issue with upgrading net-snmp5.5 to net-snmp5.7.3 - shared-libraries

I have to manage an Ethernet traffic card (my Linux target board(mips32)) having net-snmp 5.5 installed on it.
I want to upgrade it to latest net-snmp 5.7.3 and have successfully compiled net-snmp.
After that I had changed the all the libnetsnmp* library files, MIB text files and snmpd and snmptrapd daemons...but it gives errors like failed to open shared library ....can not find files Why it is throwing this error even though I have updated net-snmp library files.
I am confused that what files of 5.5 has to be replaced by the 5.7.3, in order to upgrade my net-snmp package.
Also please guide me the steps to install a Fresh net-snmp package on any Linux board.

The net-snmp suite comes in 3 distinct Linux packages.
net-snmp (the snmpd agent and snmptrapd daemons, documentation, etc)
net-snmp-utils (various utilities e.g. for interrogating SNMP agents,
sending traps, etc )
net-snmp-libs (runtime libraries)
Have a look at to a more detailed listing of files in each.
Make sure you have updated ALL that you have installed.
EDIT ...
When you have a CentOS box and type "yum install net-snmp", you'll get
version 5.5. If for some reason you want the latest version (5.7 at
the time of writing), then here's what you have to do:
yum remove net-snmp net-snmp-utils
Install dependencies: yum install perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker
Unpack and install net-snmp:
tar zvxf net-snmp-*.tar.gz
cd net-snmp-*
make install
Create an snmpd.conf and put it in /usr/local/share/snmp.
But follow above link for more info!


Is it possible to run a newer version of cloc (or any package) onto an older version of ubuntu?

I have to work with ubuntu 14.04, but I need to use cloc 1.92. The highest cloc version via package update for Ubuntu is 1.6.
I did a wget to download this package to my machine, but it's not showing up in the package list when I do dpkg --list. I'm not sure how to make the cloc 1.92 folder run the same way that 1.6 does on my VM, or if it's even possible to do so.
The git page for cloc explains all related aspects, and skimming over it, in the Why use cloc? section says that the "program is self-contained, only download and run it". This program is developed in Perl 5, present in all Ubuntu distros. You can check that with the command perl --version.
Simply extract the file cloc from the tar.gz and copy it in an appropiate directory, for example /usr/local/bin, and confirm it has the proper executable rights with the command chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/cloc.
Caveat: cloc claims to use only standard Perl modules. If your installed Perl doesn't have all needed, you will have to install them using CPAN.
Edit: See the comments by Knud Larsen for manual installing as Ubuntu mantainers do.
In this case, as the program is run by an interpreter, it wasn't needed to compile it, but in general programs/libraries in source form could to be compiled and installed independently from the apt/dkpg package management, but could need other libraries/programs to operate. The mantainer of the distro ensures this dependencies are installed together with the desired package. If we want to compile/install manually, then also we have to compile/install all requirements of the program if they aren't there already.
In other cases, the additional required software for the package could be already installed in some older versions, but it is used by other installed programs that could fail if we install new versions. That is the main problem when updating software in older distros: We need to investigate and resolve any conflicts manually.
So, the second answer is: Yes, we can update software in older versions of Ubuntu, but could be impractical to do so.

E: Unable to locate package ea-utils | Ubuntu 18.04

I am following this tutorial. I already have .fastq files. I want to install ea-utils.
My setup is Ubuntu 18.04 bionic, via Oracle VM Virtual Box.
In terminal, I entered the command:
>>>sudo apt install ea-utils
E: Unable to locate package ea-utils
First, I installed latest Ubuntu updates via. Software Updater.
>>>sudo apt-get update
E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
Still throwing an error:
>>>sudo apt-get install ea-utils
Second command said: E: Unable to locate package ea-utils.
You cannot install it using Git-Bash. Git-Bash is not a Linux environment (apt-get is a Linux utility that can be used in a Linux environment). Git-Bash is a subset of the MSYS (or MSYS2, not sure) collection of open source tools compiled for Windows
What you can try is
build your own version of ea-utils for Windows. build guide - I will elaborate if required
check if there are any precompiled binaries for it
Expanding on building/compiling your own binaries of programs
Normally a program is written in a programming language (e.g C/C++, Java) that humans can read. These are plain text files.
That is compiled into something computers can read
This compiled file is executable on the platform which it is compiled for - ends in .exe for Windows
This executable file is distributed as a 'precompiled binary' that is copied into (usually) C:\Program Files by the installation procedure
But things change in the world of open source software
You are given the original files of code written in a programming language
You use a compiler combined with other libraries to compile it into an executable file
MinGW is a collection of tools, including the C/C++ compiler for Windows
GSL is a library that provides some other code that ea-utils depends on for the compilation of the binaries
General instructions for building
(Sorry I cannot test these. I do not use Windows any more)
Install MinGW - accepting the defaults should work fine
Install GSL - try the link that says Setup (again, accept defaults)
Unzip the file you downloaded earlier from ea-utils' GitHub
Open command prompt
cd into the unzipped folder
(based on instructions on their wiki) make
make test
Since your updated question is based on using Ubuntu 18.04 in a VM and you there is still an error, I suggest trying
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ea-utils
Commonly, software in the Linux word is distributed as "packages" - e.g ea-utils. The first command contacts Ubuntu's repositories (they serve the packages) and generates a list of all the available packages.
That should fix the error of ea-utils not being found.
Following the constant errors being thrown,
Download the .deb file 64-bit version or 32-bit version according to the virtual machine you are running. Open it inside the virtual machine, and follow the onscreen instructions.

New C++ GPP device in RedHawk2.0

The release notes for RedHawk 2.0 say that the GPP device previously written in Python has been replaced with one written in "Written in C++, so it is more responsive". But I find it still running in Python (according to ps command python is running, and the $SDRROOT/dev/devices/GPP/GPP.spd.xml which also has softpkg version="1.10.0". Was my installation defective and I still have parts of the 1.10 runtime system? My IDE says 2.0.
It sounds like REDHAWK 2.0 was not properly installed on your system, the IDE and the framework/assets are separate and it is possible to get into a situation with conflicting versions depending on the installation steps taken.
Determining what version of REDHAWK you have installed can be determined in a handful of ways. If you installed via yum or rpm you can check the versions of the rpms installed with:
rpm -qa | grep -i redhawk
The redhawk package, and redhawk-ide package should both be at 2.0. Note that the REDHAWK assets are versioned independently.
If you installed via source, you can use the package config files to obtain version information. The framework keeps it's pc files in $OSSIEHOME/lib64/pkgconfig:
cat $OSSIEHOME/lib64/pkgconfig/ossie.pc
Will print out version information for the core framework installed. Depending on what is installed, there are pc files for the framework, bulkio, frontend, and burstio.
I am sorry. The GPP-2.0.0-3.el6.x86_64 DOES contain an ELF executable for GPP device. But the rpm does not install unless I manually erase the GPP-1.10 pkg. Until erased yum says "nothing to do" for some reason. I saw the source code in GPP-debuginfo but did not notice the executable in GPP-2.0.0 since it was all caps and looked like the directory.

Port a debian package to YUM for CentOS

I have a project that runs on Debian and uses many packages provided from the Debian repositories.
Because of demand, I've looked into porting the project to CentOS, but found that many of the packages I require are completely missing - at least 10 dependencies would have to be compiled manually at install time on the users machine.
My question is, what is the best way to create an installer for the user's machine? Should I use automake tools (with the standard ./configure, make, make install), to compile the required libraries, or is this a non-standard approach. Note that my app doesn't actually need to be compiled since it is written in Python, so is it weird to do a "make", when you're not compiling your own app?
Should the configure script just warn the user that package X is missing, and let them handle the rest?
Should I roll my own dependency checker by runng pkg-config manually a few times for each library required, and exit if something is missing?
I'm quite new to this, so any tips to get me moving in the right direction are appreciated.
Edit: I am familiar with RPM and yum for red hat base distros, but CentOS is missing many multimedia packages that I require. An example of one of my package dependencies is "liquidsoap" which is a programmable audio engine:
This is available on Debian, but not Redhat/Centos
See this link on CentOS package management.
CentOS is redhat based and does not use .deb packages by default. However apt package management has been ported to tons of platforms, you may be able to use a port for centOS
If you use YUM whatever packages you need will be there for your application as redhat distros need all the same things that any other distro does.
EDIT: To get the details out of comments
Packages not available on the target platform either have to be built (possibly as a port) on the target platform and then shipped in the ported package (in this case YUM), or code needs to be modified and forked to use packages which already are available on the target platform. The choice depends on which is worse, or which is even possible given your constraints.

Postgresql 8.3 version needed for OpenSUSE

I have installed OpenSUSE 12.1 installed on machine.
and i have postgresql-contrib-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm,postgresql-devel-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm, postgresql-docs-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm,postgresql-libs-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm,postgresql-server-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm..
I want to installed postgresql 8.3 version based on above packages..but when i installed with this command .it shows an error.
opnsu121:/ # rpm -Uvh postgresql-server-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
postgresql = 8.3 is needed by postgresql-server-8.3.11-0.1.i586
Even i am not able to find postgresql 8.3 base version as i think the above one is update.i have gone throgh the download.openSUSE.orf,
but not able to find what i please help on this,
If at all possible, use YaST or whatever package manager SuSE uses to install the current version of PostgreSQL. From the repository it looks like that's 9.1.1.
If you specifically need PostgreSQL 8.3, I'd recommend using the distro-independent installer from EnterpriseDB. That should work fine on SuSE 12.2. If your organisation has particularly restrictive and unsafe version policies that force you to use old versions with known bugs, you can get 8.3.14 for 32-bit Linux here and 8.3.11 for 32-bit Linux here.
If you have issues with using the well-tested and known-to-work EnterpriseDB binary installer versions of PostgreSQL, your other option (and a good one) is to install from source code. Download the PostgreSQL 8.3.18 sources from the FTP site, then:
sudo mkdir -p /opt/postgresql93
sudo chown `id -un` /opt/postgresql93
./configure --prefix=/opt/postgresql93
make install
after which you can use /opt/postgresql93/bin/initdb (see initdb manual) to create a database and /opt/postgresql93/bin/pg_ctl (see pg_ctl manual) to start/stop it, as per the PostgreSQL documentation.
Don't try to force packages from an old version of SuSE to install on your new version. It'll probably result in an increasing tree of dependencies and end in pain.
If at all possible, try to convince your company that their policy of requiring a specific minor version (eg 8.4.14 not just "8.4.x") of PostgreSQL is unsafe and counterproductive. They're forcing you to do dirty hacks or hand-compile unique, custom installs just for your setup in order to avoid using well tested builds that contain extra bug fixes. Requiring approval before upgrading from 8.3 to 8.4/9.0/9.1/etc makes sense as there are feature and backward compatibility changes that require careful testing, but requiring approval before upgrading from 8.3.14 to 8.3.18 is counterproductive. Minor version upgrades of PostgreSQL are very conservative; you should stay up to date with the latest minor release.
hurray...I got the answer..
I have got the package below:
postgresql-contrib-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm, postgresql-devel-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm,postgresql-docs-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm,postgresql-libs-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm,postgresql-server-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm from the below link:
and the one more package which i have struggled to get is:
postgresql-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm with the following link:
with all above packages i have installed using..
rpm -ivh packagename
if there is a dependency then rpm -ivh --nodeps packagename
great..its done..
