How to install dependent rpm packages in puppet - puppet

I tried to write puppet script to install lustre.luster needs installation of kernel patch and then lustre package installation. How to handle dependency in puppet while installing rpm package


Package conflict during rpm install of node

I am trying to do an rpm install of Node, but it is failing with the following error:
[xxxx#xxxxxxxx xxxx]# rpm -ivh Node-v0.10.33-RHEL.x86_64.rpm
Preparing... ################################# [100%]
file /usr/bin from install of Node-v0.10.33-RHEL.x86_64 conflicts with file from package filesystem-3.2-20.el7.x86_64
file /usr/lib from install of Node-v0.10.33-RHEL.x86_64 conflicts with file from package filesystem-3.2-20.el7.x86_64
I have been looking around the internet for the past two days but all the errors similar to mine (conflict with filesystem package) had been due to issues with the rpm package. In my case, I can rule that out as I have previously used the same rpm for node installation on other VMs successfully.
My user has root privileges and my OS is CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)

Installing r dependencies in Linux system?

I'm trying to install a R package I received from directly from the developer in its *.tar.gz form. But the command:
install.packages("~/Path/to/the/file/package.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")
Installing package into ‘/home/XXX/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.2’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
ERROR: dependencies ‘NetIndices’, ‘limSolve’, ‘diagram’ are not available for package ‘package’
* removing ‘/home/XXX/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.2/package’
Warning in install.packages :
installation of package ‘/home/path/to/the/file/Package/package.tar.gz’ had non-zero exit status
How can I get the dependencies along with the package? I have tried using dependencies=TRUE in install.packages to no avail.
If you're installing a tar.gz you have to install them yourself, or you can try Dirk's littler "little r" which is not an R package, but a Linux tool which among other things provides an install package tool which does what you want. There are Debian and Ubuntu packages.
Since you set repos to NULL dependencies cannot be resolved. Try to install dependencies first:
c("NetIndices", "limSolve", "diagram"),
repos="" # or other CRAN mirror
and then install source package.

how to backup a installed rpm package in redhat?

I was install a package by rpm command in redhat, but the package is failure now.
I want create a new package from installed package.
what can I do?
This command would help you in that,
rpm -Fvh –repackage rpm-file-name.rpm
Here rpm-file-name.rpm is an existing package in Linux which will be repackage by using above option.
From man page of rpm;
–repackage Re-package the files before erasing.
–replacefiles Install the packages even if they replace files from
other, already installed, packages.
–replacepkgs Install the packages even if some of them are already
installed on this system.
rpmrebuild is built for re-creating RPM package files from already installed packages. There are options which allow you to tailor the packaging, but the most simple invocation just produces an RPM file from an installed package. Example: rpmrebuild coreutils

How to specify dependency location in rpm?

While installing Mono using RPM, GLIBC_2.16 is listed as a dependency. Since I'm having an older version of glibc, and didn't want to corrupt my kernel, i installed the newer glibc from sources in my home folder.
I now want the RPM to refer to this newer glibc lib directory in my home folder while installing mono. What is the RPM option for mentioning dependency locations for a package?
I am currently using the following RPM command:
sudo rpm -ivh mono-core-3.2.3-0.x86_64.rpm
I get the following error messages: is needed by mono-core-3.2.3-0.x86_64 is needed by mono-core-3.2.3-0.x86_64 is needed by mono-core-3.2.3-0.x86_64
My newer glibc path is:
What option should i include in rpm to reference this path while installing mono?
I guess there is no way to install the package without --nodeps unless you install the proper version of glibc in your system.
If your goal is to run mono command completely, it may work fine by the following steps.
Installing the package by adding the --nodeps option to rpm command to ignore any dependencies.
Running mono-related commands with LD_LIBRARY_PATH set to /your/alternative/path/to/glibc.
However, I think that the best solution is to build the mono's source on your machine.

PKG_CONFIG_PATH error when installing nautilus RPM on Fedora 15

I'm trying to install nautilus RPM in Fedora 15.
configure: error: Library requirements (libnautilus >= 2.0.0 gtk+-2.0 >= 2.0.0)
not met; consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
if your libraries are in a nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them.
I already installed the nautilus package with apt-get install.
What can I do to solve this problem?
What I want to install is nautilus RPM(GUI RPM management software) and
What I installed is nautilus package.
If you want to build software that uses nautilus, then you will need to install the nautilus-devel package.
