Creating a limited drop-down List - excel

So say I have a table x by y entries.
X is far too great, or changes often enough, that making X additional tables/lists/named ranges is absurd.
However, I need to make a drop-down list of some of y.
Name | A | B | C | ..
Yannis| 20 |Yellow| Green| ..
Mirrah| 400 |Purple|Yellow| ..
I need a drop-down select of Name to change the options in a different drop-down list, which is based off of B & C.
Normally you can do this with either a Filter or INDIRECT(). However, it is beyond unreasonable to create a unique table, or name define, for each entry in X.
It is possible to create a table with all the possible entries for B & C, if there was a way to filter a named define for a list based off of the first table (using vlookup(), most likely)
In layman's terms: I need list 1 to filter list 2 where list 1 is either enormous or subject to constant change.
Gah, so this:
=INDIRECT("'InfoDump'!" & ADDRESS(MATCH(C5,PkmList,0)+25,10))
put into the data validation list works, however it's only one entry, and I need 3.
simply adding commas and copies causes error messages.
The one entry that this supplies is correctly referenced (dynamically) from the table without any need for more tables/namedRanges.
C5 is where the first list is
PkmList is the NamedRange for the first column of the Table
+25 'cause the table starts at A25 (column title)
10 referencing the first of 3 columns I need in the second list.

After some experimentation, this accomplishes what I was looking for:
=INDIRECT("'InfoDump'!" & (ADDRESS(MATCH(C5,PkmList,0)+25,10)) & ":" & ((ADDRESS(MATCH(C5,PkmList,0)+25,12))))
or, in some different terms:
=INDIRECT("'sheetName'!" & (ADDRESS(MATCH(DropDownOne,DropDownOneCriteria,0)+(AdjustRow),(AdjustColumn))) & ":" & ((ADDRESS(MATCH(DropDownOne,DropDownOneCriteria,0)+(AdjustRow),(AdjustColumn)))))
Data validation hates logic.
In the most basic sense:
Match(a,b,c) gets the location of 'a' in 'b' (c is the same as vlookup's exact match option)
Address(row,column) gets the "j26" address, you can (as I did) adjust from where you found the match. (in my case, 25 down 'casue the table actually started at A25, but the list started at '1'; then 10 - 12 across for the 3 options I needed to list)
indirect(txt) turns this into a list. more or less. use "'sheetName'!" for referencing a different sheet.
So in the end this gives you a "=A2:A4" in the Data validation bar, based on another list. Same as using the popular work around that is the fruit vegetable cabbage example, but this doesn't require you to make multiple named ranges. (Which means it works for a single large changing table).


How do I group rows based on a fixed sum of values in Excel?

I am trying to find another solution to below Excel formula that was already provided here:
How do I create groups based on the sum of values?
It is the same requirement, but the grouping criteria needs to be an exact value.
Here's the sample data:
Column A | Column B
Item A | 1
Item B | 2
Item C | 3
Item D | 4
Item E | 5
Item F | 1
Item G | 2
Item H | 3
Item I | 4
Item J | 5
I need to group the rows if their Column B sum = 5.
Expected result:
Group 1 = Item A, Item D (1 + 4) = 5
Group 2 = Item B, Item C (2 + 3) = 5
Group 3 = Item E = 5
Group 4 = Item F, Item I (1 + 4) = 5
Group 5 = Item G, Item H (2 + 3) = 5
Group 6 = Item J = 5
If a row's Column B exceeds 5 or does not have another matching row to equal 5 when added then it will have no Group value.
Groupings can be interchangeable, ie. Group 1 = Item A, Item I can be made since 1 + 4 = 5.
I assume this can be achieved using Excel formulas but I am struggling to find which formula(s) can be used. Any help is appreciated!
I believe I was able to understand your question after some comments exchanged. Anyway I would recommend to update your question, it is an interesting problem, but the question was difficult to follow.
Before looking for an Excel solution, I took the approach of understanding the problem as a state machine with the transition from one state to another. I considered the following states that represent the position the item in the group. A group is defined as consecutive items that the sum of all items is equal to 5.
EMPTY: Just the initial situation
START: Start of the group
MIDDLE: A middle element of the group
END: The end of the group
START-END: A group with a single element
NA: Not applicable group
I follow the same idea of: How do I create groups based on the sum of values?, but slightly different helper columns:
Total (Column D), but for this case it is used the following formula: IF(SUM(C3,D2)>5,C3,SUM(C3,D2))
Status or item position within Group (Column G). Here is where it is calculated the corresponding status for each element
Checks for Valid Groups (Column H): Evaluates if a group is valid. When there is no match to 5, the group is not valid. It is indicated at the row that represents the beginning of the group (START or START-END states). If TRUE it means a valid group, if FALSE it is not a valid group, and NA for an NA value from Status column. If empty represents any element of the group that is not the first one.
Group # (Column I): To identify the group the row (Item) belongs to. Notice that we start counting the group from 1 and I also consider the case a group can not be formed (NA).
Here is a screenshot with the solution and the formula on G3:
=LET(total, D3, prevS, G2, QTY, C3,
IF(C3="", "",
IF(OR(AND(total=5, QTY<5, prevS="START"), AND(total=5, prevS="MIDDLE")), "END",
IF(OR(AND(total>5, total=QTY, OR(prevS="START", prevS="MIDDLE")),AND(total>5, OR(prevS="", prevS="END", prevS="NA", prevS="START-END"))), "NA",
IF(OR(AND(total<5, total=QTY, OR(prevS="START", prevS="MIDDLE")),AND(total<5, OR(prevS="", prevS="END", prevS="NA", prevS="START-END"))), "START",
IF(AND(total<5, OR(prevS="START", prevS="MIDDLE")), "MIDDLE",
IF(OR(AND(total=5, total= QTY, OR(prevS="START", prevS="MIDDLE")),AND(total=5, OR(prevS="", prevS="END", prevS="NA", prevS="START-END"))), "START-END", "UNDEFINED")
LET Excel function is used to have something more readable
The IF blocks should to be ordered from the most specific case of total and QTY values to the most generic ones. For the case with same total condition, make sure the second condition for prevS are not repeated.
Added as a last resort UNDEFINED case, to check if any transition was not covered, if that is the case it has to be reviewed, so far in the sample data all cases are covered
Column K-Q is just for documenting purpose to identify all possible transitions. Column K-M provides all possible transitions organized them by previous status. The columns O-Q represent all possible transitions ordered by current status, so it is easier to formulate each portion of the IF blocks.
Maybe the formula can be simplified, compared to the solution provided by the similar question is more complex, but this question has more specific conditions. Some transitions maybe not relevant for the final result, but it is preferred to consider all positions in the group to make sure all transitions are covered.
The following state machine diagram shows all possible transitions:
As you can see the solution also considers when a group cannot be created or non valid groups (NA values). The solution considers that Item column has only positive values, it is not stated in the question any restriction, but looking at the example they are all positives. To consider zero values, this solution needs to be adjusted.
Checks for Valid Groups column is calculated as follow:
= IF(G3="", "",
IF(G3="NA", "NA",
LET(endRow, IFNA(MATCH("START", LEFT(G4:$G$1000,5),0), MATCH("", LEFT(G4:$G$1000,5),0))+ ROW()-1,
value, VLOOKUP("END", G4:INDIRECT( "G" & endRow),1,0),
), ""
It identifies the start and end of the group, and then finds any NA values, if there are, then it is not a valid group. If the end of the candidate group is not found (the first MATCH returns N/A), then is searches until a blank row
Group # column is calculated has follow:
=IF(C3="","", LET(value, MAX($I$2:I2), IF(G3="NA", "NA",
IF(H3=TRUE, value + 1, IF(H3=FALSE, "NA",
IF(I2="NA", "NA", value))))))
This way only valid transaction are considered, i.e. the following status transitions starting from START but not ending in END : START->NA, START->MIDDLE[one or more]...->NA and NA are not considered valid groups (NA).
I added more examples from the original sample file provided, more can be added to further test all possible scenarios, but I guess you get the idea about this approach. As you sated "I assume this can be achieved using Excel formulas" yes it is possible, but I would say for more complex conditions I would suggest to implement a state machine algorithm in VBA. Even it is possible to do it with Excel functions, you have to deal with several nested IF blocks and helper columns, something that can be achieved with a simple for-loop in VBA.
Here is a link to online Excel file I used.

Create a text cell value based on row entries and corresponding columns

I understand this is a tough way of wording the problem I have. Please try and help me.
I want to create a Column called Orders which contains cells based on corresponding item values.
So if I have columns: FlatNo, Truffle, Pineapple, Mango, Chocochips; I want to create a column called Orders which has value:
FlatNo - A51
Mango - 1
Chocochips - 1
(if no values in the Pineapple & Truffle Columns, none show up in Orders columns)
See image
How do I do that ? Thank you in advance
You can use IF and &. & simply puts the different desired things altogether.
Hope the following formula will get you the result for column orders. I have put the number of each item ordered inside parentheses before the item.
="Flat No. "&A2&IF(ISBLANK(B2),"","-("&B2&")"&$B$1)&IF(ISBLANK(C2),"","-("&C2&")"&$C$1)&IF(ISBLANK(D2),"","-("&D2&")"&$D$1)&IF(ISBLANK(E2),"","-("&E2&")"&$E$1)
For instance the third order is shown like this: Flat No. E-23-(1)Truffle -1 Pc Rs 60-(3)Mango -1 Pc Rs 60

Excel return true if number is within range

My problem
I have a list of values (List 1) that have the following pattern...
I have another list (List 2), which follow the pattern...
12345(1234-COD-100 - 1234-COD-150)
I need to search List 2 and return True if the value in List 1 is within range. So for example..
List 1 Result List 2
1234-COD-125 TRUE 12345(1234-COD-100 - 1234-COD-150)
1234-COD-126 TRUE 12345(4567-BAH-100 - 4567-BAH-150)
1234-COD-155 FALSE
4567-BAH-125 TRUE
4567-BAH-126 TRUE
4567-BAH-155 FALSE
The first part (1234-COD) is the vendor ID and code. The last part (125) is the order ID. Different vendors can have the same order ID, so my lookup needs to account for the vendor.
What I've done so far
I have written a series of formulas which extract parts of the string. For instance, for
12345(1234-COD-100 - 1234-COD-150)
I have extracted the following in individual cells
I know I can create a series to manually populate each order ID within range, then perform a lookup but I have hundreds of values in List 2 so this isn't an option.
Another option is to take the value in List 2 (12345(1234-COD-100 - 1234-COD-150) and check if every number in the range 100-150 is found in List 1.
I would like to be able to use a formula (or even VBA) to achieve this, but haven't been able to get any further. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Parsing text is always problematic. The following will return what you want:
=SUMPRODUCT((A2>=TRIM(LEFT(MID($C$2:$C$3,FIND("(",$C$2:$C$3)+1,LEN($C$2:$C$3)),FIND(" - ",MID($C$2:$C$3,FIND("(",$C$2:$C$3)+1,LEN($C$2:$C$3)))-1)))*(A2<=SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(MID($C$2:$C$3,FIND(" - ",$C$2:$C$3)+3,LEN($C$2:$C$3))),")","")))>0
But it depends exclusively on the pattern you are showing. Specifically that the range is always in () and the two ranges are separated by -

Using tbl.Lookup to match just part of a column value

This question relates to the Schematiq add-in for Microsoft Excel.
Using =tbl.Lookup(table, columnsToSearch, valuesToFind, resultColumn, [defaultValue]) the values in the valuesToFind column have a consistent 3 characters to the left and then varying characters after (e.g. 908-123456 or 908-321654 - i.e. 908 is always consistent)
How can I tell the function to lookup the value based on the first 3 characters only? The expected answer should be the sum of the results of the above, i.e. 500 + 300 = 800
tbl.Lookup() works by looking for an exact match - this helps ensure it's fast but in this case it means you need an extra step to calculate a column of lookup values, something like this:
A2: =tbl.CalculateColumn(A1, "code", "x => LEFT(x, 3)", "startOfCode")
This will give you a new column that you can use for the columnsToSearch argument, however tbl.Lookup() also looks for just one match - it doesn't know how to combine values together if there is more than one matching row in the table, so I think you also need one more step to group your table by the first 3 chars of the code, like this:
A3: =tbl.Group(A2, "startOfCode", "amount")
Because tbl.Group() adds values together by default, this will give you a table with a row for each distinct value of startOfCode and the subtotal of amount for each of those values. Finally, you can do the lookup exactly as you requested, which for your input table will return 800:
A4: =tbl.Lookup(A3, "startOfCode", "908", "amount")

Return a row number that matches multiple criteria in vbs excel

I need to be able to search my whole table for a row that matches multiple criteria. We use a program that outputs data in the form of a .csv file. It has rows that separate sets of data, each of these headers don't have any columns that are unique in of them self but if i searched the table for multiple values i should be able to pinpoint each header row. I know i can use Application.WorksheetFunction.Match to return a row on a single criteria but i need to search on two three or four criteria.
In pseudo-code it would be something like this:
Return row number were column A = bill & column B = Woods & column C = some other data
We need to work with arrays:
There are 2 kinds of arrays:
numeric {1,0,1,1,1,0,0,1}
to convert between them we can use:
MATCH function
MATCH(1,{1,0,1,1,1,0,0,1},0) -> will result {TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE}
simple multiplication
you can can check an array in the match function, entering it like in the picture below, be warned that MATCH function WILL TREAT AN ARRAY AS AN "OR" FUNCTION (one match will result in true
in the example below i show that i want to sum the hours of all the employees except the admin per case
we have 2 options, the long simple way, the complicated fast way:
long simple way
D2=SUMPRODUCT(C2:C9,(A2=A2:A9)*("admin"<>B2:B9)) <<- SUMPRODUCT makes a multiplication
basically A1={2,3,11,3,2,4,5,6}*{0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0} (IT MUST BE A NUMERIC ARRAY TO THE RIGHT IN SUMPRODUCT!!!)
ie: A1=2*0+3*1+11*1+3*0+2*0+4*0+5*0+6*0
this causes a problem because if you drag the cell to autocomplete the rest of the cells, it will edit the lower and higher values of
ie: D9=SUMPRODUCT(C9:C16,(A9=A9:A16)*("admin"<>B9:B16)), which is out of bounds
same as the above if you have a table and want to view the results in a diferent order
the fast complicated way
it's the same, except that INDIRECT was used on the cells that we want not be modified when autocompleting or table reorderings
be warned that INDIRECT sometimes give VOLATILE ERROR,i recommend not using it on a single cell or using it only once in an array
f* c* i cant post pictures :(
table is:
case emplyee hours totalHoursPerCaseWithoutAdmin
1 admin 2 14
1 him 3 14
1 her 11 14
2 him 3 5
2 her 2 5
3 you 4 10
3 admin 5 10
3 her 6 10
and for the functions to check the arrays, open the insert function button (it looks like and fx) then doubleclick MATCH and then if you enter inside the Lookup_array a value like
A2=A2:A9 for our example it will give {TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE} that is because only the first 3 lines are from case=1
Something like this?
Assuming that you data in in A1:C20
I am looking for "Bill" in A, "Woods" in B and "some other data" in C
Change as applicable
=IF(INDEX(A1:A20,MATCH("Bill",A1:A20,0),1)="Bill",IF(INDEX(B1:B20,MATCH("Woods",B1:B20,0),1)="Woods",IF(INDEX(C1:C20,MATCH("some other data",C1:C20,0),1)="some other data",MATCH("Bill",A1:A20,0),"Not Found")))
I would use this array* formula (for three criteria):
*commit with Ctrl+Shift+Enter
