Monitoring Azure Event Hub - azure

I have been researching on Microsoft Azure Event Hubs. My goal is to figure out a way to provide automatic scalability. This is a experimental work and I am really only trying to know what can I do with Azure event hubs. I do not have access to the Azure platform to test test anything :( .
Well, so far, I found that through REST API and Service Bus Powershell I can add Throughput Units (to increase performance - I am relying on this: Scale Azure Service Bus through Powershell or API) and increase or decrease Event's Expiration time (which might influence capacity -
The problem is that, presuming that the previous techniques work and I am able to scale event hubs' performance automatically, I still need a way to know when to trigger scalability mechanisms. To know when and how to trigger scalability, I need to work on some functions that rely upon the event hub's metrics (or a way to monitoring it). The problem is that I can't really find any metrics. The only thing that I find is this: - Which actually does not solve my problem because although it may present some interesting metrics, it does not serve the purposes of my "application" (which will come if I can prove that I can successfully scale Azure automatically); and this Azure service bus statistics/Monitoring - which's links are not working.
Surely I can find more information about Service Bus Explorer, and surely it may provide some interesting insights over the event hub metrics, I am just wondering if there is something like this: that allow me to access some kind of metrics, rather than creating my own metrics
Thanks in advance
Best regards

You can retrieve metrics about Event Hubs (an Event Hub is a Service Bus Entity) using the Service Bus Entity Metrics REST APIs( Using this you can retrieve the same metrics displayed in the portal such as:
Number of incoming messages
Incoming throughput
Outgoing throughput
These should help you determine when you need to scale your application up or down.
This video is useful for getting started

If 3rd party services are an option, look into CloudMonix #
It can monitor Event Hubs (among gazillion other Azure-related things) and execute Azure Automation runbooks (among gazillion other actions) as a reaction to load conditions/throughout of a whole hub or individual partitions and optionally based on any other metrics in your environment.
Your Azure Automation runbooks could have the logic to execute increases in your EH's throughout, etc.
Disclaimer: I'm affiliated with the product.

Service Bus Explorer is great. I actually use this.
ServiceBus Explorer


Azure Event grid delivery through private endpoint not possible - what are the alternatives?

We have an architecture in Azure sealed within a Vnet with private endpoints on all our services. We mostly work with transactional data, so quite moderate amounts of data throughput.
Now, our initial plan was to communicate between Azure functions by messaging through Event Grid. However, we’ve now realized that delivery of messages from Event Grid to Azure Functions is not supported through private endpoints, as per this link.
We know that Azure Service Bus would be an alternative path to take, but at the premium tier (which is required for PE) it gets quite pricy compared to the alternatives. Maybe that’s the path we need to take, but I first want to exhaust our other alternatives before moving further on a decision.
What would be your advice on how to change the architecture to still utilize event-based communication but within a sealed private network?
Also, we are having a hard time figuring out if Event hubs would be a more suitable fit for our needs? Would anyone care to clarify the difference between EH and EG?
We solved this by setting up a webhook endpoint in API Management (residing within the same VNET as the Event Grid) and routing the messages through this. For AAD authentication/authorization I followed this MSFT guide.
I would still prefer an out of the box solution where Event Grid would be able to communicate directly to functions despite them being protected by private endpoints.

Capture SEE (Server-Sent Events) in Azure

I am having trouble to identify the best "tool" to solve the problem. I am using a python library which publishes to its data via Sever-Sent-Events (SSE) (see
I would like to constantly listen for new events. However, I am not sure which tool in Azure in appropriate. An Azure Function would have to run continously which seems like a misuse, SignalR requires control over the "sender" of events and I don't know if EventHub would be able to manage that job.
Thank you for letting my learn from your experience.
The azure Eventhub is the right service to receive new events. Besides that, it can also provide other benefits like scalability, events storage etc.
And you can also consider using azure function with eventhub trigger. But it has a limitation about the incoming message max size.

Choosing real time azure services hdinsight Kafka or service bus?

I am evaluating message streaming services on Azure. I want real time message processing service (Most reliable) where message carrying high degree of importance and data must not be lost. Basically I want to make available real time data transmitted from some third party cloud to the API I have hosted on Azure (I have exposed API to the third party so that they can send data).
Following are the options I worked up on.
Event Hub and IOT Hub are used mostly for telemetry data/events. So I am excluding those. Here message is carrying great value in my use case.
Service Bus or Kafka on HDInsight I am thinking to use.
Now, service bus is offering more features as compared to Kafka and also providing very good documentation about how to use it.
But on the documentation I couldn't find anywhere that service bus is used for real time processing. Where as documentation is available stating use kafka for real time processing.
Which should be the best service among above for my use case? Any other better option which I have not thought of?

Azure logic app service bus trigger scalability

I am trying to read messages from a service bus queue using logic app. I do not find any documentation on how the logic app will scale based on the number of messages in the queue. Any help or pointer very much appreciated.
Right now, the answer just does. Meaning, unless you are using a singleton LogicApp, Azure will spin up as many LogicApp instances as needed.
In other words, yes, it scales based on demand using any Trigger, not just Service Bus.
Consequently, there is no built in way to limit the number of instances.

Which Azure service to use for processing data from Event Hub?

I would appreciate some help picking out the best suited Azure services for my scenario - I am just beginning with Azure services and my knowledge is pretty limited.
I have data from multiple sources, and of different shapes, coming into an Event Hub. I need to subscribe to the events from the Event Hub and, based on their format, process them and ultimately save them into an SQL Database. All components - events consumers, the SQL Database - need to be hosted in the cloud.
How would I implement this in an "Azure Orientated Architecture"?
In an off cloud application, I would have competing consumers subscribing to the Event Hub. They would be some console applications or Windows services, and each would be processing the events asynchronously (this is further simplified by the event processing being idempotent).
Ideally, the Azure equivalent of the above consumers would scale up and down automatically, so I would like to not have to use VMs that host console applications (where I would need to keep an eye on the VM's resources myself). Scaling and deployment wise they would have to behave like App Services, however I'm under the impression that those are just for web applications. I've also briefly looked at Web Jobs, but those seem to be polling data at various intervals, whereas I need a proper event subscriber that the Event Hub pushes data into.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you.
Later Edit:
I've looked into Web Jobs and they do allow continuous
processing, hence looks like they can be used as automatically
scaling subscribers.
Ideally I would like to write the code for
the subscribers in F#. C# is the other option if that is not
You can see my post regarding IoT Hub. Its basically the same for Event Hub.
(each of the examples in the post can be used on Event Hubs).
In addition, For Event Hub you can also use Azure Function which has an Event Hub trigger - a function that will run whenever an event hub receive a new event. And it will also answer your requirement of scaling.
Make sure that if you are working with multiple consumers make use of the Event Hub Consumer Groups so each consumer can read the stream independently.
I'd say use a WebJob in combination with an EventProcessor. I wrote some demo code that can easily be transferred to a WebJob:
See for official documentation.
I've created a WebJob myself using this approach. Works like a charm.
