How to find out your IP addresses using bash - linux

I have a server that has several ip addresses. I want to work out their exact values in bash. I am looking for something like:
a=returnIpAddressStartingWith 10.60.12
b=returnIpAddressStartingWith 10.60.13
so that the following returns:
> echo $a
Is there a reasonable way of doing this on linux?

You can use a function like this for searching:
findip() {
ip -4 addr | awk -v ip="$1" -F '[/[:blank:]]+' '$2 == "inet" && index($3, ip){print $3}'
And find the IP by:
a=$(findip '10.60.12')

Parse it out of the 'ip addr show' list using grep/awk/cut, then optionally, if you need to access it as an array, copy your list into a Bash array:
# Create a string that is the list of all variables
IPSTR=`ip addr show | fgrep 'inet ' | fgrep -v '' | awk '{ print $2 }' | cut -d '/' -f 1`
for IP in $IPSTR ; do
echo "First IP in array is ${IPARY[0]}"
echo "Number of IP addresses in array is ${#IPARY[*]}"


Printing with multiple delimiters

Im using this script
echo Su direccion IP es:
/sbin/ifconfig | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $1}'
which outputs a list of all of my ip addresses
but id like to add before each address the corresponding name
eth0: adresss1
tun0: address2
any advice? id be grateful for some explanation
i would also like to filter the lo connection if possible? thanks
Another awk:
ifconfig | awk -v OFS=": " -v RS= '$1!="lo" && split($0, a, /inet addr:/) > 1{
sub(/ .*/, "", a[2]); print $1, a[2]}'
ip -o addr list | awk -F'[[:space:]/]+' '$3 == "inet" && $2 != "lo" { print $2 ": " $4 }'
ip r show | awk '{print $3 $1}'
I think my take on it would be this:
$ ip addr |
awk '/^[0-9]+:/{print ""} 1' |
awk -vRS= '{for(i=1;i<NF;i++)if($i~/^inet/)print $2,$(i+1)}'
This uses two awk instances: the first splits records by adding blank lines, and the second to step through fields searching for addresses.
The output of this pipeline will contain one line per IP address (IPv6 included).
Note that in ifconfig notation, a second IP address on an interface might show up as a "sub-interface" like eth0:0. This notation is only useful in conjunction with ifconfig, which as you've seen in comments is not the recommended way to deal with modern linuces.

Optimizing Bash script, subshell removal

I have a bash script that lists the amount of ip addresses connected on a port. My issue is, is that with large amounts of connections it is slow as poo. I think it is because of the subshells in use, but I am having trouble removing them without borking the rest of the script. Here is the script in its entirety as it is fairly short:
[ ! -z "${1}" ] && portnumber=${1}
[ ! -z "${2}" ] && reversedns_enabled=${2}
#this will hold all of our ip addresses extracted from netstat
#get all of our connected ip addresses
while read line; do
ipaddress=$( echo ${line} | cut -d' ' -f5 | sed s/:[^:]*$// )
done < <( netstat -ano | grep -v unix | grep ESTABLISHED | grep \:${portnumber} )
#remove trailing newline
#output of program
#get our ip addresses sorted, uniq counted, and reverse sorted based on amount of uniq
while read line; do
if [[ ${reversedns_enabled} -eq 1 ]]; then
#we use justipaddress to do our nslookup(remove the count of uniq)
justipaddress=$( echo ${line} | cut -d' ' -f2 )
reversednsstring=$( host ${justipaddress} )
if echo "${reversednsstring}" | grep -q "domain name pointer"; then
reversednsname=$( echo ${reversednsstring} | grep -o "pointer .*" | cut -d' ' -f2 )
finaloutput="${finaloutput}${line} ${reversednsname}\n"
done < <( echo -e ${ipaddresses} | uniq -c | sort -r )
#tabulate that sheet son
echo -e ${finaloutput} | column -t
The majority of the time spent is doing this operation: echo ${line} | cut -d' ' -f5 | sed s/:[^:]*$// what is the best way to inline this to produce a faster script. It takes well over a second with 1000 concurrent users (which is my base target, although should be able to process more without using up all of my cpu).
You could reduce that with cut -d' ' <<< "$line" | sed .... You could write a more complex sed script and avoid the use of cut.
But the real benefit would be in avoiding the loop so there's only one sed (or awk or perl or …) script involved. I'd probably look to reduce it to ipaddresses=$(netstat -ano | awk '...') so that instead of 3 grep processes, plus one cut and sed per line, there was just a single awk process.
ipaddresses=$(netstat -ano |
awk " /unix/ { next } # grep -v unix
!/:${portnumber}/ { next } # grep :${portnum} "'
{ sub(/:[^:]*$/, "", $5); print $5; }'
That's probably rather clumsy, but it is a fairly direct transliteration of the existing code. Watch for the quotes to get ${portnumber} into the regex.
Since you feed the list of IP addresses into uniq -c and sort -r. You probably should use sort -rn, and you could use awk to do the uniq -c, too.
The only bit that you can't readily improve is host; that seems to only take one host or IP address argument at a time, so you have to run it for each name or address.
I'll take a stab at a couple of issues:
The following line from the script which performs incremental string concatenation will not be be efficient without the means to allocate a reasonable buffer:
For another, using a while loop with read line when a pipeline will do is significantly worse than the pipeline. Try something like this instead of the first loop:
netstat -ano |
grep -v 'unix' |
grep "\:${portnumber}" |
cut -d' ' -f5 |
sed 's/:[^:]*$//' |
while read line; do ...
Also, try combining at least two of the three sequential grep commands into one invocation of grep.
If nothing else, this will mean you are no longer spawning a pipeline which creates new cut and sed processes for each line of input processed in the first loop.
Here is a whole script optimized & refactored:
[[ $1 ]] && portnumber=$1
[[ $2 ]] && reversedns_enabled=$2
#this will hold all of our ip addresses extracted from netstat
#get all of our connected ip addresses
while IFS=' :' read -r type _ _ _ _ ipaddress port state _; do
if [[ $type != 'unix' && $port == "$portnumber" && $state == 'ESTABLISHED' ]]; then
done < <(netstat -ano)
#remove trailing newline
#output of program
#get our ip addresses sorted, uniq counted, and reverse sorted based on amount of uniq
while read -r line; do
if (( reversedns_enabled == 1 )); then
#we use justipaddress to do our nslookup(remove the count of uniq)
read -r _ justipaddress _ <<< "$line"
reverseDnsString=$(host "$justipaddress")
if [[ $reverseDnsString == *'domain name pointer'* ]]; then
reverseDnsName=${reverseDnsName##*domain name pointer }
finalOutput+="$line $reverseDnsName\n"
done < <(echo -e "$ipaddresses" | sort -ur)
#tabulate that sheet son
echo -e "$finalOutput" | column -t
As you can see, there are almost no external tools used (no sed, awk or grep). Awesome!

find ip address of my system for a particular interface with shell script (bash)

I am trying to find ip-address of my own system through a shell script and write into a text thats my script content
wifiip=$(ip addr | grep inet | grep wlan0 | awk -F" " '{print $2}'| sed -e 's/\/.*$//')
eth0ip=$(ip addr | grep inet | grep eth0 | awk -F" " '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/\/.*$//')
if [ "$eth0ip" == "0" ]; then
echo "$eth0ip" | grep [0-9]$ > /home/pi/att/ip.txt
echo "$wifiip" | grep [0-9]$ > /home/pi/att/ip.txt
and trying to do something like if one interface is not up print another ip in ip.txt
but it's giving 14: [: unexpected operator
Let's clean up your code first. You don't need chains of a dozen different commands and pipes when you're already using awk. This:
wifiip=$(ip addr | grep inet | grep wlan0 | awk -F" " '{print $2}'| sed -e 's/\/.*$//')
can be written simply as this:
wifiip=$(ip addr | awk '/inet/ && /wlan0/{sub(/\/.*$/,"",$2); print $2}')
but your whole script can be written as just one awk command.
I need you to update your question with some sample output of the ip addr command, the output you want from the awk command given that input, and explain more clearly what you're trying to do in order to show you the correct way to write that but it might be something like this:
ip addr | awk '
/inet/ { ip[$NF] = $2; sub(/\/.*$/,"",ip[$NF]) }
END { print ( "eth0" in ip ? ip["eth0"] : ip["wlan0"] ) }
' > /home/pi/att/ip.txt
Here is a nice way to get your IP address. This gives you the address used to reach the internet at the test, so it will give you correct IP even if you change from Wifi to eth or to any other IF type.
See more detailed post here: Linux bash script to extract IP address
my_ip=$(ip route get | awk '/ {print $NF}')
To get interface name:
my_if=$(ip route get | awk '/dev/ {f=NR} f&&NR-1==f' RS=" ")

bash IP whois lookup script

I have a decent admin script working for checking what IPs are logging on too a web app but I need to make it more fancy with a whois at the start and then I thought a geoip.
At the moment I've hashed out the whois part of it - my problem is that because there are multiple IPs - the whois doesn't know what to do with them
Any ideas on this would be great? and also ideas on geoips would be lovely!
#Setting date and time (y and z aren't being used at the moment)
x="$(date +'%d/%b/%Y')"
y="$(date +'%T')"
z="$(date +'%T' | awk 'BEGIN { FS =":"} ; {print $1}')"
#Human readable for email title
emaildate=$(date +"%d%b%Y--Hour--%H")
#Setting date and time for grep and filename
beta="$(date +'%d/%b/%Y:%H')"
sigma="$(date +'%d-%b-%Y-%H')"
#Current SSL Access logs
#Set saved log location
grep $log | grep $beta | awk 'BEGIN { FS = " " } ; { print $1 }' | sort -u >> $newlogs/adminusage"$sigma".txt
#Preform whois
#whoip=`grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}' $newlogs/adminusage"$sigma".txt | sort | uniq >> $testing`
#echo $whoip
#Preform Usage for the current hour
grep -v $newlogs/adminusage"$sigma".txt
#whois $testing >> $IPlookup
mail -s "Admin Usage for $emaildate" < $newlogs/adminusage"$sigma".txt
Just use a loop and invoke whois once per iteration
Presuming that your grep returns a newline-delimited list of IP addresses, you could do something like this:
grep ... | sort | uniq | while IFS= read -r ip ; do
whois "$ip" >> whatever
If you have multiple IPs, simply loop over them and run whois on each:
for address is $whoip ; do
whois $address

In BASH, Is there any way to find exactly the IP address for all interfaces? And remove all other information's?

How can i get only IP and which interface IP it is? So that i can keep a record file such as realtime.ini
1 -
ipstring ='inet (.*)'
for i in $(ip addr);
echo $i #on found it write down to my realtime.ini as a list for future query
2 - realtime.ini
wlan0,<not found>
Follow up: Just for single ip:
$ ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'
This is not terribly elegant, nor is bash, but you can do the following if you have both awk and sed:
ifconfig | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "\n"; RS = "" } { print $1 $2 }' | sed -e 's/ .*inet addr:/,/' -e 's/ .*//'
I wouldn't bet on this being hugely portable either, so maybe someone has a better answer.
if you install moreutils package, you can use handy ifdata command:
for INTF_PATH in /sys/class/net/* # list all interfaces
INTF=$(basename $INTF_PATH) # interface name
echo "$INTF,$(ifdata -pa $INTF)" # interface name and address
example output for 5 interfaces, while only eth0 and lo are up:
