How to identify crontab child job? - linux

My unix production server has test.ksh files, but every day it's running on daily basics using job.
I want to know which crontab job is calling this script. I checked usign below command, but i didn't find exact job name,
crontab -l
--It has been listed 100 job --
I have analysed above mentioned 100 job, but i didn't get test.ksh file
crontab -l | grep "test.ksh"
--file not found
But the file available in one directory, I can't find which job is called test.ksh script.
1. Whether it's child job? - If yes, how can i identify the child job?

you could use pstree -p xxxx where xxxx is the pid of crond. You will then get a nice hierarchical overview of all offspring processes of crond.

If it is a child script, use ps -ef and use the ppid of the test.ksh job to identify the calling script.
For example, consider these two scripts, the first just calls the second
#! /bin/sh
# Run child process
#! /bin/sh
sleep 60
ps -ef shows (with a lot of other processes removed)
501 5725 5724 0 8:22pm ttys000 0:00.28 -bash
501 6046 5725 0 11:38am ttys000 0:00.01 /bin/sh ./parent
501 6047 6046 0 11:38am ttys000 0:00.00 /bin/sh ./child
501 6048 6047 0 11:38am ttys000 0:00.00 sleep 60
The pid is the process identifier, so child has process id 6047. Its ppid - 6046 - is the process id of its parent as you can see looking at the entry for the parent process.


Why does executing a simple command in a grouping command does not fork a subshell process, and the compound command will do it

I know that grouping commands(command-list) creates a subshell environment, and each listed command is executed in that subshell. But if I execute a simple command in the grouping command, (use the ps command to output the processes), then no subshell process is output. But if I tried to execute a list of commands (compound command) in the grouping command, then a subshell process is output. Why does it produce such a result?
A test of executing a simple command (only a ps command) in a grouping command:
[root#localhost ~]# (ps -f)
with the following output:
root 1625 1623 0 13:49 pts/0 00:00:00 -bash
root 1670 1625 0 15:05 pts/0 00:00:00 ps -f
Another test of executing a compound command(a list of commands) in a grouping command:
[root#localhost ~]# (ps -f;cd)
with the following output:
root 1625 1623 0 13:49 pts/0 00:00:00 -bash
root 1671 1625 0 15:05 pts/0 00:00:00 -bash
root 1672 1671 0 15:05 pts/0 00:00:00 ps -f
I tested a lot of other commands (compound commands and simple commands), but the results are the same. I guess even if I execute a simple command in a grouping command, bash should fork a subshell process, otherwise it can't execute the command. But why can't I see it?
Bash optimizes the execution. It detects that only one command is inside the ( ) group and calls fork + exec instead of fork + fork + exec. That's why you see one bash process less in the list of processes. It is easier to detect when using command that take more time ( sleep 5 ) to eliminate timing. Also, you may want to read this thread on unix.stackexchange.
I think the optimization is done somewhere inside execute_cmd.c in execute_in_subshell() function (arrows > added by me):
/* If this is a simple command, tell execute_disk_command that it
might be able to get away without forking and simply exec.
>>>> This means things like ( sleep 10 ) will only cause one fork
If we're timing the command or inverting its return value, however,
we cannot do this optimization. */
and in execute_disk_command() function we can also read:
/* If we can get away without forking and there are no pipes to deal with,
don't bother to fork, just directly exec the command. */
It looks like an optimization and dash appears to be doing it too:
bash -c '( sleep 3)' & sleep 0.2 && ps #or with dash
as does, more robustly:
strace -f -e trace=clone dash -c '(/bin/sleep)' 2>&1 |grep clone # 1 clone
shows that the subshell is skipped, but if there's post work to be done in the subshell after the child, the subshell is created:
strace -f -e trace=clone dash -c '(/bin/sleep; echo done)' 2>&1 |grep clone #2 clones
Zsh and ksh are taking it even one step further and for (when they see it's the last command in the script):
strace -f -e trace=clone ksh -c '(/bin/sleep; echo done)' 2>&1 |grep clone # 0 clones
they don't fork (=clone) at all, execing directly in the shell process.

In unix I used kill command by providing a ppid then it close the terminal . why? kill -9 ppid

sleep 5000
In one terminal and in second terminal I'm running:
ps -ef | grep sleep
Then I'm killing this process in second terminal by using the ppid. Then it will close the first terminal where I run the sleep command. It will not create sleep command as an orphan.
$ ps -ef | grep sleep
trainee 4887 4864 0 17:05 pts/0 00:00:00 sleep 5000
trainee 4889 4264 0 17:05 pts/1 00:00:00 grep --color=auto sleep
kill -9 4864
Presumably the parent of the sleep is your shell. When you kill that your login is terminated and your terminal closes.
The Wikipedia article on Orphan process reads (in part),
An orphan process is a computer process whose parent process has finished or terminated, though it remains running itself.
A process can be orphaned unintentionally, such as when the parent process terminates or crashes. The process group mechanism in most Unix-like operation systems can be used to help protect against accidental orphaning, where in coordination with the user's shell will try to terminate all the child processes with the SIGHUP process signal, rather than letting them continue to run as orphans.

Why does (ps -f) create no subshell but a separate process?

I need some help because I don't get something. From what I read from Internet, a subshell is created when we execute a shell script or if we run command in brackets: ( )
I tried to test this with a script which contains only the following command:
ps -f
When I run it I see the following result:
me 2213 2160 0 08:53 pts/14 00:00:00 bash
me 3832 2213 0 18:41 pts/14 00:00:00 bash
me 3833 3832 0 18:41 pts/14 00:00:00 ps -f
Which is good, because I see that my bash process has spawned another bash process for my script.
But when I do:
( ps -f )
it produces:
me 2213 2160 0 08:53 pts/14 00:00:00 bash
me 3840 2213 0 18:46 pts/14 00:00:00 ps -f
So if brackets spawn a subshell why it is not shown in the processes? And why does ps -f is counted as another process? Does every command run as a separate process?
It seems you've caught bash in a little bit of an optimization. if a subshell contains only a single command, why really make it a subshell?
$ ( ps -f )
jovalko 29393 24133 0 12:05 pts/10 00:00:00 bash
jovalko 29555 29393 0 12:07 pts/10 00:00:00 ps -f
However, add a second command, say : (the bash null command, which does nothing) and this is the result:
$ ( ps -f ; : )
jovalko 29393 24133 0 12:05 pts/10 00:00:00 bash
jovalko 29565 29393 0 12:08 pts/10 00:00:00 bash
jovalko 29566 29565 0 12:08 pts/10 00:00:00 ps -f
One of the main reasons to use a subshell is that you can perform operations like I/O redirection on a group of commands instead a single command, but if your subshell contains only a single command there's not much reason to really fork a new bash process first.
As to ps counting as a process, it varies. Many commands you use like ls, grep, awk are all external programs. But, there are builtins like cd, kill, too.
You can determine which a command is in bash using the type command:
$ type ps
ps is hashed (/bin/ps)
$ type cd
cd is a shell builtin
The main part of the question is:
Does every command run as a separate process?
YES!. Every command what isn't built-in into bash (like declare and such), runs as separate process. How it is works?
When you type ps and press enter, the bash analyze what you typed, do usual things as globbing, variable expansionas and such, and finally when it is an external command
the bash forks itself.
The forking mean, than immediatelly after the fork, you will have two identical bash processes (each one with different process ID (PID)) - called as "parent" and "child", and the only difference between those two running bash programs is, than the "parent" gets (return value from the fork) the PID of the child but the child don't know the PID of the parent. (fork for the child returns 0).
after the fork, (bash is written this way) - the child replaces itself with the new program image (such: ps) - using the exec call.
after this, the child bash of course doesn't exist anymore, and running only the newly executed command - e.g. the ps.
Of course, when the bash going to fork itself, do many other things, like I/O redirections, opens-closes filehandles, changes signal handling for the child and many-many other things.

Who does the daemonizing?

There are various tricks to daemonize a linux process, i.e. to make a command running after the terminal is closed.
nohup is used for this purpose, and fork()/setsid() combination can be used in a C program to make itself a daemon process.
The above was my knowledge about linux daemon, but today I noticed that exiting the terminal doesn't really terminate processes started with & at the end of the command.
$ while :; do echo "hi" >> temp.log ; done &
[1] 11108
$ ps -ef | grep 11108
username 11108 11076 83 15:25 pts/0 00:00:05 /bin/sh
username 11116 11076 0 15:25 pts/0 00:00:00 grep 11108
$ exit
(after reconnecting)
$ ps -ef | grep 11108
username 11108 1 91 15:25 pts/0 00:00:17 /bin/sh
username 11130 11540 0 15:25 pts/0 00:00:00 grep 11108
So apparently, the process's PPID changed to 1, meaning that it got daemonized somehow.
This contradicts my knowledge, that & is not enough and one must use nohup or some other tricks to a process 'daemon'.
Does anyone know who is doing this daemonizing?
I'm using a CentOS 6.3 host and putty/cygwin/sshclient produced the same result.
You can daemonize a process if that doesn't respond to SIGHUP signal.
When bash shell is terminated while it is running background tasks, bash shell sends SIGHUP
(hangup signal) to all tasks. However bash won't wait until child processes are completely
terminated. If child process doesn't respond to SIGHUP signal, that process becomes an orphan
process. (its parent pid is changed to 1 - init process - to prevent becoming a useless zombie process)
Subshell executions basically do not responds to SIGHUP signals, thus your command will still be running after logging out from the first shell.

Running a php script in the background via shell - script never executes on mac os x

I have a php script which is responsible for sending emails based on a queue contained in a database.
The script works when it is executed from my shell as such:
/usr/bin/php -f /folder/email.php
However, when I execute it to run in the background:
/usr/bin/php -f /folder/email.php > /dev/null &
It never completes, and the process just sits in the process queue:
clickonce: ps T
1246 s000 Ss 0:00.03 login -pf
1247 s000 S 0:00.03 -bash
1587 s000 T 0:00.05 /usr/bin/php -f /folder/email.php
1589 s000 R+ 0:00.00 ps T
So my question is how can I run this as a background process and have it actually execute? Do I need to configure my OS? Do I need to change the way I execute the command?
"T" in the "STAT" column indicates a stopped process. I would guess that your script is attempting to read input from stdin and is getting stopped because it is not the foreground process and thus is not allowed to read.
You should check if the script does indeed read something while executing.
