WhiteSpace programming language multipliction two numbers - whitespace-language

how can I multipiction two numbers in WhiteSpace?
for example
32 3
I searched tutorial for this, but i don't found this

The multiplication operation is [space][LF].


Find amount of combinations of 3s and 4s that sum to N

I've been practising a little coding and I came across this problem. Need some tips on how to solve it. General programming question, just looking to see how you folks would solve it, preferred in python.
I need to get the amount of unordered combinations of 3s and 4s that add up to the input number.
input is 12, combinations are 4+4+4 and 3+3+3+3, there are 2 combinations, output is 2
input is 13, combinations are 4+3+3+3, there is 1 combination, output is 1
input is 2, no combinations, output is 0
I'm aware there's a shortcut formula for this, but I'm wondering how you would do it without that.
Looks like a tree problem to me?

Extract Acronyms and Māori (non-english) words in a dataframe, and put them in adjacent columns within the dataframe

Regular expression seems a steep learning curve for me. I have a dataframe that contains texts (up to 300,000 rows). The text as contained in outcome column of a dummy file named foo_df.csv has a mixture of English words, acronyms and Māori words. foo_df.csv is as thus:
0 I want to go to DHB
1 Self Determination and Self-Management Rangatiratanga
2 mental health wellness and AOD counselling
3 Kai on my table
4 Fishing
5 Support with Oranga Tamariki Advocacy
6 Housing pathway with WINZ
7 Deal with personal matters
8 Referral to Owaraika Health services
The result I desire is in form of a table below such that has Abreviation and Māori_word columns:
outcome Abbreviation Māori_word
0 I want to go to DHB DHB
1 Self Determination and Self-Management Rangatiratanga Rangatiratanga
2 mental health wellness and AOD counselling AOD
3 Kai on my table Kai
4 Fishing
5 Support with Oranga Tamariki Advocacy Oranga Tamariki
6 Housing pathway with WINZ WINZ
7 Deal with personal matters
8 Referral to Owaraika Health services Owaraika
The approach I am using is to extract the ACRONYMS using regular expression and extract the Māori words using nltk module.
I have been able to extract the ACRONYMS using regular expression with this code:
pattern = '(\\b[A-Z](?:[\\.&]?[A-Z]){1,7}\\b)'
foo_df['Abbreviation'] = foo_df.outcome.str.extract(pattern)
I have been able to extract non-english words from a sentence using the code below:
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import words
words = set(nltk.corpus.words.words())
sent = "Self Determination and Self-Management Rangatiratanga"
" ".join(w for w in nltk.wordpunct_tokenize(sent) \
if not w.lower() in words or not w.isalpha())
However, I got an error TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object when I tried to iterate the above code over a dataframe. The iteration I tried is below:
def no_english(text):
words = set(nltk.corpus.words.words())
" ".join(w for w in nltk.wordpunct_tokenize(text['outcome']) \
if not w.lower() in words or not w.isalpha())
foo_df['Māori_word'] = foo_df.apply(no_english, axis = 1)
Any help in python3 will be appreciated. Thanks.
You can't magically tell if a word is English/Māori/abbreviation with a simple short regex. Actually, it is quite likely that some words can be found in multiple categories, so the task itself is not binary (or trinary in this case).
What you want to do is natural language processing, here are some examples of libraries for language detection in python. What you'll get is a probability that the input is in a given language. This is usually ran on full texts but you could apply it to single words.
Another approach is to use Māori and abbreviation dictionaries (=exhaustive/selected lists of words) and craft a function to tell if a word is one of them and assume English otherwise.

NLP: How to get an exact number of sentences for a text summary using Gensim

I am trying to summarise some text using Gensim in python and want exactly 3 sentences in my summary. There doesn't seem to be an option to do this so I have done the following workaround:
with open ('speeches//'+speech, "r") as myfile:
sentences = speech.count('.')
x = gensim.summarization.summarize(speech, ratio=3.0/sentences)
However this code is only giving me two sentences. Furthermore, as I incrementally increase 3 to 5 still nothing happens.
Any help would be most appreciated.
You may not be able use 'ratio' for this. If you give ratio=0.3, and you have 10 sentences (assuming count of words in each sentence is same), your output will have 3 sentences, 6 for 20 and so on.
As per gensim doc
ratio (float, optional) – Number between 0 and 1 that determines the proportion of the number of sentences of the original text to be chosen for the summary.
Instead you might want to try using word_count, summarize(speech, word_count=60)
This question is a bit old, in case you found a better solution, pls share.

Shrink string encoding algorithm

How do we shrink/encode a 20 letter string to 6 letters. I found few algorithms address data compression like RLE, Arithmetic coding, Universal code but none of them guarantees 6 letters.
The original string can contain the characters A-Z (upper case), 0-9 ans a dash.
If your goal is to losslessly compress or hash an random input string of 20 characters (each character could be [A-Z], [0-9] or -) to an output string of 6 characters. It's theoretically impossible.
In information theory, given a discrete random variable X={x|x1,...,xn}, the Shannon entropy H(X) is defined as:
where p(xi) is the probablity of X = xi. In your case, X has 20 of 37 possible characters, so it could be {x|x1,...,xn} where n = 37^20. Supposing the 37 characters have the same probability of being (aka the input string is random), then p(xi) = 1/37^20. So the Shannon entropy of the input is:
. A char in common computer can hold 8 bit, so that 6 chars can hold 48 bit. There's no way to hold 104 bit information by 6 chars. You need at least 15 chars to hold it instead.
If you do allow the loss and have to hash the 20 chars into 6 chars, then your are trying to hash 37^20 values to 128^6 keys. It could be done, but you would got plenty of hash collisions.
In your case, supposing you hash them with the most uniformity (otherwise it would be worse), for each input value, there would be by average of 5.26 other input values sharing the same hash key with it. By a birthday attack, we could expect to find a collision within approximately 200 million trials. It could be done in less than 10 seconds by a common laptop. So I don't think this would be a safe hashing.
However if you insist to do that, you might want to read Hash function algorithms. It lists a lot of algorithms for your choice. Good luck!

find a subset of numbers that most closely match a sum

I'm looking for a technique or algorithm that will give me a subset of integers from a given set that, when summed, most closely match a given target number.
I have a music video and I want video for 248 frames. I have a set of clips of various lengths, all less than 248. I would like a subset of those that are closest to 248 when their lengths are summed.
Is there something on the linux command line that I can use to do this?
Ye Olde Bin Packing Problem and oddly I can't think of a standard implementation.
