How to change the ArangoDB Foxx App Generate Location - arangodb

Is it possible to generate a new foxx app in an arbitrary location?
foxx-manager install EMPTY /some-app
creates and installs some-app from the default /var/lib/arangodb-apps location. I'm running ArangoDB 2.7.1. I've tried the switch, but it isn't recognized as an option even though it's referenced here

The switch should work (alternatively you can try using the app-path setting in the javascript section of your arangod.conf) but it will be used for all Foxx apps. However this is an option of the arangod server (which performs the actual installation of Foxx apps), not of the foxx-manager CLI (which just tells the server what to install).
There's no way to install a Foxx app outside the app-path. Mount paths are always translated to paths that are relative to the app-path.
You're saying the switch isn't recognized. Can you give an example of how you tried to use it and the error message you received? Are you running arangod directly? And have you made sure there isn't already a daemonized version of arangod running in the background?


[unknown flag]Arangodb starter flag

The flag cluster.system-replication-factor doesn't seem to be available in 3.4.2 , can anyone help with this
arango starter command
We have tried the above command (click on the above link) in our arangoserver which runs with arangodb 3.4.2 version
--cluster.system-replication-factor is an arangod option, it has to be passed to an ArangoDB Server.
Options for arangod that are not supported by the starter (arangodb) can still be passed to the database servers using a pass through option. Every option that start with a pass through prefix is passed through to the commandline of one or more server instances.
Therefore the following option has to be specified:
arangodb --all.cluster.system-replication-factor=<uint32-value>

/bin/sh: 1: gcloud: not found

I have my NodeJS service running on Cloud App Engine. From this NodeJS service, I want to execute gcloud command. I am getting the below error and my app engine NodeJS service failed to run the gcloud command.
/bin/sh: 1: gcloud: not found
Connect to your instance and check if you have the gcloud SDK installed in the default runtime image supplied by Google.
If it isn't installed (not impossible - it doesn't appear included in the standard environment either, see System Packages Included in the Node.js Runtime) then you could try to treat it just like any other non-node.js dependency and build a custom runtime with it - see Google App Engine - specify custom build dependencies
If it is installed check if you need to tweak your app's environment to access it.
But in general the gcloud command isn't really designed to be executed on the deployed instances. Depending on what exactly you're trying to achieve, there may be better suited/more direct/programmatic API alternatives (which, probably in most cases, is what the gcloud command invokes under the hood as well).

Google stackdriver debug not working in Kubernetes

We have a server application based on Python 3.6 running on Google Kubernetes Engine. I added Google StackDriver Debug to aid in debugging some production issues but I cannot get our app to show up in the Stackdriver debug console. The 'application to debug' dropdown menu stays empty.
The kubernetes cluster is provisioned with the cloud-debug scope and the app starts up correctly. Also, the Stackdriver Debugging API is enabled on our project. When running the app locally on my machine, cloud debugging works as expected, but I cannot find a reason why it won't work on our production environment
In my case the problem was not with the scopes of the platform, but rather with the fact that you cannot simply pip install google-python-cloud-debugger on the official python-alpine docker images. Alpine Linux support is not tested regularly and my problem was related to missing symbols in the C-library.
Alpine Linux uses the MUSL C-library and it needs a google cloud debugger specifically built for that library. After preparing a specific docker image for this, I got it to work with the provided credentials.
As an alternative method, you can debug Python pods with Visual Studio code and good old debugpy
I wrote an open source tool that will inject debugpy into any running Python pod without prior setup.
To use it, you'll need to:
Install the tool in your cluster (see Github page)
Run a command locally from a machine with access to the cluster:
robusta playbooks trigger python_debugger name=myapp namespace=default
Port-forward to the cluster (the tool prints instructions)
Attach VSCode to localhost and the port that you're forwarding
This works by creating a new pod on the same node and then injecting debugpy using debug-toolkit

WebStorm remote interpreter not working with TSLint

I followed this link to setup a remote interpreter with Docker in WebStorm, now I would like to use it as the interpreter for the TSLint plugin, I get this in the upper window:
But when I try to configure the interpreter I only get the option for a local interpreter.
Is there any way to configure it to use the remote one?
This is what I see:
Not possible ATM. Here is official explanation:
This is the correct behavior described in Help (
The reason is that the project Node.js interpreter is used in many places - to run TypeScript service/compiler, external linters, etc. And all these services require local Node.js interpreter, they can't be run remotely. The only place where remote interpreters are supported is Node.js running/debugging. That's why setting up remote interpreter is only possible from Node.js Run configuration
There are requests to add support for remote execution for Karma/Mocha/ESLint -- see those tickets -- maybe you will find and answer there (or create new Feature Request ticket if these tickets below do not have clear answer/not suitable for your needs):
On related note (this comment and around):
If so...our Docker integration isn't currently for that use case. Everything to do with the development – linters, build tools, test runners, ts language service, angular language service, angular cli, react project generator, react native, etc. – runs against a local NodeJS and node_modules.

Start app on mac os directly after installation

I'd like to know if it is possible to create a dmg file which can be installed by Drag&Drop - and which starts directly after this installation without having to be called manually again.
And if this is possible, I'd like to know whether I can pass arguments to the (nodejs) process which will be started directly after the installation.
I managed to pass parameters to the process when I call it manually after the installation, but I want to run it directly.
Any help will be appreciated!
I solved it: Instead of creating an app and wrapping it into a dmg, I created an app and wrapped it into a pkg. For pkgs it is possible to use postinstall scripts, so I started the application through this script.
