How to access ui of xampp running on linux command line - linux

I have installed xampp on linux (command line version with no gui).
I am using Amazon Linux AMI.
The installation is successful and i got xampp up and running.
$ sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start
Starting XAMPP for Linux 5.6.14-4...
XAMPP: Starting Apache...ok.
XAMPP: Starting MySQL...ok.
However i am not able to access the xampp ui from browser.
I am accessing http://(public ip of the linux ami)
Is there anything else required to access the ui.

I did some R&D around the problem and found out that the security group (linked to the amazon instance) did not allow http traffic.
Edited security group to allow http traffic and issue was resolved.
XAMPP UI can be accessed now using the public DNS or public IP.


How to set up custom hostnames and ports for servers (eg node.js) running in WSL 2

(I've provided a simple working solution in response)
I recently moved from macOS to WSL 2. I have two node servers running within WSL 2 (Ubuntu distro). Each must be accessible through a custom hostname for development vs production purposes. I've had difficulty accessing the node servers via custom hostnames (ie set in some ../etc/hosts file) especially given WSL 2's dynamic IP that changes per WSL/pc 'boot'. How does one go about setting custom hostnames in WSL 2?
Each node.js app server (again running within WSL 2) must be accessed from the browser with the following urls/custom hostnames:
After searching around I have found the following relatively simple process works. I thought I'd share and save some time and headache for those new to WSL 2. Note, although I'm using node as the server stack, this process should more or less be the same for other app/web server stacks.
Note the following SE post is the basis of the solution. It's also worthwhile to examine MSFT's reference on WSL vs WSL 2. Also note, I haven't provided deep rationale on why these steps are required, why we might need custom hostnames, ipv6 options in ../etc/hosts, the meaning of, loopback addresses, WSL 2 and distro management, etc. These are subjects beyond the scope of this post.
Simple scenario:
nodeApp1: node application server with custom hostname: '' on port 3010 (or whatever)
nodeApp2: node application serverwith custom hostname: '' on port 3020 (or whatever)
Each node.js app server (again running within wsl 2) can be accessed from the browser with the following urls:
Two key items:
The correct etc/hosts files to be modified is on the Windows side (not WSL distro) at: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts (yes in Windows folders). This is a 'hot' update so no need for WSL 2 reboot. The content for this scenario is: localhost broadcasthost
::1 localhost
Please add C:\Users\"you"\.wslconfig with the following content (yes in Windows folders):
Note: there's a reference to this in WSL 2 Ubuntu distro's /etc/hosts.
Also note, this requires WSL shutdown and reboot. Shutting down your terminal is insufficient. Also total machine boot is not
required. Simply run:
wsl --shutdown (in Powershell) or
wsl.exe --shutdown (within Ubuntu)
Then restart the Windows Terminal app (or any WSL terminal) to access the updated WSL 2 environment. The apps with custom urls/hostnames will now work in the browser permanently and WSL 2's dynamic IP is circumvented.

How to join an BITMAIN Antminer to a Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Active Directory

Let's start with "WHY?":#nerdsLoveToStartWithWhy
I'm developing a customized software to manage a crypto-mining farm where we need to communicate with miners (BITMAIN Antminer) by their hostname instead of IP (just for ease of use).
I know! But I don't want to scan IP ranges, then either SSH to them or use API to pull out the information such as the hostname
My Solution:(please share if you have a better solution)
I've configured a Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Active Directory & DNS with a domain name as and I'm trying to join my Antminers to this domain.
The SRV1 is my AC DC and visible to the miners. The miner with a hostname as antMinerThree which is running a linux Angstrom V2013.12 are getting reply from the ACDC with its FQDN. the ntpdate package is installed as perquisite:
command: #opkg install ntpdate
The problem for now is that when to install required packages:
I got the following error: bmminer.list
Failed to open //var/lib/opkg/info/bmminer.list: No such file or directory.
and when I created manually an empty file bmminer.list in the path /var/lib/opkg/info/ I still get this error message, unless it no longer complains about missing bmminer.list:
Does any body know, how to install required packages to joint this miner running Linux Angstrom V2013.12 to a Microsoft Windows Active Directory 2008 in order that I could ping my miners by hostname instead of by their IP addresses?

Setting up SonarQube on AWS using EC2

Trying to setup SonarQube on EC2 using what should be basic install settings.
List item
Setup a standard EC2 AWS LINUX Ami attached to M4 large
SSH into EC2 instance
Install JAVA
Set to use JAVA8
unzip into the /etc dir
run sudo ./ start
Instance starts
But when I try to go to the app it never comes up when I try either the IPv4 Public IP (ex not real IP) or try (not real IP either just for example)
Perhaps it is my ignorance or me not configuring something correctly as it pertains to the initial EC2 setup.
If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.
Issue was that SonarQube default port is 9000. and by default this port is not open in the security group if you dont apply the default security group in which all the ports are open(which is Not recommended).
As suggested in comment #Issac, opened the 9000 port to allow incoming request to SonarQube, in AWS security group setting of instance. Which solved the issue.
need to have an db and give permissions to the db file in sonar nd need to open firewalls

Web2Py on AWS EC2 Linux

I have an instance running Linux at Amazon AWS EC2 after carefully following the instructions provided by Amazon here: Setting Up to Host a Web App on AWS.
I have set-up the security groups as mentioned in the documentation provided by Amazon.
The default security group has all traffic, all protocols, on all ports open.
In addition to the above security rule, I have setup SSH on port 22 and then, using CyberDuck (a great FTP app), I have uploaded the Web2Py source code into a folder named web2py at AWS.
After successfully FTP the source code into this web2py folder, I have SSH'ed into the AWS machine using the Terminal (on Mac locally) having the my-keys-file.pem on hand:
ssh -i my-keys-file.pem
(where the xx are the numbers in the Public DNS as they appear on my instance on EC2 page)
Then I have checked whether my AWS instance has python installed and it does have it.
Thus, I have proceeded to install Web2Py.
password = pwd
it warns that GUI not available since Tlk library is not installed, but Massimo says here ( that it's not critical.
Running the Web2Py ....
If I try:
python -a pwd -i -p 80
It says:
there is an error with the Rocket Server with that specific port (used by another process that is not willing to share...)
If I try:
python -a pwd
it says nothing (which begs the question: is web2py running ?) and when I try to access the web2py server
in both cases it says page is not available since it takes too long to access it (nothing about security cause).
If I try:
python -a pwd -i -p 8000
again - it says nothing (is web2py running ?)
trying to access the Web2Py server at
in both cases it says page is not available, same as above.
I have tried to use the IP address instead, but it is immediately translated to the amazon format of ec2-xx-xx-xx-xxx.etc...
I have tried to access web2py by explicitly mentioning the port (8000) in the address - still it doesn't work while giving no reason except page is not available
My questions:
Is there any DETAILED recipe on how to install AND run Web2Py on AWS EC2 ?
Is the web2py server running ? How can I know if it is running ? If it is not - what am I doing incorrectly ?
If the web2py server is running how can I access it ?
Any help would be much appreciated.
I have deployed my Web2py to an EC2 instance running Ubuntu, but I guess you can adapt the same approach to your system.
The simplest way to deploy Web2py is following the 'One step production deployment' script introduced in the official Web2py book.
chmod +x
sudo ./
Running this will install and configure everything you need.
When finished, simply type your IP or domain name into a web browser and you will see the default web2py website.

fix file permission to read write access squid configuration via php code in linux server centos with lamp setup

For my new project i have to configure cent os linux server with lamp setup and install squid proxy server. Installed machine will act as a server in client side. The main purpose of the count the amount of bandwidth, their mac address , ip address will be logged in server it is will act like a proxy server. Every user will be assigned with bandwidth, total browsing hours, username, password etc.
Each user can access INTERNET via installed proxy server after logging with the username and password defined to them.
User management, mac address, ip addreess fetching all will be done using php code with linux command enabled for mac address from client machine and also for blacklist website filter.
For every action of this project have to access squid configuration file located in /etc/squid/squid.conf for enabling internet support with mac filter and even iptables.
But when my php code try to access the /etc/squid/squid.conf for processing . It is unable to access the file for read, write, append operation.
In my server side i have define the file permission for /etc/squid/squid.conf with read write access with the code executing in my linux server
chmod 777 /etc/squid/squid.conf
After assign the permission also the person logged in to the server unable to access the squid file for processing.
Even the tried
chmod 666 /etc/squid/squid.conf
but no help
How i have to configure my file permission for /etc/squid/squid.conf so even my i logged user via apache server can access the file for processing
is selinux running ? you can temporary disable it with
setenforce 0
selinux may block apache to read your squid config as they are in 2 differents context even if the file is 777 and apache was running as root(bad ideal) . Here some redhat documentation about squid and selinux doc
