Nodejs URL modifications for SEO purposes - node.js

I have a working App built on Nodejs + Drywall + Openshift, sorry it's in Arabic. Basically, I am looking to improve on the service, but having a major roadblock. The site is a classifieds site and I need to optimize it for SEO, however, my links to ads are shown like this...
55c9ff9dcf68970612ba2d38 is the Ad ID on my mongoDB, I do also have a record for the indicating the date and the title of Add combined "Sun-Nov-22-2015-8-pm-2007-camry-for-sale", the goal is to make the URL pretty and understandable by search engines. The end result I want to accomplish is one of the following:
Now, option number 3 would be ideal, but would slow down my application if I have to search by Ad title instead of Ad ID. Similar to what Stackoverflow is doing (attached pic)
Stackoverflow example
app.get('/ads/show/:id', require('./views/account/ads/index').read);
The above line returns the Ad for me with all the details including the title that I want to use, but the problem is that I cannot change the route URL after I receive the title.
I am not sure if this module would help in whatever I am trying to do it's called "named-routes"
Has anyone ran across this problem? If so can you share some insight on how to best tackle the problem?
Thanks in advance,

well, the solution was dead simple, do the following:
add * as a wild card like this
app.get('/ads/show/:id/*', require('./views/account/ads/index').read);
now when you create the links to the post, attach anything where the * is and it should show the same Ad without breaking the page.


No AdSense Impressions on a site newly converted to Drupal 8

I am scratching my head trying to figure out (and yes, I know there are multiple reasons this could be happening) why my AdSense Impressions have dropped to 0 after changing my site to Drupal 8.6.4.
I have installed the Drupal AdSense module, into which I've put my "pub-XYZ~~" account number.
I left it like that for several days thinking perhaps the crawler hadn't found it. Then I got cold feet and thought perhaps it wasn't working, especially since I didn't see any AdSense code appearing in the source of the page.
So I added the following code via Asset Injector into the head of the page:
<script async src="//"> </script>
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({
google_ad_client: "ca-pub-239656292892567776",
enable_page_level_ads: true
(That's not my real client ID, just random numbers.)
Now I see a line of script in the head of the page:
<script src="/sites/default/files/js/js_Gc2nyd2PQaQJQwlbfhfc8Yz8TwWRl90UGM3vTenwS8s.js"></script>
And that (if I click on it) opens up the Google AdSense code I've written above.
Yet I've waited two or three days more, still not seeing any impressions, page visits, CTR (every metric on my "Performance" report is zero), and I am concerned that maybe I've done something wrong.
So does anyone know, if I'm using the Drupal AdSense module, where do I see the code?
And two, if I'm using the module, where can I see the code appearing in the source? (The Google answer doc says "You can do this by viewing the source of your site from a browser and double-checking that the ad code looks exactly like the code we provide you in your account, and includes every line of the ad code." But in the Drupal AdSense module, the only field is one for that pub-XYZ~~~ number, and nothing else, and as I mentioned, I'm not finding the code anywhere in the site when I view the source.
Three, if I'm using the module, will it mess things up to have the code above put in via the Asset Injector?
And lastly, am I just too worried and the AdSense module is doing what it should and I should check back in 10 days or 20, rather than in 5 or 7?
Thank you for any help. I had just installed AdSense (by adding it to the head of the page, this exact code) on the old site before switching to Drupal, and it was definitely working then, so I know that the issue isn't that the site isn't approved or the account's invalid or such. It WAS working fine. But after this move to Drupal 8, it's completely failed and I just don't know which link of the chain is the one I should fix. I have been scouring both Drupal docs and AdSense docs for this issue/answers and haven't found anything that seems to be the issue...and I really am hoping to know if the code side of it is correct.
Again, thank you in advance!
Okay, so for anyone else who needs this info, I'm answering my own question: I never did get the Google AdSense "auto ads" to work on my site, and am pretty sure the reason they didn't is that I was trying the "auto ads" code rather than the on-the-page, placed ads type code. I still don't know if it was simply a matter of time and the crawler hadn't found my site again, or if I had incorrect code, or what.
But I am now seeing an ad on my site, and what worked for me was:
Turn off any AdSense code in the head of the page. (I had injected the script via Asset Injector, and I disabled that.)
Make sure Drupal's AdSense module is running. DEselect the option that asks people if they wish to turn off their adblocker. The only thing I added in AdSense's main config window was my "pub-XYZ~" number.
Ditch the Google "auto ad" option and do the "Ad Units" option, creating an ad in AdSense. (AdSense > Ads > Ad Units). Do everything there and get your ad ID#.
Back to Drupal: Either create a new custom block or use one of the Drupal AdSense options to create a block on your site. If you use an Drupal AdSense option, it prompts you for the info needed to display the right ad. You'll need that ad ID# info at the very least.
Make sure that block is placed on your page. I chose "Responsive" but presumably this works for all the options. Fixed size, etc. I believe you could also (if you wanted) simply place the Google code directly into a custom block and use that. It seems people do.
If you've done it right, logged into your Drupal site, with the block placed, it will show placeholder text with your pub-# and ad ID#, in a little box. You won't see an actual ad (this is in the "Help and Information" option at the top of the AdSense module config). If you're seeing the placeholder box, it's a good sign that everything's going well with the Drupal AdSense module side of it.
Then wait, and wait, and eventually, logged out, on a private browser window, you should see the ad when the crawler finds it and other magic happens. I waited about 24 hours after setting this whole thing up before seeing an ad appear.
(Please note that this all was with a site that had a working AdSense account and had previously been getting lots of impressions for the ads. So if you don't have those aspects set up initially, none of the above will work either.)

Spring Data Rest Frontend deep linking

So i have been struggling with this one question some time now:
How to handle details Page or deep linking on the Frontend.
So, say, we got a paged collection endpoint with user entities in it and a React App consuming the endpoint.
The flow would be, user authenticates, gets collections, clicks on an item and is either:
Redirected to a new Url say:
A modal opens with the user details.
Say we got a scenario were two people working with the webapp, Person 1 wants to share a link with Person 2. Person 2 should do some updates on a specific user, which is identified by the link.
The link should be something like :{slug or id}
With Option 2 this functionality is not mappable.
With Option 1 we got to expose the ids in the response to identify the resource, which may work, but we would still need to hardcode the url, as the findById method is not exported as a Uri Template.
So, my Solution would be to add a slug for the resources, implement a search method by the slug, and then get the user, if found, by its self-link.
Sounds like a good solution for me, but on the other hand, I would have to add an extra frontend id(the slug here) which would need to be also unique, to the database model.
So how do you guys handle a problem like this, or is there anybody using spring data rest in this way or in production mode where you have the handle situations like this?
Should mention that this isn’t a primary problem with spring data rest but rather with hateoas itself.
thanks in advance
You don't need to hardcode URL template. Spring data rest will generate links for each resource.
You can refer to it from front end by some format like: {your_user_object}._links.self.href

Kimono Desktop's payload url and index fields missing

With the Kimono Web, in the crawled payload there was always url and index field in every source URL JSON. But with the desktop, these fields are missing and my product was totally depends on it.
I'm browsing the source codes of Kimono Desktop but I couldn't manage to find that part.
The index field is explained in there ;
Can anyone help me with it ?
I've had the same issue. I found this workaround for the missing url field with the desktop application
Also, in case you used the crawl scheduling feature with the Kimono web app, I found that if I edit my APIs and save them again it lets me choose a crawl frequency. I just discovered this so I'm crossing my fingers and waiting to see if it's really going to work.

How can I search Instagram with hashtags via a URL?

On both Facebook and Twitter, you can do a simple search of hashtags on these channels via a URL search, for example,
Can you do the same with Instagram also? I can't seem to figure it out. I did find some API, but that's about all:
This might be something that Instagram implemented after this question was originally asked, but this currently works:
The latter simply redirects to the former, but it's handy to have a shorter URL in some instances.
You'll find out more about how to customise Instagrams URLs by using endpoints on their API documentation page.
I'm not very familiar with how to use URL parameters and I'd be curious to know if anyone has found a way to filter via URL both by user and hashtag. Meaning that you show everything a specific user has posted with a specific hashtag. Many Instagram plugins allow you to do this at the same time, so one would hope it's possible via URL as well.
There is the instagram public API's tags section that can help you do
this. is another alternative
For example:

LIKES done by me on my own page don't show up anymore after making an app to post to my page's fanpage

I really hope someone can tell me more about what's going on, because I spent days searching the net and for the life of me can't say what is going on.
Here's what happened. I have a website . On every article's page I put a like button using the Javascript SDK. All worked well. On facebook I created a fanpage for the website, and every now and again I would copy an interesting article there. The like button and Javascript SDK on uses the APP Id from an app I created specifically for that purpose.
Then I thought I might automate to publish the most popular articles on the fanpage using the PHP api. I set about getting the proper authorization key using the sequence explained on this page:
For this to work I authorized the previously mentioned app to publish on the facebook fanpages that I am admin of. And this works.
Now for the strange part. Ever since I authorized the app, if I go to and like a page, or even 'post to facebook', the button shows 1 more like. But the like message never shows up on my personal wall. My wife, logged in to her own facebook account, gets a notification that I liked a page, but when she clicks the notification she is sent to a Facebook 404 page. When I subsequently reload the article, my 'like' is not there anymore.
Has anyone ever come across something like this ? I'm a bit anxious because I am not sure if other peoples likes on are working as it should. I do see likes on pages but have no idea if those likes are actually registering on peoples walls.
Any help greatly appreciated.
