I've found that they give an explanation of sorted tables on this side https://www.google.com/design/spec/components/data-tables.html
but they do not give any explanation for setting it up or the class we have to add.
I am looking for the best and right way to cite a excerpt table from a larger, complete table. What is the right way of doing this? Do I just add a footer with a reference for the full table? or do I include any words in the rows and/or columns like "Years (Extract)".
My Raw table looks like this.
When I create a Pivot it looks like the below screenshot. I have filtered the type column and not actual and others. Now i want to subtract these two columns and create just one more additional column. Maybe some column will show 0 here as I have created dummy data, Sorry for that
Can somebody please help
You will need to create a calculated field/column
This is a very easy and simple guide to do so here: How to create a Calculated Field in Pivot Table
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I am learning how to use IBM Cognos and my first task is to create relationships between the tables I have uploaded into Cognos.
Basically, I am trying to tell Cognos to link the id column in the Person Table with the person_id and related_person_id columns in the Relationship Table, as shown here:
However, this does not seem possible since the Match Selected Columns button becomes disabled when I try to also link the related_person_id column.
The reason I need to do this is because person_id and related_person_id are foreign keys - they point to people in the Person Table and explain how they are related.
How can this be accomplished in Cognos?
Thank you.
You can have any number of matches. You need to match a single query item from each side for each match. IIRC, a query item can be used in multiple matches, although that would only be really helpful once relational operators are implemented.
It isn't clear if in your case you want to use person_id and related_person_id as a composite key or if you want a 1.n relationship between ID and person_id and some other relationship (n.1?) between ID and related person ID or if a 1.n relationship between ID and person_id would be sufficient to whatever you are trying to accomplish.
Editorial comment:
It would be really really nice if Cognos introduced relational operators Real Soon Now.
I was analyzing some data using Pivot Tables and noticed something strange.
I am attaching below the screenshots for details.
The first image if of the data, I have filtered it for a particular Brewery
The second image is of the rows and values selected in Pivot table
And the third image is of the analysis spit out by excel.
My question is shouldn't the count of category for '(512) Brewing Companybe4` which is the distinct values of category as seen from the second image?
If not then how come I can get the unique count of categories using the pivot table.?
one way of doing it is to pull the category field just below Brewery one while keeping Category also in the values
This will help you to have the count you are looking for, one thing that may bother you are th subtotals that will appear for each Brewery, but this can be easy fixed by right clicking on them and select "Remove Subtotal..."
Hope this helps, if not let me know
Kind regards
In this article the author illustrates several options for modeling many-to-many relationship in Cassandra. I would like to get some more clarifications on two of them:
Why option 4 would take more space? It seems like you are just "appending" Item_by_user to User column space.
Also, in option 4, how can you define composite columns as the author suggests? It seems like you have two groups of columns: 1) Name, Email and 2) Likes whereas the latter is wide(?). What would be the CQL code that defines Name, Email and wide columns for Likes for the User table?
The following images are taken form the article mentioned above:
As far as first question goes it looks to me that it will take same amount of space only one row per user and per item less because you keep everything in single row.
As for second question you can take a look at static columns (here is cql documentation). Basically it is a way to define column which will be shared by all values in one row (user details in user table and item details in items table) and you can update value only by using partitioning key.
Second solution can be to model which items user liked as map type (here is map documentation) and same thing goes to items (create a map of users which liked that item).
I suggest you to get more information about Data modeling in Cassandra. I've read A Big Data Modeling Methodology for Apache Cassandra and Basic Rules of Cassandra Data Modeling as useful articles in this case. They will help you understanding about modelling the tables based on your queries (Query-Driven methodology) and data duplication and its advantages/disadvantages.