Glimpse screen takes up the whole page. How to resize it? - glimpse

I have an irritating problem with Glimpse.
I wanted to see everything I can on a Glimpse tab so I maximised it's size on the page.
Now I cannot resize it back again. There is no edge I can drag down. I am sure there is a simple way of sorting this. I tried switching off Glimpse, but when I switched it back on again it was taking up the whole screen again. I don't want to install and uninstall, so how do I fix this easily?
I am using ie10

I find a way of fixing this, which is to go into Developer Tools and change the css settings dynamically by using the CSS top class, replacing another class like margin, and putting in 200px and then resizing from that.

Another option is launch the Glimpse as Standalone tool.


confusion about chrome extensions iframe dimensions and scrolling

So I really hate the way chrome extension development works so I decided to make a regular webapp and use an iframe in my extension. Everything works fine, except for the dimensions of the website and the scrolling on the extension/site.
When developing the site, I knew I was going to use an iframe so I used percentages when formatting the site, for the most part I used 100% on most divs and textboxes. Anyway, the problem I am facing is that the scroll is extremely wonky on the extension for instance this is a picture of my extension with 400px height:
400x400. Everything looks fine.
and here is my extension with 800px height:
400x800. Scroll appears.
Why is the scroll appearing if I am merely making the extension longer? It doesn't make sense to me.
Any idea why this is happening?
There is a limit on the size of the popup window. I don't know the exact dimensions though.
You cannot increase the size of the document past it, scroll will appear.

JavaFX request layout does nothing

I'm absolutely confused.
Studying JavaFX for several months.
In my application I have a custom scrollpane, where I recount scrollbar values manually. Everything is OK there. And when I resize the window it also works fine.
The problem appears when I launch application the first time. I see that my scrollbar value is incorrect, and it become correct when I resize window or move the pane placed inside scrollpane.
So theoretically all i need is just update my scrollpane on window start, or after window start. And... I've spent more than week trying to find out how. And the only way I've managed to do this is to call layoutChildren recursively. This is awful of course.
layout() - doesn't have any effect. I tried it with runLater() and placed it inside timer call. No way!
requestLayout() - also makes no sense.
Ok well, try this way
first gaining the focus, then try relayout options..
Well. layout() works. But it shouldn't be placed inside Platform.runLater().
In simple example everything is fine. Then I suggest I have something wrong with my controls.

MergDataGridScroller: How to save + restore position?

Is there an easy way to save the vertical/horizontal scroll position of the datagrid scroller used inside the MergDataGridScroller? Want to be able to go back to the same card and have the datagrid open at the same location as it previously was.
It seems that the datagrid scroller is created/destroyed on the open/close-Card cycle, otherwise I could just hide it.
Perhaps this is one of those situations where it's easier to "roll my own"?
Any help appreciated - thanks!
Yes the scroller is created and destroyed as you open and close cards. I think this is something that should be supported but isn't currently. Basically it's just a matter of not resetting the scroll of the group and then setting the native scroller to the scroll of the group when it's created. Should just be a couple of tweaks to the handleLayout command in the behaviour. I'm not sure about maintaining scroll when the content rect changes. I can look at that too.
So in answer to you question rather than roll your own you have a couple of choices:
Wait for me to do it and release a new version
Edit the behaivior script with whatever changes you like
I've done this now ;-)

Strange behaviour in my android app (Android 2.3.5) - Things get inflated wrong

I've been experiencing some very strange behavours in an app I'm developing. The app is not very advanced, it stores a couple of places in a sqlite database and is displayed in listviews, on a mapview etc. So, when browsing through my app after deploying it to my phone everything works great, but after a while one listview doesn't get inflated. A scrollbar appears as if the items were there but I can't see them. I push the back button to close the app. When revisiting the app my first view, which has two buttons, gets all messed up. The buttons fill the viewport and the background disappears etc. I can't figure out what's wrong.
Anyone else facing these problems? My phone is a HTC Desire HD with Android 2.3.5
The app is pretty "layout heavy", if you know what I mean. The listview items has custom background images, I'm using custom fonts etc. But the app is running smoothly up to the point when it freaks out and displays/don't display everything wrong.
My first thought is there is some kind of memory issue, ideas?
I believe this might have something to do with defining and using #00000000 as transparent color. Use #android:color/transparent instead.
So after doing some testing I found that what I previously mentioned in the edit really is the cause of this problem. I had defined the transparent color in my colors.xml as #00000000. This seems to work, sometimes... And other times it grabs a drawable instead, but not a drawable that is named "transparent", it grabs ANY drawable. Weird but true.
After some testing I finally found the cause of this problem. I had defined the transparent color in my colors.xml as #00000000. This seems to work, sometimes... And other times it grabs a drawable instead, but not a drawable that is named "transparent", it grabs ANY drawable. Weird but true.
So to fix this problem you should use #android:color/transparent instead when you want transparency on, for example, a view background.
If there are memory errors you should be able to catch them in logcat. You'll get "VM failed on xxxx byte allocation" messages (or the like).
Silly/stupid answer: often when I run into layout issues within my app, it's because I needed to do a clean build after having changed my layouts. You might want to start there.
Edit: You might also try the emulator, and if you suspect memory issues you could start the emulator with a small heap to force the issue to occur sooner. You can also check your heap usage in DDMS or with the Eclipse MAT to see if it's leaking.
I was experiencing the same problem on Galaxy tab even with #android:color/transparent. Was able to fix it only by replacing android:background="#color/transparent" with android:background="#null".

How can I create scrolling areas like the ones on stackoverflow?

I'm currently working on a flash project, which will use multiple scroll areas.
I'm trying to find out how to create a scroll area like I see on stackoverflow, and make it function similarly.
Whenever someone posts their lines of code to stackoverflow, the scroll area scrollbar looks exactly like the scrollbar in the web browser, and is able to be scrolled with the mousewheel smoothly, without affecting the webpage scrolling.
Example: disable mouse wheel scrolling while cursor over flex app?
Could anyone please explain to me how I can do this in my flash project?
You wouldn't need flash to do this... This is accomplished using CSS. You would just need to put the portion you wanted to function like that in a div (or any HTML container for that matter) and then define such properties as min-height, max-height, min-width, max-width, overflow, etc. I think there's one that determines the presence of the scroll bars but I don't remember what it is for sure. Very easy to do this and flash would be a bit of overkill.
