I want to do something like this:
getValue :: Element -> String
getValue x = do
v <- get UI.value x
However, an error is thrown; the expected type of get UI.value x is [String] but the actual type is UI String?
But if I change the type signature to getValue :: Element -> UI String, my last v gets the error of expected type UI String while its actual type is String.
I'm trying to implement something like this:
myfunction window = do
words <- getElementsByClassName window "word"
let strs = map getValue words
Since I can't say let strs = map (\x -> v <- get UI.value x) words.
When I only have one element to deal with, I'm fine:
filename <- chooser # get UI.value
liftIO $ print filename
unless (null filename) $ do
prevRows <- getElementsByClassName w "row"
mapM_ delete prevRows
elems <- liftIO $ readJSON filename
mapM_ (element table # addRow) elems
Since get UI.value x has type UI String as opposed to String, the correct definition of getValue needs to be in the UI monad as well:
-- Still not well-typed
getValue :: Element -> UI String
getValue x = do
v <- get UI.value x
However, then your next problem is that after you bind get UI.value x to v, v has type String, not UI String, so you need to return it, leading to the correct version
getValue :: Element -> UI String
getValue x = do
v <- get UI.value x
return v
which of course can be simplified as
getValue :: Element -> UI String
getValue x = get UI.value x
or η-reduced further to
getValue :: Element -> UI String
getValue = get UI.value
Since UI is a monad, you can use standard monad combinators like mapM to turn getValue :: Element -> UI String into mapM getValue :: [Element] -> UI [String]:
myfunction window = do
words <- getElementsByClassName window "word"
strs <- mapM (get UI.value) words
-- ... rest of `myfunction` can use `strs`
Note that myfunction of course is still in UI.
I parse an XML and get an String like this:
I want to map that String into a list of tuples (String,Double), like this:
How is it possible to do this? I ve looked into the map function and also the split one. I am able to split the string by "-" but anything else...
This is the code i have so far:
split :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]]
split d [] = []
split d s = x : split d (drop 1 y) where (x,y) = span (/= d) s
it is just a function to split my string into a list of Stirng, but then i dont know how to continue.
What I want to do know is to loop over that new list that i have created with the split method and for each element create a tuple. I hace tried with the map function but i dont get it to compile even
So in Haskell you dont really mutate any value, instead you'll create a new list of pairs from the string you've described, so the solution would look something similar to the following:
import Data.List.Split
xmlList = splitOn "-" "resourceA,3-resourceB,4-resourceC,6"
commaSplit :: String -> [String]
commaSplit = splitOn ","
xmlPair :: [String] -> [(String, Double)] -- might be more efficient to use Text instead of String
xmlPair [x] = [(\x' -> ((head x') :: String, (read (last x')) :: Double )) (commaSplit x)]
xmlPair (x:xs) = xmlPair [x] ++ xmlPair xs
main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ (\(a,b) -> putStrLn (show a++" = "++ show b)) (xmlPair $ xmlList)
This is my quick and dirty way of showing things but I'm sure someone can always add a more detailed answer.
I am trying to write my function which extract numbers from string, for example:
"321 43 123 213" -> [321, 43, 123, 3212]
"dsa" -> Error
"123 da" -> Error
And I would like to do it using readEither and in monadic way ( I try to understand monads). My attemption:
import Text.Read
unit :: Either String [Int]
unit = Right []
extractInt :: String -> Either String [Int]
extractInt s = helper (words s) where
helper (h:t) = (bind readEither h) . (helper t)
helper [] = Right []
bind :: (String -> Either String Int) -> String -> (Either String [Int] -> Either String [Int])
bind f x z = bind' (f x) z where
bind' (Left s) _ = Left s
bind' (Right i) (Right l) = Right (l ++ [i])
bind' (Left s) _ = Left s
Please help me solve my problem.
Please say something my solution.
Please say my how to do it correctly. ;)
Couldn't match expected type `a0 -> Either String [Int]'
with actual type `Either a1 [t0]'
In the return type of a call of `Right'
Probable cause: `Right' is applied to too many arguments
In the expression: Right [1]
In an equation for `helper': helper [] = Right [1]
Failed, modules loaded: none.
If you want "something with >>=" your helper function should look like:
helper [] = Right []
helper (w:ws) = readEither w >>= \i -> fmap (i:) (helper ws)
Explanation: Clearly, for an empty list of words, we want an empty list of integers. For a nonempty list, we do readEither on the first word, which gives us an Either String Int. The bind (>>=) will pass the resulting integer to the function on the right hand side, but only if the result was Right If it was Left this is the overall result of the helper.
Now, the function on the right hand side of (>>=) applies the helper to the remaining words. As we know, this will result in Either String [Int]. Then it prepends the integer that resulted from conversion of the first word to the list in the Right result, if there is one. If, however, helper returned a Left value, the fmap won't change anything, and so this will be the overall result.
So the 2nd line with the (>>=) expands approxiamtely to the following code:
case readEither w of
Left err -> Left err
Right int -> case helper ws of
Left err -> Left err
Right ints -> Right (int:ints)
You could use the mapM function to monadically map over the words:
extractInt :: String -> Either String [Int]
extractInt s = mapM readEither (words s)
If any one call to readEither happens to return Left, then the function will do so too. Is that what you are looking for?
First of all, if the title is confusing I apologise - I don't know how to phrase it.
I'm learning Haskell and tackling the Knapsack Problem but having a problem with list comprehension.
data Object = Item { name :: String,
weight:: Double,
profit :: Double,
efficiency :: Double }
deriving (Read, Show)
I have a function that takes a list from a .csv file and calculates efficiency and sorts it:
= do
body <- readFile "items.csv"
let ls = split '\n' body
let lc = map (split ',') ls
let itemList = map (loadItem) lc
let sorted = sortItems efficiency itemList
return sorted
Functions used:
loadItem :: [[Char]] -> Object
loadItem (n:ow:op:xs) = Item n w p (p/w)
w = read ow :: Double
p = read op :: Double
sortItems :: Ord a => (t -> a) -> [t] -> [t]
sortItems fn [ ] = [ ]
sortItems fn (pivot:rest)
= sortItems fn [x | x <- rest, (fn x) > (fn pivot)]
++ [pivot] ++
sortItems fn [x | x <- rest, (fn x) <= (fn pivot)]
split :: Char -> [Char] -> [[Char]]
split _ [] = []
split delim str = if before == [] then
split delim (drop 1 remainder)
before: split delim (drop 1 remainder)
(before, remainder) = span (/=delim) str
What I am trying to do is write a function that will go through the list returned by the getItemsAsList function and get the value of the weight field from each element and sum them together. From this I can hopefully implement the greedy solution to the problem, once I understand how to get the elements.
Also, the getItemsAsList function returns IO [Object]
To get the weight from a single Object, you do weight obj. Thus, to get the weight from each element of a list of Objects, you do map weight objlist or [weight obj | obj <- objlist]. Also, the Prelude has a sum function which works exactly as you'd expect. Put them all together, and you're done.
You are treating the result of getItemsAsList, which is a monadic function, as a normal value instead of as an IO action.
The concept of a monad is usually explained as it being a box, which you can "unpack" the value from (using the <- operator). When you call it from a pure function, you cannot unpack the value, and instead are just left with the box. (that is what the IO [Object] is, it is an IO box containing an Object list value). You can however, freely use pure functions from inside a monad.
The solution is to call and unpack the value of getItemsAsList from within a monad, and then pass it onto your other pure functions to carry out whatever the rest of your task is.
Once you have unpacked the list of objects from getItemsAsList using the <- operator, you can pass it into other pure functions.
I am getting Non-exhaustive patterns in lambda. I am not sure of the cause yet. Please anyone how to fix it. The code is below:
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
time_spent h1 h2 = max (abs (fst h1 - fst h2)) (abs (snd h1 - snd h2))
meeting_point xs = foldl' (find_min_time) maxBound xs
time_to_point p = foldl' (\tacc p' -> tacc + (time_spent p p')) 0 xs
find_min_time min_time p = let x = time_to_point p in if x < min_time then x else min_time
main = do
n <- readLn :: IO Int
points <- fmap (map (\[x,y] -> (x,y)) . map (map (read :: String->Int)) . map words . lines) getContents
putStrLn $ show $ meeting_point points
This is the lambda with the non-exhaustive patterns: \[x,y] -> (x,y).
The non-exhaustive pattern is because the argument you've specified, [x,y] doesn't match any possible list - it only matches lists with precisely two elements.
I would suggest replacing it with a separate function with an error case to print out the unexpected data in an error message so you can debug further, e.g.:
f [x,y] = (x, y)
f l = error $ "Unexpected list: " ++ show l
points <- fmap (map f . map ...)
As an addition to #GaneshSittampalam's answer, you could also do this with more graceful error handling using the Maybe monad, the mapM function from Control.Monad, and readMaybe from Text.Read. I would also recommend refactoring your code so that the parsing is its own function, it makes your main function much cleaner and easier to debug.
import Control.Monad (mapM)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
toPoint :: [a] -> Maybe (a, a)
toPoint [x, y] = Just (x, y)
toPoint _ = Nothing
This is just a simple pattern matching function that returns Nothing if it gets a list with length not 2. Otherwise it turns it into a 2-tuple and wraps it in Just.
parseData :: String -> Maybe [(Int, Int)]
parseData text = do
-- returns Nothing if a non-Int is encountered
values <- mapM (mapM readMaybe . words) . lines $ text
-- returns Nothing if a line doesn't have exactly 2 values
mapM toPoint values
Your parsing can actually be simplified significantly by using mapM and readMaybe. The type of readMaybe is Read a => String -> Maybe a, and in this case since we've specified the type of parseData to return Maybe [(Int, Int)], the compiler can infer that readMaybe should have the local type of String -> Maybe Int. We still use lines and words in the same way, but now since we use mapM the type of the right hand side of the <- is Maybe [[Int]], so the type of values is [[Int]]. What mapM also does for us is if any of those actions fails, the overall computation exits early with Nothing. Then we simply use mapM toPoint to convert values into a list of points, but also with the failure mechanism built in. We actually could use the more general signature of parseData :: Read a => String -> Maybe [(a, a)], but it isn't necessary.
main = do
n <- readLn :: IO Int
points <- fmap parseData getContents
case points of
Just ps -> print $ meeting_point ps
Nothing -> putStrLn "Invalid data!"
Now we just use fmap parseData on getContents, making points have the type Maybe [(Int, Int)]. Finally, we pattern match on points to print out the result of the meeting_point computation or print a helpful message if something went wrong.
If you wanted even better error handling, you could leverage the Either monad in a similar fashion:
toPoint :: [a] -> Either String (a, a)
toPoint [x, y] = Right (x, y)
toPoint _ = Left "Invalid number of points"
readEither :: Read a => String -> Either String a
readEither text = maybe (Left $ "Invalid parse: " ++ text) Right $ readMaybe text
-- default value ^ Wraps output on success ^
-- Same definition with different type signature and `readEither`
parseData :: String -> Either String [(Int, Int)]
parseData text = do
values <- mapM (mapM readEither . words) . lines $ text
mapM toPoint values
main = do
points <- fmap parseData getContents
case points of
Right ps -> print $ meeting_point ps
Left err -> putStrLn $ "Error: " ++ err
I have the following code:
import System.Environment
import System.Directory
import System.IO
import Data.List
dispatch :: [(String, [String] -> IO ())]
dispatch = [ ("add", add)
, ("view", view)
, ("remove", remove)
, ("bump", bump)
main = do
(command:args) <- getArgs
let result = lookup command dispatch
if result == Nothing then
else do
let (Just action) = result
action args
errorExit :: IO ()
errorExit = do
putStrLn "Incorrect command"
add :: [String] -> IO ()
add [fileName, todoItem] = appendFile fileName (todoItem ++ "\n")
view :: [String] -> IO ()
view [fileName] = do
contents <- readFile fileName
let todoTasks = lines contents
numberedTasks = zipWith (\n line -> show n ++ " - " ++ line) [0..] todoTasks
putStr $ unlines numberedTasks
remove :: [String] -> IO ()
remove [fileName, numberString] = do
handle <- openFile fileName ReadMode
(tempName, tempHandle) <- openTempFile "." "temp"
contents <- hGetContents handle
let number = read numberString
todoTasks = lines contents
newTodoItems = delete (todoTasks !! number) todoTasks
hPutStr tempHandle $ unlines newTodoItems
hClose handle
hClose tempHandle
removeFile fileName
renameFile tempName fileName
bump :: [String] -> IO ()
bump [fileName, numberString] = do
handle <- openFile fileName ReadMode
(tempName, tempHandle) <- openTempFile "." "temp"
contents <- hGetContents handle
let number = read numberString
todoTasks = lines contents
bumpedItem = todoTasks !! number
newTodoItems = [bumpedItem] ++ delete bumpedItem todoTasks
hPutStr tempHandle $ unlines newTodoItems
hClose handle
hClose tempHandle
removeFile fileName
renameFile tempName fileName
Trying to compile it gives me the following error:
$ ghc --make todo
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( todo.hs, todo.o )
No instance for (Eq ([[Char]] -> IO ()))
arising from a use of `=='
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for (Eq ([[Char]] -> IO ()))
In the expression: result == Nothing
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
if result == Nothing then
do { let (Just action) = ...;
action args }
In the expression:
do { (command : args) <- getArgs;
let result = lookup command dispatch;
if result == Nothing then
do { let ...;
.... } }
I don't get why is that since lookup returns Maybe a, which I'm surely can compare to Nothing.
The type of the (==) operator is Eq a => a -> a -> Bool. What this means is that you can only compare objects for equality if they're of a type which is an instance of Eq. And functions aren't comparable for equality: how would you write (==) :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Bool? There's no way to do it.1 And while clearly Nothing == Nothing and Just x /= Nothing, it's the case that Just x == Just y if and only if x == y; thus, there's no way to write (==) for Maybe a unless you can write (==) for a.
There best solution here is to use pattern matching. In general, I don't find myself using that many if statements in my Haskell code. You can instead write:
main = do (command:args) <- getArgs
case lookup command dispatch of
Just action -> action args
Nothing -> errorExit
This is better code for a couple of reasons. First, it's shorter, which is always nice. Second, while you simply can't use (==) here, suppose that dispatch instead held lists. The case statement remains just as efficient (constant time), but comparing Just x and Just y becomes very expensive. Second, you don't have to rebind result with let (Just action) = result; this makes the code shorter and doesn't introduce a potential pattern-match failure (which is bad, although you do know it can't fail here).
1:: In fact, it's impossible to write (==) while preserving referential transparency. In Haskell, f = (\x -> x + x) :: Integer -> Integer and g = (* 2) :: Integer -> Integer ought to be considered equal because f x = g x for all x :: Integer; however, proving that two functions are equal in this way is in general undecidable (since it requires enumerating an infinite number of inputs). And you can't just say that \x -> x + x only equals syntactically identical functions, because then you could distinguish f and g even though they do the same thing.
The Maybe a type has an Eq instance only if a has one - that's why you get No instance for (Eq ([[Char]] -> IO ())) (a function can't be compared to another function).
Maybe the maybe function is what you're looking for. I can't test this at the moment, but it should be something like this:
maybe errorExit (\action -> action args) result
That is, if result is Nothing, return errorExit, but if result is Just action, apply the lambda function on action.