Recover unsaved changes in vim - vim

I had unsaved changes to the file foo.txt in a vim buffer before my computer crashed. Running vim -r showed that there are no swap files in the directory containing foo.txt.
Is there any way to recover these changes?

Darn, okay. Is there a setting I could turn on to enable automatic writes
to a swap file on each change?
read :h swap, specially followings:
Updating the swapfile ~
The swap file is updated after typing 200 characters or when you have
not typed anything for four seconds. This only happens if the buffer
was changed, not when you only moved around. The reason why it is not
kept up to date all the time is that this would slow down normal work
too much. You can change the 200 character count with the
'updatecount' option. You can set the time with the 'updatetime'
option. The time is given in milliseconds. After writing to the swap
file Vim syncs the file to disk. This takes some time, especially on
busy Unix systems. If you don't want this you can set the 'swapsync'
option to an empty string. The risk of losing work becomes bigger
though. On some non-Unix systems (MS-DOS, Amiga) the swap file won't
be written at all.
If the writing to the swap file is not wanted, it can be switched off
by setting the 'updatecount' option to 0. The same is done when
starting Vim with the "-n" option. Writing can be switched back on by
setting the 'updatecount' option to non-zero. Swap files will be
created for all buffers when doing this. But when setting
'updatecount' to zero, the existing swap files will not be removed, it
will only affect files that will be opened after this.


How to prevent changes to the underlying file after mmap()-ing a file from being visible to my program?

According to mmap() manpage:
Create a private copy-on-write mapping. Updates to the mapping are not visible to other processes mapping the same file, and are not carried through to the underlying file. It is unspecified whether changes made to the file after the mmap() call are visible in the mapped region.
Question: How to prevent changes to the underlying file after mmap()-ing a file from being visible to my program?
Background: I am designing a data structure for a text editor designed to allow editing huge text files efficiently. The data structure is akin to an on-disk rope but with the actual strings being pointer to mmap()-ed ranges from the original file.
Since the file could be very large, there are a few restrictions around the design:
Must not load the entire file into RAM as the file may be larger than available physical RAM
Must not copy files on opening as this will make opening new files really slow
Must work on filesystems like ext4 that does not support copy-on-write (cp --reflink/ioctl_ficlone)
Must not rely on mandatory file locking, as this is deprecated, and requires specific mount option -o mand in the filesystem
As long as the changes aren't visible in my mmap(), it's ok for the underlying file to change on the filesystem
Only need to support recent Linux and using Linux-specific system APIs are ok
The data structure I'm designing would keep track of a list of unedited and edited ranges in the file by storing start and end index of the ranges into the mmap()-ed buffer. While the user is browsing through the file, ranges of text that have never been modified by the user would be read directly from a mmap() of the original file, while a swap file will store the ranges of texts that have been edited by the user but had not been saved.
When the user saves a file, the data structure would use copy_file_range to splice the swap file and the original file to assemble the new file. For this splicing to work, the original file as seen by my program must remain unchanged throughout the entire editing session.
Problem: The user may concurrently have other programs modifying the same file, possibly other text editors or some other programs that modified the text file in-place, after making unsaved changes in my text editor.
In such situation, the editor can detect such external change using inotify, and then I want to give the user two options on how to continue from this:
discard all unsaved changes and re-read the file from disk, implementing this option is fairly straightforward
allow the user to continue editing the file and later on the user should be able to save the unsaved changes in a new location or to overwrite the changes that had been made by the other program, but implementing this seems tricky
Since my editor did not make a copy of the file when it opened the file, when the other program overwrite the file, the text ranges that my data structure are tracking may become invalid because the data on-disk have changed and these changes are now visible through my mmap(). This means if my editor tried to write unsaved changes after the file has been modified from another process, it could be splicing text ranges in the old file using data from the data from the new file, which could mean that my editor could be producing a corrupt file when saving the unsaved changes.
I don't think advisory locks would have saved the situation here in all cases, as other programs may not honor advisory lock.
My ideal solution would be to make it so that when other programs overwrites the file, the system should transparently copy the file to allow my program to continue seeing the old version while the other program finishes their write to disk and make their version visible in the filesystem. I think ioctl_ficlone could have made this possible, but to my understanding, this only works with a copy-on-write filesystem like btrfs.
Is such a thing possible?
Any other suggestions to solve this problem would also be welcome.
What you want to do isn't possible with mmap, and I'm not sure if it's possible at all with your constraints.
When you map a region, the kernel may or may not actually load all of it into memory. The region of memory that lacks data will actually contain an invalid page, so when you access it, the kernel takes a page fault and maps that region into memory. That region will likely contain whatever is in that portion of the file at the time the page fault occurs. There is an option, MAP_LOCKED, which tries to prefault all of the pages in, but doesn't guarantee it, so you can't rely on it working.
In general, you cannot prevent other processes from changing a file out from under you. Some tools (including editors) will write a new file to the side, calling rename to overwrite the file, and some will rewrite the file in place. The former is what you want, but many editors choose to do the latter, since it preserves characteristics such as ACLs and permissions you can't restore.
Furthermore, you really don't want to use mmap on any file you can't totally control, because if another process truncates the file and you try to access that portion of the buffer, your process will die with SIGBUS. Catching this signal is undefined behavior, and the only sane thing to do is die. (Also, it can be sent in other situations, such as unaligned access, and you'll have a hard time distinguishing between them.)
Ultimately, if you're not interested in copying the file, you can't guarantee someone won't change underneath you, and you'll need to be prepared for that to occur.

Force rsync to compare local files byte by byte instead of checksum

I have written a Bash script to backup a folder. At the core of the script is an rsync instruction
rsync -abh --checksum /path/to/source /path/to/target
I am using --checksum because I neither want to rely on file size nor modification time to determine if the file in the source path needs to be backed up. However, most -- if not all -- of the time I run this script locally, i.e., with an external USB drive attached which contains the backup destination folder; no backup over network. Thus, there is no need for a delta transfer since both files will be read and processed entirely by the same machine. Calculating the checksums even introduces a speed down in this case. It would be better if rsync would just diff the files if they are both on stored locally.
After reading the manpage I stumbled upon the --whole-file option which seems to avoid the costly checksum calculation. The manpage also states that this is the default if source and destination are local paths.
So I am thinking to change my rsync statement to
rsync -abh /path/to/source /path/to/target
Will rsync now check local source and target files byte by byte or will it use modification time and/or size to determine if the source file needs to be backed up? I definitely do not want to rely on file size or modification times to decide if a backup should take place.
Notice the -b option in the rsync instruction. It means that destination files will be backed up before they are replaced. So blindly rsync'ing all files in the source folder, e.g., by supplying --ignore-times as suggested in the comments, is not an option. It would create too many duplicate files and waste storage space. Keep also in mind that I am trying to reduce backup time and workload on a local machine. Just backing up everything would defeat that purpose.
So my question could be rephrased as, is rsync capable of doing a file comparison on a byte by byte basis?
Question: is rsync capable of doing a file comparison on a byte by byte basis?
Strictly speaking, Yes:
It's a block by block comparison, but you can change the block size.
You could use --block-size=1, (but it would be unreasonably inefficient and inappropriate for basically every)
The block based rolling checksum is the default behavior over a network.
Use the --no-whole-file option to force this behavior locally. (see below)
Statement 1. Calculating the checksums even introduces a speed down in this case.
This is why it's off by default for local transfers.
Using the --checksum option forces an entire file read, as opposed to the default block-by-block delta-transfer checksum checking
Statement 2. Will rsync now check local source and target files byte by byte or
       will it use modification time and/or size to determine if the source
file        needs to be backed up?
By default it will use size & modification time.
You can use a combination of --size-only, --(no-)ignore-times, --ignore-existing and
--checksum to modify this behavior.
Statement 3. I definitely do not want to rely on file size or modification times to decide if a        backup should take place.
Then you need to use --ignore-times and/or --checksum
Statement 4. supplying --ignore-times as suggested in the comments, is not an option
Perhaps using --no-whole-file and --ignore-times is what you want then ? This forces the use of the delta-transfer algorithm, but for every file regardless of timestamp or size.
You would (in my opinion) only ever use this combination of options if it was critical to avoid meaningless writes (though it's critical that it's specifically the meaningless writes that you're trying to avoid, not the efficiency of the system, since it wouldn't actually be more efficient to do a delta-transfer for local files), and had reason to believe that files with identical modification stamps and byte size could indeed be different.
I fail to see how modification stamp and size in bytes is anything but a logical first step in identifying changed files.
If you compared the following two files:
File 1 (local) : File.bin - 79776451 bytes and modified on the 15 May 07:51
File 2 (remote): File.bin - 79776451 bytes and modified on the 15 May 07:51
The default behaviour is to skip these files. If you're not satisfied that the files should be skipped, and want them compared, you can force a block-by-block comparison and differential update of these files using --no-whole-file and --ignore-times
So the summary on this point is:
Use the default method for the most efficient backup and archive
Use --ignore-times and --no-whole-file to force delta-change (block by block checksum, transferring only differential data) if for some reason this is necessary
Use --checksum and --ignore-times to be completely paranoid and wasteful.
Statement 5. Notice the -b option in the rsync instruction. It means that destination files will be backed up before they are replaced
Yes, but this can work however you want it to, it doesn't necessarily mean a full backup every time a file is updated, and it certainly doesn't mean that a full transfer will take place at all.
You can configure rsync to:
Keep 1 or more versions of a file
Configure it with a --backup-dir to be a full incremental backup system.
Doing it this way doesn't waste space other than what is required to retain differential data. I can verify that in practise as there would not be nearly enough space on my backup drives for all of my previous versions to be full copies.
Some Supplementary Information
Why is Delta-transfer not more efficient than copying the whole file locally?
Because you're not tracking the changes to each of your files. If you actually have a delta file, you can merge just the changed bytes, but you need to know what those changed bytes are first. The only way you can know this is by reading the entire file
For example:
I modify the first byte of a 10MB file.
I use rsync with delta-transfer to sync this file
rsync immediately sees that the first byte (or byte within the first block) has changed, and proceeds (by default --inplace) to change just that block
However, rsync doesn't know it was only the first byte that's changed. It will keep checksumming until the whole file is read
For all intents and purposes:
Consider rsync a tool that conditionally performs a --checksum based on whether or not the file timestamp or size has changed. Overriding this to --checksum is essentially equivalent to --no-whole-file and --ignore-times, since both will:
Operate on every file, regardless of time and size
Read every block of the file to determine which blocks to sync.
What's the benefit then?
The whole thing is a tradeoff between transfer bandwidth, and speed / overhead.
--checksum is a good way to only ever send differences over a network
--checksum while ignoring files with the same timestamp and size is a good way to both only send differences over a network, and also maximize the speed of the entire backup operation
Interestingly, it's probably much more efficient to use --checksum as a blanket option than it would be to force a delta-transfer for every file.
There is no way to do byte-by-byte comparison of files instead of checksum, the way you are expecting it.
The way rsync works is to create two processes, sender and receiver, that create a list of files and their metadata to decide with each other, which files need to be updated. This is done even in case of local files, but in this case processes can communicate over a pipe, not over a network socket. After the list of changed files is decided, changes are sent as a delta or as whole files.
Theoretically, one could send whole files in the file list to the other to make a diff, but in practice this would be rather inefficient in many cases. Receiver would need to keep these files in the memory in case it detects the need to update the file, or otherwise the changes in files need to be re-sent. Any of the possible solutions here doesn't sound very efficient.
There is a good overview about (theoretical) mechanics of rsync:

File contents lost after power outage

I am using C++ ofstream to write a log file on Linux. When I monitor the file contents with tail -f command I can see the contents are correctly populated. But if a power outage happens and I check the file again after power cycle, the last couple lines of records are gone. With hexdump I can see those records turned into null characters '\0' instead. I tried flush() and manipulator std::endl and they don't help anyway.
Is it true what tail showed to me was not actually written to the disk and they were just in buffer? The inode table wasn't update before the power outage? I can accept this fact but I don't understand why the records turned to null characters if they weren't written to the file.
Btw, I tried Google's glog and have the same results (a bunch of null characters at the end). I also tried zlog, a C library. and found it only lost the last records but didn't replace them with null chars.
Well, when you have a power outage, and then start the system again, the linux kernel tries to forward the journal log to detect and correct the inconsistencies held from memory to disk when the system crashed. Normally this means to redo and commit all operations possible until the system crash, but undo (and erase) all data not commited on the time of the crash.
Linux (and other un*x kernels, like freebsd) has a facility called ordered data write, that forces metadata (like block pointers from inodes, or directory entries) to be updated after the actual data they point to is effectively written on disk, so inconsistencies reduce to a minimum. I don't know the actual linux implementation, but for example, in freebsd what you point (a block of zeros in a file instead of the actual data written) is completely impossible with freebsd kernel (well, you can do it on purpose, but not accidentally) The most probable thing is that linux probably just manages the blocks info and not the file contents, or it has updated the file size pointer and not the data up to there. This should not happen as it's an already solved problem.
The other thing is how many data you have written or why what you see on the screen doesn't appear after the system crash. Probably you have heard about something called delayed write that allows the kernel to save write operations to disk on busy systems by not writing immediately data onto disk, but waiting some time so updates can be resolved in core memory buffers before they go to disk. Disk writes, anyway, are forced after some time delay, that means 5secs in linux (I try to remember, there's a lot of time I checked that value last time, I'm in doubt between 5 and 30 seconds) so you can lose your last five seconds at most.

Determine the offset and the size of another process write

I'm working on a backup service. It tracks changes of the files in a the directory to backup. It does that by setting a watch (using inotify with Linux) and comparing the modification time and size after a file has been changed. When it is, the whole file is copied to backup. I'm thinking, could this be done much more efficient? If the backup service can determine the offset and the number of bytes written, it can just copy that, in stead of copy the whole file. I've been looking to fanotify, which offers some interesting features, like an fd to the file modified (by the other process). Now here it stops I think. There is no way as far as I can see it how the process using fanotify can determine from the fd how the file is changed.
Do I overlook something, or is it not possible to get this information?

Can file size be used to detect a partial append?

I'm thinking about ways for my application to detect a partially-written record after a program or OS crash. Since records are only ever appended to a file (never overwritten), is a crash while writing guaranteed to yield a file size that is shorter than it should be? Is this guaranteed even if the file was opened in read-write mode instead of append mode, so long as writes are always at the end of the file? This would greatly simplify crash recovery, since comparing the last record's expected size and position with the actual file size would be enough to detect a partial write.
I understand that random-access writes can be reordered by the filesystem, but I'm having trouble finding information on whether this can happen when appending. I imagine an out-of-order append would require the filesystem to create a "hole" at the tail of the (sparse) file, write blocks beyond the hole, and then fill in the blocks in between, but I'm hoping that such an approach would be so inefficient that nobody would ever implement their filesystem that way.
I suppose another problem might be a filesystem updating the directory entry's file size field before appending the new blocks to to the file, and the OS crashing in between. Does this ever happen in practice? (ext4, perhaps?) Is there a quick way to detect it? (And what happens when trying to read the unwritten blocks that should exist according to the file's size?)
Is there anything else, such as write reordering performed by a disk/flash drive, that would get in the way of using file size as a way to detect a partial append? I don't expect to be able to compensate for this sort of drive trickery in my application, but it would be good to know about.
If you want to be SURE that you're never going to lose records, you need a consistent journaling or transactional system for your files.
There is absolutely no guarantee that a write will have been fulfilled unless you either set O_DIRECT [which you probably do not want to do], or you use markers to indicate aht "this has been fully committed", that are only written when the file is closed. You can either do that in the mainfile, or, for example, have a file that records, externally, "last written record". If you open & close that file, it should be safe as long as the APP is what is crashing - if the OS crashes [or is otherwise abruptly stopped - e.g. power cut, disk unplugged, etc], all bets are off.
Write reordering and write caching is/can be done at all levels - the C library, the OS, the filesystem module and the hard disk/controller itself are all ABLE to reorder writes.
