I want to make a tile based game using functional programming.
Game has 6 tiles and each tile can occupy a piece. Here's my data structure:
:pieces {
1 { :type 'p' }
2 { :type 'r' }
:tiles [{}
{:current 1}
{:current 2}
This is a serial representation of the game tiles:
I need a function that transforms this serial data into my data structure.
There are ways to optimize this but it should give you the right idea. See below code for alternate suggestion.
The interesting thing here is you are mapping a fixed tile model over a variable piece type set. There would be efficiency in making the piece model a fixed array as well.
Note: the input needs to be a string and not using single quotes as in your example: (e.g. "00p0r0" vs. '00p0r0').
(def empty-tile-map
{:piece-count 0
:pieces {}
:tiles (into [] (repeat 6 {}))})
(defn set-tile
"Sets the tile to the index reference to piece"
[arref indx value]
(assoc arref indx {:current value}))
(defn string-to-board-reducer
"Reduce function to create pieces and reference in tile"
[{:keys [piece-count tcount tiles] :as acc} x]
(let [ccnt (inc piece-count)
nmap (assoc acc :tcount (inc tcount))]
(if (> (int x) 48)
(update-in nmap [:pieces] assoc ccnt {:type x})
:tiles (set-tile tiles tcount ccnt))
:piece-count ccnt)
(defn string-to-board
"Take serializated string and generate board"
(dissoc (reduce string-to-board-reducer
(assoc empty-tile-map :tcount 0) (seq s))
By definition, the input string implicitly contains all the information you want. A series of functions could be defined that work with the serialize string as the board state, replacing it with a new string as you go. Just a suggestion.
Imagine I have a function that receive a array of structs like this:
(defun name-of-func (array)
(dotimes (i (array-total-size array))
(print (aref array i))))
and the stuct is something like this
(defstruct sTSP
How can I access the field x on i position of the array?
Please take a look at the definition of defstruct.
It is long, but well worth the read.
If you are lazy, like we all are, search for reader:
(defstruct foo x y z)
(defparameter foo (make-foo :x 2 :y 4))
(foo-x foo)
==> 2
(foo-y foo)
==> 4
(foo-z foo)
==> NIL
PS1. Please note that array-total-size should
not be used with aref but
rather with row-major-aref.
The difference is with multi-dimensional arrays which are implemented
as vectors under the hood.
E.g., your function will fail on (make-array '(2 2) :initial-element (make-sTSP)).
PS2. I re-use foo for both type name and variable name to illustrate that they reside is different name spaces.
I'm trying to return a string value when I read this CSV file that contains cities and city attributes. Here is what I have so far:
(defn city [name]
(with-open [rdr (reader)]
(doseq [line (drop 1 (line-seq rdr))]
(def x2 line)
(def y (string/split x2 #","))
(if (= name (y 0))
(println line)
(city "Toronto")
=> Toronto,43.666667,-79.416667,Canada,CA,Ontario,admin,5213000,3934421
I can get it to print out the row, but how would I go about getting the function to return the row instead, if that makes sense?
With how you have the code setup currently, you can't. doseq is meant to carry out side effects; it doesn't return anything. Rarely do you ever want to use doseq, and rarely should you ever use def inside of function definitions.
You want to find the first line where (= name (y 0)) is true. There's a few ways of approaching that. A basic way would be using loop and just stopping it once you find the line. I think using map or for to loop over the line-seq, then grabbing the first result would work out well here though:
(defn city [name]
(with-open [rdr (reader)]
(for [line (drop 1 (line-seq rdr)) ; Same syntax here as with doseq
:let [y (string/split line #",")] ; Use let instead of def for local definitions
:when (= name (y 0))] ; Only add to the list ":when (= name (y 0))"
for is like Python's generator expression (if you're familiar with Python). It is not like a normal imperative for loop like in Java. The for will return a list of lines for which (= name (y 0)) was true. Because presumably there's only one such valid line in the file though, we only want one result, so we pass the list to first to get the first valid line found.
And note that for is lazy. This does not iterate the entire file before passing off to first. first requests the first element before for has even iterated, and no more iteration is done once a matching line is found.
The println function is meant for side-effects, and always returns nil. Adjust your function to return line as the last item after the if:
(if (= name (y 0))
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Here is a better organized version of the code. Your project dependencies will need to look like:
:dependencies [
[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.1"]
[prismatic/schema "1.1.12"]
[tupelo "0.9.168"]
and the code can then look like:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use tupelo.core tupelo.test)
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.java.io :as io]
[tupelo.string :as ts]))
(def city-data
" city,lat,lon,country,ccode,province,unk1,unk2,unk3
(defn city->fields [city-str]
(str/split city-str #","))
(defn city [name]
(with-open [rdr (io/reader (ts/string->stream city-data))]
(let [lines (mapv str/trim (line-seq rdr))
hdrs-line (first lines)
city-lines (rest lines)
cities-fields (mapv city->fields city-lines)
city-match (first (filterv #(= name (first %)) cities-fields))]
; debug printouts
(spyx hdrs-line)
(spyx-pretty city-lines)
(spyx city-match)
city-match))) ; <= return value
(println "Result: " (city "Toronto"))
with result:
Clojure 1.10.1 Java 13
Testing tst.demo.core
hdrs-line => "city,lat,lon,country,ccode,province,unk1,unk2,unk3"
city-lines =>
city-match => ["Toronto" "43.666667" "-79.416667" "Canada" "CA" "Ontario" "admin" "5213000" "3934421"]
Result: [Toronto 43.666667 -79.416667 Canada CA Ontario admin 5213000 3934421]
I'm writing a Haskell program that reads a wordlist of the English language and a rectangular grid of letters such as:
and then finds a Hamiltonian path through the grid from the top-left corner that spells out a sequence of English words, such as:
--> $ runghc unpacking.hs < 4x4grid.txt
(If there are multiple solutions, it can just print any one it finds and stop looking.)
The naïve, strict approach is to generate a full path and then try to split it up into words. However, assuming that I'm doing this (and currently I am forcing myself to -- see below) I'm spending a lot of time finding paths like:
These are obviously never going to turn out to be words, looking at the first few letters ("IINH" can't be split into words, and no English word contains "NHH".) So, say, in the above grid, I don't want to look at the many[1] paths that begin with IINHH.
Now, my functions look like this:
paths :: Coord -> Coord -> [[Coord]]
paths (w, h) (1, 1) = [[(1, 1), (1, 2), ... (x, y)], ...]
lexes :: Set String -> String -> [[String]]
lexes englishWordset "ITHINKTHISWILLWORK" = [["I", "THINK", "THIS", ...], ...]
paths just finds all the paths worth considering on a (w, h) grid. lexes finds all the ways to chop a phrase up, and is defined as:
lexes language [] = [[]]
lexes language phrase = let
splits = tail $ zip (inits phrase) (tails phrase)
in concat [map (w:) (lexes language p') | (w, p') <- splits,
w `S.member` language]
Given "SAMPLESTRING", it looks at "S", then "SA", then "SAM"... as soon as it finds a valid word, it recurses and tries to "lex" the rest of the string. (First it will recurse on "PLESTRING" and try to make phrases with "SAM", but find no way to chop "plestring" up into words, and fail; then it will find ["SAMPLE", "STRING"].)
Of course, for an invalid string above, any hope of being "lazy" is lost by following this approach: in the example from earlier we need to still search beyond a ridiculous phrase like "ITOLSHINHISIST", because maybe "ITOLSHINHISISTK" (one letter longer) might form a valid single word.
I feel like somehow I could use laziness here to improve performance throughout the entire program: if the first few characters of phrase aren't a prefix of any word, we can bail out entirely, stop evaluating the rest of phrase, and thus the rest of the path.[2] Does this make sense at all? Is there some tree-like data structure that will help me check not for set membership, but set "prefix-ness", thereby making checking validity lazier?
[1] Obviously, for a 4x4 grid there are very few of these, but this argument is about the general case: for bigger grids I could skip hundreds of thousands of paths the moment I see they start with "JX".
[2] phrase is just map (grid M.!) path for some Map Coord Char grid read from the input file.
I want to delete some characters at the end of a string.
I made this function :
(defun del-delimiter-at-end (string)
((eq (delimiterp (char string (- (length string) 1))) nil)
string )
(del-delimiterp-at-end (subseq string 0 (- (length string) 1))) ) ) )
with this :
(defun delimiterp (c) (position c " ,.;!?/"))
But I don't understand why it doesn't work. I have the following error :
Index must be positive and not -1
Note that I want to split a string in list of strings, I already looked here :
Lisp - Splitting Input into Separate Strings
but it doesn't work if the end of the string is a delimiter, that's why I'm trying to do that.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
The Easy Way
Just use string-right-trim:
(string-right-trim " ,.;!?/" s)
Your Error
If you pass an empty string to you del-delimiter-at-end, you will be passing -1 as the second argument to char.
Your Code
There is no reason to do (eq (delimiterp ...) nil); just use (delimiterp ...) instead (and switch the clauses!)
It is mode idiomatic to use if and not cond when you have just two clauses and each has just one form.
You call subseq recursively, which means that you not only allocate memory for no reason, your algorithm is also quadratic in string length.
There are really two questions here. One is more specific, and is described in the body of the question. The other is more general, and is what the title asks about (how to split a sequence). I'll handle the immediate question that's in the body, of how to trim some elements from the end of a sequence. Then I'll handle the more general question of how to split a sequence in general, and how to split a list in the special case, since people who find this question based on its title may be interested in that.
Right-trimming a sequence
sds answered this perfectly if you're only concerned with strings. The language already includes string-right-trim, so that's probably the best way to solve this problem, if you're only concerned with strings.
A solution for sequences
That said, if you want a subseq based approach that works with arbitrary sequences, it makes sense to use the other sequence manipulation functions that the language provides. Many functions take a :from-end argument and have -if-not variants that can help. In this case, you can use position-if-not to find the rightmost non-delimiter in your sequence, and then use subseq:
(defun delimiterp (c)
(position c " ,.;!?/"))
(defun right-trim-if (sequence test)
(let ((pos (position-if-not test sequence :from-end t)))
(subseq sequence 0 (if (null pos) 0 (1+ pos)))))
(right-trim-if "hello!" 'delimiterp) ; some delimiters to trim
;=> "hello"
(right-trim-if "hi_there" 'delimiterp) ; nothing to trim, with other stuff
;=> "hi_there"
(right-trim-if "?" 'delimiterp) ; only delimiters
;=> ""
(right-trim-if "" 'delimiterp) ; nothing at all
;=> ""
Using complement and position
Some people may point out that position-if-not is deprecated. If you don't want to use it, you can use complement and position-if to achieve the same effect. (I haven't noticed an actual aversion to the -if-not functions though.) The HyperSpec entry on complement says:
In Common Lisp, functions with names like xxx-if-not are related
to functions with names like xxx-if in that
(xxx-if-not f . arguments) == (xxx-if (complement f) . arguments)
For example,
(find-if-not #'zerop '(0 0 3)) ==
(find-if (complement #'zerop) '(0 0 3)) => 3
Note that since the xxx-if-not functions and the :test-not
arguments have been deprecated, uses of xxx-if functions or :test
arguments with complement are preferred.
That said, position and position-if-not take function designators, which means that you can pass the symbol delimiterp to them, as we did in
(right-trim-if "hello!" 'delimiterp) ; some delimiters to trim
;=> "hello"
complement, though, doesn't want a function designator (i.e., a symbol or function), it actually wants a function object. So you can define right-trim-if as
(defun right-trim-if (sequence test)
(let ((pos (position-if (complement test) sequence :from-end t)))
(subseq sequence 0 (if (null pos) 0 (1+ pos)))))
but you'll have to call it with the function object, not the symbol:
(right-trim-if "hello!" #'delimiterp)
;=> "hello"
(right-trim-if "hello!" 'delimiterp)
; Error
Splitting a sequence
If you're not just trying to right-trim the sequence, then you can implement a split function without too much trouble. The idea is to increment a "start" pointer into the sequence. It first points to the beginning of the sequence. Then you find the first delimiter and grab the subsequence between them. Then find the the next non-delimiter after that, and treat that as the new start point.
(defun split (sequence test)
(do ((start 0)
(results '()))
((null start) (nreverse results))
(let ((p (position-if test sequence :start start)))
(push (subseq sequence start p) results)
(setf start (if (null p)
(position-if-not test sequence :start p))))))
This works on multiple kinds of sequences, and you don't end up with non delimiters in your subsequences:
CL-USER> (split '(1 2 4 5 7) 'evenp)
((1) (5 7))
CL-USER> (split '(1 2 4 5 7) 'oddp)
(NIL (2 4))
CL-USER> (split "abc123def456" 'alpha-char-p)
("" "123" "456")
CL-USER> (split #(1 2 3 foo 4 5 6 let 7 8 list) 'symbolp)
(#(1 2 3) #(4 5 6) #(7 8))
Although this works for sequences of all types, it's not very efficient for lists, since subseq, position, etc., all have to traverse the list up to the start position. For lists, it's better to use a list specific implementation:
(defun split-list (list test)
(do ((results '()))
((endp list)
(nreverse results))
(let* ((tail (member-if test list))
(head (ldiff list tail)))
(push head results)
(setf list (member-if-not test tail)))))
CL-USER> (split-list '(1 2 4 5 7) 'oddp)
(NIL (2 4))
CL-USER> (split-list '(1 2 4 5 7) 'evenp)
((1) (5 7))
Instead of member-if and ldiff, you could also us cut from this answer to Idiomatic way to group a sorted list of integers?.
I have created a structure which builds a URL query from a map but it is not thread-safe since it's relying on a defined variable which probably isn't needed so what is the best way to do this?
(def charset "UTF-8")
(defn make-query
(def tmpa [])
(doseq [keyval params]
(def tmpa
(into tmpa
(java.net.URLEncoder/encode (name (first keyval)) charset)
(java.net.URLEncoder/encode (apply (first keyval) [params]) charset)
(clojure.string/join "&" tmpa)
The use of nested defs is not really the way to go when you need to work with an intermediate value in a function, that's what the let form is for. Also note that def creates a top level var, so even after the make-query function returns, you will still have a tmpa var lying around in the namespace where you declared the function.
The function you posted has an imperative style since it's using doseq (which is by definition to be used for side-effects) and changing the value of the tmpa var in every iteration of the loop.
A functional approach would be reduceing the key-value pairs and build the result by concatenating the key and value to the query string in each call to the reducing function. The following is an example of how this can be achieved:
(def charset "UTF-8")
(defn make-query
(reduce (fn [query [k v]]
(str query
(java.net.URLEncoder/encode (name k) charset)
(java.net.URLEncoder/encode (str v) charset)
(make-query {:name "clojure" :year 2014})
;= "name=clojure&year=2014&"
It takes some time to get used to thinking this way, when one comes from an imperative and OOP background, but with practice it gets a lot easier.
Hope it helps.