Connecting Smart Watch to Raspberry Pi - bluetooth

I am developing project on Raspberry Pi and I need to add feature of measuring heart rate. I want to use Smart Watch to do that but I do not know which smart watch provide environment which allows me to implement wireless communication between watch and Raspberry (Raspbian OS) easily. Thank you in advance for each answer.

I don't think any smart-watch allows direct connection between Raspberry Pi and smart-watch. It is not recommended on android developer site to open lower level sockets as well. You can send smart-watch's sensor data to Phone and then send it to Raspberry Pi.


Receiving data from a BLE device to a raspberry Pi3

I never used a raspberry pi before and I have a project part of which includes receiving data from a BLE blood pressure device over Bluetooth to a raspberry pi 3. I can pair the device to my raspberry but I have no idea what to do next. I need to be able to receive the measurements in my raspberry please help and thank you in advance.
PS: the device I'm trying to use is very similar to this one:
Thanks for your answers, I have tried "Gatt" and "Gatttool" but the problem is after pairing the device is meant to send the measurement to its application on an android phone, without it I cannot read the blood measurement characteristic or it just does not exist.
Linux uses BlueZ as a default bluetooth stack. It exposes DBus APIs for implementing software using Bluetooth.
If you don't want to use this API directly, which can sometimes feel a bit low level you have many libraries that wrap it, such as that also comes with examples.
All other solutions requires replacing the Bluetooth stack on Linux and hence your other existing Bluetooth pairings to the system will stop working.

Reading Bluetooth data and command (Raspberry pi 3)

I am currently working on a project that make me control media center and a few domotic parts in my living room.
I have connected on my raspberry pi 3 a NAS, my Spotify account (with hifiberry, controls to close my amp, my PC and a few lights...
At first to control it all I programmed a web server that I can access on my phone. That made the job but it is not completely user friendly since I have to have my phone go to the interface and do whatever I have to... And I'm not a web designer 😁 it's far from perfect!
I've made some research and I have decided to build a bluetooth remote control (raspberry pi 3 do have Bluetooth low energy).
Since nothing exist as I want, it is going to be a custom one made with Arduino mini and hm10 module.
But I'm stuck on the raspberry part!
How can I read the Bluetooth data send by my remote and launch scripts according to the command sent?
Via a serial listener of some kind?
Yes, in fact, you should use a serial port to connect your pi with Bluetooth module.
You then use software input information for your purposes, but you must first implement the hardware and hardware interface first.
You can build application software with the Python programming language.

wireless transfer of data from raspberry pi 3 to pc using python

I am doing my master thesis and one of the important things for me is to transfer the recordings of pressure and temperature from a patient simulator to a PC. From the sensors, the information is taken by the raspberry pi3. I am using raspberry pi3 because it has inbuilt wifi option. Now I have to transfer the data from the raspberry pi to the PC wirelessly using python programming. I am new to python and I have absolutely no idea how to do this. Could anyone help me with writing the code so that I could at least send some data from where I could adjust the bit rate and other things according to my requirements?
Take a look at sockets, a simple client - server communication is really easy to do :)

Bluetooth LE from Cordova app to Linux device

I need some guidance. In a nutshell, I need to be able to configure and control a device with the smart phone app over BLE.
For example, change IP address of my Raspberry Pi. To make that happen, I need 2 things.
Simple Android/iOS app that takes IP address parameters as an input, and then communicates over Bluetooth to the RPi. Note that the device needs to be discovered and connected from within the app (without going to "Settings" and pairing).
Build some server process on the Raspberry Pi that listens to USB Bluetooth dongle, receives the command with parameters and acts accordingly.
So I need help building the BLE portion of this project.
I have several years of smartphone app development experience, and 10+ years of Linux system programming. In other words, building a simple Cordova app, as well as Linux process that changes IP address is really not an issue.
However, I am totally new to Bluetooth. Can you point me to the right direction? I am sure this problem has already been solved few thousand times. Is there a tutorial? Or maybe a skeleton code I use as a starting point? Also, any recommendation for BLE USB dongle?
Thanks a lot!
I think it will be harder to find a better guide to implement low energy technology on the RaspberryPi than this one :
After this , you can download a random app on the Playstore/Appstore and check that your RaspberryPi is actually acting as a BLE device.
Finally you can start creating your own app using several available BLE plugins like :

Remote device by smartphone android

I'm a newbie in this world.
I wanna build an application to remove some device.
I wanna turn on or off lights and use my smartphone (Android) to do.
But, I don't know how to do? Can you show me all of steps?
Thank you so much!
Use a Raspberry Pi (runs linux).
You can have the RPi general purpose I/O lines to control, say, relays for lights etc. and then use the many Android apps to remotely control it.
