Use Samsung Galaxy Tab S Fingerprint Scanner to Login to app - samsung-mobile

Can I use the built in finger print scanner on my Galaxy Tab S to login to one of my apps? The user currently has to enter a username and password. Is there a way to link a finger print to this username/password? I don't want the user to login just if they have a fingerprint saved on the device... their finger print needs to correspond to a valid username/password for my app.

With Samsung SDK you could only register 1 user, the user of device.
You could associate in your app, 1 one of app to the user of device.
After you could check current user with Pass SDK:
SpassFingerprint class has a method startIdentify :


Is it possible to disable iOS 3D touch on the embedded web view when using MSAL on Xamarin

We're using MSAL 2.6.2 on Xamarin.Forms. How do we disable IOS 3D touch on the embedded web view that MSAL uses for the login page. For example, when pressing and holding the link "Forgot password", the link pops out a browser, navigating to the change password url. This was reported as an issue on security pen test as it is possible to navigate away from the app and open the browser to show a fake login page where the url could start with and trick the user into submitting credentials.
You should be able to set the gesture recognizer and set ShouuldReceiveTouch = NO.

How to answer a user in Home device and send a notification to user's phone

Is there any way to answer a user question in the Home device and at the same time, send a notification to another device?
For example, if the user ask for a direction, answer with the location (voice) and finish saying to the user:"I've sent you the location to your phone" and send him a map...
I know there is a way to switch conversation to another device (say, for example, one with screen) but I don't want to finish it in Home device.
Thanks in advance.
Not in a straightforward way, no, but there are a few options that you have that may do what you want.
You can try to use Assistant Notifications. Right now, notifications only appear on mobile devices, but even if/when they allow speaker notifications in the future, your user could still open it on a mobile device. You need to ask for permission to send a notification, and when they trigger the notification, an Intent in your Action will be triggered to actually show what you want to show.
You can also look into using a more standard notification channel such as Firebase Cloud Messaging. This does require you to have your own app on the mobile device, and it works outside of the Assistant, but may be a good choice if it meets your needs.

Generating unique id in J2ME

I want to generate universally unique id for registration process of my j2me application. i came across following approaches for that
IMEI no of device Getting IMEI and IMSI in Java ME this approach doesn't work on most of devices. Problem with IMEI is is not that easy to get it from Midlet for most of models.
Bluetooth device address Getting Bluetooth Address
Problem Needs support for Bluetooth API and will limit no of devices app can run on.
UUID class
Problem Need Bluetooth API as it is in javax.bluetooth package same prob
The registration process used by my company for their android app is as follows
customer mobile will send IMEI no and Token provided by company to server using SMS
Server will send licence key to customer mobile which will be stored in customer mobile
And i have to follow the same approach for j2me application
One solution can be getting unique id from server through SMS. but company uses above registration process.
Is there any other approch that i can use for registraing my application or is there any way to overcome above problems.
I agree with #funkybro that a Jad key with a unique ID provided by the server would solve the issue. But if its not possible I would create an id based on mobile time and a hash code.
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
StringBuffer id = new StringBuffer(Long.toString(time, 16).toUpperCase());
id.append(Integer.toHexString(new Object().hashCode()).toUpperCase());
If this id is duplicated the registration process fails and the application is asked for a new id.
You can put a server generated unique ID in the jad at deploy time.

Admob ads in Emulator

Is admob blocked my account when I check ads in Emulator.
How invalid clicks made in Emulator ?
Pls help me
If you do that so often.
to avoid that use test ad.
AdRequest req = new AdRequest();
Add a test device before load ad. You also may add you phone as test device. look in logcat, adView activity will send you an info abut how to run only test ads on your phone
Currently, Android emulators get automatically configured as Admob test devices, so you don't need to call addTestDevice().
However, if you also want to test your ads on a real device, you will need to add it as a test device. This can be done either through Admob UI(Settings -> Test Devices -> Add test device) or programmatically, as described by #Jova.

Why is my programmatically created user missing from the Welcome screen?

I have a program that creates a Windows user account using the NetUserAdd() API which is suggested by Microsoft. The user is created successfully, and I can log in as that user.
However, on Windows XP, the newly-created user is missing from the Welcome screen. If I disable the Welcome screen, I can log in as the new user by typing the user name in direcly.
What property of the account I create causes it to be omitted from the Welcome screen?
One thing you could do is add the username as a value to the registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList
Use the username (As a REG_DWORD) and a value of 1 to show the user and 0 to hide.
