App rejected for fetching user's location in background for Apple Watch app - core-location

We have introduced a Watch component in our iOS application. If a user launches the app on the Apple Watch, they will be able to see the timing for the next prayer, and the countdown to it, based on their current location.
The user should be able to view this information on the Watch even if the app on the phone is not launched. For this purpose, we need to use Background Location, to ensure we have the user’s current location at all times. The prayer timings are dependent on the user’s location.
Upon submitting this app on the Appstore, our application got rejected for the following reason:
Upon further review we found your application features do not require persistent location. Apps that declare support for location in the UIBackgroundModes key in your Info.plist file must have features that require persistent location.
Please can you suggest me how can I fetch the user’s current location for Watch application when the iOS app is in the background without using UIBackgroundModes key for location services.


Changing application name in Play Store Console for draft application

In Google Play Console, I created a new app and uploaded an application bundle for internal testing.
Play Console set my app's application name to the applicationId field of my build.gradle file, which is not the application name I want it to have (lets say
I want to change the application name, but if I upload a new application bundle, I get:
Your APK or Android App Bundle needs to have the package name
This thread seems to imply that I can still delete the app bundle and load a new one, since this is still a draft. But I see no way to delete an app bundle, or even delete my app.
Am I stuck with the wrong application name?
Yes you can delete the app bundle, and delete the app as well. There is a provision in the Play Console for that. The Package name has to be identical to your App Name as well, without which you will not be able to upload it.

What is AppStateTracker in an Azure App Service?

An extension called AppStateTracker is causing issues on my Azure web app, what extension is this?
what is it, and why are we only seeing it on one services. What differs that service from the rest of our services. I see it in the Activity Log when I check the JSON for the "Update website extensions"
AppStateTracker is an update which enables config level tracking for your web app from Application Change Analysis blade and simply collects data from the environment. So frequent changes to your application will create frequent updates but will have no adverse effects on your application.
AppStateTracker is a dormant extension, it gets activated when Azure makes PUT calls to the application. It would wake up your process if its not always on, however in terms of actual impact on the application - there is nothing invasive that can affect anything. It only scans environment variables and settings and never attaches or does anything with running process nor modify anything. It is part of Change Analysis which is a completely independent product.
If you want to see less of these updates, you can choose to disable file and configuration change tracking on web app following the instructions below:

Transfer Mac App Store app

I am trying to transfer an app of mine into my company iTunesConnect account but are getting the error:
You can't transfer this app because of the following reasons:
Sandboxed Group Container
You can only transfer sandboxed apps that are not sharing a group container.
the thing is, my app isn't using the group container any more, it was in an older version but not the currently shipping version in the Mac App Store.
does anyone have any experience with how to go about transferring the app?
Even though my app wasn't currently using a group container (it had in the past) I couldn't transfer it. I had to re-upload as a new app losing all my reviews.. :(
It appears to be impossible. I got the following response from iTunes Connect Support (September 15, 2017):
I have reviewed your enquiry and found that once the app has the
entitlement included, an app transfer will not be possible, even if
you submit a new version without the entitlement. However, you can
transfer the app via the binary reassigned process.
By completing this process (a "binary transfer"), the app will effectively be a new and separate app on the Mac App Store. This might of course be very inconvenient, but there's not really anything to do about it, unless Apple changes the rules.

How to publish UWP app specifically for Xbox?

Is there a way to target Xbox device family specifically when creating a new UWP application? Thus making that application package unavailable for the other platforms, while potentially have a different package for other platforms?
Currently I'm trying to create a package for Xbox only by adding
<TargetDeviceFamily Name="Windows.Xbox" MinVersion="10.0.14000.0" MaxVersionTested="10.0.14000.0" />
to the package.appxmanifest. Unfortunately this gives permission error on uploading via the dev center:
Package acceptance validation error: The package *.appx targets the following Windows 10 device families for which you don't have permission(s): Windows.Xbox
I think this is the correct way to do it and that the permissions might be granted somewhen after the anniversary update? When will publishing be possible? Or is there another program you have to sign up to for being allowed to publish an Xbox only application / get the required permission?
Currently, Windows Store is not ready to accept XBOX app. As pnp0a03 mentioned, Microsoft will publish the new Dev Center feature and publish more details about publishing XBOX target app in Store, maybe later this month
Setting TargetDeviceFamily dependency is the right direction, the current available device families are Windows.Universal, Windows.Mobile, Windows.Desktop. Please waiting for the updates from Windows Store side.

Application Insights Reporting Duplicate Events for each Server Request

I have an API App running under Azure App Service, with Application Insights installed to track server side telemetry of API calls. When viewing Application Insights in the Azure portal, I am seeing two events for every one server call. Each event has an exact duplicate with the same timestamp, response time, telemetry, etc. I have verified that only one event is in the web server logs, so I'm not accidentally calling the same function twice from the client.
Here are a couple of screenshots to illustrate:
What could be causing this? And how can I fix it?
There is a one known scenario that may lead to the data duplication:
Application is not onboarded to AI SDK is deployed as an Azure
Web App
AI Extension is installed to the app -> after this step
you start to receive data without need to modify your code
Later on you decided to use more powerful features of AI let's say custom
event tracking and on-boarded your application to AI from VS and
Now you may end up in the situation when HTTP module is registered twice and you start to receive duplicate request data. It happens because AI nuget packages add HTTP module definition in web.config, but extension installation drops additional assembly into your application bin folder that registers HTTP module dynamically during app start - Microsoft.AI.HttpModule.dll (Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility.HttpModule.dll in previous versions). To correctly handle this case you need to remove extension leftovers during your application deployment by choosing "Settings->Remove additional files from destination" in case of deploying from VS.
