toast delayed in android - delay

I want to display a toast on click of a button while some editing operations are performed on an image. But the toast is displayed at the end of those operations.
Can anyone tell me how to display the toast while image is edited in background ?


Android Notification: How to add action buttons as icons instead of texts in the notification?

I have a foreground service running that shows a notification. I want to add three action buttons in the notification.
I want those buttons to be shown as icons, not texts.
I have seen other apps with notification that show the buttons as icons(image) in the notification without text, so this is possible.
I also know android doesn't show icons anymore on the notification's action buttons by default and only shows as text.
And I don't want media control buttons either.
How can I achieve that?
NotificationCompat.Builder(this, CHANNEL_ID)

Upload an image to a label when a button clicked in tkinter

I'm building a GUI using tkinter(python 3) which every user should be able to click a button and open a file dialog, Then select an image. And the selected image get displayed on a label.
I have tried numerous possible code but I still can't get it.

avoid screen getting pushed up into status bar when keyboard is open

On opening the keyboard, and on pressing the next button from the keyboard, the screen gets pushed up into the status bar, making the contents of the statusbar and the screen to overlap in react native android. I am using react-native version 0.59.2 and react-native-router-flux version 0.4.6
I have tried using keyboard avoiding view but no success.
I have also tried setting android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize", but using it pushes my tab bar over the keyboard.
Making the combination of android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize|adjustPan", however does not pushes the screen above the status bar, but does make my screen scroll automatically, thus user has to scroll manually.
StatusBar Component
<StatusBar translucent={true} hidden={false} backgroundColor={'rgba(0,0,0,0.0)'} barStyle={"light-content"}/>
This is how I am using it in the class.
<View style={{flex:1}>
<ScrollView contentContainerStyle={{ flexGrow: 1 }}>
<TextInput/> //here i have multiple textinput fields
Expected result should be "the screen should go beneath the statusbar and not over it."

How to use background activity while dialog is pop-up

I make a activity that shows progress after clicking button. and I shows that progress Bar in dialog using Theme.Dialog. so, my question is how can I use that button continuously to shows progress. In my case at 1st click dialog gone and then I can use button. I want to make background activity activate.

Adding bitmap to button in MFC

I want to create a custom button in MFC as following,
Its a png image and I need to handle button clicked / button hover events each having different images.
How do I get to this in VC++ / MFC
Look into the docu. There is a function CMFCButton::SetImage that takes 3 images normal, hot and disabled.
