synthetic multi-node crossbar system implementation - crossbar

I am implementing a system composed of a collection of small systems, ie. Raspberry, Yun, Beaglebone, the occasional PC. has real promise ... but, as I understand it, doesn't currently support multiple nodes. Am I correct? Does anyone know when that might happen?
In the meantime it occurred to me that each individual node can offer an http interface that I might be able to use for my purposes. My initial thought is to crate workers that wrap access to the web the interface on subsidiary nodes. This fits the overall architecture of the system I want to create - does it have any merit? Is it tractable? I'm new to websockets - and insight would be a great help.
Thanks for your time,

In general that does sound like a fit for
There is no timeline on multi-node (i.e. multiple routers), but we hope to have at least hot-standby nodes for high availability ready in Q1. Other than for high availability, I think that a single instance should provide sufficient performance for most applications out there - on a single current (non-high-end) Xeon we're talking tens of thousands of events a second, and concurrent connections are mostly limited by RAM (and 100s of thousands on a single box are definitely not a problem). (If you need more than that then I'd be very interested in your specific use case - we want to learn more about our users.)
I don't completely understand the second part of your question: What precisely is the architecture you're planning here? If you're talking about the integrated Web server, then with recent optimizations (it can now use multiple cores) this should be enough for even moderately big sites, and with SPAs you're not likely to ever run into performance issues.
Hope this helps, and I'll be glad to answer in more detail once you've clarified the second part.


Hazelcast : server node and client node best practices for beginner

new to hazelcast, want to understand functionalities of client and server functions in a cluster.
lets say I have 4 different servers(not referring to hazelcast server)/machines and I want to maximize RAM utilization :-
Do I start 4 servers instances, one on each server/machine ?
Do I start 4 clients instances, one on each server/machine ?
Is business logic written only in client instance ? if so, then do server instance not contain any logic apart from managing the lifecycle ?
I know this would vary as per requirement, but I want to get a general idea.
Adding on to Ernest's statements. You would usually expect data to be held in cache and processing to be on the client. However, with hazelcast, it doesn't have to be that way. Check some interesting features like ExecutorService and EntryProcessors in the documentation.
You may also want to look at the concept of Near cache, where you still hold the data on dedicated Hz instance (servers), while maintaining a near-cache in the client. Be wary of data sync challenges around this, though this works well in most cases (again very subjective).
Hope these pointers give some idea to start off with. All the Best !
there is no single answer to your question. There are many factors to be considered. For example one of your questions is where does the business logic reside. This depends heavily on how the hazelcast is used. Lets say Hazelcast is used purly for Caching purposes. The business logic then resides entirly on the client side.
Alternativly if we say that Hazelcast is full of rich Pojos, and domain driven design is used then we can say the logic lies entirly on the hazelcast instance itself. Usualy in real life the truth is somewhere on between
In terms of memory utilization again this depends very much on your setup budget and so on.... We can say that if you have one server with a lot of ram and you don't use any commersial addons from Hazelcast like off memory heap then running several hazelcasts on the same machine with limited amount of memory each would be more beneficial compared to running a single node with a lot of memory.
Also it should be noted the phenomenon where allocating more than 32Gigs of heap will drive you into te 64 bit universe.
Again this depends on many factors. If you have a Live interactive application you can not tolerate big GC pausas so you would incline to usage of more hazelcasts with small heaps. If you have non interactive application tolerant to big GC pauses then it is the other way around you can have big heap. So you see there is no simple answer to your question.

Multi-node connection management

I'm designing an application involving multi-node communications using Infiniband (ibv_*). What is the standard way to keep connections between nodes? I'm thinking of O(N^2) connections for all pairs of node as the easiest one, but it's kind of silly and not scalable.
The question is kinda simple and short, but the real answer is VERY long...
First of all, be sure that you really need to use ibv_... stuff.
Are you using Infiniband or ROCE?
Next, analyze the expected communication pattern of your application.
You're talking about scalability, which probably means that you have a massively parallel application in mind.
Do you really need to invent your own communication layer?
Can't you use existing solutions?
There's a whole CS field that deals with this kind of problems - HPC (High Performance Computing).
Perhaps MPI/UPC/some other library will solve your problem?
If you still need to write your own ibv_... application with lots and lots of machines, then you need to consider:
do you need RC or UD connections?
if you have the newest Mellanox HCA (Connect-IB) then there's also an option of DC
what are the scalability requirements?
how sensitive is the application to latency/BW?
To summarize:
if you need to have a massively parallel IB verbs application, and you need RC, you'd better open RC connections on-demand
if you have to have all the RC connection opened in advance, then there's no other way - O(n^2) connections case in inevitable
if it fits your needs, consider using UD
check that existing solutions are not what you need

High Scalability in Domain-Driven Design

I'm using DDD for a service-oriented application intended to transmit a high volume of messages between a high volume of web clients (i.e., browsers).
Because in the context of required functionality, the need for transmission outweighs the need for storage, I love the idea of relying on RAM primarily and minimizing use of the database.
However I'm unclear on how to architect this from a scalability point of view. A web farm creates high availability of service endpoints and domain logic processing. But no matter how many servers I have, it seems they must all share a common repository so that their data is consistent.
How do I build this repository so that it's as scalable as possible? How can it be splashed across an array of physical machines in a manner such that all machines are consistent and each couldn't care less if another goes down?
Also since touching the database will be required occasionally (e.g., when a client goes missing and messages intended for it must be stored until it returns), how should I organize my memory-based code and data access layer? Are they both considered "the repository"?
There are several ways to solve this issue. No single answer can really cover it all...
One method to ensure your scalability is to simply scale the hardware. Write your web services to be stateless so that you can run a web farm (all running the same identical services, pointing to the same DB) and turn your DB into a cluster. Clustered databases run over multiple servers and work on the same storage. However, this scenario can get complicated and expensive quite quickly.
Some interesting links:
Another method is to look at architecture. CQRS is a common architectural model that ensures scalability. For instance, this architecture model -- its name stands for Command/Query Responsibility Segregation -- builds different databases for reading and writing. This seems contradictory, but if you study it, it becomes natural and you wonder why you've never thought of it before. Simply put, most apps do a lot more reading than writing, and writing tends to be a lot more complicated than reading (requiring business rule validation etc.), so why not separate the two? You can use your expensive transactional database for writing and then your cheap, maybe Non-SQL based or open source, database over multiple reading servers. Your read model is then optimized for the screens of your application(s), whereas the write model is optimized solely for writing and is in fact a DDD-based set of repositories.
There's just not enough room here to cover this option in detail, but CQRS is a good way of achieving scalability and even ease of development, once you have a CQRS framework in place. There are many other advantages to CQRS, such as ease of auditing (if you combine it with the "event sourcing" technique, which is common in CQRS-based environments).
Some interesting links:
Are you ready for some reading? There are a lot of options, but I believe you should start by learning about the advantages of modern distributed NoSQL dbs, and enjoy learning from the experience learned in facebook, linkedin and other friends. Start here:

Node.js event vs thread programming on server side

We are planning to start a fairly complex web-portal which is expected to attract good local traffic and I've been told by my boss to consider/analyse node.js for the serve side.
I think scalability and multi-core support can be handled with an Nginx or Cherokee in front.
1) Is this node.js ready for some serious/big business?
2) Does this 'event/asynchronous' paradigm on server side has the potential to support the heavy traffic and data operation ? considering the fact that 'everything' is being processed in a single thread and all the live connections would be lost if it got crashed (though its easy to restart).
3) What are the advantages of event based programming compared to thread based style ? or vice-versa.
(I know of higher cost associated with thread switching but hardware can be squeezed with event model.)
Following are interesting but contradicting (to some extent) papers:-
Node.js is developing extremely rapidly, and most of its functionality is sturdy and ready for business. However, there are a lot of places where its lacking, like database drivers, jquery and DOM, multiple http headers, etc. There are plenty of modules coming up tackling every aspect, but for a production environment you'll have to be careful to pick ones that are stable.
Its actually much MUCH more efficient using a single thread than a thousand (or even fifty) from an operating system perspective, and benchmarks I've read (sorry, don't have them on hand -- will try to find them and link them later) show that it's able to support heavy traffic -- not sure about file-system access though.
Event based programming is:
Cleaner-looking code than threaded code (in JavaScript, that is)
The JavaScript engine is extremely efficient with processing events and handling callbacks, and its easily one of the languages seeing the most runtime optimization right now.
Harder to fit when you are thinking in terms of control flow. With events, you can never be sure of the flow. However, you can also come to think of it as more dynamic programming. You can treat each event being fired as independent.
It forces you to be more security-conscious when programming, for the above reason. In that sense, its better than linear systems, where sometimes you take sanitized input for granted.
As for the two papers, both are relatively old. The first benchmarks against this, which as you can see, has a more recent note about these studies:
It also cites the second paper you linked about what they have done, but refuses to comment on its relevance to the comparison between event-based systems and thread-based ones :)
Try yourself to discover the truth
See What is Node.js? where we cover exactly that:
Node in production is definitely possible, but far from the "turn-key" deployment seemingly promised by the docs. With Node v0.6.x, "cluster" has been integrated into the platform, providing one of the essential building blocks, but my "production.js" script is still ~150 lines of logic to handle stuff like creating the log directory, recycling dead workers, etc. For a "serious" production service, you also need to be prepared to throttle incoming connections and do all the stuff that Apache does for PHP. To be fair, Rails has this exact problem. It is solved via two complementary mechanisms: 1) Putting Rails/Node behind a dedicated webserver (written in C and tested to hell and back) like Nginx (or Apache / Lighttd). The webserver can efficiently serve static content, access logging, rewrite URLs, terminate SSL, enforce access rules, and manage multiple sub-services. For requests that hit the actual node service, the webserver proxies the request through. 2) Using a framework like "Unicorn" that will manage the worker processes, recycle them periodically, etc. I've yet to find a Node serving framework that seems fully baked; it may exist, but I haven't found it yet and still use ~150 lines in my hand-rolled "production.js".

Using Linux Virtual Server for load balancing of zones in MMO game

I'm a developer of a MMO game and currently we're at my company facing some scalability issues which, I think, can be resolved with proper clustering of the game world.
I don't really want to reinvent the wheel that's why I think Linux Virtual Server could be a good choice especially with some Level 7 load balancing technique.
I'm currently looking at ktcpvs as a load balancing solution and wonder if it's a proper choice.
The main idea is to have a number of zones("locations" in terms of my game) running on dedicated servers. When a player decides to go to some specific location the load balancer decides which zone server will be actually serving the player(that's actually why I need a Level 7 load balancer)
What do you folks think about all said above?
Update: I posted the same question to LVS users mailing list
Update: I also started the similar topic on the forum
In order to address your question we need to understand whether you need volume or response, but it is difficult to get both at the same time.
Layer 7 load balancing - is data based application level balancing, so the data content of the network packet needs to be routed to an end-point. You can achieve volume (more users) by implementing routing at the application level, service level or kernel level.
Scalability - I assume you are running out of memory, CPU resources and network bandwidth.
Application level - your application logic receives an application packet and routes accordingly.
Service level - your system framework (front end service of some kind) receives the packet and through a module - performs the routing (think of custom apache module, even network driver modules - like writing a network filter)
Kernel level - Performs routing at network packet level.
The closer you move to the metal, the better your response will be. I suggest using dedicated linux server up-front to perform the routing - go native, not virtual. Use multiple or teamed network adapters for the WAN and a dedicated adapter for each end-point (one+ wan, one each for each connected app server)
If response time is important then you need a kernel/supervisor state solution, it will save you a few context switches but be aware that you need to limit hops at all costs and could better be served by fewer, larger machines and your scalability will always be limited. There is a risk in using KTCPVS, it is quite old and not actively updated. If you judge that it works for you great, otherwise consider writing something akin to a network filter as long as it runs in system state.
If volume is important but response time is secondary, implement a custom built high-speed socket switch built in C++ running in problem/user state. It is the easiest to maintain and will offer the best scalability.
You will need to build some prototypes to figure out what suits your needs best.
Final thoughts -
Before doing any of the above first ensure that you have optimized your game design. You may know most of this, I list it here for the benefit of all.
(a) messages should fit comfortably within one network packet, less than 1500 bytes for most home routers
(b) Try to fit the logic of the routing in your game client instead of your servers. A simple download of a small table with zones and IP addresses to a client will allow you to forego all of the above.
(c) Try to limit zone visibility by to the clients, they should know about their zones and adjacent zones only (if you implement the point b above)
Hope this helps, sorry I cannot be more specific regarding KTCPVS.
You haven't specified where the bottleneck is. Network Traffic? Disk IO? CPU Cycles?
Assuming you mean a layer 7 load balancer and don't have enough CPU power, I think LVS ist not the optimal choice. I have done Web Server load balancing with LVS, which works straightforward and isn't exactly complicated.
But I think load balancing an MMORP this way needs considerable amounts of additional code in LVS, it might be easier to do the load balancing with a multithreaded application distributed over some multicore server. But this isn't fully scalable, this only gets you to 16 cores without prohibitve cost increase.
The biggest issue in something like this is what happens when players are near a boundary. Obviously they need to be able to see and interact with each other, but they're on separate servers. So you need some pretty fancy inter-server communication, sometimes just duplicating messages to both servers. It can get even more complicated when someone is near a "corner", and then you have to deal with 4 servers!
The book Massively Multiplayer Game Development has a chapter on "The Pitfalls of Shared Server Boundaries" which covers this issue in detail.
I haven't heard of Linux Virtual Server before now, so I don't understand how it fits. I think your actual server application needs to support this game-specific load balancing, rather than trying to run a cluster and assuming that it will automatically know how to split up your application (which it won't). If I were you, I would write the server program to handle its own piece of land, and it should connect to the pieces of land around it, and then design a server-to-server protocol for the passing of these messages ("here comes a player, I'm going to start telling you about him!" "make sure to tell me about messages near our boundary", "okay the player is out of my territory and into yours, here's his detailed data", etc). I think it's a bit more complicated than just running a different flavor of Linux and assuming you'll get automatic load balancing.
Why are you moving the distribution logic to the loadbalancer? It's a component that's not free and can break. It seems your clients are quite aware of which zone they're in. It seems they could very well connect to zone<n> You'd then handle loadbalancing at DNS level.
