Data consolidation using Columns - excel

We sell our product via a number of different retailers. These shops send us reports of what they have sold and we need to import this into our new stock management system as a master file.
The stores do not and will not provide the data in a uniform way based on our desired template.
I therefore need a way of consolidating ranges of data that without having a unique ID for each line, with minimal manual formatting from the data importer to help save time.
As you can see in the 2 examples above, nothing is in the same order and some of the supplied fields haven't been used. The column headers are static, only the data is actually pasted.
I've tried using the Excel Data consolidation tool but the SUM function just wants to add everything up or simply reports a single value, I've played with Vlookup but I then need to dedicate a number of rows to each store which results in lots of empty rows.
If you can point me in the right direction I'm more than happy to research the tool or function I need, web searches keep bringing me back to the consolidation tool.
Many thanks,

Since you say that column headers are static, you actually do have a unique ID.
The task can be accomplished by using HLOOKUP with Column headers as lookup value.
However, the formula will depend on how you organize or store input sheets from different stores.
Here I have tested a setup where each store input is pasted in consecutive sheets starting from 'Sheet1'. i.e. Store1 in Sheet1, store2 in Sheet2 ... with row 1 containing header.
Then in consolidated sheet using helper columns for identifying sheet and row number, the formulas look like this
in A2 =IFERROR(HLOOKUP(A$1,INDIRECT("Sheet"&$H2&"!A:O"),$I2,0),"")
in H3 =IFERROR(IF(INDIRECT("Sheet"&H2&"!A"&I2+1)="",H2+1,H2),"") (if no more records, increment sheet number)
in I3 =IFERROR(IF((H3-H2)=0,I2+1,2),"") (if sheet number changed, reset row number to 2)
Initial value for H2 = 1 , I2 = 2
Test file: Storefile


Excel Macro to perform a formula where one column has the same value in several rows

I can't quite find the right code example to do what I'm looking to do.
We have an excel file with data from a project where a request can have several TASKs associated with it and different teams or organizations can be assigned. I'm trying to create a summary of whether the request was worked on by one team or another or "jointly" worked on (based on more than one team/org being assigned to tasks under the same request).
Here is the example and the result I'm looking for:
I want the code to be able to loop thru all rows checking where column A (request #) is the same value and builds an array of the value contained in column B (Team assigned) for each row where A has the same value. Then some sort of function to determine if the values in the array contain more than 1 team. If all of the TASKs were worked on by one team, just that team is the result, if more than one team worked on TASKs, the it results with "Joint".
This can be done without VBA, using formulas.
For the Result column in my screenshot, column E, I used
The same formula without structure references reads like this:
Apply the formula to the whole table column. If you don't want to use structured references, make sure to use absolute references for the column ranges, i.e. $B$3:$B$22 etc.
The Pivot table has Request and Result in the row areas, and the Tasks in the Values area. A pivot table needs to be refreshed when new data is added.
A dynamic result table can be achieved with the new dynamic array formulas available in Office 365 versions of Excel.
In H12 and I12 of my screenshot I use
The formula automatically spills down as far as required.
So, no VBA required, which means you can save as a regular .xlsx file, which will also run perfectly fine in the browser and on mobile devices.

How can I make a drop down list in Excel 2013 based on several conditions?

What I would like to achieve is that sellers can choose the STORE in the blue cell (either with a drop down list or by hard-typing the STORE name) and, based on the selection on the blue cell, the available POSITIONS for that particular PRODUCT and that particular STORE are show in the green cell as a drop down list.
Let's say I have an Excel workbook, which contains a worksheet with this table with products data, which is automatically imported daily from our Nav server with this layout. It has 4 columns including PRODUCT CODE, DESCRIPTION, STORE IN WHICH IT CAN BE LOCATED and POSITION INSIDE DE STORE (please, check screenshot). It contains 1.5k rows and it changes dynamically, for example, new items are added or positions are exchanged.
As you can see, the same product (PRODUCT 2) can be located in several stores (STORES 1, 2 and 3), and it can be in several locations on each store (POSITIONS 2, 3, 1 and 4).
Now I need sellers to report which of these items they pick and from where, not only the STORE but its POSITION inside the store too. They do it with another worksheet inside the same Excel workbook. It looks more or less like this (please, check screenshot).
I know the drop down list is achieved via Data Validation but I can't figure out the formula for this. I have tried several approaches like:
Array formula to return all POSITIONS in the same ROW, following this (Formula 2.): It is quite slow to calculate on the 1.5k items and, once done, I can't figure out how to make Data Validation to look for the 4 or 5 or 10 POSITIONS returned by the array formula, which also need to be filtered by STORE (please, check screenshot for the closest that I have been, array formula returning POSITIONS from column E).
Same formula as above directly on the Data Validation list box, which returns only the first POSITION found.
VBA custom fucntions which are not allowed in the Data Validation box.
I feel comfortable with both Power Query and VBA, and forumla as well, and can adapt most of the code I see but I don't know why I just can't figure out how to achieve this, maybe it is only I am blocked or something but every path I start to follow ends up in a dead end.
Does anyone have an idea on how to approach this? It doesn't really seem that complicated but it is becoming impossible for me.
Thank you very much for your time!!
This is what I have finally done, just in case someone else is facing this situation.
Instead of a plain-text table for the POSITIONS, I created a PowerQuery importing that CSV. Named that worksheet _LOCATIONS.
Added a custom column (Column E) combining the PRODUCT and the STORE so I had something like a Unique Identificator, resulting something like this but in PowerQuery.
Combined column:
Sorted column E and sub-sorted column D, so I make sure the list will always be ordered as I need, and saved the query.
Then, in worksheet REPORT, I entered this formula to create the drop down list in Data Validation in cell D2:
And I am able to choose from the available POSITIONS for the selected PRODUCT in the selected STORE.
Brief explanation:
I set the reference for the OFFSET function in the very first POSITION (D1), and then I move it the amount of rows detected by the MATCH function (which searches for the "PRODUCT 2-STORE 2" string in the newly created combined column) minus 1 (PoweryQuery table has headers) and 0 columns. This leaves me on the first occurrence of my string (but on the POSITIONS column). Then I make the offset as high as the amount of rows detected by the COUNTIF function (which counts all occurrences of my PRODUCT-STORE pair), returning an array of all the positions (column D) matching the PRODUCT-STORE pair.
Ask for formula in Spanish if you need it.

VLOOKUP to bring data from another sheet

I have a table containing a some football data, such as Country, League, Teams, Standing table information, such as total matches played, wins, draws, losses, goals scored and conceded, and so on.
Here's a file download link
It contains two sheets.
I need to fill these 3 tables with the data contained in another STANDINGS worksheet.
Here's a screenshot of the STANDINGS sheet:
My aim is that once I fill LeagueId and Group Id (which is optional) fields then inside all three tables will be produced the data as in this sample.
I wonder if it is possible to achieve this without VBA. But i have no clue on where to start from. I tried is several different ways, but i get only first result from STANDINGS worksheet for any league i enter.
Looking forward to your help.
Thank you!
So far I could get the count of rows related to Overall, Home and Away using these formulas:
Also, what I can get is the first row of these results using this formula:
What I need to figure out is how to modify above formulas so that I fill tables with remaining rows.
In order to do this you need a formula in every single field of your 3 tables that link it to data on the Standings tab. That would be 13 x 3 x 20 formulas. Therefore one would try to create formulas that can be copied, in the best case less than 13 original ones, but definitely one formula for each field.
Each formula would look for a unique identifier in the Standings list. I can't see any unique identifiers there but you might create them by concatenation, such as "League" + "Country" + "Position". The more detail you need the larger the formula. The key is: without a unique identifier for each row you can't retrieve data. But once a row has been identified you can get the value from any of its columns.
If your tables sometimes have 12 rows, sometimes 20, and sometimes 25 you must provide space for the possible maximum and then design your formulas to return a blank if there is nothing to display.
In conclusion, the core of your system is in the Standings table. It must be set up so that data can be retrieved from it. Ideally, your selection on the Standings Extended sheet would generate a concatenated unique identifier for a list to which you can add the fixed number in the Pos column to identify individual rows in the Standing table. As long as you can't identify rows no data can be retrieved.
Using VBA gives you more flexibility but doesn't relieve you of the task to create uniquely identifiable rows.

Pulling information from 1 worksheet to another, based on drop down list selection

I am trying to get a spreadsheet to auto populate rates for products, based on the size of the order, which are chosen from a drop-down menu.
I am using 2 workseets - Sheet 1 has a data validation drop down list of the Order Sizes (0-49, 50-99, 100+), and another column of Products, where I would like the rates to come across. Sheet 2 has 3 tables - One table per Order Size, containing the products' rates for that size order (Table 1 = 0-49, Table 2 = 50-99, Table 3 = 100+).
I can't figure out how to get the rates from the 3 tables (on Sheet 2) to pull across and auto-populate in the Products column (on Sheet 1), once I've chosen the Order Size from the drop down list (on Sheet 1).
I hope that makes sense. Unfortunately I'm too new to this site, so it won't let me post images or files
I don't really understand Macros or VBA, so please dumb it down for me :-) Thank you!
You can accomplish this without using any VBA by making use of the IF and VLOOKUP functions. I'm assuming your data looks like this:
The formula in B8 is:
=IF(B2="0-49",VLOOKUP(B5,Sheet2!A3:B5,2,FALSE),IF(B2="50-99",VLOOKUP(B5,Sheet2!A8:B10,2,FALSE),IF(B2="100+",VLOOKUP(B5,Sheet2!A13:B15,2,FALSE),"Enter a valid order size selection")))
Basically the IF statements tell it which table to look in, based on the selected order size, and the VLOOKUP statements do the looking up based on the selected product. An IF statement takes the form of:
IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false])
So, this first checks if the value of B2 is "0-49." If it is, it performs the lookup in the small order table. If it's not, it goes on to check if the value is "50-99." Etc. Then, at the end, if the value isn't any of the options, it prompts the user to enter a valid order size.

Excel Data Validation List using formula with filtering

I have following workbook:
Worksheet Accounts:
Worksheet Posts:
I would like to know if it is possible to define Data Validation of type List to entire column B in sheet Posts using formula, so that Data Validation popup shows only Account Ids from Accounts sheet which Website column matches Website column of a selected row in Posts sheet and which have value Active in Status column?
In SQL-ish or LINQ-ish words:
SELECT Id FROM Accounts WHERE Website =
#SelectedPostRow.Website AND Status = Active
Marks on the second image shows which values should be shown in a drop-down.
Yes you can do this, but it requires some supporting setup.
First for each of your website options, you need to create a named range for the options that would be in the drop down you are seeking to create.
To do this, just highlight the list of cells and right click, the choose Name a Range
Then you need to create a lookup list for your website names to the named range possiblities
Then in your data validation source use a forumla like this:
then whala, the dropdown list changes based upon the website value.
Now if you are also needing to automate the named range bits, you could change them to encompass entire columns and then use a pivot table to pull in the data. Would just need
an independant pivot for each website option.
Each time you pulled in fresh data you would need to refresh the pivots, but it would function.
This problem need a bit of a preparation.
In the same sheet, or in another, copy your data (or add the relevant cells)
In column A you have a number that could be ranked.
I obtained it with (cell A2):
In column B rank the number and exclude the unwanted rows (B2):
Then you can VLOOKUP in column H, using a enum in column G (manually entered). The formula for H1:
Now you could set your validation based on column H
PS: there could be small errors in the formulas as I have translated them from italian and I cannot test in english.
