Automatically Sync Local Github Repository with Directory on Server - node.js

I have been attempting to use hooks to automatically pull the updated repo from github to my remote web server. This is the code on the post-receive hook:
cd /home/[my username]/document_root/[github repo name]/
git pull origin master
I expect this to run when there is a new commit from my development machine that syncs with the one on github, but it doesn't update the files inside of that repo directory. Any help is appreciated, but I am new to using git and github in general.
EDIT: I tried to follow this tutorial but it still doesn't work.

You can push git post-hook to Github. Instead, you can use Github's Webhooks

you can customize a schedule with crontab.
for example, crontab -e , and input
5 * * *
Then it will snyc your respository.


Git Update Files on Repo Change

I have a VPS running a Node.js / React app.
I want to update the files in the vps each time I push data to the git(hub).
I found out, using this answer, that I can add some hooks in git, executing commands on "post-receive".
What I didn't quite understand :
Why did he init another git ? Couldn't he have done this in the .git directory and create the hooks/post-receive file?
Why git checkout -f ? If the goal is to update local files, so nodemon / create-react-app restarts the server / app, why not execute a git pull instead ?
Is there a better way of doing this ?
In the recommended answer there, nobody is using GitHub and there is no other Git repository yet. So the answer to your question:
Couldn't he have done this in the .git directory and create the hooks/post-receive file?
is: No, there was no .git directory in the first place. The target machine had nothing at all, no Git repository, no working tree, etc. The git init --bare created the Git repository (the ".git directory").
The git checkout -f is a poor-man's / low-quality implementation of push to deploy. A receiving repository is normally "bare", and this one is no exception.
why not execute a git pull instead ?
That would require creating a third Git repository. That would have been an option.
"Better" is in the eye of the beholder. There are many ways of doing this, each with its own pluses and minuses. See also Deploy a project using Git push, which notes that since Git 2.3, receive.denyCurrentBranch = updateInstead is available; it was not available prior to 2015 (and in 2015, many people had older versions of Git installed).
Note further that if you're using GitHub as a hosting system, this changes a number of variables. The questions and answers you and I have linked here are aimed at those not using GitHub.

How do I keep a git clone updated?

I am developing a project on my laptop that is to be implemented on my VPS. I am continually making updates on my laptop and pushing them to my git repo, but I am in the dark on how I should keep the clone I made on my server, updated.
When I try to run git clone <url> in my directory, it tells me 'file already exists!' or something along those lines. Do I just delete the entire folder and reclone the repo like that? Or is there a way, other than initiating the directory as git, and creating an upstream, that I can reclone without having to delete everything first?
How do I keep a git clone updated?
I generally clone git project.
git clone
and after that I start developing my feature by creating new branch branch.
so for up to date with remote project you need to checkout to master branch. and just do
git pull and sync your project using ./gradlew clean build
If your project have submodules- you need to do
git submodule update --init --remote --recursive
try to use git pull. it will automaticly analyze the difference .And try to fix it
Instead of having to go to your server and pulling, you could setup a listener in order to do the pull for you.
For instance, if you are ushing to GitHub or BitBucket or GitLab, you can setup a webhook (GitHub webhook, BitBucket webhook, GitLab webhook), and a local listener in order detect the push, and triggger a git -C /path/to/your/repo pull.

Export a repository from a Gitlab server to another Gitlab server

Just installed a fresh new 6.8 Gitlab on a brand new high performance server.
Before considering to forget my repositories history (comments, issues, etc...), do one know of a way to export a repository data from a Gitlab server to another Gitlab Server ?
I just failed to found anything on the documentation for exporting/migrating the whole project data (not just the git repository and its wiki).
For GitLab versions >= 8.9 (released in June 2016) you can use the built-in export and import project feature.
Please not that for the existing installations of GitLab, this option has to be enabled in the application settings (URL: /admin/application_settings) under 'Import sources'. You have to be a GitLab admin user to enable and use the import functionality.
Here is the feature complete documentation:
I have actually done this recently, we were upgrading our instance of gitlab and needed to save and import repositories to the new installation.
First, create a bundle of the checked-out repository. For example, say you checked out a repository we will call myrepository
To check out the repository use git clone (let's assume your repository is under the root account and the ipaddress is
git clone (or match your environment)
Now this step is somewhat important; you need to change into the working directory that has the .git folder of your checked out repository.
cd myrepository
Next, you create a bundle file:
git bundle create myrepository.bundle --all
Import the bundle file into the new instance of gitlab.
Create a new 'myrepository' on the gitlab gui interface
clone the empty repository; let's say this new gitlab has the ipaddress
git clone http:\\\root\myrepository.git (or match your environment)
You will get warnings that you cloned an empty repository. This is normal.
Change into the working directory of your checked out repository and do a git pull:
cd myrepository
git pull file/path/to/myrepository.bundle
this will pull the repository into your clone. Next you can do a git add, git commit and git push
This should work assuming you have the gitlab server settings set up correctly; you may have issues such as needing to add a client_max_body_size parameter in your nginx.conf file and also a 'git config --global http.postBuffer' to push large files.
Another way to do this is to make patch files of each commit and then deploy them:
This involves doing a 'git format-patch -C 0badil..68elid -o patch_directory_path' and reference the range of all your commits and have them pushed to an output directory; this should give you one patch file per commit. Next would involve git cloning the new empty repository, changing into the working directory of the clone and applying the patches to the new repository using 'git am patch_directory_path'
For GitLab versions < 8.9, without built-in export/import feature, I recommend a great tool from Marcus Chmelar, gitlab-migrator. I used it successfully many times with older GitLab versions so you should too. Just be aware of its limitations.
For the repos themselves, you can use git bundle: that will generate one file, that it is easy to copy around.
(as I described in "Backup a Local Git Repository")
But another way is simply to git clone --mirror your repos from the first server on a local workstation, and git push --mirror to the new server.
This is what GitHub details in its help page "Duplicating a repository".
In both cases, you need first to declare those repos on the new GitLab server, in order for them to be initialized, and ready to receive commits.
But for the rest... not easily. There is a feature request pending:
(Update August 2016, 2 years later: GitLab 8.9 has that feature implemented)
(for GitLab version older than 8.9, see and upvote Greg Dubicki's answer)
I agree that issues are the main thing to make exportable first.
They are stored in the database. Storing them in git is not an option. Maybe export them as a formatted file (SQL, YAML or something else).
This blog post illustrates the export of a mysql database.
Use mysqldump to create dump of old database, then create a new database on the new server and import this.
On old:
mysqldump gitlab | gzip > gitlab.sql.gz
On new:
gunzip < gitlab.sql.gz | mysql gitlab
Run the db migrate command to make sure the schema is updated to the latest version.
sudo -u gitlab -H bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production

Migrate repos between instances of Gitlab

Due to my old installation of Gitlab being too difficult to upgrade (Thread on TKL support forums: ), I have downloaded the current TKL Gitlab distro, and followed Gitlabs standard upgrade path so that I now have a fully upgraded Gitlab 6.1 installation running with TKLBAM and all that good stuff. So far so good.
But, it turns out that our old version of gitlab does not give HTTP urls to repos, so that means that I can't use the "Import existing repository" function in Gitlab 6.1
I know that i can simply copy the old Git repositories from the old VM to the new one, but how can I make these repositories visible in Gitlab on the new VM?
I recently migrated from gitolite to gitlab and the official rake task gitlab:import:repos worked for me. I am using gitlab 6.1.0 (82f3446). Here is what I did:
rsync bare repos from gitolite to repositories/{group}/. Make sure to replace {repository} with the name of the gitolite repo, and change the hostname of your gitlab server.
rsync -rth --progress repositories/{repository}.git \
Here, {group} is the name of the user group you want the repository to be added to. If you don't have any specific group, choose root as the group name.
Fix permissions – only necessary when the rsync user is not git:
sudo chown -R git:git repositories/{group}/
cd ~/gitlab
Run the rake task to import all new repositories:
bundle exec rake gitlab:import:repos RAILS_ENV=production
Now if you login as Administrator you will find the new project added.
For more information, refer to the "Import bare repositories into GitLab project instance" under http://{your-gitlab-server}/help/raketasks.
In your case, you can login to your old TKL system and rsync all bare repos to the new instance, followed by an import.
One option would be to:
Clone the old repo from gitlab onto a dev machine.
Create a blank repo on the new gitlab.
Add the new repo as a remote on the dev machine.
Push everything back to the new repo.
Remove the old repo from remote repos list.
To create a remote called newRepo, do: git remote add newRepo (replace the url on the end with the one for your repo)
I did it practically the following way after reading ChrisA answer, which gave me a little headache about how to do it practically. The example copies a repo from github to gitlab, to make source and destination a little bit clearer.
Clone the old repo from github onto a dev machine (which creates a bare repo):
$ git clone --mirror
Create a blank repo on the new gitlab.
Add the new repo as a remote on the dev machine.
$ cd myrepo.git
$ git remote add newRepo
Push everything back to the new repo.
$ git push --mirror newRepo
That's it.
This way it copied all branches and tags to the new destination.
You can now remove the cloned bare repo from your dev machine.
If your Gitlab is >= 8.9, then you can use export/import to migrate repos.
Since GitLab 13.8 (January 2021), you now have:
Migrate Groups directly between instances
A faster and easier way to migrate your GitLab Groups is on the way.
Group Migration is a new feature that lets you copy a GitLab Group from one instance to another directly, without having to export and import any files.
In this release, we migrate only the Group object with basic fields.
We plan to follow up with more and more fields and related objects until all relevant data in a Group is migrated in this easy-to-use fashion.
See Documentation and Epic.

Git - Syncing a Github repo with a local one?

First off, forgive me if this is a duplicate question. I don't know anything but the basic terminology, and it's difficult to find an answer just using laymen's terms.
I made a project, and I made a repository on Github. I've been able to work with that and upload stuff to it for some time, on Windows. The Github Windows application is nice, but I wish there was a GUI for the Linux git.
I want to be able to download the source for this project, and be able to edit it on my Linux machine, and be able to do git commit -m 'durrhurr' and have it upload it to the master repository.
Forgive me if you've already done most of this:
The first step is to set up your ssh keys if you are trying to go through ssh, if you are going through https you can skip this step. Detailed instructions are provided at
The next step is to make a local clone of the repository. Using the command line it will be git clone <url> The url you should be able to find on your github page.
After that you should be able to commit and push over the command line using git commit -am "commit message" and git push
You can use SmartGit for a GUI for git on Linux:
But learning git first on the command line is generally a good idea:
Below are some basic examples assuming you are only working from the master branch:
Example for starting a local repo based on what you have from github:
git clone
To see the status of the repo, do:
git status
Example for syncing your local repo to more recent changes on github:
git pull
Example for adding new or modified files to a "stage" for commit
git add /path/file1 /path/file2
Think of the stage as the files that you explicitly tell git to keep track of for revision control. git will see the all the files in the repo (and changes to tracked files), but it will only do work on the files that you add to a stage to be committed.
Example for committing the files in your "stage"
git commit
Example for pushing your local repo (whatever you have committed to your local repo) to github
git push
What you need to do is clone your git repository. From terminal cd to the directory you want the project in and do
git clone[username]/[repository].git
Remember not to use sudo as you will mess up the remote permissions.
You then need to commit any changes locally, i.e your git commit -m and then you can do.
git push
This will update the remote repository.
Lastly if you need to update your local project cd to the required directory and then:
git pull
To start working on the project in linux, clone the repo to linux machine. Add the ssh public key to github. Add your username and email to git-config.
For GUI you can use gitg.
PS : Get used to git cli, It is worth to spend time on it.
