Liferay 6.0 not responding - liferay

I'm having a strange issue with my (i admit) very old liferay. Sometime yesterday morning my system broke down and doesn't start up again. I have no idea why it broke down.
Now when I restart my liferay again according to the logfile it starts fine. But when I try to acces the page via browser all I get is inifite loading. No log messages, no exceptions, no timeout, nothing. This all was Liferay 6.0.5 and JBoss 5.
I then downloaded a Liferay 6.0.6 bundle with Tomcat 6 and connected it to my oracle db. Same behavior. Next thing I did was not using an oracle connection so liferay used its built-in memory DB. And voila, startup worked immediatly. reconnecting to oracle results in failure again. I tried this liferay-tomcat bundle with all needed themes and portlets.
Then I undeployed all custom webapps and startet again and suddenly my log showed this message: No theme found for specified theme id <MY_CUSTOM_THEME>. Returning the default theme.
So the request must reach liferay somehow. Sadly the browser still doesn't show anything.
I'm short on ideas so I'm grateful for any help. Btw: I'm planning to relaunch with liferay 6.2 and an other db schema in couple of weeks, so a dirty workaround would totaly be enough for me.
Thinking out of the box: Is it possible to export all data from my database as sql inserts, etc and import them into liferays memory db? I know the memory db is not build for production use, but since it's only a couple of weeks I might give it a shot.
EDIT: I switched back to my jboss 5 and liferay 6.0 setting. I just noticed another strange thing. When I type a non-existent like liferays default community url (not configured in my particular portal instance) I see this message in my log Current URL /de/web/guest/home generates exception: null
. So apparently the illigal requests are recognized but legal requests are not served.
Thanks guys and regards. Sebastian


Problems regarding White Screen Of Death (WSOD) at my site

I have a problem regarding White Screen Of Death (WSOD) at my site.
I will try to explain what I have tried until now.
I know it is not a triviel error to debug, but maybe some of you have tried something similar.
Here is the setup: One Windows Server 2019 v1809 with one IIS: 10.0.17763.1.
Multiple websites with associated application pools.
It's a MVC solution, and we are using .net 4.7.2.
What I have tried:
Recycled application pools every night
Restarted the server every night
Issued a IISReset every night
Deleted temporary files in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\
Looked at the IIS logs
Looked at the application log, our own log
Looked at the Windows log
Searched the Internet for similar problems
Made sure there always were some traffic at the website
Made sure no errors were shown when pressing F12 in the browser, the site always returs code 200
The WSOD comes at varies times, and not all the sites are affected at the same time.
A manuel recycle of the website always helps.
My question is, have any of you encounted similar problems?
And how did you solve it?
If you need more information please ask, and I will try to provide it.
/Regards Søren
This kind of problem is very unusual in IIS, because there is almost no record and useful information in the log file.
You can try to use this plan to repair IIS.
Unregister all the versions of ASP.NET with command "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis –ua". and the framework 64 also versions. 3.0 and 3.5... etc
Delete ASPNET account from "Local Users and Group – Users".
reregister ASP.NET with IIS using "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis –i". and framework64... net 3, 3.5 etc
Give permissions to the ASPNET account using "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis –ga machinename\ASPNET". for framework 32 and 64 and versions.
Reset IIS .

Liferay7 - module (portlet-provider) not refreshing

Im working with Liferay 7 and module development.
I created a module of type "portlet-provider" for can change the view of personalBar.
When I deploy it first time, it deploys ok, but after that, new deploys are not refreshing jsp files.
Is important to said that when I deploy the module, via blade or via gradle in Intellij, it deploys ok and also change the OSGI related folder, deleting old version and creating a new one with new jsp ok.
Even with that in a clear browser (recent removed all cache and temp) does no not refresh the personalBar view, related to new jsp file.
I saw this thread: , and tested the following.
1) Changed the tomcat timeZone, put the same timezone that I had in my desktop. (GMT-3 ) , it didn't work .
2) The only thing that seems to work is to clear all osgi state content and $liferay_home/work content and restart server as David said in above post.
But I need a way to can deploy theses modules without having to restart the server
Any help on this?
Thanks in advance
About my problem, I had a problem with the priority of the module so the module been deployed were not the same showed in portal.
At the beginning I set the "service.ranking:Integer="+Integer.MAX_VALUE , but I don't know why it was removed and for that the portlet showed was the portal default personal bar.

Liferay is Unable to Process Template?

I've just upgraded from Liferay CE to EE 6.2, and have successfully deployed the WAR on my weblogic 12c appserver. However, I am getting this error while trying to access my portal:
An unexpected system error occurred.
Unable to process template _SERVLET_CONTEXT_/html/themes/classic/templates/portal_normal.vm
I've read that this might be a cache issue, and I've deleted all temporary files and restarted my server but am still getting this error.
Any ideas as to why this occurs?
I've seen it before, but can't remember the exact circumstances. AFAIK it's been a temporary issue and I'm puzzled that restarting the server doesn't help..
However I've found LPS-12683, an issue that is marked as fixed, but maybe you find some circumstances in the description that haven't been fixed. Also this forum entry contains a nice hint to check
You need to import the init.ftl file from your parent theme and fix occurrences of:
stringUtil.equals(x, y)
x == y

Liferay not working on WebLogic Server

Very general question here:
I have Liferay 6.1.1 ga2 set up on my Oracle WebLogic 12c.
It works fine on my local, but when I deploy it onto our development server, I lose all write permissions.
E.g., changing the theme/color scheme, creating web content, pages, and saving changes to most things
I try to import LARs however it is saying it is not permitted
I'm not seeing any errors in the logs, and the control panel messages are even telling me my content was created or change successfully (besides the LARs0, but everything stays the same.
Any reason(s) why my changes aren't showing up? I'll surely give a bounty if I can get pointed in the right direction here
Given your description, I'd recommend checking OS issues, like write access to various folders, like temporary folders etc.. I guess that Liferay has proper permissions to the whole database (it's rare to have incomplete access) and can write to all tables. And you're operating on a portal-wide admin account, right?
Unrelated to LAR import, changes will not show up if you have workflow enabled - then you'd find the changes in the list of tasks that need approval.
As staging has quite an obvious UI in 6.1, I assume you don't have staging activated, otherwise you just need to publish. In order to see new portlets, make sure that the "Edit Controls" checkbox in your dockbar is checked. This has bitten me more than once.
if you're running a cluster, make sure that you have set it up correctly, e.g. that you don't see cached content on your node.
Can you confirm that you can see the options to change on the UI, just that your changes aren't persisted?
Also, please note that Weblogic 12c is not on the "supported Appservers" list for Liferay 6.1, it's there for Liferay 6.2 only (probably due to release date). This doesn't mean that it shouldn't run, just that it's not tested for your version. Further, there's a GA3 release for 6.3 already, so you might want to check if it's a problem that's fixed in GA3.

Generated portlet with xmlportletfactory and Liferay throws BeanLocator is null error

Im struggling a long time now with the following problem: I generate a very basic (or complex) example portlet with xmlportletfactory. Deploy it to Liferay, add it on a page and try to use it. I can not add a new entry (error message in view) and the server log sais:
ERROR [http-bio-8080-exec-1][PortletBeanLocatorUtil:42] BeanLocator is null for servlet context coursesExample
Environment is:
Postgres 9.2
Java 1.6.0_45
I searched the whole web and find a lot of similiar problems on the liferay forums, but nothing helped me. I posted it also to xmlportletfactory forums, but still no answer yet.
What can I do?
In my case, for some reason I changed the project's name, and I started having the same "BeanLocator is null for servlet context..." problem.
A couple of days later, I renamed my eclipse project to the same name I initially used, and everything went back to normal.
Could that be something related to your project's name as well?
