed Functions has varied from just ~300ms to a peak of about ~3800ms to parse the exact same test file, with all but ~55ms spent on startup).
should such patterns be implemented with Azure functions (this would
be challenging :) ), or should the server-less code be kept as light
as possible or this is not a use-case for azure functions, at all?
My answer is NO.
There should be patterns to follow, but the traditional repository patterns and CRUD operations do not seem to be valid in the cloud era.
Many strong concepts we were raised up to adhere to, became invalid these days.
Denormalizing the data base became something not only acceptable but preferable.
Now designing a pattern will depend on the database you selected for your solution and also depends of the type of your application and the type of your data.
This is a link for general guideline when you do Table Storage design Guidelines.
Is your application read-heavy or write-heavy ? The design will vary accordingly.
Are you using Azure Tables or Mongo? There are design decisions based on that. Indexing is important in Mongo while there is non in Azure table that you can do.
Sharding consideration.
Redundancy Consideration.
In modern development/Architecture many principles has changed, each Microservice has its own database that might be totally different that any other Microservices'.
If you read along the guidelines that I provided, you will see what I mean.
Designing your Table service solution to be read efficient:
Design for querying in read-heavy applications. When you are designing your tables, think about the queries (especially the latency sensitive ones) that you will execute before you think about how you will update your entities. This typically results in an efficient and performant solution.
Specify both PartitionKey and RowKey in your queries. Point queries such as these are the most efficient table service queries.
Consider storing duplicate copies of entities. Table storage is cheap so consider storing the same entity multiple times (with different keys) to enable more efficient queries.
Consider denormalizing your data. Table storage is cheap so consider denormalizing your data. For example, store summary entities so that queries for aggregate data only need to access a single entity.
Use compound key values. The only keys you have are PartitionKey and RowKey. For example, use compound key values to enable alternate keyed access paths to entities.
Use query projection. You can reduce the amount of data that you transfer over the network by using queries that select just the fields you need.
Designing your Table service solution to be write efficient:
Do not create hot partitions. Choose keys that enable you to spread your requests across multiple partitions at any point of time.
Avoid spikes in traffic. Smooth the traffic over a reasonable period of time and avoid spikes in traffic.
Don't necessarily create a separate table for each type of entity. When you require atomic transactions across entity types, you can store these multiple entity types in the same partition in the same table.
Consider the maximum throughput you must achieve. You must be aware of the scalability targets for the Table service and ensure that your design will not cause you to exceed them.
Another good source is this link:

Benefits of using a hosted search service over building your own

I'm building a B2B Node app which has heavily related data models. We currently have our own search queries, but as we scale some of the queries appear to be becoming sluggish.
We will need to support multilingual search as well as content-based searches (searching matching content within related data).
The queries are growing more and more complicated (each has multiple joins on joins on joins) and I'm now considering a hosted search tool such as Algolia.
Given my concerns below, why should I use a hosted cloud search service rather than continue building my own queries?
Data privacy is important
Data is hosted in our own postgres DB - integrations with that are important (e.g.: will I now need to manually maintain our DB data and data in Algolia?)
Speed will be important, but not so much now
Must be able to do content-based searches across multiple languages
We are a tiny team of devs now, so dev resource time is vital
What other things should I be concerned about that can help make a decision in search capabilities?
Regarding maintenance of both DB and Cloud data, it seems it's as simple as getting all data, caching it, and storing it in the cloud:
var index = Algolia.initIndex('contacts');
var contactsJSON = require('./contacts.json');
index.addObjects(contactsJSON, function(err, content) {
if (err) {
Search services like Algolia or self-hosted Elasticsearch/solr operate as full text search, not relational db queries.
But it sounds like the bottleneck is the continual rejoining. Which if you can make your relational data act like a full text document db then that could be a more efficient type of index (pre-joined sort of).
You might also look into views, or a data warehouse (maybe star schema).
But if you are going the search route maybe investigate hosting your own elasticsearch.
You could specify database, schema, sql, index, query details if you want more help.
Full Disclosure: I founded a company called SearchStax on the premise that companies and developers should not spend time setting up, managing, scaling or building tools for the search infrastructure (ops) - they are better off investing time of their employees into building value for the company, whether that be features, capabilities, product or customers.
Open Source Search solutions based on top of Lucene (Apache Solr / Elasticsearch) have what you need now and what you might need in near future from a capability perspective from a search engine. Find a mature service provider / AS-A-Service company that has specialization in open source search and let them deal with all. It may look small effort right now, though it's probably not worth time and effort of your devs to spend time on the operations of that.
For your concerns mentioned above:
Data privacy is important
Your concern around Privacy and Security are addressable. There are multiple ways you can secure your Solr environment and the right MSP or a Managed Solution provider should be able to address those.
a. Security at the transport layer can be addressed by SSL certificates. All the data going over the wire is encrypted.
b. IP Filtering and User Based Authentication should address who has access to what. Solr-as-a-Service offering by Measured Search supports both.
c. Security at rest can be addressed in multiple ways - OS level / File encryption, but you can even go further by ensuring not even your services provider has access to that data by using Searchable Encryption technology.
Privacy concerns are all address by Terms & Conditions - I am sure your legal department will address that from a Service Provider's perspective.
Data is hosted in our own postgres DB - integrations with that are important
Solr provides ability to import data directly (DIH) through a traditional relational database (MySQL, Postgres, Oracle, etc). You can either use that so Solr can pull data periodically or write your own simple script to push data through the Solr APIs.
If you are hosted in the cloud (AWS), a tunnel can be created so only the Solr deployments have the ability to pull data from your servers and your database servers are not exposed to the world, if you choose to go the DIH route.
Speed will be important, but not so much now
Solr is built for search speed - I don't think that's where your problems are going to be. Service offering like Measured Search's - you can spin up a cluster in any data center supported by AWS or Azure and make sure your search deployments are closer to your application servers so the latency overhead is minimal.
Must be able to do content-based searches across multiple languages
Yes, Solr supports that. More than 30 languages.
We are a tiny team of devs now, so dev resource time is vital
I am biased here, but I would not have my developers spend much time on operations and let them focus on what they do best - build great product capabilities to push the limits and deliver business value.
If you are interested in doing a comparison and ROI of doing it yourself vs using a solr-as-a-service like offered by SearchStax, check this paper out -

How does AWS SimpleDb differ to Azure DocumentDb? How do both differ to ElasticSearch

In terms of
Ease of use / Learning curve
In order of significance but wouldn't mind a general answer as I appreciate I m probably asking for too much :)
EDIT: I m looking for a database that will serve as the single authoritative data store and I need all attributes of the documents stored to be indexed for various business reasons. Therefore I know that other solutions won't do what I m looking for.
tl;dr; If you are using JavaScript and building browser apps, node.js and DocumentDB are a match made in heaven. If you are using .NET and/or other Azure services, then DocumentDB is favored. If you are using other AWS services, then SimpleDB might be better.
I know that questions like this are not ideal for Stack Overflow, but I often see value in answers like this and my most popular answer on SO is essentially informed opinion backed by evidence. I have not used SimpleDB but I looked into it before deciding on DocumentDB. I rejected it pretty quickly... although I did give AWS Lambda a serious look before deciding on DocumentDB. So:
scalability. DocumentDB has a very straight forward and explicit scaling model -- add more collections if you need either more space or more operations per second. SimpleDB's scaling model is similar except less straight forward since you add domains which are overloaded to both provide type separation (think tables) and scalability. You can scale either to whatever you need.
performance. Since I never built anything on it, I can't say anything about SimpleDB's performance. However, I've been very impressed with the performance of DocumentDB. Latency is less than 10ms for simple id-based reads and I get impressive latency and throughput for queries. The DocumentDB implementation of our current app returns complex n-dimensional aggregations (done in stored procedures on DocumentDB using documentdb-lumenize) in 1/4 the time of the functionally-equivalent MongoDB/node.js implementation. You'd have to do your own performance testing on your actuall application to have a definitive answer here.
maintenance. Both are much more hands off than traditional data stores. There just aren't that many knobs to turn maintaining either of them. SimpleDB geographically distributes your data by default. You'd have to do the equivalent manually in DocumentDB. Possible, but harder. DocumentDB has good import/export tools and their backup solution is about to be significantly upgraded.
ease of use / learning curve. If you are JavaScript programmer, than DocumentDB has a lot to recommend it. DocumentDB uses JSON natively. SimpleDB uses XML. DocumentDB has ACID-enabling stored procedures written in JavaScript. You'd need to combine SimpleDB with something else (Lambda maybe, but the XML/JavaScript mismatch would make this less than ideal) to get the equivalent. Both allow use to use SQL but DocumentDB also allows for JavaScript native queries.
There is one huge mindset hurdle that you will have to get over in order to be successful with DocumentDB. Despite the fact that they both scale by adding more domains/collections, SimpleDB domains are closer conceptually to tables. The word choice of "collection" by the DocumentDB team is unfortunate since they are more akin to partitions and should not be thought of as tables. The hard part is getting used to the idea that you store all of your different data types in the same collection. Once you get over that, I find DocumentDB's approach refreshing and incredibly flexible. I can efficiently model inheritance and type-mixins. Collections nay partitions have one purpose -- scalability. Domains are used for both scalability and data type separation which is actually harder in practice.
cost. Not much to say here. Both allow you to scale your cost gradually. For really small implementations, DocumentDB is probably more expensive since the smallest unit of usage is a single collection which is $25/month minimum. You'd have to do your own modeling/what-if analysis to determine which would be less expensive for you. Note, that Azure is being every aggressive in general and even pushing AWS to lower prices in some cases. My gut is that they would be roughly equal in cost for most applications.
Other thoughts:
You wrote, "I need all attributes of the documents stored to be indexed". One really nice feature of DocumentDB is that you can specify the size of your indexes By default, every field is indexed into a 3-byte per field hash index, which is highly space efficient. I do not know if SimpleDB has the equivalent.
This is a bit like comparing apples to oranges. I consider DocumentDB to be like MongoDB or CouchDB in it's data model and VoltDB in its use execution model (although VoltBD sprocs are written in Java). SimpleDB feels more like a simple XML object store. If you already have a big XML mindset, then it might be easier, but I think there are more folks using JSON today than XML.
Writing ACID-enabling stored procedures in JavaScript is a killer feature that only DocumentDB has. Some say the days of stored procedures are over; that you should put all such logic in your application server layer. If you implementing a simple CRUD API, that may be, but almost every application requires some sort of transaction where more than one row is changed at a time. This is mind bogglingly hard to do correctly without transaction support in your data store. Even if you do implement the equivalent of transactions with your NoSQL database, the overhead of the implementation eats away any development/performance/scalability advantages that you got by choosing NoSQL rather than SQL.
DocumentDB's user defined functions and triggers (also written in JavaScript) might be useful, although I believe the trigger implementation is crippled at this moment in time and I haven't found a use for UDFs myself yet.
DocumentDB has built-in attachment support. You need to integrate manually with S3 for the equivalent on AWS.
DocumentDB has geo indexing and operators.
SimpleDB's 1K per document limit is a serious limitation. This tells me that it's designed mostly for logging or as an index to S3 and not a full-fledged document store. The limit for DocumentDB is 512K.
If comparison to SimpleDB is like apples to oranges, then comparison to ElasticSearch is like apples to fire engines. My impression of ElasticSearch is that it's all about full-text searching and analytics. I don't think it's space/execution/api efficient to serve as a primary transactional store. Built on Lucene, it was not designed to have the reliability/durability to be your primary store. Further, even when hosted, it's more of an IaaS offering, wherease DocumentDB and SimpleDB are true PaaS offerings. The maintenance will be much higher with ElasticSearch.

Key differences between Azure DocumentDB and Azure Table Storage

I am choosing database technology for my new project. I am wondering what are the key differences between Azure DocumentDB and Azure Table Storage?
It seems that main advantage of DocumentDB is full text search and rich query functionality. If I understand it correctly, I would not need separate search engine library such as Lucene/Elasticsearch.
On the other hand Table Storage is much cheaper.
What are the other differences that could influence my decision?
I consider Azure Search an alternative to Lucene. I used in a worker role and simply the idea of not having to deal with the infrastructure, ingestion, etc.. issues make the Azure Search service very appealing to me.
There is a scenario I approached with Azure storage in which I see DocumentDB
as a perferct fit, and it might explain my point of view.
I used Azure storage to prepare and keep daily summaries of the user activities in my solution outside of Azure SQL Database, as the summaries are requested frequently by a large number of clients with good chances to experience spikes on certain times of the day. A simple write once read many scenario usage pattern (my schema) Azure SQL db found it difficult to cope with while it perfectly fit the capacity of storage (btw daily summaries were not in cache because of size) .
This scenario evolved over time and now I happen to keep more aggregated and ready to use data in those summaries, and updates became more complex.
Keeping these daily summaries in DocumentDB would make the write once part of the scenario more granular, updating only the relevant data in the complex summary, and ease the read part, as the capability of getting parts of more summaries becomes a trivial quest, for example.
I would consider DocumentDB in scenarios in which data is unstructured and rather complex and I need rich query capability (Table storage is lagging on this part).
I would consider Azure Search in scenarios in which a high throughput full-text search is required.
I did not find the quotas/expected perf to precisely compare DocumentDB to Search but I highly suspect Search is the best fit to replace Lucene.
HTH, Davide

Azure Table Storage - Entity Design Best Practices Question

Im writing a 'proof of concept' application to investigate the possibility of moving a bespoke ASP.NET ecommerce system over to Windows Azure during a necessary re-write of the entire application.
Im tempted to look at using Azure Table Storage as an alternative to SQL Azure as the entities being stored are likely to change their schema (properties) over time as the application matures further, and I wont need to make endless database schema changes. In addition we can build refferential integrity into the applicaiton code - so the case for considering Azure Table Storage is a strong one.
The only potential issue I can see at this time is that we do a small amount of simple reporting - i.e. value of sales between two dates, number of items sold for a particular product etc.
I know that Table Storage doesnt support aggregate type functions, and I believe we can achieve what we want with clever use of partitions, multiple entity types to store subsets of the same data and possibly pre-aggregation but Im not 100% sure about how to go about it.
Does anyone know of any in-depth documents about Azure Table Storage design principles so that we make proper and efficient use of Tables, PartitionKeys and entity design etc.
there's a few simplistic documents around, and the current books available tend not to go into this subject in much depth.
FYI - the ecommerce site has about 25,000 customers and takes about 100,000 orders per year.
Have you seen this post ?
Pretty thorough coverage of tables
I think there are three potential issues I think in porting your app to Table Storage.
The lack of reporting - including aggregate functions - which you've already identified
The limited availability of transaction support - with 100,000 orders per year I think you'll end up missing this support.
Some problems with costs - $1 per million operations is only a small cost, but you can need to factor this in if you get a lot of page views.
Honestly, I think a hybrid approach - perhaps EF or NH to SQL Azure for critical data, with large objects stored in Table/Blob?
Enough of my opinion! For "in depth":
try the storage team's blog - I've found this very good
try the PDC sessions from Jai Haridas (couldn't spot a link - but I'm sure its there still)
try articles inside Eric's book -
there's some very good best practice based advice on - - but this is somewhat performance orientated
If you have start looking at Azure storage such as table, it would do no harm in looking at other NOSQL offerings in the market (especially around document databases). This would give you insight into NOSQL space and how solution around such storages are designed.
You can also think about a hybrid approach of SQL DB + NOSQL solution. Parts of the system may lend themselves very well to Azure table storage model.
NOSQL solutions such as Azure table have their own challenges such as
Schema changes for data. Check here and here
Transactional support
ACID constraints. Check here
All table design papers I have seen are pretty much exclusively focused on the topics of scalability and search performance. I have not seen anything related to design considerations for reporting or BI.
Now, azure tables are accessible through rest APIs and via the azure SDK. Depending on what reporting you need, you might be able to pull out the information you require with minimal effort. If your reporting requirements are very sophisticated, then perhaps SQL azure together with Windows Azure SQL Reporting services might be a better option to consider?
