How to display flash message in Kohana 3 - kohana

I have to show message after insert some data in database. I'm using Kohana. Is there a way to do that with flash messages? It's better than header refresh.

Well sort of. You could use the Session::get_once() function. But this only let you retrieve a variable once, and you cannot use it again in the same request. While you want a flash message to persist a full request cycle. To manage that you'll need a wrapper class, something like this.
class Flash {
private $session;
private $messages = array();
private static $_instance; // Singleton object
public static function instance() {
if ( ! isset( self::$_instance ) ) {
self::$_instance = new Flash();
return self::$_instance;
private function __construct() {
$this->session = Session::instance();
$this->messages['current'] = $this->session->get_once('flash');
if( ! is_array($this->messages['current'] ) ) {
$this->messages['current'] = array();
public function add( $key, $message === null ) {
if ( is_null( $message ) ) {
$message = $key;
$key = null;
$this->messages['new'][$key] = $message;
$this->session->set('flash', $this->messages['new'] );
return true;
public function get( $item = null ) {
if( $item === null ) {
return $this->messages['current'];
if( ! array_key_exists($item, $this->messages['current']) ) {
return null;
return $this->messages['current'][$item];
$flash = Flash::instance();
$flash->add('A random message');
$flash->add('some_key', 'Some message');
$flash->get(); // array( 0 => 'A random message', 'some_key' => 'Some message')
$flash->get('some_key'); // 'A Random message'
What it does basically is on initialization it retrieves the current message from the session, using the get_once() function. The variable is nou out of the Session object, so it will only last this request. Everytime you add a variable, it will immediately persisted to the Session object.
There is just one problem; if you are using ajax calls, the messages will only be available on the initial php request, not on subsequent ajax calls. And there is also no restriction whatsoever on what kind of variable you are storing (but it must be serializable). You'll have to build in some checks for that too.
warning: the class is not tested, so it would surprise me if you do not get a syntax error ;)
And to go a step further: you would need an extra refresh anyway. The request flow should be like this imo:
Request 1: User is presented form
Request 2: User posts the form, which is processed. Data is inserted in database. When done, user is redirected
Request 3: A confirmation page is shown (can be "thank you", or the detail page, whatever).
You would set the flash message in request 2, and show it in 3. I would not directly show the thank you page on request 2, because when the user refreshes, the form will be posted again.

Use this module. Works perfectly :)


Security - The view and edit id is visible in the address bar

CakePHP Version 3.5.5
The id is visible in the address bar for view and edit which for my application creates a security risk. Any logged in user at the same company can change the id in the address bar and view or edit the details
of users they are not allowed to.
IE: https://localhost/crm/users/edit/1378 can be manually changed in the address bar to https://localhost/crm/users/edit/1215 and entered. This would display the details of user 1215 which is not allowed.
To overcome this I am selecting the ids which the user is allowed to edit and checking that the id from the url is one of these ids with the following code:
public function view($id = null)
if ($this->request->is('get')) {
// Select the permitted ids.
if (superuser) { // example to explain only
$query = $this->Users->find()
->where(['companyid' => $cid])
->andWhere(['status' => 1])
elseif (manager) { // example to explain only
$query = $this->Users->find()
->where(['areaid' => $areaid])
->andWhere(['status' => 1])
elseif (team leader) { // example to explain only
$query = $this->Users->find()
->where(['teamid' => $teamid])
->andWhere(['status' => 1])
// Check if the edit id is in the array of permitted ids.
$ids = array_column($query, 'id');
$foundKey = array_search($id, $ids);
// If the edit id is not in the array of permitted ids redirect to blank.
if (empty($foundKey)) {
// Handle error.
$user = $this->Users->get($id);
$this->set('user', $user);
$this->set('_serialize', ['user']);
else {
// Handle error.
My question: Is the above code the best cake way of achieving this or is there a better way to do it?
This code does work but because it's to do with security I'd appreciate any input which would improve it or point out it's weakness/es.
As requested by cgTag please see below.
My app has superusers, managers, team leaders and users.
Managers manage one area which can contain many teams.
Team Leaders lead one team and must belong to an area.
Users are assigned to an area or a team.
For example:
Area is UK
Team is England
Team is Scotland
Team is Wales
Area is USA
Team is Florida
Team is California
Team is Texas
On index - superusers see all the superusers, managers, team leaders and users in the company.
On index - managers see themself and users in their area, team leaders in their area and users in the teams.
On index - team leaders see themself and users in their team
My problem is say the manager of area UK clicks edit on one of the records and that record is displayed with a url of https://localhost/crm/users/edit/1378
Then say this disgruntled manager makes a guess and changes the url to https://localhost/crm/users/edit/1215 and submits it then this record is displayed. (This record could be anyone, a superuser, another manager, a team leader who is not in their area or a user not in their area.
This manager could then change say the email address and submit this and it's this type of situation that I need to protect against.
My fix is to reiterate the find for the superuser, manager and team leader I've done on index in the view and edit class. This ensures that say a manager can only view or edit someone in their area.
Hopefully I've explained it well enough but if not just let me know and I'll have another go.
Thanks. Z.
Thanks cgTag, I feel a lot more confident with this approach but I cannot use this code because you have correctly assumed that I am using an id to select all the companies results but I'm using a 40 char string. I do this so I can make my sql queries more robust.
It's impossible for you to help me unless you have all the info required so I have posted an accurate representation below:
public function view($id = null)
if(!$this->request->is('get') || !$id) {
//throw new ForbiddenException();
echo 'in request is NOT get or id NOT set ' . '<hr />';
$user_id = $this->Auth->user('id');
// regular users can never view other users.
if($user_id !== $id) {
//throw new ForbiddenException();
echo 'in $user_id !== $id ' . '<hr />';
// Declare client id 1.
if ($this->cid1() === false) {
echo 'in throw exception ' . '<hr />';
else {
$c1 = null;
$c1 = $this->cid1();
$company_ids = $this->getCompanyIds($c1);
$area_ids = $this->getAreaIds($user_id, $c1);
$team_ids = $this->getTeamIds($user_id, $c1);
// company_id does not exist which will cause an unknown column error.
// The column I select by is cid_1 so I have changed this column to cid_1 as shown below.
$user = $this->Users->find()
'id' => $id,
'cid_1 IN' => $company_ids,
'area_id IN' => $area_ids,
'team_id IN' => $team_ids,
'status' => 1
The functions:
public function cid1()
$session = $this->request->session();
if ($session->check('')) {
$c1 = null;
$c1 = $session->read('');
if (!is_string($c1) || is_numeric($c1) || (strlen($c1) !== 40)) {
return false;
return $c1;
return false;
public function getCompanyIds($c1 = null)
$query = $this->Users->find()
->where(['status' => 1])
->andWhere(['cid_1' => $c1]);
return $query;
public function getAreaIds($c1 = null, $user_id = null)
$query = $this->Users->find()
->where(['status' => 1])
->andWhere(['cid_1' => $c1])
->andWhere(['area_id' => $user_id]);
return $query;
public function getTeamIds($c1 = null, $user_id = null)
$query = $this->Users->find()
->where(['status' => 1])
->andWhere(['cid_1' => $c1])
->andWhere(['team_id' => $user_id]);
return $query;
With this code I get the following error:
Error: SQLSTATE[21000]: Cardinality violation: 1241 Operand should contain 1 column(s)
I don't know if your example will work with this new information but at least you have all the information now.
If it can be ammended great but if not I really don't mind. And I do appreciate the time you've put aside to try to help.
Thanks Z
#tarikul05 - Thanks for the input.
Your suggestion is very similar to my first effort at addressing this security issue but I went for security through obscurity and hid the id in a 80 char string, example below.
// In a cell
public function display($id = null)
// Encrypt the id to pass with view and edit links.
$idArray = str_split($id);
foreach($idArray as $arrkey => $arrVal) {
$id0 = "$idArray[0]";
$id1 = "$idArray[1]";
$id2 = "$idArray[2]";
$id3 = "$idArray[3]";
// Generate string for the id to be obscured in.
$enc1 = null;
$enc1 = sha1(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
$enc2 = null;
$enc2 = sha1(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
$encIdStr = $enc1 . $enc2;
// Split the string.
$encIdArray = null;
$encIdArray = str_split($encIdStr);
// Generate the coded sequence.
$codedSequence = null;
$codedSequence = array(9 => "$id0", 23 => "$id1", 54 => "$id2", 76 => "$id3");
// Replace the id in the random string.
$idTemp = null;
$idTemp = array_replace($encIdArray, $codedSequence);
// Implode the array.
$encryptedId = null;
$encryptedId = implode("",$idTemp);
// Send the encrypted id to the view.
$this->set('encryptedId', $encryptedId);
And then decrypted with
// In function in the app controller
public function decryptTheId($encryptedId = null)
$idArray = str_split($encryptedId);
foreach($idArray as $arrkey => $arrVal) {
$id0 = "$idArray[9]";
$id1 = "$idArray[23]";
$id2 = "$idArray[54]";
$id3 = "$idArray[76]";
$id = null;
$id = $id0.$id1.$id2.$id3;
return $id;
The problem with this was that when testing I managed to get the script to error which revealed the array positions which would of undermined the security by obscurity principle and made it a lot easier for a hacker.
Your suggestion is neater than my obscurity method but I believe md5 has been cracked therefore it should not be used.
I'm no security expert but in my opinion checking the view and edit id against an array of permitted ids is the most secure way to address this.
Maybe I'm wrong but if I do it this way there's is no way a hacker no matter what they try in the address bar can see or edit data they are not meant to and it keeps the url cleaner.
What I was originally looking/hoping for was a Cake method/function which addressed this but I couldn't find anything in the cookbook.
Thanks anyway. Z.
I would simplify your code so that the SQL that fetches the user record only finds that record if the current user has permissions. When you're dependent upon associated data for those conditions. Follow this approach even if you have to use joins.
You create the SQL conditions and then call firstOrFail() on the query. This throws a NotFoundException if there is no match for the record.
public function view($id = null) {
if(!$this->request->is('get') || !$id) {
throw new ForbiddenException();
$user_id = $this->Auth->user('id');
// regular users can never view other users.
if($user_id !== $id) {
throw new ForbiddenException();
$company_ids = $this->getCompanyIds($user_id);
$area_ids = $this->getAreaIds($user_id);
$team_ids = $this->getTeamIds($user_id);
$user = $this->Users->find()
'id' => $id
'company_id IN' => $company_ids,
'area_id IN' => $area_ids,
'team_id IN' => $team_ids,
'status' => 1
The above logic should be sound when a user belongsTo a hierarchical structure of data. Where by, they can view many users but only if those users belong to one of the upper associations they have access too.
It works because of the IN clause of the where conditions.
Note: The IN operator throws an error if the array is empty. When you have users who can see all "teams" just exclude that where condition instead of using an empty array.
The key here is to have functions which return an array of allowed parent associations such as; getCompanyIds($user_id) would return just the company IDs the current user is allowed access too.
I think if you implement it this way then the logic is easy to understand, the security is solid and a simple firstOrFail() prevents access.

How to store a reference to parent object in perl6 (conversion from perl5)

I'm trying to create a Perl 6 client interface to an RPC server, with the class hierarchy matching the server URLs. e.g.
# for url path: /account/login
# client code:
For this to work, the 'child' object (account) needs to store a reference to its parent object (client).
This is what I've tried:
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use v6;
class MyApp::Client::Account {
has $!client;
method login() {
# fake login
$!client.session_id = 'abc';
return 'ok';
class MyApp::Client {
has $.session_id is rw;
method account() {
state $empire = :client(self) );
return $empire;
use Test;
plan( 2 );
my $client =;
my $response = $client.account.login;
is( $response, 'ok', 'login successful' );
ok( $client.session_id, 'client has session_id' );
Running this gives the following error message:
Method 'session_id' not found for invocant of class 'Any'
in method login at test.pl6 line 9
in block <unit> at test.pl6 line 29
# Looks like you planned 2 tests, but ran 0
I don't really know any perl6 class/object idioms yet - am I even going about the design in the right way?
If so, why is $!client within the login() method undefined?
For reference, here's the perl5 (bare-bones) version that I'm trying to convert from:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
package MyApp::Client::Account;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
return bless {#_}, $class;
sub login {
my $self = shift;
# fake login
$self->{client}->session_id( 'abc' );
return 'ok';
package MyApp::Client;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
return bless {#_}, $class;
sub session_id {
my $self = shift;
if (#_) {
$self->{session_id} = shift;
return $self->{session_id};
sub account {
my $self = shift;
$self->{account} ||= MyApp::Client::Account->new( client => $self );
return $self->{account};
package main;
use Test::More tests => 2;
my $client = MyApp::Client->new;
my $response = $client->account->login;
is( $response, 'ok', 'login successful' );
ok( $client->session_id, 'client has session_id' );
Which gives the expected output:
ok 1 - login successful
ok 2 - client has session_id
So there are a few ways that Perl 6 OO differs from other implementations I've used. One is the awesome way that it will auto-fill your member variables for you. However, this only works when they are defined with public accessors.
class G {
has $!g;
has $.e;
method emit { say (defined $!g) ?? "$!g G thing" !! "nada G thing" }
Which will lead to the following behavior:
> my $g = :g('unit-of-some-kind'), :e('electric') ) => "electric")
> $g.emit
nada G thing
> $g.e
So when you are passing self as a reference to MyApp::Client::Account, it isn't being bound to the $!client variable because the default constructor will only bind to publicly accessible member variables.
You can either choose to make it accessible, or you can take the object construction logic into your own hands. This is how I imagine the code to look were I to need my own version in Perl 6 but had to keep client private:
class MyApp::Client::Account {
has $!client;
method new(:$client) {
self.bless( :$client );
# binds $!client to $client automatically based on the signature
submethod BUILD(:$!client) { }
method login() {
# fake login
$!client.session_id = 'abc';
return 'ok';
class MyApp::Client {
has $.session_id is rw;
has $.account;
# the default .new will call .bless for us, which will run this BUILD
submethod BUILD {
$!account = :client(self) );
It can take some getting used to the new versus BUILD distinction. One key distinguishing point is that self is not available in the scope of new, but it is available in the scope of BUILD (albeit in a not-yet-fully-constructed form).

login to modx from external/other server revolution 2.2.5

I am pissed off with this problem from 2 days.
I am using MODx Revolution 2.2.5 (traditional) and want to login to modx from external server just to fetch some user details.
1) I know that runprocessor method works only if i am logged in to manager (unfortunately, that's the only way i know to login user in) So i tried IFRAME method to avoid (cross scripting) it worked perfectly but i am not able to read the data from IFRAME using javascript because of same issue, cross domain access policy.
When i try to post data using some other method like CURL, Ajax using
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
I am able to login (I see $response->response['success'] == 1) but cant access any data and it says
Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object
Below is the snippet code i am using
if(isset($_POST) && count($_POST)){
$c = array(
'username' => $_POST['username'],
'password' => $_POST['password']
$response = $modx->runProcessor('security/login',$c);
if($response->response['success'] == 1){
$user['id'] = $modx->user->get('id');
$profile = $modx->user->getOne('Profile');
$user['fullname'] = $profile->get('fullname');
$user['email'] = $profile->get('email');
echo json_encode($user);
echo json_encode($response->response);
2) I can use login snippet but it doesnt return output what i expect. We have ready site and we are already using login plugin so i cant even modify login plugin to respond with expected data
How can i login to modx using api or any other method ??
You are really attacking this problem completely wrong in my opinion. If you want to access a server/webpage from another, you don't iFrame and do it the way you are. That is hacking, and this hole will most likely be fixed in a future version.
What you SHOULD do is connecting to the database and just gather the information from the user-table.
No hacking, no "tricks", won't stop working and much safer.
Well, I sorted out this today, Below is the complete come that worked perfectly.
Pay attention to
Using above CORS specification you can allow 2 servers to communication.
if(isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password'])){
// get username and password from POST array
$username = $modx->sanitizeString($_POST['username']);
$password = $modx->sanitizeString($_POST['password']);
if(trim($username) != "" and trim($password) != ""){
// Load lexicons to show proper error messages
if (!isset($modx->lexicon) || !is_object($modx->lexicon)) {
$loginContext= isset ($scriptProperties['login_context']) ? $scriptProperties['login_context'] :
$addContexts= isset ($scriptProperties['add_contexts']) && !empty($scriptProperties['add_contexts']) ? explode(',', $scriptProperties['add_contexts']) : array();
$mgrEvents = ($loginContext == 'mgr');
$givenPassword = $password;
/** #var $user modUser */
$user= $modx->getObjectGraph('modUser', '{"Profile":{},"UserSettings":{}}', array ('modUser.username' => $username));
if (!$user) {
$ru = $modx->invokeEvent("OnUserNotFound", array(
'user' => &$user,
'username' => $username,
'password' => $password,
'attributes' => array(
'loginContext' => $loginContext,
if (!empty($ru)) {
foreach ($ru as $obj) {
if (is_object($obj) && $obj instanceof modUser) {
$user = $obj;
if (!is_object($user) || !($user instanceof modUser)) {
//echo "cant locate account";
echo $modx->toJSON($modx->error->failure($modx->lexicon('login_cannot_locate_account')));
if (!$user->get('active')) {
//echo "inactivated accout";
echo $modx->toJSON($modx->error->failure($modx->lexicon('login_user_inactive')));
if (!$user->passwordMatches($givenPassword)) {
if (!array_key_exists('login_failed', $_SESSION)) {
$_SESSION['login_failed'] = 0;
if ($_SESSION['login_failed'] == 0) {
$flc = ((integer) $user->Profile->get('failedlogincount')) + 1;
$user->Profile->set('failedlogincount', $flc);
} else {
$_SESSION['login_failed'] = 0;
//echo "wrong username pass";
echo $modx->toJSON($modx->error->failure($modx->lexicon('login_username_password_incorrect')));
$fullname = $user->Profile->get('fullname');
echo '{"success":true,"message":"Welcome '.$fullname.'!"}';
echo '{"success":false,"message":"Please enter username and password"}';

Detect locale and alter url (redirect) to include locale

What i want to do is, to detect the language of a users browser and redirect him to a page containing the locale in url.
I thought, the easiest way would be, to register a kernel listener. So that is what i did:
class: Me\MainBundle\Listener\KernelRequestListener
- { name: kernel.event_listener, event: kernel.request, method: onKernelRequest }
- [ setContainer, [ #service_container ] ]
* #Service
class KernelRequestListener
* #Observe("kernel.request")
public function onKernelRequest( GetResponseEvent $response )
if( $newLocale = $this->newLocale() )
$parmArray = $request->get('_route_params');
$parmArray['_locale'] = $newLocale;
$redirectResponse = new RedirectResponse( $this->getContainer()->get('router')->generate($request->get('_route'), $parmArray) );
$redirectResponse->headers->setCookie( new Cookie('b_locale', $newLocale, time() + 2592000) );
$response->setResponse( $redirectResponse );
The method $this->newLocale() just detects if the user should be redirected to another language and returns the new language code (i.e. DE or FR).
Here comes the problem:
I am using assetics to compress the js files and jms/i18n-routing-bundle to do the locale-based routing. When the kernel listener switches locale, the page starts loading the js files over and over again. also, there are several pages (i.e. the profiler, login/logout etc.) where no redirect should take place as it makes no sense or breaks smthing.
Is a kernel listener the right place to do such a redirection or is there any better place. How to resolve the problems above?
Add, before your code:
public function onKernelRequest(GetResponseEvent $event)
if (HttpKernelInterface::MASTER_REQUEST !== $event->getRequestType()) {
$request = $event->getRequest();
if ($request->getRequestFormat() !== 'html') {

[HMVC??] Call Functions in another controller and get values

I am facing a situation where I need to call a function to check some status.
My getlastupdate function looks like this:
public function action_getlastupdate($userid){
$updatestatus= ORM::factory('updates')
->where('id', '=', $userid)
->where('deleted', '=',0)
//check if result returned values
//if result has data
foreach($updatestatus as $status)
$result= 'Profile Last Updated on'.$updatestatus->lastupdate;
}//end if result has data
//if record returned no values
$result= 'Profile Data Missing';
}//end if resultcount>0
}//end try
catch(ORM_Validation_Exception $e)
$result="Profile Update Search Error ".$e->errors('updates');
}///end catch
$this->response->body(View::factory('pages/updatestatus', $status));
}//end function
This works but I do not want to render the view. I want to return the array status and use it from within my controller which is calling this method. How can I implement this? Does the code change if I call from the same controller vis a vis calling from a different controller?
I am using kostache templates so I need to play with the status[values] before rendering final output to my view.
You could send an extra parameter for your subquery which will indicate whether to auto render the view or not.
and in your action getlastupdate check the parameter
action_getlastupdate($userid, $renderView = '')
if( $renderView === 'off' )
$this->auto_render = FALSE;
