How to merge two cells, add a space and a comma - excel

I have two cells:
Cell 1 - Toronto
Cell 2 - ON
I want to merge into one cell and have it say Toronto, ON (adding a , and space after Toronto).

Assuming Cell 1 is A1 and Cell 2 is B1, please try:
=A1&", "&B1
I think you want to CONCATENATE rather than merge (which is best avoided at all costs).
An alternative version is:


How to remove section of a cell that is duplicate to a second cell in excel

I have an excel spreadsheet with items in column B beginning with the same text as column A, for example:
cell A1 - Groceries-Food-Fruit
cell B1 - Groceries-Food-Fruit - apples, oranges, pears
How can I remove the duplicate words, (Groceries-Food-Fruit) from cell B1 using a formula?
I've researched ways of removing duplicates, but cannot find a formula for this particular situation
If the format of the cells follow the same trend you posted then this would work:
=IFERROR(IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(A1:A10,B1:B10)),MID(B1:B10,LEN(A1:A10)+IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(" - ",B1:B10))=TRUE,4,2),99),""),"")
If the entire value of cell A1 is found in the beginning of cell B2 then it trims it out. The benefit is it will work for several variations. Notice in B1 I removed the spaces around the hyphen and it still works.

How to retain A1 Notation in Excel fill after being dragged down for every row?

How do I retain the value of A1 Notation after I drag it down to copy the formula to other rows?
For example, I have 2 columns, A and B, and let's say 10 rows, 1-10
And the formula is =(A1)&"randomtexts"
I want the basic A1 notation (I'm not sure what it's called, please let me know what) and make it fixed in that formula so that it wont become A2, A3, A4, etc.. down the line?
I need it to be fixed A1, for this specific problem. Is there a word I can add to indicate it should always be A1 (or any specified cell) and not change it automatically?
Use the $ like:
=A$1 & "whatever"
when copied downward the 1 will not advance to 2, 3, etc.
(by the way, it is called "A1" notation)

how do get number separately

I have number from 1 to 100 in column A1 to A100.
I am trying to achieve two results from data.
I want separately 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and another one 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100
Please help me
Maybe, in B1:
double-click the fill handle and sort A:B on ColumnB.
This question is a bit vague. If you are looking to count by 10s, try adding a 10 in cell B1 and then adding the formula =B1+10 in cell B2. You can drag that formula down to count by 10s.
Let's say we want in column B "0, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9" and in column C "0, 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100", put:
- =MOD(A1,10) as formula for the cell B1
- =INT(A1/10)*10 as formula for the cell C1
and then copy them to rest of the rows.

Excel - count multiple words per cell in a range of cells

I have some cells with multiple names in them as so:
Names are not repeated in the same cell.
I have some more cells below where I need to count how many times each name appears in each column. The names of the people counted above are to the right in one column, and the number of times each name appears should be calculated in the corresponding row of the next column.
For example, the cells that read 2 and 0 should read 4 and 4 (for the amount of times they appear in the previous image).
Here is an example of the desired result:
What formula should I use to accomplish this?
You can use an array formula (Ctrl+Shift+Enter) for this. Set up your list of names somwhere (For example, F1, F2, F3 ...) then next to it (in G1):
Assuming A is you names column. Than simply drag G1 down to copy for all names.

Sum of 3 numbers in same cell using a reference formula as well

IN B1 I have: 3,4,5
IN B2 I have the sum of these numbers 12
I would like to add these together and the sum to appear in B3
So, for B3, I need to tell excel to reference the cell holding the numbers, then add them together. This way, once I create the original formula, I can drag it through the remaining cells.
Reason is: The sum of these numbers (B2), are pulling the sum from a different location within the spreadsheet. I need to make sure these numbers match.
Thank you
Alternate solution (if exactly three numbers separated by a comma):
=SUMPRODUCT(--MID(SUBSTITUTE(B1,",",REPT(" ",99)),99*(ROW($1:$3)-1)+1,99))
Or, to make the formula more dynamic so that the B1 cell can have any quantity of numbers, as long as they are separated by a comma:
=SUMPRODUCT(--MID(SUBSTITUTE(B1,",",REPT(" ",99)),99*(ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(B1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(B1,",",""))+1))-1)+1,99))
Assuming you always have three numbers separated by a coma.
=LEFT(B1,FIND(",",B1)-1) + MID(B1,FIND(",",B1)+1,FIND(",",B1,FIND(",",B1)+1)-FIND(",",B1)-1) + MID(B1,FIND(",",B1,FIND(",",B1,FIND(",",B1)+1))+1,100)
If I break down the formula it's a bit simpler to see what is going on.
1st number:
2nd number:
3rd number:
