Where has my app gone - Microsoft Azure App Services - azure

Started using the new Azure portal but some of our test apps seem to have disappeared under App Services. In the old portal these lived a level below the main app (deployment slots) and needed a triangle icon to be pressed to view them. Searching under "App services" does not reveal them.
The sites in question still work fine, so they must be there somewhere...

These are deployment slots.
Look for the deployment slots in the All Settings blade of the main Web App.


Azure portal: How to find today's visitors count of my Azure web app?

I have an ASP.NET Core web app on Azure. I'm using Azure Portal, of course. It is running fine, no problems.
Here is my question: Where in the Portal can I find out how many visitors the website has had today?
I've looked into Application Insights, but it looks like a large amount of study and work just to answer a simple, ordinary question: How many visitors today?
Any help will be appreciated.
I see you mentioned application insights. And for your case, it's the easy and convenient way, just a few steps.
1.Create an application insights:
2.In azure portal, nav to your web app -> in the left blade, select "Application Insights", and click "Turn on site extension" -> fill in necessary fields -> click Apply button:
3.Now everything is ready, if you want to see how many users visit your site, just nav to the application insights -> in the left blade, click Users:
There is no such a metric available for Azure App Services, closest you can get is the number of requests. You can look at the metrics if you open the metrics blade of the App Service

Azure Active Directory Signin Apps Always Create Enterprise App with no ability to set replyUrls

In the past there was both the separate website AND the Azure classic portal for managing Signin Apps. In the Classic portal it would give you the ability to edit the ReplyUrls.
In the new portal no matter how you create an app (Enterprise or Application Registration) you can't edit your ReplyUrls from the UI. (With Application you can set them the first time but then they don't show up in the Application list from then on so it's impossible to edit them)
Meanwhile these same apps can have their replyUrls updated using Powershell without any problem.
To me this is a blocker bug, but maybe I'm doing something wrong? I've successfully gotten only 1 application to show up under application registrations. All others including ones created back in the Azure Classic day show up in Enterprise applications without even the Sign On Option showing up in the list of options for the application per the instructions on Microsoft's website.
I can private message an app Id as an example.
The user experience of the Azure portal changed for the worse (in my opinion).
I also had trouble finding my old apps... turns out they are now "hidden" by default.
they don't show up in the Application list from then on so it's impossible to edit them)
You will find them under "all apps".

Creating Azure WebJobs?

Does anyone know what this article is talking about?
Run Background tasks with WebJobs
The flipping portal doesn't have an "All Settings" button nor any listing of Web Jobs that can be created anywhere. I'm getting so sick of misleading and just plain wrong Azure doco / tutorials. The crazy part is this is a recent article.
The article that you mentioned assumes that you have an Azure App Service created. Once that is done and you navigate to the blade for the App Service, the All Settings and Web Job options appear.

Azure Web app menu disabled

For hosting one of our asp.net application, we created an Azure account which starts with a free trial. Then I created a web app from app services menu. After web app instance is deployed and ready, I clicked on the web app for changing the settings I get a window with all the menu options disabled.
Does the Azure Free trial subscription have any sort of restrictions?
A site in a free subscription is fully functional, so all this UI absolutely should be available. As you found, after creating a new site everything started working.
Now the question is what prevented this from not working in the first site. My take is that it was likely a glitch in the Azure Portal (yes, it still has a few bugs), and that a browser refresh would have solved it. If you run into this again and a Portal refresh doesn't solve it, we can investigate further.

What is a web job on azure, is it part of a web application or standalone

Is it a job attached to a web app, or is it a type of web app itself? I tried following this example but couldn't find the add webjobs link it mentioned, just links to create a web app.
Yes, a job is "attached" to a Web App. A Web App is the execution container for WebJobs. In some cases you might also have a companion website also running in the WebApp, but often, the Web App only contains WebJobs.
Once you have a Web App, you can create/manage WebJobs via the portal "WebJobs" blade in the new portal. You'll find it in the Settings blade under "Features".
Another way to think of a Web Job is as an extra .exe/process that runs on the same VM as your web app, with the only special thing being that it is launched with the same set of environment variables as the web app and has access to the same set of directories.
There's a great post here explaining WebJobs and how to create/operate one. Everything you need to know to get going.
