Is Linux-based hardware-specific password generation and/or file encryption/decryption possible? - linux

This might be a question for Superuser but I would prefer a programmatic way to handle this if a tool doesn't already exist.
Basically I'm trying to find a method of generating a consistent, hardware/software installation specific password/key that can be used for file based encryption. By file based encryption, I mean decrypt a file. I want that file to only decrypt with a password that isn't stored anywhere, and can be consistently re-created from looking at the machine hardware/software.
Problem with digging into this is the starting point is "Linux file encryption" which is well covered by whole disk encryption. e.g. TruCrypt, etc... Disk encryption is overkill.
Any pointers, programmatic or otherwise are welcome. Thank you!

a password that isn't stored anywhere, and can be consistently re-created from looking at the machine hardware/software.
To say that your hardware and/or software will never change is usually an invalid assumption. How do you know that your next system patch won't change whatever "key" you are using to generate your password?
You might be better off with a system like Stanford PwdHash (there are also command-line tools available) that will generate a password based on a different but known password and a salt (typically, the domain name, but you can put whatever you want in that field).


Encryption and code archive files

We have this computer code which requires anyone who has access to it pay a license fee. We will pay the fee for our developers but they want our sysadmins to be licensed too as they can see the code archives. But if the code is stored encrypted in the archives then the sysadmins can see the files but not see the contents.
So does any software version control system allow encryption so that only the persons who are checking out the code will require the key and so be able to see the files decrypted.
I was thinking it wouldn't be hard to add this to pserver and cvs but if it is already done elsewhere why reinvent the wheel.
Any insight would be helpful.
There is no way to set up a source control system that can perform server-side diffs in a way that would prevent a sysadmin from at least theoretically accessing the contents. (i.e.: The source control system would not be able to store the decryption key in a place that the sysadmin couldn't access.) Unless your sysadmins habitually browse the source control database contents, such a system should have no practical difference from an unencrypted system from the perspective of your vendor.
The only way to make the source control database illegible to a server admin is to encrypt files on the client before submitting them to the server. For this to meet the desired goal, the decryption keys would need to be inaccessible to the admins, which is unlikely to be practical in most organizations since server admins typically have admin access on all client machines as well. Ignoring this picky detail, it would also mean that all your source control system would ever see is encrypted binaries, which means no server-side diff or blame. It also means potentially horrible bloat of your database size since every file will require complete replacement on each commit. Are you really willing to sacrifice useability of your source control system in order to save licensing fees and/or placate this vendor?
Basically, you want to give all your developers some secret key that they plug into the encryption/decryption routines of git's smudge and clean filters. And you want an encryption scheme that is capable of performing deltas.
First, see Encrypted version control for some examples in git. As written, this can dramatically increase disk usage. However, there are ways to make more "diff-friendly" encryption at the cost of some security. See diph for an example of how you might attack that. Also, any system that uses AES-ECB mode would diff quite well. (You generally shouldn't use AES-ECB mode because of its security flaws... one of those security flaws is that it can diff quite well... hey, that's what you wanted, so this seems a reasonable exception.)

Securing SQL queries, insuring that no one person knows that password

What are some effective and secure methods of securing SQL queries?
In short I would like to insure that programmers do not see the passwords used by the application to perform queries. Something like RSA or PGP comes to mind, but don't know how one can implement a changing password without being encoded in the application somewhere.
Our environment is a typical Linux/MySQL.
This might be more of a process issue and less of a coding issue.
You need to strictly separate the implementation process and the roll-out process during software development. The configuration files containing the passwords must be filled with the real passwords during roll-out, not before. The programmers can work with the password for the developing environment and the roll-out team changes those passwords once the application is complete. That way the real passwords are never disclosed to the people coding the application.
If you cannot ensure that programmers do not get access to the live system, you need to encrypt the configuration files. The best way to do this depends on the programming language. I am currently working on a Java application that encrypts the .properties files with the appropriate functions from the ESAPI project and I can recommend that. If you are using other languages, you have to find equivalent mechanisms.
Any time you want to change passwords, an administrator generates a new file and encrypts it, before copying the file to the server.
In case you want maximum security and do not want to store the key to decrypt the configuration on your system, an administrator can supply it whenever the system reboots. But this might take things too far, depending on your needs.
If programmers don't have access to the configuration files that contain the login credentials and can't get to them through the debug or JMX interfaces then that should work. Of course that introduces other problems but that would potentially satisfy your requirement. (I am not a Qualified Security Assessor - so check with yours to be sure for PCI compliance.)

Alternative login system with file upload

I was wondering whether a login system that implies that have to upload a certain file and then the server verifies that this is equal to the one stored in the server would be useful.
I was thinking that to its advantage, it would have that the "password" (the file) could be quite large (without you having to remember it).
Also it would mean that you would have to require a login name.
On the other hand one disadvantage would be that you would have to "carry around" the file everyone in able to login.
I dont want to turn this into a philosophical rather a programming one.
I'm trying to see the usability, safety/vulnerabilities etc
Is this or something similar done?
I am definitely not a security expert, but here are some thoughts.
This sounds somewhat similar to public key encryption. If you look into how that works, I think you will get a sense of the same sort of issues. For example, see
In addition to the challenge of users having to carry the file around with them, another issue is how to keep that file secure. What if somebody's computer or thumb drive is stolen? A common approach with public-key encryption is to encrypt the private key itself, and require a password to use it. Unless you provide the file in a form which requires this, you are counting on your users to protect the file. Even if you are willing to count on them, there is the question of how to give them the tools they need so they can protect the file.
Note that just like passwords, these files would be vulnerable if a user used one to login from a public machine (which might have all sorts of spyware on it). It's an open question whether a file-based system might slip under the spyware since they might not be looking for it. However, that is not so different from security by obscurity.
Also you would want to make sure that you hashed or encrypted the files on your system. Otherwise, you would be doing the equivalent of storing passwords in plain text which would open the possibility of someone hacking your system, and then being able to log in as any user.
what you are saying can match to a physical factor of two factor (password + physical factor) authentication system. But it can not be a replacement of password, because password is something you know & file is something you have. Now if you turn the password into file you are losing one factor and somehow you have to compensate that :-) Maybe using something you are.

What is the best way to encrypt a text file in C/C++?

A C/C++ based cgi web application will be creating a temporary text file on the server as long as the user is logged in. The text file will be deleted when the user logs off. I want to encrypt this text file and also the content of the file. The file will contain information like username and password.
What is the best way to do this?
EDIT: I see libraries being suggested. My problem is I cannot use anything but Standard C++ library.
Use a well known library such as openssl and follow well known examples and stay away from platform specific solutions.
I think you might be going about this the wrong way. If security, real security, is the goal then you're not going to want to store the password even in its encrypted form (because it can be decrypted if the key is stolen, as other people have said).
What you should do is store a hash of the password (with an appropriate salt). This means that no one (not even the site admins) can determine a user's password. They can merely accept a password and see if it's the right one or not by hashing the input with the same salt (you can't reverse a hash).
Also, this sort of situation lends itself nicely to databases, are you using one?
Google password hashing with salts and you can read about it from real security experts (I am not one).
An encryption standard that currently is considered as "safe" is AES (also called Rijndael). You can find a C++ implementation at Codeproject and in many other places.
Please note, that when using AES or any other symmetric encryption standard, you must store the encryption/decryption key inside your application. If anyone discovers the key, he can decrypt all files that you encrypted with this key.
If your application will run under Windows, you also might use DPAPI to store the encrypted information.
Revised answer.
You want code to encrypt and decrypt a file that can be used with your C++ code.
It would be absolutely incorrect to write your own code (like this one).
But, you say that you cannot use standard libraries.
Standard (and, maybe opensource) libraries are probably the most correct approach to implementing encryption in your applications. If you choose to not do that, it leaves you with only two options,
Implement your own version of a standard encryption algorithm (and risk weakness by any errors you make)
Use a 'system' call from your application and run a standard encryption (like bcrypt) that maybe (hopefully) available on your system.
I would still stick to picking up a standard library or integrating such an opensource code into my application. Please explain what prevents you from doing that.
Old: for some reason, i thought a PHP code was required... my error.
This article gives a PHP encryption symmetric program example using crypt to store password in a text file.
Possibly related Stackoverflow questions
discussion on the best C/C++ encryption library.
discussion on plain text storage of password.

Is It Secure To Store Passwords In Web Application Source Code?

So I have a web application that integrates with several other APIs and services which require authentication. My question is, is it safe to store my authentication credentials in plain text in my source code?
What can I do to store these credentials securely?
I think this is a common problem, so I'd like to see a solution which secures credentials in the answers.
In response to comment: I frequently use PHP, Java, and RoR
I'd like to see some more votes for an answer on this question.
Here's what we do with our passwords.
$db['hostname'] = ''
$db['port'] = 1234;
$config = array();
include '/etc/webapp/db/config.php';
$db['username'] = $config['db']['username'];
$db['password'] = $config['db']['password'];
No one but webserver user has access to /etc/webapp/db/config.php, this way you are protecting the username and password from developers.
The only reason to NOT store the PW in the code is simply because of the configuration issue (i.e. need to change the password and don't want to rebuild/compile the application).
But is the source a "safe" place for "security sensitive" content (like passwords, keys, algorithms). Of course it is.
Obviously security sensitive information needs to be properly secured, but that's a basic truth regardless of the file used. Whether it's a config file, a registry setting, or a .java file or .class file.
From an architecture point of view, it's a bad idea for the reason mentioned above, just like you shouldn't "hard code" any "external" dependencies in your code if you can avoid it.
But sensitive data is sensitive data. Embedding a PW in to a source code file makes that file more sensitive than other source code files, and if that's your practice, I'd consider all source code as sensitive as the password.
It is not to be recommended.
An encrypted web.config would be a more suitable place (but note can't be used with a web farm)
It appears the answer is the following:
Don't put credentials in source code but...
Put credentials in a configuration file
Sanitize log files
Set proper permissions/ownership on configs
Probably more depending on platform...
No, it is not.
Plus, you might want to change your password one day, and probably having yo change the source code may not be the best option.
No. Sometimes it is unavoidable. Better approach is to have an architecture set up where the service will implicitly trust your running code based on another trust. (Such as trusting the machine the code is running on, or trusting the application server that is running the software)
If neither of these are available, it would be perfectly acceptable to write your own trust mechanism, though I would keep it completely separate from the application code. Also, would recommend researching ways to keep passwords out of the hands of predators, even when stored on local machine - remembering that you can't protect anything if someone has control of the physical machine it is on.
If you control the Web server, and maintain it for security updates, then in the source (preferably in a configuration module) or in a configuration file that the source uses is probably best.
If you do not control the Web server (say, you are on a shared or even dedicated server provided by a hosting company), then encryption won't help you very much; if the application can decrypt the credentials on a given host, than the host can be used to decrypt the credentials without your intervention (think root or Administrator looking at the source code, and adapting the decryption routine so that it can be used to read the configuration). This is even more of a possibility if you are using unobfuscated managed code (e.g., JVM or .NET) or a Web scripting language that resides in plaintext on the server (like PHP).
As is usually the case, there is a tradeoff between security and accessibility. I'd think about what threats are the ones you are trying to guard against and come up with a means to protect against the situations that you need. If you're working with data that needs to be secure, you should probably be redacting the database fairly regularly and moving data offline to a firewalled and well-protected database server as soon as it becomes stale on the site. This would include data like social security numbers, billing information, etc., which can be referenced. This would also mean that you'd ideally want to control the servers on your own network which provide billing services or secure data storage.
I prefer to keep them in a separate config file, located somewhere outside the web server's document root.
While this doesn't protect against an attacker subverting my code in such a way that it can be coerced into telling them the password, it does still have an advantage over putting the passwords directly into the code (or any other web-accessible file) in that it eliminates concern over a web server misconfiguration (or bug/exploit) allowing an attacker to download the password-containing file directly.
One approach is to encrypt The passwords before placing the password in config.web
I'm writing this for web service app that receives password, not client:
If you save hashed passsword in source code someone who views the source code won't be able to help himself with that hash.
Your program would receive plain password and hash it and compare both hashes.
That's why we save hashed passwords into databases, not plain text. Because they can't be reversed if someone for example steals db or views it for malicious purposes he won't get all users passwords, only the hashes which are pretty useless to him.
Hashing is 1 way process: it produces same value from same source but you can't compute source value out of hash.
Storing on client: when user enters pass u save it to db/file in plaintext, maybe obfuscate a little but not much u can do to prevent someone who gets a hold of that computer to get that password.
Nobody seems to have mentioned hashing yet - with a strong hash algorithm (ie SHA-2 and not MD5), it should be much safer.
