make function with 'if' point-free - haskell

I have a task in Haskell (no, it's not my homework, I'm learning for exam).
The task is:
Write point-free function numocc which counts occurrences of element in given lists. For example: numocc 1 [[1, 2], [2, 3, 2, 1, 1], [3]] = [1, 2, 0]
This is my code:
addif :: Eq a => a -> Int -> a -> Int
addif x acc y = if x == y then acc+1 else acc
count :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Int
count = flip foldl 0 . addif
numocc :: Eq a => a -> [[a]] -> [Int]
numocc = map . count
numocc and count are 'point-free', but they are using function addif which isn't.
I have no idea how can I do the function addif point-free. Is there any way to do if statement point-free? Maybe there is a trick which use no if?

I would use the fact that you can easily convert a Bool to an Int using fromEnum:
addif x acc y = acc + fromEnum (x == y)
Now you can start applying the usual tricks to make it point-free
-- Go prefix and use $
addif x acc y = (+) acc $ fromEnum $ (==) x y
-- Swap $ for . when dropping the last argument
addif x acc = (+) acc . fromEnum . (==) x
And so on. I won't take away all the fun of making it point free, especially when there's tools to do it for you.
Alternatively, you could write a function like
count x = sum . map (fromEnum . (==) x)
Which is almost point free, and there are tricks that get you closer, although they get pretty nasty quickly:
count = fmap fmap fmap sum map . fmap fmap fmap fromEnum (==)
Here I think it actually looks nicer to use fmap instead of (.), although you could replace every fmap with (.) and it would be the exact same code. Essentially, the (fmap fmap fmap) composes a single argument and a two argument function together, if you instead give it the name .: you could write this as
count = (sum .: map) . (fromEnum .: (==))
Broken down:
> :t fmap fmap fmap sum map
Num a => (a -> b) -> [a] -> b
So it takes a function from b to a numeric a, a list of bs, and returns an a, not too bad.
> :t fmap fmap fmap fromEnum (==)
Eq a => a -> a -> Int
And this type can be written as Eq a => a -> (a -> Int), which is an important thing to note. That makes this function's return type match the input to fmap fmap fmap sum map with b ~ Int, so we can compose them to get a function of type Eq a => a -> [a] -> Int.

why not
numocc x
= map (length . filter (== x))
= map ((length .) (filter (== x)) )
= map (((length .) . filter) (== x))
= map (((length .) . filter) ((==) x))
= map (((length .) . filter . (==)) x)
= (map . ((length .) . filter . (==))) x
= (map . (length .) . filter . (==)) x
and then the trivial eta-contraction.

One trick would be to import one of the many if functions, e.g. Data.Bool.bool 1 0 (also found in Data.Bool.Extras).
A more arcane trick would be to use Foreign.Marshal.Utils.fromBool, which does exactly what you need here. Or the same thing, less arcane: fromEnum (thanks #bheklilr).
But I think the simplest trick would be to simply avoid counting yourself, and just apply the standard length function after filtering for the number.

Using the Enum instance for Bool, it is possible to build a pointfree replacement for if that can be used in more general cases:
chk :: Bool -> (a,a) -> a
chk = ([snd,fst]!!) . fromEnum
Using chk we can define a different version of addIf:
addIf' :: Eq a => a -> a -> Int -> Int
addIf' = curry (flip chk ((+1),id) . uncurry (==))
Now we can simply replace chk in addIf':
addIf :: Eq a => a -> a -> Int -> Int
addIf = curry (flip (([snd,fst]!!) . fromEnum) ((+1),id) . uncurry (==))

I think you’re looking for Data.Bool’s bool, which exists since (2014–04–08).
incif :: (Eq a, Enum counter) => a -> a -> counter -> counter
incif = ((bool id succ) .) . (==)
The additional . allows == to take two parameters, before passing the expression to bool.
Since the order of parameters is different, you need to use incif like this:
(flip . incif)
(Integrating that into incif is left as an exercise to the reader. [Translation: It’s not trivial, and I don’t yet know how. ;])

Remember that in Haskell list comprehensions, if conditionals can be used in the result clause or at the end. But, most importantly, guards without if can be used to filter results. I am using pairs from zip. The second of the pair is the list number. It stays constant while the elements of the list are being compared to the constant (k).
Your result [1,2,0] does not include list numbers 1, 2 or 3 because it is obvious from the positions of the sums in the result list. The result here does not add the occurrences in each list but list them for each list.
nocc k ls = [ z | (y,z) <- zip ls [1..length ls], x <- y, k == x]
nocc 1 [[1, 2], [2, 3, 2, 1, 1], [3]]
[1,2,2] -- read as [1,2,0] or 1 in list 1, 2 in list 2 and 0 in list 3


Filter a list of tuples by fst

What I'm trying to do is not really solve a problem, but more to learn how to write Haskell code that composes/utilizes basic functions to do it.
I have a function that takes a list of tuples (String, Int) and a String, and returns a tuple whose fst matches the given String.
This was fairly easy to do with filter and lambda, but what I want to do now, is remove the rightmost argument, ie. I want to refactor the function to be a composition of partially applied functions that'll do the same functionality.
Original code was:
getstat :: Player -> String -> Stat
getstat p n = head $ filter (\(n', v) -> n' == n) $ stats p
New code is:
getstat :: Player -> String -> Stat
getstat p = head . (flip filter $ stats p) . cmpfst
where cmpfst = (==) . fst . (flip (,)) 0 -- Wrong :-\
The idea is to flip the filter and partially apply by giving in the list of tuples (stats p) and then compose cmpfst.
cmpfst should be String -> (String, Int) -> Bool so that when String argument is applied, it becomes a -> Bool which is good for the filter to pass in tuples, but as you can see - I have problems composing (==) so that only fst's of given tuples are compared.
P.S. I know that the first code is likely cleaner; the point of this task was not to write clean code but to learn how to solve the problem through composition.
I understand well that asking for a head on an possibly empty list is a bad programming that'll result in a crash. Like one earlier poster mentioned, it is very simply and elegantly resolved with Maybe monad - a task I've done before and am familiar with.
What I'd like the focus to be on, is how to make cmpfst composed primarily of basic functions.
So far, the furthest I got is this:
getstat :: Player -> String -> Stat
getstat p = head . (flip filter $ stats p) . (\n' -> (==(fst n')) . fst) . (flip (,)) 0
I can't get rid of the (a -> Bool) lambda by composing and partially applying around (==). This signals, to me, that I either don't understand what I'm doing, or it's impossible using (==) operator in the way I imagined.
Furthermore, unless there's no exact solution, I'll accept signature-change solution as correct one. I'd like not to change the signature of the function simply because its a mental exercise for me, not a production code.
If I were writing this function, I'd probably have given it this type signature:
getstat :: String -> Player -> Stat
This makes it easy to eta-reduce the definition to
getstat n = head . filter ((== n) . fst) . stats
In a comment, you reached
getstat p = head . (flip filter $ stats p) . (\n (n', v) -> n' == n)
I wonder if there's a nicer composition that can eliminate the anon f.
Well, here it is
\n (n', v) -> n' == n
-- for convenience, we flip the ==
\n (n', v) -> n == n'
-- prefix notation
\n (n', v) -> (==) n n'
-- let's remove pattern matching over (n', v)
\n (n', v) -> (==) n $ fst (n', v)
\n x -> (==) n $ fst x
-- composition, eta
\n -> (==) n . fst
-- prefix
\n -> (.) ((==) n) fst
-- composition
\n -> ((.) . (==) $ n) fst
-- let's force the application to be of the form (f n (g n))
\n -> ((.) . (==) $ n) (const fst $ n)
-- exploit f <*> g = \n -> f n (g n) -- AKA the S combinator
((.) . (==)) <*> (const fst)
-- remove unneeded parentheses
(.) . (==) <*> const fst
Removing p is left as an exercise.

Finding all palindromic word pairs

I came up with an unreal problem: finding all palindromic word pairs in a vocabulary, so I wrote the solution below,
import Data.List
findParis :: Ord a => [[a]] -> [[[a]]]
findPairs ss =
filter ((== 2) . length)
. groupBy ((==) . reverse)
. sortBy (compare . reverse)
$ ss
main = do
print . findPairs . permutations $ ['a'..'c']
-- malfunctioning: only got partial results [["abc","cba"]]
-- expected: [["abc","cba"],["bac","cab"],["bca","acb"]]
Could you help correct it if worthy of trying?
Having benefited from #David Young #chi comments the tuned working code goes below,
import Data.List (delete)
import Data.Set hiding (delete, map)
findPairs :: Ord a => [[a]] -> [([a], [a])]
findPairs ss =
f [] = []
f (x : xs) =
let y = reverse x
if x /= y
let ss' = delete y xs
in (x, y) : f ss'
else f xs
f . toList
. intersection (fromList ss)
$ fromList (map reverse ss)
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
-- find classes of equivalence by comparing canonical forms (CF)
findEquivalentSets :: Ord b => (a->b) -> [a] -> [[a]]
findEquivalentSets toCanonical =
filter ((>=2) . length) -- has more than one
-- with the same CF?
. groupBy ((((== EQ) .) .) (comparing toCanonical)) -- group by CF
. sortBy (comparing toCanonical) -- compare CFs
findPalindromes :: Ord a => [[a]] -> [[[a]]]
findPalindromes = findEquivalentSets (\x -> min x (reverse x))
This function lets us find many kinds of equivalence as long as we can assign some effectively computable canonical form (CF) to our elements.
When looking for palindromic pairs, two strings are equivalent if one is a reverse of the other. The CF is the lexicographically smaller string.
findAnagrams :: Ord a => [[a]] -> [[[a]]]
findAnagrams = findEquivalentSets sort
In this example, two strings are equivalent if one is an anagram of the other. The CF is the sorted string (banana → aaabnn).
Likewise we can find SOUNDEX equivalents and whatnot.
This is not terribly efficient as one needs to compute the CF on each comparison. We can cache it, at the expense of readability.
findEquivalentSets :: Ord b => (a->b) -> [a] -> [[a]]
findEquivalentSets toCanonical =
map (map fst) -- strip CF
. filter ((>=2) . length) -- has more than one
-- with the same CF?
. groupBy ((((== EQ) .) .) (comparing snd)) -- group by CF
. sortBy (comparing snd) -- compare CFs
. map (\x -> (x, toCanonical x)) -- pair the element with its CF
Here's an approach you might want to consider.
Using sort implies that there's some keying function word2key that yields the same value for both words of a palindromic pair. The first one that comes to mind for me is
word2key w = min w (reverse w)
So, map the keying function over the list of words, sort, group by equality, take groups of length 2, and then recover the two words from the key (using the fact that the key is either equal to the word or its reverse.
Writing that, with a couple of local definitions for clarity, gives:
findPals :: (Ord a, Eq a) => [[a]] -> [[[a]]]
findPals = map (key2words . head) .
filter ((== 2) . length) .
groupBy (==) .
sort .
(map word2key)
where word2key w = min w (reverse w)
key2words k = [k, reverse k]
I posted my answer in a stale window without refreshing, so missed the very nice response from n.m. above.
Mea culpa.
So I'll atone by mentioning that both answers are variations on the well-known (in Perl circles) "Schwartzian transform" which itself applies a common Mathematical pattern -- h = f' . g . f -- translate a task to an alternate representation in which the task is easier, do the work, then translate back to the original representation.
The Schwartzian transform tuples up a value with its corresponding key, sorts by the key, then pulls the original value back out of the key/value tuple.
The little hack I included above was based on the fact that key2words is the non-deterministic inverse relation of word2key. It is only valid when two words have the same key, but that's exactly the case in the question, and is insured by the filter.
overAndBack :: (Ord b, Eq c) => (a -> b) -> ([b] -> [c]) -> (c -> d) -> [a] -> [d]
overAndBack f g f' = map f' . g . sort . map f
findPalPairs :: (Ord a, Eq a) => [[a]] -> [[[a]]]
findPalPairs = overAndBack over just2 back
where over w = min w (reverse w)
just2 = filter ((== 2) . length) . groupBy (==)
back = (\k -> [k, reverse k]) . head
Which demos as
*Main> findPalPairs $ words "I saw no cat was on a chair"
Thanks for the nice question.

Project Euler 3 - Haskell

I'm working my way through the Project Euler problems in Haskell. I have got a solution for Problem 3 below, I have tested it on small numbers and it works, however due to the brute force implementation by deriving all the primes numbers first it is exponentially slow for larger numbers.
-- Project Euler 3
module Main
import System.IO
import Data.List
main = do
hSetBuffering stdin LineBuffering
putStrLn "This program returns the prime factors of a given integer"
putStrLn "Please enter a number"
nums <- getPrimes
putStrLn "The prime factors are: "
print (sort nums)
getPrimes = do
userNum <- getLine
let n = read userNum :: Int
let xs = [2..n]
return $ getFactors n (primeGen xs)
--primeGen :: (Integral a) => [a] -> [a]
primeGen [] = []
primeGen (x:xs) =
if x >= 2
then x:primeGen (filter (\n->n`mod` x/=0) xs)
else 1:[2]
getFactors :: (Integral a) => a -> [a] -> [a]
getFactors n xs = [ x | x <- xs, n `mod` x == 0]
I have looked at the solution here and can see how it is optimised by the first guard in factor. What I dont understand is this:
primes = 2 : filter ((==1) . length . primeFactors) [3,5..]
Specifically the first argument of filter.
((==1) . length . primeFactors)
As primeFactors is itself a function I don't understand how it is used in this context. Could somebody explain what is happening here please?
If you were to open ghci on the command line and type
Prelude> :t filter
You would get an output of
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
What this means is that filter takes 2 arguments.
(a -> Bool) is a function that takes a single input, and returns a Bool.
[a] is a list of any type, as longs as it is the same type from the first argument.
filter will loop over every element in the list of its second argument, and apply it to the function that is its first argument. If the first argument returns True, it is added to the resulting list.
Again, in ghci, if you were to type
Prelude> :t (((==1) . length . primeFactors))
You should get
(((==1) . length . primeFactors)) :: a -> Bool
(==1) is a partially applied function.
Prelude> :t (==)
(==) :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
Prelude> :t (==1)
(==1) :: (Eq a, Num a) => a -> Bool
It only needs to take a single argument instead of two.
Meaning that together, it will take a single argument, and return a Boolean.
The way it works is as follows.
primeFactors will take a single argument, and calculate the results, which is a [Int].
length will take this list, and calculate the length of the list, and return an Int
(==1) will
look to see if the values returned by length is equal to 1.
If the length of the list is 1, that means it is a prime number.
(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c is the composition function, so
f . g = \x -> f (g x)
We can chain more than two functions together with this operator
f . g . h === \x -> f (g (h x))
This is what is happening in the expression ((==1) . length . primeFactors).
The expression
filter ((==1) . length . primeFactors) [3,5..]
is filtering the list [3, 5..] using the function (==1) . length . primeFactors. This notation is usually called point free, not because it doesn't have . points, but because it doesn't have any explicit arguments (called "points" in some mathematical contexts).
The . is actually a function, and in particular it performs function composition. If you have two functions f and g, then f . g = \x -> f (g x), that's all there is to it! The precedence of this operator lets you chain together many functions quite smoothly, so if you have f . g . h, this is the same as \x -> f (g (h x)). When you have many functions to chain together, the composition operator is very useful.
So in this case, you have the functions (==1), length, and primeFactors being compose together. (==1) is a function through what is called operator sections, meaning that you provide an argument to one side of an operator, and it results in a function that takes one argument and applies it to the other side. Other examples and their equivalent lambda forms are
(+1) => \x -> x + 1
(==1) => \x -> x == 1
(++"world") => \x -> x ++ "world"
("hello"++) => \x -> "hello" ++ x
If you wanted, you could re-write this expression using a lambda:
(==1) . length . primeFactors => (\x0 -> x0 == 1) . length . primeFactors
=> (\x1 -> (\x0 -> x0 == 1) (length (primeFactors x1)))
Or a bit cleaner using the $ operator:
(\x1 -> (\x0 -> x0 == 1) $ length $ primeFactors x1)
But this is still a lot more "wordy" than simply
(==1) . length . primeFactors
One thing to keep in mind is the type signature for .:
(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
But I think it looks better with some extra parentheses:
(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)
This makes it more clear that this function takes two other functions and returns a third one. Pay close attention the the order of the type variables in this function. The first argument to . is a function (b -> c), and the second is a function (a -> b). You can think of it as going right to left, rather than the left to right behavior that we're used to in most OOP languages (something like myObj.someProperty.getSomeList().length()). We can get this functionality by defining a new operator that has the reverse order of arguments. If we use the F# convention, our operator is called |>:
(|>) :: (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> (a -> c)
(|>) = flip (.)
Then we could have written this as
filter (primeFactors |> length |> (==1)) [3, 5..]
And you can think of |> as an arrow "feeding" the result of one function into the next.
This simply means, keep only the odd numbers that have only one prime factor.
In other pseodo-code: filter(x -> length(primeFactors(x)) == 1) for any x in [3,5,..]

How do I re-write a Haskell function of two argument to point-free style

I have the following function in Haskell
agreeLen :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Int
agreeLen x y = length $ takeWhile (\(a,b) -> a == b) (zip x y)
I'm trying to learn how to write 'idiomatic' Haskell, which seem to prefer using . and $ instead of parenthesis, and also to prefer pointfree code where possible. I just can't seem to get rid of mentioning x and y explicitly. Any ideas?
I think I'd have the same issue with pointfreeing any function of two arguments.
BTW, this is just in pursuit of writing good code; not some "use whatever it takes to make it pointfree" homework exercise.
(Added comment)
Thanks for the answers. You've convinced me this function doesn't benefit from pointfree. And you've also given me some great examples for practicing transforming expressions. It's still difficult for me, and they seem to be as essential to Haskell as pointers are to C.
and also to prefer pointfree code where possible.
Not "where possible", but "where it improves readability (or has other manifest advantages)".
To point-free your
agreeLen x y = length $ takeWhile (\(a,b) -> a == b) (zip x y)
A first step would be to move the ($) right, and replace the one you have with a (.):
agreeLen x y = length . takeWhile (\(a,b) -> a == b) $ zip x y
Now, you can move it even further right:
agreeLen x y = length . takeWhile (uncurry (==)) . zip x $ y
and there you can immediately chop off one argument,
agreeLen x = length . takeWhile (uncurry (==)) . zip x
Then you can rewrite that as a prefix application of the composition operator,
agreeLen x = (.) (length . takeWhile (uncurry (==))) (zip x)
and you can write
f (g x)
f . g $ x
generally, here with
f = (.) (length . takeWhile (uncurry (==)))
and g = zip, giving
agreeLen x = ((.) (length . takeWhile (uncurry (==)))) . zip $ x
from which the argument x is easily removed. Then you can transform the prefix application of (.) into a section and get
agreeLen = ((length . takeWhile (uncurry (==))) .) . zip
But, that is less readable than the original, so I don't recommend doing that except for practicing the transformation of expressions into point-free style.
You could also use:
agreeLen :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Int
agreeLen x y = length $ takeWhile id $ zipWith (==) x y
Idiomatic Haskell is whatever is easier to read, not necessarily what is most point-free.
As pointed out in Daniel's excellent answer, your problem is to compose f and g when f as one argument and g two. this could be written f ??? g with the correct operator (and with a type signature of (c -> d) -> (a -> b -> c) -> a -> b -> d.
This correspond to the (.).(.) operator (see there) which is sometimes defines as .:. In that case your expression becomes
length . takeWhile (uncurry (==)) .: zip
If you are used to the .: operator, then this point free version is perfectly readable. I can also instead use (<$$$>) = fmap fmap fmap and get
length . takeWhile (uncurry (==)) <$$$> zip
Another concise, point-free solution:
agreeLen = ((length . takeWhile id) .) . zipWith (==)
agreeLen = (.) (length . takeWhile id) . zipWith (==)

Best practice how to evaluate a list of Maybes

i am looking for a function which takes a function (a -> a -> a) and a list of [Maybe a] and returns Maybe a. Hoogle gave me nothing useful. This looks like a pretty common pattern, so i am asking if there is a best practice for this case?
>>> f (+) [Just 3, Just 3]
Just 6
>>> f (+) [Just 3, Just 3, Nothing]
Thanks in advance, Chris
You should first turn the [Maybe a] into a Maybe [a] with all the Just elements (yielding Nothing if any of them are Nothing).
This can be done using sequence, using Maybe's Monad instance:
GHCi> sequence [Just 1, Just 2]
Just [1,2]
GHCi> sequence [Just 1, Just 2, Nothing]
The definition of sequence is equivalent to the following:
sequence [] = return []
sequence (m:ms) = do
x <- m
xs <- sequence ms
return (x:xs)
So we can expand the latter example as:
do x <- Just 1
xs <- do
y <- Just 2
ys <- do
z <- Nothing
zs <- return []
return (z:zs)
return (y:ys)
return (x:xs)
Using the do-notation expression of the monad laws, we can rewrite this as follows:
do x <- Just 1
y <- Just 2
z <- Nothing
return [x, y, z]
If you know how the Maybe monad works, you should now understand how sequence works to achieve the desired behaviour. :)
You can then compose this with foldr using (<$>) (from Control.Applicative; equivalently, fmap or liftM) to fold your binary function over the list:
GHCi> foldl' (+) 0 <$> sequence [Just 1, Just 2]
Just 3
Of course, you can use any fold you want, such as foldr, foldl1 etc.
As an extra, if you want the result to be Nothing when the list is empty, and thus be able to omit the zero value of the fold without worrying about errors on empty lists, then you can use this fold function:
mfoldl1' :: (MonadPlus m) => (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> m a
mfoldl1' _ [] = mzero
mfoldl1' f (x:xs) = return $ foldl' f x xs
and similarly for foldr, foldl, etc. You'll need to import Control.Monad for this.
However, this has to be used slightly differently:
GHCi> mfoldl1' (+) =<< sequence [Just 1, Just 2]
Just 3
GHCi> sequence [Just 1, Just 2] >>= mfoldl1' (+)
Just 3
This is because, unlike the other folds, the result type looks like m a instead of a; it's a bind rather than a map.
As I understand it, you want to get the sum of a bunch of maybes or Nothing if any of them are Nothing. This is actually pretty simple:
maybeSum = foldl1 (liftM2 (+))
You can generalize this to something like:
f :: Monad m => (a -> a -> a) -> [m a] -> m a
f = foldl1 . liftM2
When used with the Maybe monad, f works exactly the way you want.
If you care about empty lists, you can use this version:
f :: MonadPlus m => (a -> a -> a) -> [m a] -> m a
f _ [] = mzero
f fn (x:xs) = foldl (liftM2 fn) x xs
What about something as simple as:
λ Prelude > fmap sum . sequence $ [Just 1, Just 2]
Just 3
λ Prelude > fmap sum . sequence $ [Just 1, Just 2, Nothing]
Or, by using (+):
λ Prelude > fmap (foldr (+) 0) . sequence $ [Just 1, Just 2]
Just 3
λ Prelude > fmap (foldr (+) 0) . sequence $ [Just 1, Just 2, Nothing]
So, maybeSum = fmap sum . sequence.
